Exemplo n.º 1
  * Collect various debugging information and return it in an associative array
  * @return array
 function get_debug_info()
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
     global $wpdb;
     //Collect some information that's useful for debugging
     $debug = array();
     //PHP version. Any one is fine as long as WP supports it.
     $debug[__('PHP version', 'broken-link-checker')] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => phpversion());
     //MySQL version
     $debug[__('MySQL version', 'broken-link-checker')] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => $wpdb->db_version());
     //CURL presence and version
     if (function_exists('curl_version')) {
         $version = curl_version();
         if (version_compare($version['version'], '7.16.0', '<=')) {
             $data = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => $version['version'], 'message' => __('You have an old version of CURL. Redirect detection may not work properly.', 'broken-link-checker'));
         } else {
             $data = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => $version['version']);
     } else {
         $data = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => __('Not installed', 'broken-link-checker'));
     $debug[__('CURL version', 'broken-link-checker')] = $data;
     //Snoopy presence
     if (class_exists('Snoopy') || file_exists(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-snoopy.php')) {
         $data = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => __('Installed', 'broken-link-checker'));
     } else {
         //No Snoopy? This should never happen, but if it does we *must* have CURL.
         if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
             $data = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => __('Not installed', 'broken-link-checker'));
         } else {
             $data = array('state' => 'error', 'value' => __('Not installed', 'broken-link-checker'), 'message' => __('You must have either CURL or Snoopy installed for the plugin to work!', 'broken-link-checker'));
     $debug['Snoopy'] = $data;
     //Safe_mode status
     if (blcUtility::is_safe_mode()) {
         $debug['Safe mode'] = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => __('On', 'broken-link-checker'), 'message' => __('Redirects may be detected as broken links when safe_mode is on.', 'broken-link-checker'));
     } else {
         $debug['Safe mode'] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => __('Off', 'broken-link-checker'));
     //Open_basedir status
     if (blcUtility::is_open_basedir()) {
         $debug['open_basedir'] = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => sprintf(__('On ( %s )', 'broken-link-checker'), ini_get('open_basedir')), 'message' => __('Redirects may be detected as broken links when open_basedir is on.', 'broken-link-checker'));
     } else {
         $debug['open_basedir'] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => __('Off', 'broken-link-checker'));
     //Default PHP execution time limit
     $debug['Default PHP execution time limit'] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => sprintf(__('%s seconds'), ini_get('max_execution_time')));
     //Resynch flag.
     $debug['Resynch. flag'] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => sprintf('%d', $this->conf->options['need_resynch'] ? '1 (resynch. required)' : '0 (resynch. not required)'));
     //Synch records
     $synch_records = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_synch"));
     $data = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => sprintf('%d', $synch_records));
     if ($synch_records == 0) {
         $data['state'] = 'warning';
         $data['message'] = __('If this value is zero even after several page reloads you have probably encountered a bug.', 'broken-link-checker');
     $debug['Synch. records'] = $data;
     //Total links and instances (including invalid ones)
     $all_links = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_links"));
     $all_instances = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_instances"));
     //Show the number of unparsed containers. Useful for debugging. For performance,
     //this is only shown when we have no links/instances yet.
     if ($all_links == 0 && $all_instances == 0) {
         $unparsed_items = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}blc_synch WHERE synched=0"));
         $debug['Unparsed items'] = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => $unparsed_items);
     //Links & instances
     if ($all_links > 0 && $all_instances > 0) {
         $debug['Link records'] = array('state' => 'ok', 'value' => sprintf('%d (%d)', $all_links, $all_instances));
     } else {
         $debug['Link records'] = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => sprintf('%d (%d)', $all_links, $all_instances));
     //Installation log
     $logger = new blcCachedOptionLogger('blc_installation_log');
     $installation_log = $logger->get_messages();
     if (!empty($installation_log)) {
         $debug['Installation log'] = array('state' => $this->conf->options['installation_complete'] ? 'ok' : 'error', 'value' => implode("<br>\n", $installation_log));
     } else {
         $debug['Installation log'] = array('state' => 'warning', 'value' => 'No installation log found found.');
     return $debug;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function blc_print_installation_errors()
     global $blc_config_manager, $wpdb;
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb */
     if ($blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete']) {
     $messages = array('<strong>' . __('Broken Link Checker installation failed. Try deactivating and then reactivating the plugin.', 'broken-link-checker') . '</strong>');
     if (!$blc_config_manager->db_option_loaded) {
         $messages[] = sprintf('<strong>Failed to load plugin settings from the "%s" option.</strong>', $blc_config_manager->option_name);
         $messages[] = '';
         $serialized_config = $wpdb->get_var(sprintf('SELECT option_value FROM `%s` WHERE option_name = "%s"', $wpdb->options, $blc_config_manager->option_name));
         if ($serialized_config === null) {
             $messages[] = "Option doesn't exist in the {$wpdb->options} table.";
         } else {
             $messages[] = "Option exists in the {$wpdb->options} table and has the following value:";
             $messages[] = '';
             $messages[] = '<textarea cols="120" rows="20">' . htmlentities($serialized_config) . '</textarea>';
     } else {
         $logger = new blcCachedOptionLogger('blc_installation_log');
         $messages = array_merge($messages, array('installation_complete = ' . (isset($blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete']) ? intval($blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete']) : 'no value'), 'installation_flag_cleared_on = ' . $blc_config_manager->options['installation_flag_cleared_on'], 'installation_flag_set_on = ' . $blc_config_manager->options['installation_flag_set_on'], '', '<em>Installation log follows :</em>'), $logger->get_messages());
     echo "<div class='error'><p>", implode("<br>\n", $messages), "</p></div>";
Exemplo n.º 3
 function blc_print_installation_errors()
     global $blc_config_manager;
     if ($blc_config_manager->options['installation_complete']) {
     $logger = new blcCachedOptionLogger('blc_installation_log');
     $messages = array_merge(array('<strong>' . __('Broken Link Checker installation failed. Try deactivating and then reactivating the plugin.', 'broken-link-checker') . '</strong>', '', '<em>Installation log follows :</em>'), $logger->get_messages());
     echo "<div class='error'><p>", implode("<br>\n", $messages), "</p></div>";