function _delete()
     $this->Discussion->data =& $this->params;
     if ($post_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'post_id')) {
         $owner_id = $this->Discussion->getPostOwner($post_id);
         $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
         if (!$this->Access->canDeletePost($owner_id) || 0 != strcmp($token, cmsFramework::getCustomToken($post_id))) {
             return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
         if ($this->Discussion->delete('discussion_id', $post_id)) {
             return $this->ajaxUpdatePage("jr_post{$post_id}", __t("The comment has been removed.", true));
     return $this->ajaxError(__t("There was a problem removing the comment.", true, true));
Exemplo n.º 2
 function _save()
     $response = array();
     $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($this->review_id);
     if ($this->denyAccess == true || !Sanitize::getString($this->params['form'], $formToken)) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     # Validate form token
     $this->components = array('security');
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2messages::invalidToken());
     // Check if an owner reply already exists
     $this->OwnerReply->fields = array();
     if ($reply = $this->OwnerReply->findRow(array('fields' => array('OwnerReply.owner_reply_text', 'OwnerReply.owner_reply_approved'), 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->review_id)))) {
         if ($reply['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] == 1) {
             $error_text = __t("A reply for this review already exists.", true);
             $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_ownerReplyLink{$this->review_id}').remove();";
             return $this->ajaxError($error_text, $response);
     if ($this->Config->owner_replies) {
         if ($this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_text'] != '' && $this->data['OwnerReply']['id'] > 0) {
             $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] = 1;
             // Replies will be moderated by default
             if ($this->OwnerReply->store($this->data)) {
                 $update_text = $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] ? __t("Your reply was submitted and has been approved.", true) : __t("Your reply was submitted and will be published once it is verified.", true);
                 $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_ownerReplyLink{$this->review_id}').remove();";
                 return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($update_text, $response);
             return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());
         # Validation failed
         if (isset($this->Security)) {
             $reponse[] = "jQuery('s2Token').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "')";
         return $this->ajaxValidation(__t("The reply is empty.", true), $response);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function _save()
     $response = array();
     $this->data['Vote']['user_id'] = $this->_user->id;
     $this->data['Vote']['review_id'] = (int) $this->data['Vote']['review_id'];
     # Exact vote check to prevent form tampering. User can cheat the js and enter any interger, thus increasing the count
     $this->data['Vote']['vote_yes'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Vote'], 'vote_yes') ? 1 : 0;
     $this->data['Vote']['vote_no'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Vote'], 'vote_no') ? 1 : 0;
     $this->data['Vote']['created'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $this->data['Vote']['ipaddress'] = $this->ipaddress;
     if (!$this->data['Vote']['review_id']) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorGeneric());
     // Find duplicates
     $duplicate = $this->Vote->findCount(array('conditions' => array('review_id = ' . $this->data['Vote']['review_id'], 'ipaddress = ' . $this->Vote->Quote($this->data['Vote']['ipaddress']))));
     // It's a guest so we only care about checking the IP address if this feature is not disabled and
     // server is not localhost
     if (!$this->_user->id) {
         if (!$this->Config->vote_ipcheck_disable && $this->ipaddress != '') {
             // Do the ip address check everywhere except in localhost
             $duplicate = $this->Vote->findCount(array('conditions' => array('review_id = ' . $this->data['Vote']['review_id'], 'ipaddress = ' . $this->Vote->Quote($this->ipaddress))));
     } else {
         $duplicate = $this->Vote->findCount(array('conditions' => array('review_id = ' . $this->data['Vote']['review_id'], "(user_id = {$this->_user->id}" . ($this->ipaddress != '' && !$this->Config->vote_ipcheck_disable ? " OR ipaddress = " . $this->Vote->Quote($this->ipaddress) . ") " : ')'))));
     if ($duplicate > 0) {
         # Hides vote buttons and shows message alert
         $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_reviewVote{$this->data['Vote']['review_id']}').fadeOut('medium',function(){\n                jQuery(this).html('" . __t("You already voted.", true, true) . "').fadeIn();\n            });";
         return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
     if ($this->Vote->store($this->data)) {
         # Hides vote buttons and shows message alert
         $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_reviewVote{$this->data['Vote']['review_id']}').fadeOut('medium',function(){\n                jQuery(this).html('" . __t("Thank you for your vote.", true, true) . "').fadeIn();\n            });";
         # Facebook wall integration only for positive votes
         $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_votes');
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($this->data['Vote']['review_id']);
         $facebook_integration and $this->data['Vote']['vote_yes'] and $response[] = "\n                jQuery.ajax({url:s2AjaxUri+jreviews.ajax_params()+'&url=facebook/_postVote/id:{$this->data['Vote']['review_id']}&{$token}=1',dataType:'script'});\n            ";
         return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
     return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());
 function _save()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     # Done here so it only loads on save and not for all controlller actions.
