public function xoadGetMeta() { $filter = create_function('$name', 'return (preg_match("@^(xoad|_)@", $name) == false);'); $methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($this), $filter); XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, $methods); XOAD_Client::publicMethods($this, $methods); }
public function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::privateMethods($this, array('getConnection', 'closeConnection', 'escapeString')); XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('getUsers', 'renameUser', 'addUser')); }
/** * Imports an associative array to the corresponding form elements. * * <p>Example:</p> * <code> * XOAD_HTML::importForm('mainForm', array('firstName' => 'First', 'lastName' => 'Last')); * </code> * * @access public * * @param string $id The client ID of the form. * * @param string $formData Associative array that contains the * values to import. * * @return void * * @static * */ public static function importForm($id, $formData) { $script = 'xoad.html.importForm('; $script .= XOAD_Client::register($id); $script .= ', '; $script .= XOAD_Client::register($formData); $script .= ');'; XOAD_HTML::addScriptBlock($script); }
function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('execute')); XOAD_Client::publicMethods($this, array('execute')); XOAD_Client::privateVariables($this, array('_common_obj', '_tree')); }
/** * Registers a custom client control. * * <p>Each control includes a JS file that defines the class that * will handle the control. Additionally, you can attach a server class and * a HTML code.</p> * * @access public * * @param string $tagPrefix The tag prefix for the control, required. * @param mixed $tagName The tag name for the control, required. * @param string $jsFile The relative path to the JS file that * defines the class that will handle the * control, required. * @param string $phpFile The relative/absolute path to the PHP file * that defines the server class that is * associated with the control, optional. * @param string $url The callback URL for the server class, * optional. * @param string $htmlFile The relative/absolute path to the HTML file * that defines the code that is associated * with the control, optional. * * @return string HTML code to register the custom control. * * @static * */ public static function register($tagPrefix = 'xoad', $tagName = null, $jsFile = null, $phpFile = null, $url = null, $htmlFile = null) { if (empty($phpFile) && empty($jsFile)) { return null; } if (XOAD_Utilities::getType($tagName) == 's_array') { $returnValue = ''; foreach ($tagName as $name) { $returnValue .= XOAD_Controls::register($tagPrefix, $name, $jsFile, $phpFile, $url, $htmlFile); } return $returnValue; } if (XOAD_Utilities::getType($tagName) == 'a_array') { $returnValue = ''; foreach ($tagName as $prefix => $name) { $returnValue .= XOAD_Controls::register($prefix, $name, $jsFile, $phpFile, $url, $htmlFile); } return $returnValue; } if (empty($tagPrefix) || empty($tagName)) { return null; } $registerAttribute = $tagName == '@'; $controlName = strtolower($tagPrefix) . ':' . strtolower($tagName); if (!$registerAttribute && in_array($controlName, $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST'])) { return null; } $phpControlName = $tagPrefix . '_Controls_' . $tagName; $jsControlName = $tagPrefix . '.controls.' . $tagName; $includeScript = ''; $returnValue = ''; if (!empty($phpFile)) { require_once XOAD_Controls::getFileName($phpFile); if (empty($url)) { $url = XOAD_Utilities::getRequestUrl(); } $phpObject = new $phpControlName(); XOAD_Client::privateMethods($phpObject, array('getJSCode', 'getHtmlCode')); $returnValue .= XOAD_Client::register($phpControlName, $url) . ';'; } if (!empty($jsFile)) { if (!in_array($jsFile, $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_SCRIPT'])) { $includeScript .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . htmlspecialchars($jsFile) . '"></script>'; $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_SCRIPT'][] = $jsFile; } } else { if (isset($phpObject) && method_exists($phpObject, 'getJSCode')) { $returnValue .