Exemplo n.º 1
 public function getNPCS(SR_Player $player)
     if ($player->hasConst('RESCUED_MALOIS')) {
         return array('talk' => 'Chicago_StoreMalois');
     return array();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function on_challenge(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     # No fight with party:
     if ($player->isInParty()) {
         // 			$player->message("You can't fight here when you are in a party. Use #part to leave your party.");
         return false;
     # Get current enemy
     $key = 'SEATTLE_ARENA_N';
     if (!$player->hasConst($key)) {
         $player->setConst($key, 1);
     $n = $player->getConst($key);
     # Possible flags/enemies in Arena:
     $enemies = array(array("Seattle_AToughGuy", $this->lang($player, 'e1')), array("Seattle_ASecOrk", $this->lang($player, 'e2')), array("Seattle_AToughTroll", $this->lang($player, 'e3')), array("Seattle_AMagician", $this->lang($player, 'e4')), array("Seattle_AElite", $this->lang($player, 'e5')));
     # No more fights:
     if ($n > count($enemies)) {
         // 			$player->message("Sorry. You fought all the enemies here. Try #fight <player> then :P");
         return false;
     $enemy = $enemies[$n];
     $player->msg('5141', array($enemy[1]));
     // 		$player->message("The Arena-Guy leads you to the locker room. After a few minutes you were guided into the arena and see your enemy: ".$enemy[1].". " );
     SR_NPC::createEnemyParty($enemy[0])->fight($player->getParty(), true);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function checkQuest(SR_NPC $npc, SR_Player $player)
     if ($player->hasConst('RESCUED_MALOIS')) {
         $npc->reply('I have heard of your brave actions, and i know you are involved into the same shit ... i cannot give you much as reward ... but take this please and thank you!');
         return $this->onSolve($player);
     } else {
         return $npc->reply('It was just an idea ... good luck.');
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function susanChecksYourID(SR_Player $player)
     if ($player->hasConst(self::CONST_ID)) {
         $player->setTemp(self::TEMP_VIS, 1);
         $player->giveKnowledge('places', 'Prison_VisitorsRoom');
         return $this->reply("Alright Mr. Peltzer, please goto the visitors room, we will call for your brother any minute.");
     } else {
         $b = chr(2);
         return $this->reply("Oh ... only family members may visit imprisoners ... unless you have a {$b}fakeid{$b} ^^ just kidding.");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function on_heat(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     if ($player->hasConst(self::KEY)) {
         return $player->message($this->lang($player, 'heat_off'));
         // 			return $player->message('You have totally turned off the heating in this building.');
     } else {
         $player->setConst(self::KEY, 1);
         return $player->message($this->lang($player, 'heat_on'));
         // 			return $player->message('You have totally turned on the heating in this building.');
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function buyPermission(SR_Player $player)
     if ($player->hasConst("SEATTLE_BM", 1)) {
         return $player->message($this->langNPC('already'));
         // 			$player->message("You already have permission to enter the blackmarket in Seattle.");
         // 			return ;
     $nuyen = $player->getNuyen();
     if ($nuyen < $this->price) {
         return $player->message($this->langNPC('poor', array($this->price, $nuyen)));
         // 			$player->message("The salesman is shaking his head...\"No!\", he says, \"I want $this->price, not $nuyen\".");
         // 			return;
     $player->message($this->langNPC('give', array($this->price)));
     // 		$player->message("You give $this->price Nuyen to the salesman...");
     $player->setConst("SEATTLE_BM", 1);
     return $this->rply('purchase');
     // 		$this->reply('Ok, here is your permission to enter the blackmarket. And you don\'t know me!');