     $this->components = array('security', 'notifications');
     # Validate form token
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::invalidToken());
     $selected = '';
     $msg = '';
     $msgAlert = '';
     $msgTags = array();
     # Clean formValues
     $review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Review'], 'id', 0);
     $this->data['Review']['pid'] = $pid = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Review'], 'pid', 0);
     if ($review_id == 0) {
         $isNew = $this->Review->isNew = true;
     } else {
         $isNew = $this->Review->isNew = false;
         $this->action = '_edit';
     $this->data['Criteria']['id'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Criteria'], 'id', 0);
     $this->data['Criteria']['state'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Criteria'], 'state', 0);
     $this->data['Review']['pid'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Review'], 'pid');
     $this->data['Review']['email'] = Sanitize::html($this->data['Review'], 'email', '', true);
     $this->data['Review']['title'] = Sanitize::html($this->data['Review'], 'title', '', true);
     $this->data['Review']['comments'] = Sanitize::html($this->data['Review'], 'comments', '', true);
     $this->data['Review']['mode'] = Sanitize::html($this->data['Review'], 'mode', 'com_content', true);
     # Override configuration
     $listing_type = $this->Criteria->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Criteria']['id'])));
     isset($listing_type['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($listing_type['ListingType']['config']);
     if ($isNew || !$isNew && !$this->Access->isManager()) {
         $this->data['Review']['name'] = $this->data['Review']['username'] = Sanitize::html($this->data['Review'], 'name', '', true);
     // Check if user allowed to post new review
     if ($isNew) {
         if (method_exists($this->Listing, 'getListingOwner')) {
             $owner = $this->Listing->getListingOwner($this->data['Review']['pid']);
             if (!$this->Access->canAddReview($owner['user_id'])) {
                 return $this->ajaxUpdatePage('jr_review0Form', __t("You are not allowed to review your own listing.", true));
         // Get reviewer type, for now editor reviews don't work in Everywhere components
         $this->data['Review']['author'] = $this->data['Review']['mode'] != 'com_content' ? 0 : (int) $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id);
     } else {
         $currentReview = $this->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $review_id)), array());
         # Stop form data tampering
         $formData = $this->data['Review'] + array('criteria_id' => Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Criteria'], 'id'));
         $formToken = cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($formData, array_keys($this->formTokenKeys), false);
         if (!$this->Access->canEditReview($currentReview['User']['user_id']) || !$this->__validateToken($formToken)) {
             return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
         $this->data['Review']['author'] = $currentReview['Review']['editor'];
     # If we are in multiple editor review mode, and this editor has already posted an editor review,
     # he is not allowed to post any kind of review.
     # if we are in single-editor-review mode, his review will become a user review.
     if ($isNew && $this->data['Review']['mode'] == 'com_content' && $this->data['Review']['author']) {
         if ($this->Review->findCount(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Review']['pid'], ' = 1', "Review.mode = '" . $this->data['Review']['mode'] . "'", $this->Config->author_review == 2 ? 'Review.userid = ' . $this->_user->id : '1 = 1')))) {
             if ($this->Config->author_review == 2) {
                 return $this->ajaxUpdatePage('jr_review0Form', __t("You already submitted a review.", true));
             } else {
                 $this->data['Review']['author'] = 0;
     # check for duplicate reviews
     $is_jr_editor = $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id);
     $is_duplicate = false;
     // It's a guest so we only care about checking the IP address if this feature is not disabled and
     // server is not localhost
     if (!$this->_user->id) {
         if (!$this->Config->review_ipcheck_disable && $this->ipaddress != '') {
             // Do the ip address check everywhere except in localhost
             $is_duplicate = (bool) $this->Review->findCount(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Review']['pid'], "Review.ipaddress = '{$this->ipaddress}'", "Review.mode = '{$this->data['Review']['mode']}'", "Review.published >= 0")));
     } elseif (!$is_jr_editor && !$this->Config->user_multiple_reviews || $is_jr_editor && $this->Config->author_review == 2) {
         $is_duplicate = (bool) $this->Review->findCount(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Review']['pid'], "(Review.userid = {$this->_user->id}" . ($this->ipaddress != '' && !$this->Config->review_ipcheck_disable && !$is_jr_editor ? " OR Review.ipaddress = '{$this->ipaddress}') " : ')'), "Review.mode = '{$this->data['Review']['mode']}'", "Review.published >= 0")));
     if ($isNew && $is_duplicate) {
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage('jr_review0Form', __t("You already submitted a review.", true));
     # Validate standard fields
     $this->Review->validateInput($this->data['Review']['name'], "name", "text", __t("You must fill in your name.", true), !$this->_user->id && ($this->Config->reviewform_name == 'required' ? true : false));
     $this->Review->validateInput($this->data['Review']['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), ($this->Config->reviewform_email == 'required' ? true : false) && !$this->_user->id && $isNew);
     $this->Review->validateInput($this->data['Review']['title'], "title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the review.", true), $this->Config->reviewform_title == 'required' ? true : false);
     if ($listing_type['Criteria']['state'] == 1) {
         # Validate rating fields
         $criteria_qty = $listing_type['Criteria']['quantity'];
         $ratingErr = 0;
         if (!isset($this->data['Rating'])) {
             $ratingErr = $criteria_qty;