= $phpObject->getJSCode($jsControlName, $phpControlName); } } $controlHtml = null; if (!empty($htmlFile)) { $controlHtml = @join(null, @file(XOAD_Controls::getFileName($htmlFile))); } else { if (isset($phpObject) && method_exists($phpObject, 'getHtmlCode')) { $controlHtml = $phpObject->getHtmlCode($jsControlName, $phpControlName); } } if (!$registerAttribute) { $returnValue .= 'xoad.controls.list[' . sizeof($GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST']) . '] = {'; $returnValue .= 'tagName:' . XOAD_Client::register($controlName); if (!empty($jsFile)) { $returnValue .= ',clientClass:' . XOAD_Client::register($jsControlName); } if (!empty($phpFile)) { $returnValue .= ',serverClass:' . XOAD_Client::register($phpControlName); } if (!empty($controlHtml)) { $returnValue .= ',html:' . XOAD_Client::register($controlHtml); } $returnValue .= '};'; } if (!empty($returnValue)) { $returnValue = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $returnValue . '</script>'; } $returnValue = $includeScript . $returnValue; $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CONTROLS_LIST'][] = $controlName; return $returnValue; }
xRegistry::set('TMS', $TMS = new tMultiSection()); xPDO::setSource(DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS); xRegistry::set('xPDO', xPDO::getInstance()); xNameSpaceHolder::addObjectToNS('E', new ENHANCE()); require_once xConfig::get('PATH', 'XOAD') . 'xoad.php'; require_once xConfig::get('PATH', 'ADM') . 'logger.class.php'; require_once xConfig::get('PATH', 'ADM') . 'adm.class.php'; if ($_REQUEST['xoadCall']) { ob_start(); $adm = new adminPanel(); $adm->startMapping(); if (XOAD_Server::runServer()) { $all = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($_COMMON_SITE_CONF['output_html_compress']) { Common::compress_output($all); } echo $all; exit; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action']) { $adm = new adminPanel(); echo $adm->dispatchAction($_GET['action']); } else { $tpl = xCore::moduleFactory('templates.back'); $adm = new adminPanel(); //$data['xObject']=XOAD_Client::register(new adminPanel()); $data['xConnector'] = XOAD_Client::register(new Connector()); echo $adm->buildMainPage($data); } die;
} else { echo $all; } } exit; } } else { xRegistry::set('TPA', $TPA = new tPageAgregator()); if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $TPA->dispatch_action($_GET['action']); } elseif ($page = $TPA->execute_page(xConfig::get('PATH', 'baseUrl'))) { if ($TPA->FED_MODE) { $xConnector = new Connector(); $xConnector_obj = XOAD_Client::register($xConnector, array('url' => '/admin.php')); $TMS->AddFileSection($_PATH['ADM'] . 'tpl/FED.html'); $TMS->AddMassReplace('FED', array('front_obj' => XOAD_Client::register(new front_api()), 'xConnector' => $xConnector_obj, 'xoad_header' => XOAD_Utilities::header($_WEBPATH['XOAD']))); $page = preg_replace(array('#<script[^>]*>.*?</script>#is'), array(''), $page); $page .= $TMS->parseSection('FED'); } $all = $page; if (xConfig::get('GLOBAL', 'enable_page_caching') && !$TPA->DisablePageCaching && !$TPA->FED_MODE) { $cache->toCache($all); } if (xConfig::get('GLOBAL', 'show_debug_info')) { $y = Common::getmicrotime() - $x; $all .= '<!-- ' . $y . ' -->'; } if (xConfig::get('GLOBAL', 'output_html_compress')) { $all = Common::compress_output($all); } echo $all;
} } require_once '../../xoad.php'; XOAD_Cache::allowCaching(null, null, 10); if (XOAD_Server::runServer()) { exit; } echo XOAD_Utilities::header('../..') . "\n"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var class1 = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new Class1()) . "\n"; ?> ; var class2 = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new Class2()) . "\n"; ?> ; class1.invoke(function() { alert('Class1.invoke...'); class2.invoke(function() { alert('Class2.invoke...'); }); }); </script>
function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('execute')); XOAD_Client::publicMethods($this, array('execute')); }
