Exemplo n.º 1
 public function Field($properties = array())
     Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
     Requirements::javascript(SORTABLEFILE_DIR . '/javascript/SortableUploadField.js');
     Requirements::css(SORTABLEFILE_DIR . '/css/SortableUploadField.css');
     return parent::Field($properties);
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $output = parent::Field($properties);
     return $output;
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $items = $this->getItems();
     $unprocessed = false;
     $messages = array();
     // check that all the items have been uploaded
     foreach ($items as $vFile) {
         if ($vFile->ProcessStatus != VuforiaImage::COMPLETE_STATUS) {
             // do a status check
             $update = $this->vuforiaAPIService->checkImageStatus($vFile);
             if ($update->ProcessStatus == VuforiaImage::PROCESS_STATUS) {
                 $unprocessed = true;
             if ($update->ProcessStatus == VuforiaImage::ERROR_STATUS) {
                 $messages[] = $update->Messages;
     //		if (count($messages)) {
     //			$field .= '<div class="vuforia-messages" style="padding: 3px; color: #f33">' . implode('<br/>', $messages) . '</div>';
     //		}
     $field = parent::Field($properties);
     return $field;
 public function Field($properties = array())
     //Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js');
     Requirements::javascript(SORTABLEGALLERY_DIR . '/javascript/SortableGalleryField.js');
     Requirements::customScript("window.imageClassName = '{$this->imageClassName}'; window.parentClassName='{$this->pageClassName}'; window.relationName='{$this->relationName}'");
     Requirements::css(SORTABLEGALLERY_DIR . '/css/SortableUploadField.css');
     return parent::Field($properties);
  * @param array $properties
  * @return HTMLText
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $field = parent::Field($properties);
     return $field;
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $field = parent::Field($properties);
     // Extra requirements
     $base = basename(dirname(__DIR__));
     return $field;
 public function Field($properties = array())
     // add the javascript
     $this->setConfig('sorturl', $this->Link('savesort'));
     $output = parent::Field($properties);
     Requirements::javascript(SORTABLEUPLOADFIELD_DIR . '/javascript/SortableUploadField.js');
     Requirements::css(SORTABLEUPLOADFIELD_DIR . '/css/SortableUploadField.css');
     return $output;
 public function Field($properties = array())
     // add the javascript
     $this->setConfig('sorturl', $this->Link('savesort'));
     $output = parent::Field($properties);
     //			$this->test();
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function Field($properties = array())
     /** @var HTMLText $htmlText */
     $htmlText = parent::Field($properties);
     Requirements::javascript(SORTABLEFILE_DIR . '/javascript/SortableUploadField.js');
     Requirements::css(SORTABLEFILE_DIR . '/css/SortableUploadField.css');
     // check if the record (to write into) exists. If not, there's no sort action to be used in the frontend
     if ($this->getRecord() && $this->getRecord()->exists()) {
         $html = $htmlText->getValue();
         $token = $this->getForm()->getSecurityToken();
         $action = Convert::raw2att($token->addToUrl($this->getItemHandler("{id}")->Link("sort")));
         // add the sort action to the field, use {id} as a substitute for the ID
         $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->ID()}_FileSortAction\" class=\"sortableupload-sortaction\" data-action=\"{$action}\">";
     return $htmlText;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Return our field for display in SS template
  * @param array $properties
  * @return SS_viewable
 public function Field($properties = array())
     // Highjack some values in the UploadField config
     $this->ufConfig['url'] = self::getBucketUrl();
     $this->ufConfig['canAttachExisting'] = false;
     $this->ufConfig['urlFileExists'] = '';
     $this->ufConfig['overwriteWarning'] = false;
     $this->ufConfig['overwriteWarning'] = false;
     $this->ufConfig['downloadTemplateName'] = 'ss-s3uploadfield-downloadtemplate';
     // Attach a signed S3 Fileupload request
     $this->ufConfig['FormData'] = self::getFormData();
     $this->ufConfig['uploadCallbackUrl'] = $this->Link('upload');
     // Call the parent function but don't return it right away
     $return = parent::Field($properties);
     // Require some custom JS
     Requirements::javascript(S3_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR . '/js/S3UploadField_downloadtemplate.js');
     Requirements::javascript(S3_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR . '/js/S3UploadField.js');
     // We want this loaded after the default CSS rules to make sure it
     // overrides the parents
     Requirements::css(S3_FILE_UPLOAD_DIR . '/css/S3UploadField.css');
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $fields = parent::Field($properties);
     //replace the download template with a new one only when access the upload field through a GridField
     $useCustomTemplate = $this->getConfig('useDMSReplaceTemplate');
     if (!empty($useCustomTemplate)) {
         Requirements::block(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/UploadField_downloadtemplate.js');
         Requirements::javascript(DMS_DIR . '/javascript/DMSUploadField_downloadtemplate.js');
     } else {
         //in the add dialog, add the addtemplate into the set of file that load
         Requirements::javascript(DMS_DIR . '/javascript/DMSUploadField_addtemplate.js');
     return $fields;
  * Adds a JS requirement and returns the field markup.
  * @param array $properties key value pairs of template variables
  * @return string
  * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 26.03.2013
 public function Field($properties = array())
     return parent::Field($properties);
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $res = parent::Field($properties);
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function Field($properties = array())
     $fields = parent::Field($properties);
     // Replace the download template with a new one only when access the upload field through a GridField.
     // Needs to be enabled through setConfig('downloadTemplateName', 'ss-dmsuploadfield-downloadtemplate');
     // In the add dialog, add the addtemplate into the set of file that load.
     return $fields;
  * Called by SS to output the field.
  * @param array $properties [description]
 public function Field($properties = array())
     // Set up the JS options, placing the map pin in the default location and with the default zoom level.
     $jsOptions = array('coords' => array($this->getDefaultValue('Latitude'), $this->getDefaultValue('Longitude')), 'map' => array('zoom' => $this->getDefaultValue('Zoom') ?: $this->getOption('map.zoom'), 'mapTypeId' => 'ROADMAP'));
     $jsOptions = array_replace_recursive($this->options, $jsOptions);
     $this->setAttribute('data-settings', Convert::array2json($jsOptions));
     return parent::Field($properties);