         } else {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $criteria_qty; $i++) {
                 if (!isset($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || (empty($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] == 'undefined' || (double) $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] > $this->Config->rating_scale)) {
         $this->Review->validateInput('', "rating", "text", sprintf(__t("You are missing a rating in %s criteria.", true), $ratingErr), $ratingErr);
     # Validate custom fields
     $review_valid_fields = $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'review', $this->Access);
     $this->Review->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Review->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
     $this->Review->validateInput($this->data['Review']['comments'], "comments", "text", __t("You must fill in your comment.", true), $this->Config->reviewform_comment == 'required' ? true : false);
     # Validate security code
     if ($isNew && $this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Review->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Review->validateInput($this->data['Captcha']['code'], "code", "text", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true), 1);
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Review->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
     # Process validation errors
     $validation = $this->Review->validateGetErrorArray();
     if (!empty($validation)) {
         if ($isNew && $this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
             // Replace captcha with new instance
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $response[] = "jQuery('.jr_captcha').find('img').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $response[] = "jQuery('.jr_captcha_code').val('');";
         return $this->ajaxValidation(implode('<br />', $validation), $response);
     $savedReview = $this->Review->save($this->data, $this->Access, $review_valid_fields);
     $review_id = $this->data['Review']['id'];
     // Error on review save
     if (Sanitize::getString($savedReview, 'err')) {
         return $this->ajaxError($savedReview['err']);
     // Process moderated actions
     if ($isNew && $this->Access->moderateReview() && !$this->data['Review']['author'] || !$isNew && ($this->Config->moderation_review_edit && $this->Access->moderateReview()) && !$this->data['Review']['author'] || $isNew && $this->Config->moderation_editor_reviews && $this->data['Review']['author'] || !$isNew && ($this->Config->moderation_editor_review_edit && $this->Config->moderation_editor_reviews && $this->Access->moderateReview()) && $this->data['Review']['author']) {
         $target_id = $isNew ? 'jr_review0Form' : 'jr_review_' . $review_id;
         $update_text = __t("Thank you for your submission. It will be published once it is verified.", true);
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage($target_id, $update_text, '');
     // Get updated review info for non-moderated actions and plugin callback
     $fields = array(' AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.state AS `Criteria.state`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`', 'Criteria.weights AS `Criteria.weights`');
     $joins = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     if (isset($this->viewVars['reviews'])) {
         $review = current($this->viewVars['reviews']);
     } else {
         $this->Review->runProcessRatings = true;
         $review = $this->Review->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => ' = ' . $this->data['Review']['id'], 'joins' => $joins), array('afterFind'));
     $this->set(array('reviewType' => 'user', 'User' => $this->_user, 'Access' => $this->Access, 'reviews' => array($review['Review']['review_id'] => $review)));
     $response = array();
     $fb_checkbox = Sanitize::getBool($this->data, 'fb_publish');
     $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_reviews') && $fb_checkbox;
     // Process non moderated actions
     # New user review
     if ($isNew && !$this->data['Review']['author']) {
         $remove_class = true;
         $target_id = 'jr_user_reviews';
         $update_text = __t("Thank you for your submission.", true);
         $update_html = $this->render('reviews', 'reviews');
         # Facebook wall integration
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($review['Review']['review_id']);
         $facebook_integration and $response[] = "\n                    jQuery.get(s2AjaxUri+jreviews.ajax_params()+'&url=facebook/_postReview/id:{$review['Review']['review_id']}&{$token}=1');\n                ";
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage($target_id, $update_text, $update_html, compact('response', 'remove_class'));
     # Edited user review
     if (!$isNew && !$this->data['Review']['author']) {
         // Setup vars for post submit effects
         $target_id = 'jr_review_' . $review_id;
         $update_text = __t("Your changes were saved.", true);
         $update_html = $this->render('reviews', 'reviews');
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage($target_id, $update_text, $update_html);
     # New editor review
     if ($isNew && $this->data['Review']['author']) {
         $target_id = 'jr_review_' . $review_id;
         $update_text = Sanitize::getInt($review['Criteria'], 'state') != 2 ? __t("Thank you for your submission. Refresh the page to see your review.", true) : __t("Thank you for your submission. Refresh the page to see your comment.", true);
         # Facebook wall integration
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($review['Review']['review_id']);
         $facebook_integration and $response[] = "\n                    jQuery.get(s2AjaxUri+jreviews.ajax_params()+'&url=facebook/_postReview/id:{$review['Review']['review_id']}&{$token}=1');\n                ";
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage($target_id, $update_text, '', compact('response'));
     # Edited editor review
     if (!$isNew && $this->data['Review']['author']) {
         $target_id = 'jr_review_' . $review_id;
         $update_text = __t("Your changes were saved, refresh the page to see them.", true);
         return $this->ajaxUpdatePage($target_id, $update_text);
Exemplo n.º 5
    function listingManager($listing)
