Exemplo n.º 1
  * Given the filename, returns an array of commands to execute for xml file creation,
  * This function modifies the sql to handle derived columns dynamically.
  * @param $filename
  * @return array
 private function getXMLJobCommands($filename)
     global $conf;
     $query = $this->jobDetails['data_command'];
     $request_criteria = $this->jobDetails['request_criteria'];
     $search_criteria = new SearchCriteria($request_criteria, $this->responseFormat);
     $config = ConfigUtil::getConfiguration($request_criteria['global']['type_of_data'], $search_criteria->getConfigKey());
     //map tags and build sql
     $rootElement = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->rootElement;
     $rowParentElement = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->rowParentElement;
     $elementsColumn = $config->dataset->displayConfiguration->xml->elementsColumn;
     $elementsColumn = (array) $elementsColumn;
     $columnMappings = array_flip($elementsColumn);
     $end = strpos($query, 'FROM');
     $select_part = substr($query, 0, $end);
     $select_part = str_replace("SELECT", "", $select_part);
     $sql_parts = explode(",", $select_part);
     $new_select_part = "'<" . $rowParentElement . ">'";
     foreach ($sql_parts as $sql_part) {
         $sql_part = trim($sql_part);
         $is_derived_column = strpos(strtoupper($sql_part), "CASE WHEN") !== FALSE;
         //get column and alias
         $alias = "";
         if ($is_derived_column) {
             $pos = strpos($sql_part, " AS");
             $column = trim(str_replace("AS", "", substr($sql_part, $pos)));
         } else {
             $pos = strpos($sql_part, " AS");
             $pos = $pos !== FALSE ? $pos : strlen($sql_part);
             $column = substr($sql_part, 0, $pos);
         if (strpos($sql_part, ".") !== false) {
             $alias_pos = strpos($sql_part, ".");
             $alias = substr($sql_part, $alias_pos - 2, 3);
             $column = str_replace($alias, "", $column);
         //Handle derived columns
         $tag = $columnMappings[$column] == "" ? $column : $columnMappings[$column];
         //column open tag
         $new_select_part .= "\n||'<" . $tag . ">' || ";
         if ($is_derived_column) {
             $sql_part = substr_replace($sql_part, "", $pos);
             $new_select_part .= str_replace($alias . $column, "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(CAST(" . $alias . $column . " AS VARCHAR),''),'&','&amp;'),'>','&gt;'),'<','&lt;')", $sql_part);
         } else {
             $new_select_part .= "REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(COALESCE(CAST(" . $alias . $column . " AS VARCHAR),''),'&','&amp;'),'>','&gt;'),'<','&lt;')";
         //column close tag
         $new_select_part .= " || '</" . $tag . ">'";
     $new_select_part .= "||'</" . $rowParentElement . ">'";
     $new_select_part = "SELECT " . ltrim($new_select_part, "\n||") . "\n";
     $query = substr_replace($query, $new_select_part, 0, $end);
     //open/close tags
     $open_tags = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><response><status><result>success</result></status>";
     $open_tags .= "<result_records><record_count>" . $this->getRecordCount() . "</record_count><" . $rootElement . ">";
     $close_tags = "</" . $rootElement . "></result_records></response>";
     $file = $this->getFullPathToFile($filename, $this->tmpFileOutputDir);
     $commands = array();
     //sql command
     $command = $conf['check_book']['data_feeds']['command'] . " -c \"\\\\COPY (" . $query . ") TO '" . $file . "' \" ";
     $commands[$filename][] = $command;
     //prepend open tags command
     $command = "sed -i '1i " . $open_tags . "' " . $file;
     $commands[$filename][] = $command;
     //append close tags command
     $command = "sed -i '\$" . "a" . $close_tags . "' " . $file;
     $commands[$filename][] = $command;
     //xmllint command to format the xml
     $formatted_filename = $this->tmpFileOutputDir . '/formatted_' . $filename . '.xml';
     $command = "xmllint --format {$file} --output {$formatted_filename}";
     $commands[$filename][] = $command;
     //move the formatted file back
     $command = "mv {$formatted_filename} {$file}";
     $commands[$filename][] = $command;
     return $commands;