function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('url' => SL::url(SL::nodeUrl($this->_getVar('Node'))), 'style' => null, 'source' => 'tweetmeme'); $this->vars = $blockParams; return parent::parse($html, $blockName); }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('id' => null); if ($blockParams['id']) { $oldVars = $this->vars; $this->vars = SlNode::get($blockParams['id'], array('auth' => true)); } if ($blockName === 'NodeView') { $skin = empty(SL::getInstance()->view->params['named']['skin']) ? Inflector::camelize($this->_getVar('')) : Inflector::camelize(SL::getInstance()->view->params['named']['skin']); $skin = $skin && Pheme::init("NodeView{$skin}") ? "NodeView{$skin}" : "NodeViewDefault"; } else { $skin = $blockName; } if ($skin != $blockName) { PhemeParser::$parseCallStack[] = Pheme::get($skin); $result = parent::parse($html, $skin); array_pop(PhemeParser::$parseCallStack); } else { $result = parent::parse($html, $skin); } if (isset($oldVars)) { $this->vars = $oldVars; } return $result; }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('range' => true, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'values' => array(0, 100), 'domId' => SL::uniqid()); $options = $blockParams; unset($options['domId']); $key = "jqueryUiSlider-{$blockParams['domId']}"; SlConfigure::write("Asset.js.ready.{$key}", "\$('#{$blockParams['domId']}').slider(" . json_encode($options) . ')'); return parent::parse($html, $blockName); }
/** * Class constructor. * * @param string $method Method producing the error * @param array $messages Error messages */ function __construct($method, $messages) { $this->_requested = !SL::getInstance()->main; // Make a more user-friendly "No Database Connection" if ($method === 'missingTable') { $db = @ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); if (!$db->isConnected()) { $method = 'dbConnectionError'; } } parent::__construct($method, $messages); }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('width' => 300, 'height' => 120, 'version' => '', 'src' => 'swfobject/test.swf', 'id' => SL::uniqid(), 'flashvars' => array(), 'params' => array(), 'attributes' => array()); if ($html && !preg_match('/[\\n]/', $html)) { $blockParams['src'] = $html; $html = null; } foreach (array('flashvars', 'params', 'attributes') as $key) { $blockParams[$key] = json_encode($blockParams[$key]); } $this->vars = $blockParams; return parent::parse($html, $blockName); }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('id' => false, 'skin' => null); if ($blockName === 'NodeIndex') { $skin = empty(SL::getInstance()->view->params['named']['skin']) ? Inflector::camelize($blockParams['skin']) : Inflector::camelize(SL::getInstance()->view->params['named']['skin']); $skin = $skin && Pheme::init("NodeIndex{$skin}") ? "NodeIndex{$skin}" : "NodeIndexDefault"; } else { $skin = $blockName; } $this->vars['ajaxId'] = SL::uniqid(); if ($blockParams['id'] === false) { $nodes = $this->_getVar('nodes'); } else { if ($blockParams['id'] === 0) { $blockParams['id'] = null; } $nodes = SlNode::find('all', array('conditions' => array('CmsNode.parent_id' => $blockParams['id'], 'CmsNode.visible' => true), 'order' => array('CmsNode.lft' => 'asc'), 'auth' => 'index')); } if ($nodes) { foreach ($nodes as &$node) { $node['href'] = h(SlNode::url($node)); } $this->blocks["loop"]->params[0] =& $nodes; if ($skin != $blockName) { PhemeParser::$parseCallStack[] = Pheme::get($skin); } PhemeParser::$parseCallStack[] = Pheme::get('NodeView'); $html = parent::parse($html, $skin); array_pop(PhemeParser::$parseCallStack); if ($skin != $blockName) { array_pop(PhemeParser::$parseCallStack); } return $html; } }
<?php /* --- incializace jadra --- */ require '../require/load.php'; SL::init('../'); /* --- nacteni argumentu --- */ if (!isset($_GET['redir_id'], $_GET['redir_type'])) { die; } $id = intval($_GET['redir_id']); $type = intval($_GET['redir_type']); if ($type !== 1) { $type = 0; } /* --- test existence --- */ if (0 === $type) { $query = DB::query('SELECT `id`,`title_seo` FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-root` WHERE `id`=' . $id); } else { $query = DB::query('SELECT art.`id`,art.`title_seo`,cat.`title_seo` AS cat_title_seo FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-articles` AS art JOIN `' . _mysql_prefix . '-root` AS cat ON( WHERE art.`id`=' . $id); } $query = DB::row($query); if ($query === false) { // neexistuje $_GET = array('m' => '404'); define('_index_noinit', true); require _indexroot . 'index.php'; die; } /* --- presmerovani --- */ // sestavit adresu $redir = $type === 0 ? _linkRoot($query['id'], $query['title_seo']) : _linkArticle($query['id'], $query['title_seo'], $query['cat_title_seo']);