        $canEdit = $this->Access->canEditListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']);
        $canPublish = $this->Access->canPublishListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']);
        $canDelete = $this->Access->canDeleteListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']);
        $isManager = $this->Access->isManager();
        $listing_id = $listing['Listing']['listing_id'];
        $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id);
        $canOrder = false;
        if ($this->Paid && $this->Paid->canOrder($listing)) {
            $canOrder = $this->PaidRoutes->getPaymentLink($listing, array('lazy_load' => true));
        if ($canEdit || $canPublish || $canDelete || $isManager || $canOrder) {
        <span class="jrManagement jrButton"><?php 
<span class="jrArrowBottom"></span>
            if ($canOrder) {
                // Load assets for paid listings onclick
            <script type="text/javascript">
            /* <![CDATA[ */
            function jr_paidLoadScript(afterLoad)
                if(jQuery('body').data('jrOrderAssets') == true)
                    if(undefined!=afterLoad) afterLoad();
                } else {
                echo $this->locateScript('paidlistings');
                echo pathToUrl($this->locateThemeFile('theme_css', 'paidlistings', '.css'));
                            if(afterLoad!=undefined) afterLoad();
            /* ]]> */
            <div id="jr_listing_manager<?php 
            echo $listing_id;
" class="jrManager">
                <ul class="jrManagementLinks">
            if ($canOrder) {
                echo $canOrder;
            if ($canEdit) {
                        <span class="jrIcon jrIconEdit"></span>
                echo $this->Routes->listingEdit(__t("Edit", true), $listing, array('class' => 'jr_edit'));

            if ($canPublish) {
                        <span class="jrIcon <?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled';
                        <a href="#publish" id="jr_publishLink<?php 
                echo $listing_id;
" class="<?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished';
" onclick="jreviews.listing.publish(this,{'token':'<?php 
                echo $formToken;
                echo $listing_id;
                __t("Unpublished", false, true);
                __t("Published", false, true);
'});return false;"><?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? __t("Published", true) : __t("Unpublished", true);
            if ($isManager) {
                        <span class="jrIcon <?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled';
                        <a href="#feature" id="jr_featuredLink<?php 
                echo $listing_id;
" class="<?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished';
" onclick="jreviews.listing.feature(this,{'token':'<?php 
                echo $formToken;
                echo $listing_id;
                echo (int) $listing['Listing']['featured'];
                __t("Not featured", false, true);
                __t("Featured", false, true);
'});return false;"><?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] == 1 ? __t("Featured", true) : __t("Not featured", true);
                        <span class="jrIcon <?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled';
                        <a href="#frontpage" id="jr_frontpageLink<?php 
                echo $listing_id;
" class="<?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished';
" onclick="jreviews.listing.frontpage(this,{'token':'<?php 
                echo $formToken;
                echo $listing_id;
                __t("Not frontpaged", false, true);
                __t("Frontpaged", false, true);
'});return false;"><?php 
                echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] > 0 ? __t("Frontpaged", true) : __t("Not frontpaged", true);
            if ($canDelete) {
                        <a href="#delete" id="jr_deleteLink<?php 
                echo $listing_id;
" class="jr_delete" onclick="jreviews.listing.remove(this,{'token':'<?php 
                echo $formToken;
                __t("Delete", false, true);
                echo $listing['Listing']['listing_id'];
                __t("Are you sure you want to delete this listing?", false, true);
'});return false;">
                        <span class="jrIcon jrIconDelete"></span> <?php 

 function _save()
      * This method is processed inside an iframe
      * To access any of the DOM elements via jQuery it's necessary to prepend
      * all jQuery calls with $parentFrame (i.e. $parentFrame.jQuery)
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $parentFrame = 'window.parent';
     $validation = '';
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'id', 0);
     $isNew = $this->Listing->isNew = $listing_id == 0 ? true : false;
     $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email');
     $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name');
     $this->data['categoryid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'categoryid_hidden');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getVar($this->data['Listing'], 'catid');
     $this->data['Listing']['catid'] = is_array($cat_id) ? (int) array_pop(array_filter($cat_id)) : (int) $cat_id;
     $this->data['Listing']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'title', '');
     $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $this->data['sectionid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid_hidden');
         $this->data['Listing']['sectionid'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid');
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['language'] = '*';
         $this->data['Listing']['access'] = 1;
     $category_id = $this->data['Listing']['catid'] ? $this->data['Listing']['catid'] : $this->data['categoryid_hidden'];
     # Get criteria info
     $criteria = $this->Criteria->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = 
             (SELECT criteriaid FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $category_id . ' AND `option` = "com_content")
     if (!$criteria) {
         $validation = __t("The category selected is invalid.", true, true);
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     $this->data['Criteria']['id'] = $criteria['Criteria']['criteria_id'];
