Exemplo n.º 1
 public function generateSql($xmlDump, $sqlOutput = false)
     if ($sqlOutput) {
         if (file_exists($sqlOutput)) {
             throw new \Exception('SQL output file exists');
         $output = fopen($sqlOutput, 'w');
         if (!$output) {
             throw new \Exception('Unable to create SQL output file');
     } else {
         $output = false;
     // Load the XML file for reading and advance to the first element.
     $xmlReader = new \XmlReader();
      * If the dump is properly formed, the first element should be a
      * mysqldump node.
     if ($xmlReader->name != 'mysqldump') {
         throw new MysqlDumpException('mysqldump node not present');
      * Iterate through the available XML nodes, while there's still
      * something to read.
     while ($xmlReader->read()) {
         // If this isn't the start of a node, we don't care.  Next.
         if ($xmlReader->nodeType != \XmlReader::ELEMENT) {
         switch ($xmlReader->name) {
             case 'database':
                 // Attempt to pull the database name we should be using.
                 $database = $xmlReader->getAttribute('name');
                 if (empty($database)) {
                     throw new MysqlDumpException('No database name');
                 // Generate that SQL.
                 $createDatabase = sprintf('create database if not exists `%s`;', $database);
                 $this->doOutput("{$createDatabase}\n", $output);
                 $this->doOutput("use `{$database}`;\n", $output);
                 unset($database, $createDatabase);
             case 'table_structure':
                 $tableStructure = simplexml_load_string($xmlReader->readOuterXML(), 'Initvector\\Xml2Mysql\\XmlNode\\TableStructure');
                 $this->doOutput($tableStructure->getCreateTable() . "\n", $output);
                  * All children for this node have been processed, so we
                  * can safely skip to the next sibling.
             case 'table_data':
                 $table = $xmlReader->getAttribute('name');
                 if (empty($table)) {
                     throw new MysqlDumpException('No table name');
                 $columns = array();
                 $rowBuffer = array();
                 while ($xmlReader->nodeType != \XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
                     if ($xmlReader->name == 'row') {
                         $tableRow = $tableStructure = simplexml_load_string($xmlReader->readOuterXML(), 'Initvector\\Xml2Mysql\\XmlNode\\Row');
                         $rowData = $tableRow->getData();
                         if (empty($columns)) {
                             $columns = array_keys($rowData);
                         $rowBuffer[] = $rowData;
                         if ($this->outputInsert($table, $columns, $rowBuffer, $output)) {
                             $rowBuffer = array();
                 $this->outputInsert($table, $columns, $rowBuffer, $output, true);
     // Close the MySQL XML dump file
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Learn XML file
  * Learn the automaton from an XML file
  * @param string $file 
  * @return void
 public function learnFile($file)
     $reader = new XmlReader();
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function setUp()
     $this->reader = new \XmlReader();
     $this->reader->open(__DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/xml_reader.xml');