<title>XOAD Advanced Chat</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <?php echo XOAD_Utilities::header('../..'); ?> <?php echo XOAD_Utilities::eventsHeader(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> = 1000; var client = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new ChatClient(), array('class' => 'ChatClient')); ?> ; var users = []; var emoticons = [ [':angry:', 'angry'], [':biggrin:', 'biggrin'], [':D', 'biggrin'], [':-D', 'biggrin'], [':blink:', 'blink'], [':blush:', 'blush'], [':bored:', 'bored'], [':closedeyes:', 'closedeyes'], [':confused:', 'confused'],
{ if ($arg == null) { $arg = "null"; } $this->serverEvents[] = $event . ' => ' . str_replace("\n", "\n" . str_repeat(' ', strlen($event) + 4), var_export($arg, true)); if ($event == 'dispatchLeave') { $arg['response']['output'] = "<strong>Server Events:</strong>\n\n" . join('<hr />', $this->serverEvents); } } } XOAD_Server::addObserver(new ServerObserver()); if (XOAD_Server::runServer()) { exit; } echo XOAD_Utilities::header('../..'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var obj = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new TestEvents()); ?> ; obj.test(); document.write('<pre>'); document.write(obj.fetchOutput()); document.write('</pre>'); --> </script>
public function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('getPage')); }
?> <html> <head> <title>Simple XOAD Explorer</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <?php echo XOAD_Utilities::header('../..'); ?> <style type="text/css">@import url(style/explorer.css);</style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- <?php echo XOAD_Client::register('Explorer', 'index.php'); ?> ; function js_escape(text) { if (text == null) { return null; } return text.replace(/\'/gi, '\\\'').replace(/\"/gi, '\\\"'); } function exploreFolder(path) {
public function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('addMessage', 'getContents')); }
<option style="color: #EE82EE; background-color: #EE82EE;">Violet</option> <option style="color: #D02090; background-color: #D02090;">VioletRed</option> <option style="color: #F5DEB3; background-color: #F5DEB3;">Wheat</option> <option style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #FFFFFF;">White</option> <option style="color: #F5F5F5; background-color: #F5F5F5;">WhiteSmoke</option> <option style="color: #FFFF00; background-color: #FFFF00;">Yellow</option> <option style="color: #9ACD32; background-color: #9ACD32;">YellowGreen</option> </select> </td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php echo XOAD_Client::register('Chat', 'index.php'); ?> ; var chatCache = null; var chatRefresh = false; window.onload = function() { var userNick = document.getElementById('userNick'); var userTime = new Date(); userNick.value += userTime.getHours(); userNick.value += userTime.getMinutes();
<br /> <button onclick="add()" style="font: normal 1em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; width: 2em;">+</button> <button onclick="sub()" style="font: normal 1em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; width: 2em;">-</button> <button onclick="mul()" style="font: normal 1em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; width: 2em;">*</button> <button onclick="div()" style="font: normal 1em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; width: 2em;">/</button> <br /> <button onclick="clearResult()" style="font: normal 0.8em tahoma, verdana, arial, serif; width: 10em;">Clear</button> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var calc = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new Calculator()); ?> ; var operationValue = document.getElementById('operationValue'); var operationResult = document.getElementById('operationResult'); function getValue() { return parseInt(operationValue.value); } function update() { operationResult.innerHTML = 'Result: <strong>' + calc.result + '</strong>'; } function add() { if (calc.add(getValue())) update(); } function sub() { if (calc.sub(getValue())) update(); } function mul() { if (calc.mul(getValue())) update(); } function div() { if (calc.div(getValue())) update(); }