     # Override global configuration
     isset($criteria['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($criteria['ListingType']['config']);
     # Perform access checks
     if ($isNew && !$this->Access->canAddListing()) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . __t("You are not allowed to submit listings in this category.", true, true) . "')");
     } elseif (!$isNew) {
         $query = "SELECT created_by FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $listing_id;
         $listing_owner = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!$this->Access->canEditListing($listing_owner)) {
             return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::accessDenied() . "')");
     # Load the notifications observer model component and initialize it.
     # Done here so it only loads on save and not for all controlller actions.
     $this->components = array('security', 'notifications');
     if ($this->invalidToken == true) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::invalidToken() . "')");
     # Override configuration
     $category = $this->Category->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $this->data['Listing']['catid'])));
     if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'introtext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'fulltext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'introtext', '');
         if (isset($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'])) {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'fulltext', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = '';
     $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['introtext']);
     $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['fulltext']);
     if ($this->Access->canAddMeta()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['metadesc'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metadesc');
         $this->data['Listing']['metakey'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metakey');
     // Title alias handling
     $slug = '';
     $alias = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'alias');
     if ($isNew && $alias == '') {
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($this->data['Listing']['title']);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     } elseif ($alias != '') {
         // Alias filled in so we convert it to a valid alias
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($alias);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     $slug != '' and $this->data['Listing']['alias'] = $slug;
     # Check for duplicates
     switch ($this->Config->content_title_duplicates) {
         case 'category':
             // Checks for duplicates in the same category
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing WHERE Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                            AND Listing.state >= 0 \r\n                            AND Listing.catid = " . $this->data['Listing']['catid'] . (!$isNew ? " AND <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'no':
             // Checks for duplicates all over the place
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing\r\n                        WHERE \r\n                            Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                           AND Listing.state >= 0\r\n                           " . (!$isNew ? " AND <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'yes':
             // Duplicates are allowed, no checking necessary
             $titleExists = false;
     if ($titleExists && $this->data['Listing']['title'] != '') {
         // if listing exists
         $validation = '<span>' . __t("A listing with that title already exists.", true, true) . "</span>";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Review form display check logic used several times below
     $revFormSetting = $this->Config->content_show_reviewform;
     if ($revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Config->author_review) {
         $revFormSetting = 'all';
     $revFormEnabled = !isset($this->data['review_optional']) && $this->Access->canAddReview() && $isNew && ($revFormSetting == 'all' && ($this->Config->author_review || $this->Config->user_reviews) || $revFormSetting == 'authors' && $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id) || $revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id));
     // Validation of content default input fields
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['catid'] || !$this->data['Listing']['sectionid']) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select both a section and a category.", true));
     } else {
         !$this->data['Listing']['catid'] and $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select a category.", true));
     // Validate only if it's a new listing
     if ($isNew) {
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['name'], "name", "text", __t("You must fill in your name.", true), $this->Config->content_name == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), $this->Config->content_email == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
             $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['name'] = $this->_user->name;
             $this->data['email'] = $this->_user->email;
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['title'], "title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the new listing.", true, true), 1);
     # Validate listing custom fields
     $listing_valid_fields =& $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'listing', $this->Access);
     $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], "introtext", "text", __t("You must fill in a summary for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_summary == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], "fulltext", "text", __t("You must fill in a description for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_description == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     # Validate review custom fields
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Review inputs
         $this->data['Review']['userid'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Review']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         $this->data['Review']['name'] = $this->data['name'];
