Exemplo n.º 1
 public function join()
     if ($password != $password_again) {
         throw new Error("Passwords do not match");
     if (strlen($password) < 6) {
         throw new Error("Oops, please enter a password at least 6 characters long.");
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$#', $username)) {
         throw new Error("Oops, please enter a username composed letters, numbers, periods or underscores.");
     $userexists = $this->server->db->value($this->sql['checkuser'], array('username' => $username));
     if ($userexists) {
         throw new Error('Sorry, that username has already been taken. Please choose again.');
     $emailexists = $this->server->db->value($this->sql['checkemail'], array('email' => $email));
     if ($emailexists) {
         throw new Error('Sorry, that email has already been used. You can use the password retrieval form to retrieve your username.');
     $user = new User_Object();
     $user->set(array('username' => $username, 'display_name' => $username, 'password' => md5($password), 'email' => $email));
     $this->server->user = $user;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function receive()
     $f = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . "/sms.log", "a");
     fwrite($f, "[RECEIVE]\n");
     fwrite($f, "Phone: {$phone}\n");
     fwrite($f, "Message: {$msg}\n");
     fwrite($f, "Action: {$action}\n");
     fwrite($f, "=====\n\n");
     $artworkid = trim($msg);
     $artwork = $this->server->moma->load("artwork({$artworkid})");
     if ($artwork) {
         list($user, $new) = $this->userByPhone($phone);
         $userid = $id;
         $args = compact('userid', 'artworkid');
         $count = $this->server->moma->value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM savedartwork WHERE userid=:userid AND artworkid=:artworkid", $args);
         if ($count == 0) {
             $savedartwork = new SavedArtWork_Object();
             $savedartwork->set(compact('userid', 'artworkid'));
         $artwork = $artwork->get();
         $title = $artwork['title'];
         if (!$dontremind) {
             $updateuser = new User_Object();
             $updateuser->set('dontremind', 1);
             if ($username == '') {
                 sendsms($normalized_phone, "Hey there. '{$title}' was just saved for you. Go to moma.org/txt to retrieve it and any other works you collect. See you there!");
             } else {
                 sendsms($normalized_phone, "Hey {$username}. '{$title}' was added to your collection. You will find it and any other work you collect on moma.org. See you there!");
     } else {
         sendsms($phone, "{$artworkid} does not refer to any item in our database. Please verify the number and try again.");