/** * Registers XOAD Events header data. * * <p>You should call this method after {@link XOAD_Utilities::header}.</p> * <p>XOAD Events header data includes server time and callback URL.</p> * * @access public * * @param string $callbackUrl XOAD Events callback URL. * * @return string HTML code to initialize XOAD Events. * * @static * */ public static function eventsHeader($callbackUrl = null) { if ($callbackUrl == null) { $callbackUrl = XOAD_Utilities::getRequestUrl(); } $returnValue = '<script type="text/javascript">'; $returnValue .= ' = ' . XOAD_Client::register($callbackUrl) . ';'; $returnValue .= ' = ' . XOAD_Client::register(XOAD_Utilities::getMicroTime()) . ';'; $returnValue .= '</script>'; return $returnValue; }
/** * Returns the JavaScript code of the DOM element. * * <p>You should not call this method directly.</p> * * @access public * * @param string $element The JavaScript element name. * * @return string JavaScript source code for the DOM element. * * @static * */ public function process($element = null) { $returnValue = ''; $objectVars = get_object_vars($this); foreach ($objectVars as $key => $value) { if (strcasecmp($key, 'skipKeys') == 0 || in_array($key, $this->skipKeys)) { continue; } if (strcasecmp($key, 'attributes') == 0) { foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) { $returnValue .= $element . '.removeAttribute("' . $key . '");'; } else { $returnValue .= $element . '.setAttribute("' . $key . '", ' . XOAD_Client::register($value) . ');'; } } } else { if (strcasecmp($key, 'style') == 0) { foreach ($this->style as $key => $value) { $returnValue .= $element . '.style.' . $key . '=' . XOAD_Client::register($value) . ';'; } } else { $assignField = $element . '.' . $key; $assignOperation = $assignField . '=' . XOAD_Client::register($value) . ';'; if (strpos($assignOperation, XOAD_HTML_CURRENT_VALUE) !== false) { $assignOperation = str_replace(XOAD_HTML_CURRENT_VALUE, '"+' . $assignField . '+"', $assignOperation); } $returnValue .= $assignOperation; } } } $returnValue .= $this->clientCode; return $returnValue; }
public function registerClass(XoadModel $instance, $var_name, $path) { $this->registerScripts(); $script = "xoad.env.set('" . $var_name . "', " . XOAD_Client::register($instance, $path) . ");"; Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript($var_name, $script, CclientScript::POS_HEAD); }
/** * Registers a PHP variable/class in JavaScript. * * <p>Example:</p> * <code> * <script type="text/javascript"> * <?php require_once('xoad.php'); ?> * * var arr = <?= XOAD_Client::register(array(1, 2, "string", array("Nested"))) ?>; * * alert(arr); * * </script> * </code> * * @access public * * @param mixed $var Variable/Class name to register. * * @param mixed $params When registering a variable/class you can * provide extended parameters, like class name * and callback URL. * * @return string JavaString code that represents the variable/class. * * @static * */ public static function register($var, $params = null) { $type = XOAD_Utilities::getType($var); if ($type == 'object') { $paramsType = XOAD_Utilities::getType($params); if ($paramsType != 'string') { $callbackUrl = XOAD_Utilities::getRequestUrl(); if ($paramsType == 'a_array') { if (!empty($params['class'])) { $className = $params['class']; } if (!empty($params['url'])) { $callbackUrl = $params['url']; } } } else { $callbackUrl = $params; } if (method_exists($var, XOAD_CLIENT_METADATA_METHOD_NAME)) { call_user_func_array(array(&$var, XOAD_CLIENT_METADATA_METHOD_NAME), array()); } $objectCode = array(); if (empty($className)) { $className = XOAD_Utilities::caseConvert(get_class($var)); } $meta = get_object_vars($var); $objectMeta = null; if (isset($meta['xoadMeta'])) { if (XOAD_Utilities::getType($meta['xoadMeta']) == 'object') { if (strcasecmp(get_class($meta['xoadMeta']), 'XOAD_Meta') == 0) { $objectMeta = $meta['xoadMeta']; unset($meta['xoadMeta']); unset($var->xoadMeta); } } } if (sizeof($meta) > 0) { $attachMeta = array(); foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { if (!empty($objectMeta)) { if (!