         $this->data['Review']['username'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
         $this->data['Review']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'title');
         $this->data['Review']['location'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'location');
         // deprecated
         $this->data['Review']['comments'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'comments');
         // Review standard fields
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['title'], "rev_title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the review.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_title == 'required' ? true : false);
         if ($criteria['Criteria']['state'] == 1) {
             $criteria_qty = $criteria['Criteria']['quantity'];
             $ratingErr = 0;
             if (!isset($this->data['Rating'])) {
                 $ratingErr = $criteria_qty;
             } else {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $criteria_qty; $i++) {
                     if (!isset($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || (empty($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] == 'undefined' || (double) $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] > $this->Config->rating_scale)) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput('', "rating", "text", sprintf(__t("You are missing a rating in %s criteria.", true, true), $ratingErr), $ratingErr);
         // Review custom fields
         $this->Field->validateErrors = array();
         // Clear any previous validation errors
         $review_valid_fields = $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'review', $this->Access);
         $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['comments'], "comments", "text", __t("You must fill in your comment.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_comment == 'required' ? true : false);
     // if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state'])
     # Validate image fields
     # Validate Captcha security code
     if ($isNew && $this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Captcha']['code'], "code", "text", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true), 1);
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
     # Get all validation messages
     $validation = $this->Listing->validateGetError() . $this->Uploads->getMsg();
     # Validation failed
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "var parentForm = {$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingForm');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         // Transform textareas into wysiwyg editors
         if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
             App::import('Helper', 'Editor', 'jreviews');
             $Editor = new EditorHelper();
             $response[] = $parentFrame . '.' . $Editor->transform(true);
         // Replace captcha with new instance
         if ($this->Access->in_groups($this->Config->security_image)) {
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#captcha').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_captchaCode').val('');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
         // Can't use ajaxResponse b/c we are in an iframe
     # Validation passed, continue...
     if ($isNew) {
         $this->data['Listing']['created'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_up'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['created_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_down'] = NULL_DATE;
         $this->data['Field']['Listing']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         // If visitor, assign name field to content Alias
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = $this->data['name'];
         // Check moderation settings
         $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         // If listing moderation is enabled, then the review is also moderated
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['state']) {
             $this->Config->moderation_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_editor_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_item;
     } else {
         if ($this->Config->moderation_item_edit) {
             $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         $this->data['Listing']['modified'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['modified_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $query = 'SELECT images FROM #__content WHERE id = ' . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = $this->_db->loadResult();
         // Check total number of images
         if (!$this->Uploads->checkImageCount($this->data['Listing']['images'])) {
             $validation .= '<span>' . sprintf(__t("The total number of images is limited to %s", true, true), $this->Config->content_images) . '</span><br />';
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
             return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Process images and update data array
     if ($this->Uploads->success) {
         $imageUploadPath = PATH_ROOT . _JR_PATH_IMAGES . 'jreviews' . DS;
         $this->Uploads->uploadImages($this->data['Listing']['id'], $imageUploadPath);
         if ($isNew) {
             // New item
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         } elseif ($this->data['Listing']['images'] != '') {
             // Editing and there are existing images
             $currImages = array_merge(explode("\n", $this->data['Listing']['images']), $this->Uploads->images);
         } else {
             // Editing and there are no existing images
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = implode("\n", $currImages);
     # Save listing
     $savedListing = $this->Listing->store($this->data);
     $listing_id = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     if (!$savedListing) {
         $validation .= __t("The was a problem saving the listing", true, true);
     // Error on listing save
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Save listing custom fields
     $this->data['Field']['Listing']['contentid'] = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     $this->Field->save($this->data, 'listing', $isNew, $listing_valid_fields);
     # Begin insert review in table
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Get reviewer type, for now editor reviews don't work in Everywhere components
         $this->data['Review']['author'] = (int) $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id);
         $this->data['Review']['mode'] = 'com_content';
         $this->data['Review']['pid'] = (int) $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         // Force plugin loading on Review model
         $this->Review->isNew = true;
         $savedReview = $this->Review->save($this->data, $this->Access, $review_valid_fields);
     # Before render callback
     if ($isNew && isset($this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSaveTrigger)) {
         $plgBeforeRenderListingSave = $this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSave();
         switch ($plgBeforeRenderListingSave) {
             case '0':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 1;
             case '1':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 0;
             case '':
                 return $plgBeforeRenderListingSave;
     # Moderation disabled
     if (!isset($this->data['Listing']['state']) || $this->data['Listing']['state']) {
         $fields = array('Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`');
         $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $listing_id)), array('afterFind'));
         # Facebook wall integration
         $fb_checkbox = Sanitize::getBool($this->data, 'fb_publish');
         $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_listings') && $fb_checkbox;
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id);
         $facebook_integration and $response[] = $parentFrame . '.jQuery.get(' . $parentFrame . '.s2AjaxUri+' . $parentFrame . '.jreviews.ajax_params()+\'&url=facebook/_postListing/id:' . $listing_id . '&' . $token . '=1\');
         $url = cmsFramework::route($listing['Listing']['url']);
         $update_text = $isNew ? __t("Thank you for your submission.", true, true) : __t("The listing was successfully saved.", true, true);
         //JOEYG CODE
         //IF WE ONLY WANT TO ADD THE after_submit.thtml if the listing is new then add
         if ($isNew) {
             $query = "SELECT `listing_type` FROM `jos_vpbd_content_criteria` WHERE `jos_vpbd_content_criteria`.`listing_id` = " . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
             $jg_listing_type = $this->_db->loadResult();
             if ($jg_listing_type == 2 || $jg_listing_type == 7) {
                 $update_html = $this->render('listings', 'after_submit');
             } else {
                 $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
             //ends if/else
         } else {
             //not new
             $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
         //ends if($isNew)
         $jsonObject = json_encode(compact('target_id', 'update_text', 'update_html'));
         $response[] = '
                 var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
                 $parentForm.s2ShowUpdate(' . $jsonObject . ');                                                       
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Moderation enabled
     $update_text = __t("Thank you for your submission. It will be published once it is verified.", true);
     $update_html = '<div id=\\"s2Msgjr_listingForm\\" class=\\"jr_postUpdate\\">' . $update_text . '</div>';
     $response[] = '
         var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
             $parentForm.fadeOut(250,function(){$parentForm.html("' . $update_html . '").show();});
     return $this->makeJS($response);
Exemplo n.º 7
 function formIntegrityToken($entry, $keys, $input = true)
     $string = '';
     !isset($entry['form']) and $entry['form'] = array();
     !isset($entry['data']) and $entry['data'] = array();
     unset($entry['data']['controller'], $entry['data']['action'], $entry['data']['module']);
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (isset($entry[$key])) {
             $string .= is_array($entry[$key]) ? serialize($entry[$key]) : $entry[$key];
     if ($string == '') {
         return '';
     return $input ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . cmsFramework::getCustomToken($string) . '" value="1" />' : cmsFramework::getCustomToken($string);
 function _postVote()
     # Check if FB integration for reviews is enabled
     $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_reviews');
     if (!$facebook_integration) {
     $review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     # First check - review id
     if (!$review_id) {
     # Stop form data tampering
     $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($review_id);
     if (!cmsFramework::isAdmin() && !$this->__validateToken($formToken)) {
         return s2Messages::accessDenied();
     $facebook = $this->_getFBClass();
     # Second check - FB session
     if ($fbsession = $facebook->getSession()) {
         try {
             //get user id
             $uid = $facebook->getUser();
             $user = $facebook->api('/me');
             $fql = "SELECT publish_stream FROM permissions WHERE uid = " . $uid;
             $param = array('method' => 'fql.query', 'query' => $fql, 'callback' => '');
             $fqlResult = $facebook->api($param);
             if (!$fqlResult[0]['publish_stream']) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 $review = $this->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $review_id)), array());
                 $this->Everywhere->loadListingModel($this, $review['Review']['extension']);
                 $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey . ' = ' . $review['Review']['listing_id'])), array('afterFind'));
                 $listing_url = $this->makeUrl($listing['Listing']['url']);
                 $review['Review']['comments'] = strip_tags($review['Review']['comments']);
                 if ($this->Config->facebook_posts_trim >= 0) {
                     App::import('Helper', 'text', 'jreviews');
                     $Text = ClassRegistry::getClass('TextHelper');
                     $review['Review']['comments'] = $Text->truncateWords($review['Review']['comments'], $this->Config->facebook_posts_trim);