$objectMeta->isPublicVariable($key)) { unset($meta[$key]); unset($var->{$key}); continue; } } $valueType = XOAD_Utilities::getType($value); if ($valueType == 'object' || $valueType == 's_array' || $valueType == 'a_array') { $var->{$key} = XOAD_SERIALIZER_SKIP_STRING . XOAD_Client::register($var->{$key}, $callbackUrl); } $attachMeta[$key] = $valueType; } $var->__meta = $attachMeta; $var->__size = sizeof($attachMeta); } else { $var->__meta = null; $var->__size = 0; } $var->__class = $className; $var->__url = $callbackUrl; $var->__uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $var->__output = null; $var->__timeout = null; $serialized = XOAD_Serializer::serialize($var); $objectCode[] = substr($serialized, 1, strlen($serialized) - 2); $objectCode[] = '"__clone":function(obj){xoad.clone(this,obj)}'; $objectCode[] = '"__serialize":function(){return xoad.serialize(this)}'; $objectCode[] = '"catchEvent":function(){return xoad.catchEvent(this,arguments)}'; $objectCode[] = '"ignoreEvent":function(){return xoad.ignoreEvent(this,arguments)}'; $objectCode[] = '"postEvent":function(){return xoad.postEvent(this,arguments)}'; $objectCode[] = '"fetchOutput":function(){return this.__output}'; $objectCode[] = '"setTimeout":function(miliseconds){this.__timeout=miliseconds}'; $objectCode[] = '"getTimeout":function(){return this.__timeout}'; $objectCode[] = '"clearTimeout":function(){this.__timeout=null}'; $classMethods = get_class_methods($var); for ($iterator = sizeof($classMethods) - 1; $iterator >= 0; $iterator--) { if (strcasecmp($className, $classMethods[$iterator]) == 0) { unset($classMethods[$iterator]); continue; } if (strcasecmp($classMethods[$iterator], XOAD_CLIENT_METADATA_METHOD_NAME) == 0) { unset($classMethods[$iterator]); continue; } if (!empty($objectMeta)) { if (!$objectMeta->isPublicMethod($classMethods[$iterator])) { unset($classMethods[$iterator]); continue; } } } if (sizeof($classMethods) > 0) { $index = 0; $length = sizeof($classMethods); $returnValue = ''; foreach ($classMethods as $method) { $methodName = XOAD_Utilities::caseConvert($method); if (!empty($objectMeta)) { $mapMethodName = $objectMeta->findMethodName($methodName); if (strcmp($mapMethodName, $methodName) != 0) { $methodName = $mapMethodName; } } $serialized = XOAD_Serializer::serialize($methodName); $returnValue .= $serialized; $returnValue .= ':'; $returnValue .= 'function(){return,' . $serialized . ',arguments)}'; if ($index < $length - 1) { $returnValue .= ','; } $index++; } $objectCode[] = $returnValue; } $returnValue = '{' . join(',', $objectCode) . '}'; return $returnValue; } else { if ($type == 's_array' || $type == 'a_array') { foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $valueType = XOAD_Utilities::getType($value); if ($valueType == 'object' || $valueType == 's_array' || $valueType == 'a_array') { $var[$key] = XOAD_SERIALIZER_SKIP_STRING . XOAD_Client::register($var[$key], $params); } } } else { if ($type == 'string') { $paramsType = XOAD_Utilities::getType($params); if ($paramsType == 'string') { if (class_exists($var)) { $classObject = new $var(); $classCode = XOAD_Client::register($classObject, array('class' => $var, 'url' => $params)); $classCode = $var . '=function(){return ' . $classCode . '}'; return $classCode; } } } } } return XOAD_Serializer::serialize($var); }
/** * Throws a XOAD callback exception. * * @access protected * * @param string $message Exception message. * * @return string Outputs JavaString code that contains the * exception message. * * @static * */ public static function throwException($message) { if (!XOAD_Server::notifyObservers('throwExceptionEnter', array('message' => &$message))) { return false; } restore_error_handler(); $callbackException = array(); $callbackException['exception'] = $message; if (XOAD_Server::notifyObservers('throwExceptionLeave', array('message' => &$message))) { print XOAD_Client::register($callbackException); } return true; }
public function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::privateMethods($this, array('loadQuestions', 'cleanAnswers')); XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('getAnswers', 'submitAnswer', 'fetchResults')); }
/** * This method is called when the request matches the configurated * criterias for caching, but there is no data in the cache. * * @access public * * @param array $request The data that is associated with the * callback. * * @param array $response The data that is associated with the * response. * * @return bool True if the request is cached, false otherwise. * * @static * */ public static function cacheRequest(&$request, &$response) { if (!array_key_exists('_XOAD_CACHE_ARGUMENTS', $GLOBALS)) { return false; } $storage =& XOAD_Cache::getStorage(); $cacheId =& $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CACHE_ARGUMENTS']['id']; $cacheData =& $GLOBALS['_XOAD_CACHE_ARGUMENTS']['data']; $cacheResponse = XOAD_Client::register($response); return $storage->save($cacheId, $cacheData['expire'], $cacheResponse); }