                 # Publish stream permission granted so we can post on the user's wall!
                 # Begin building the stream $fbArray
                 $fbArray = array();
                 $fbArray['method'] = 'stream.publish';
                 $fbArray['message'] = sprintf($this->activities['vote helpful'], $listing['Listing']['title']);
                 $fbArray['attachment'] = array('name' => $listing['Listing']['title'], 'href' => $listing_url, 'description' => $review['Review']['comments']);
                 $fbArray['attachment']['properties'][__t("Website", true)] = array('text' => cmsFramework::getConfig('sitename'), 'href' => WWW_ROOT);
                 $review['Rating']['average_rating'] > 0 and $fbArray['attachment']['properties'][__t("Rating", true)] = sprintf(__t("%s stars", true), round($review['Rating']['average_rating'], 1));
                 isset($listing['Listing']['images'][0]) and $fbArray['attachment']['media'] = array(array('type' => 'image', 'src' => WWW_ROOT . _JR_WWW_IMAGES . $listing['Listing']['images'][0]['path'], 'href' => $listing_url));
                 $fbArray['attachment'] = json_encode($fbArray['attachment']);
                 $fbArray['action_links'] = json_encode(array(array('text' => __t("Read review", true), 'href' => $listing_url)));
                 $fbArray['comments_xid'] = $listing['Listing']['listing_id'];
                 if ($this->Config->facebook_optout) {
                     return "FB.ui(" . json_encode($fbArray) . ")";
                 $fb_update = $facebook->api($fbArray);
                 return true;
         } catch (Exception $o) {
             // Error reading permissions
             return false;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function formIntegrityToken($entry, $keys, $input = true)
     $string = '';
     $tokens = array();
     !isset($entry['form']) and $entry['form'] = array();
     !isset($entry['data']) and $entry['data'] = array();
     unset($entry['data']['controller'], $entry['data']['action'], $entry['data']['module'], $entry['data']['__raw']);
     // Leave only desired $keys from $entry
     $params = array_intersect_key($entry, array_fill_keys($keys, 1));
     // Orders the array by keys so the hash will match
     // Remove empty elements and cast all values to strings
     foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
         if (is_array($param) && !empty($param)) {
             $param = is_array($param) ? array_filter($param) : false;
             if (!empty($param)) {
                 $tokens[] = array_map('strval', $param);
         } elseif (!empty($param)) {
             $tokens[] = strval($param);
     $string = serialize($tokens);
     if ($string == '') {
         return '';
     return $input ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . cmsFramework::getCustomToken($string) . '" value="1" />' : cmsFramework::getCustomToken($string);
Exemplo n.º 10
 function getParentCatIds($cat_id)
     # Check for cached version
     $cache_file = 'jreviews_menu_cat_' . cmsFramework::locale() . '_' . cmsFramework::getCustomToken($cat_id);
     if (Configure::read('Cache.query') && ($cache = S2Cache::read($cache_file))) {
         return $cache['___menu_cat'];
     $query = "\n        (\n            SELECT \n       AS cat_id,\n                ParentCategory.lft AS lft\n            FROM \n                #__categories AS Category, \n                #__categories AS ParentCategory\n            INNER JOIN\n                #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON =\n            WHERE \n                (\n           = " . (int) $cat_id . " AND ParentCategory.published = 1\n                )\n        )\n        UNION\n        (\n            SELECT \n       AS cat_id,\n                ParentCategory.lft AS lft\n            FROM\n                #__categories AS Category,\n                #__categories AS ParentCategory\n            INNER JOIN\n                #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON =\n            WHERE\n                (            \n                    Category.published = 1\n                    AND Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt\n                    AND = " . (int) $cat_id . "\n                    AND ParentCategory.parent_id > 0\n                )\n            ORDER BY \n                Category.lft\n        )\n        ";
     $rows = $this->query($query, 'loadObjectList');
     $last = array_shift($rows);
     array_push($rows, $last);
     Configure::read('Cache.query') and S2Cache::write($cache_file, array('___menu_cat' => $rows));
     return $rows;
Exemplo n.º 11
 function _delete($params)
     $response = array();
     $listing_id = $this->data['Listing']['id'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     # Stop form data tampering
     $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id);
     if (!$listing_id || !Sanitize::getString($this->params['form'], $formToken)) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     # Load current listing author id
     $query = "SELECT Listing.created_by, Listing.images FROM #__content AS Listing WHERE = " . $listing_id;
     $row = end($this->_db->loadAssocList());
     # Check access
     if (!$this->Access->canDeleteListing($row['created_by'])) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     $this->data['Listing']['images'] = $row['images'];
     # Delete listing and all associated records and images
     if ($this->Listing->delete($this->data)) {
         $msg = __t("The listing has been removed.", true);
         $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_listing_manager{$listing_id}').hide('fast').html('{$msg}').fadeIn(1000).effect('highlight',{},5000);";
         return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
     return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());