return 'OK'; } function Invoke2() { sleep(5); return 'OK'; } } define('XOAD_AUTOHANDLE', true); require_once '../xoad.php'; echo XOAD_Utilities::header('..') . "\n"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register(new Timeout()); ?> ; function handleError(error) { if (error.code == XOAD_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { alert('Global: Timeout.'); } }; xoad.setErrorHandler(handleError); obj.onInvokeError = function(error) {
public function xoadGetMeta() { XOAD_Client::mapMethods($this, array('Import', 'Dump')); }
function processMainTemplate() { $this->_TMS->MFFields = array(); $this->_TMS->MFReplacement = array(); $pages = xCore::moduleFactory('pages.front'); jsCollector::pushJsDir('main', xConfig::get('PATH', 'TEMPLATES') . '_base/js', 1); $this->globalFields['HOST'] = HOST; $this->globalFields['PAGE'] = $pages->page; $this->globalFields['DOMAIN'] = $pages->domain; $this->globalFields['LANGVERSION'] = $pages->langVersion; $this->globalFields['JS'] = jsCollector::get('main'); /** * Подключение шаблона страницы если она не является страницей на главном шаблоне */ if (!strstr($this->mainTemplate['path'], '_index.html')) { $this->_TMS->AddFileSection(xConfig::get('PATH', 'COMMON_TEMPLATES') . $this->mainTemplate['path']); } if ($this->externalMeta['Title']) { $this->globalFields['Title'] = $this->externalMeta['Title']; } if ($this->externalMeta['Keywords']) { $this->globalFields['Keywords'] = $this->externalMeta['Keywords']; } if ($this->externalMeta['Description']) { $this->globalFields['Description'] = $this->externalMeta['Description']; } global $cache; //догружаем не объявленные секции /* if(!$_COMMON_SITE_CONF['disable_m_caching']) { // $cache_name=md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).$_SESSION['currency']['id'].'titles.xtx'; // $cache->setCacheFile($cache_name); if($m_cache=$cache->getCache()) { $seodata=unserialize($m_cache); $this->globalFields['Title']=$seodata['Title']; $this->globalFields['Keywords']=$seodata['Keywords']; $this->globalFields['Description']=$seodata['Description']; }else{ // $cache->setCache(serialize(array('Title'=>$this->globalFields['Title'],'Keywords'=>$this->globalFields['Keywords'],'Description'=>$this->globalFields['Description']))); } } */ /** * Подключение главного шаблона для домена */ $this->_TMS->AddFileSection(xConfig::get('PATH', 'COMMON_TEMPLATES') . $pages->domain['basic'] . '/_index.html'); /** * Подключение главного шаблона кроссдоменного */ if (file_exists($mainTemplate = xConfig::get('PATH', 'TEMPLATES') . '/_index.html')) { $this->_TMS->AddFileSection($mainTemplate); } //компонуем модули $this->_TMS->AddMFMassReplace($this->modules_out); //данные ноды в странице $this->globalFields['ARES'] = xConfig::get('PATH', 'WEB_ARES'); $this->_TMS->AddFileSection(xConfig::get('PATH', 'TEMPLATES') . '_base/tpl/connector.html'); $this->_TMS->AddMassReplace('connector', array('xConnector' => XOAD_Client::register(new connector()), 'xoadHeader' => XOAD_Utilities::header(xConfig::get('WEBPATH', 'XOAD')))); $this->globalFields['XFRONT_API'] = $this->_TMS->parseSection('connector'); if ($this->_TMS->SectionNests['MAIN']) { foreach ($this->_TMS->SectionNests['MAIN'] as $section) { $this->_TMS->AddMassReplace($section, $this->globalFields); } } // $this->_TMS->AddMFMassReplace($_COMMON_SITE_CONF); return $this->_TMS->ParseRecurs('MAIN'); }
.answer { font-weight: bold; } </style> </head> <body> <h1 id="question">Welcome</h1> <div id="answers"></div> <div id="pager"></div> <div id="loading">Loading...</div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var exam = <?php echo XOAD_Client::register($exam); ?> ; var pageState = 0; var timeout = 10000; var answeredQuestion = 0; var currentQuestion = null; function showLoading() { = 'wait';