<?php /* --- incializace jadra --- */ require '../require/load.php'; define('_header', 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); SL::init('../', null, true, false, true, false); /* --- autorizace --- */ $auth = explode(':', SL::$settings['cron_auth'], 2); if (2 !== sizeof($auth) || !isset($_GET['user'], $_GET['password']) || $_GET['user'] !== $auth[0] || $_GET['password'] !== $auth[1]) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Unauthorized'; exit(1); } /* --- spusteni cronu --- */ // priprava $start = microtime(true); $names = array(); function cron_log_name($args) { $GLOBALS['names'][] = $args['name']; } _extend('reg', 'sys.cron', 'cron_log_name'); // spusteni SL::runCron(); // vysledek echo 'OK(', round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000), 'ms) ', implode(', ', $names);
/** * Redirects to given $url, after turning off $this->autoRender. * Script execution is halted after the redirect. * * @param mixed $url A string or array-based URL pointing to another location within the app, or an absolute URL * @param integer $status Optional HTTP status code (eg: 404) * @access public * @link */ public function redirect($url, $status = null, $useReferer = true) { if ($useReferer) { $ref = SlSession::read('Routing.ref'); if ($ref) { SlSession::delete('Routing.ref'); if (Sl::url($ref) !== Sl::url()) { $url = $ref; } } } // cyclic check if (Sl::url($url) === Sl::url()) { die('Infinite redirection loop detected.'); } // code inspired from RequestHandlerComponent if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { unset($_POST[$key]); } echo Sl::requestAction($url, array('requested' => false)); $this->_stop(); } // show a human readable redirect message allowing debug output to be read if (headers_sent() || $this->output && Configure::read()) { $url = h(SL::url($url)); if (empty($status)) { $status = 'null'; } echo "<p style='background: #ff7; color: #000; padding: 1em;'>Redirect to <a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a> (code: {$status}) cancelled.</p>"; while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } $this->_stop(); } parent::redirect(Sl::url($url, true), $status); }
public function parse($html, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('XFBML' => false, 'name' => 'recommendations', 'site' => SL::url(SL::nodeUrl($this->_getVar('Node'))), 'width' => 300, 'height' => 300, 'header' => false, 'colorscheme' => 'light', 'font' => 'tahoma', 'border_color' => '#fff'); if (empty($blockParams['XFBML'])) { $blockParams['border_color'] = urlencode($blockParams['border_color']); $blockParams['site'] = urlencode($blockParams['site']); $blockParams['font'] = urlencode($blockParams['font']); } return parent::parse($html, $blockName, $blockParams); }
/** * Ziskat instanci cache komponentu * @return FileCache */ public static function getCache() { if (null === self::$cache) { self::$cache = new FileCache(_indexroot . 'data/tmp/cache'); self::$cache->setVerifyBoundFiles(1 == _dev); } return self::$cache; }
} else { $users_group = " AND `group`=" . $users_group; } if ($prev) { $prev_count['admin.users.users'] = DB::count(_mysql_prefix . '-users', 'id!=0 AND activitytime<' . $users_time . $users_group); } else { $userids = DB::query("SELECT id FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-users` WHERE id!=0 AND activitytime<" . $users_time . $users_group); while ($userid = DB::row($userids)) { _deleteUser($userid['id']); } DB::free($userids); } } // udrzba if (_checkboxLoad('maintenance') && !$prev) { SL::doMaintenance(); } // optimalizace if (_checkboxLoad('optimize') && !$prev) { $tables = array(); $q = DB::query('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . _mysql_prefix . '-%\''); while ($r = DB::rown($q)) { DB::query('OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $r[0] . '`'); } } // zprava if ($prev) { if (empty($prev_count)) { $message = _formMessage(2, $_lang['global.noaction']); break; }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('id' => false, 'width' => 0, 'colspan' => 1); if (empty($blockParams['id']) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/i', $html)) { $blockParams['id'] = $html; $html = null; } if (empty($html) && $blockParams['id']) { $html = $blockParams['id'] == 'Content' ? '{SiteContent/}' : "{Blocks(\"id\":\"{$blockParams['id']}\")/}"; } if ($html) { $uid = SL::uniqid(); $this->referrer()->columns[$uid] = array(parent::parse($html, $blockName), $blockParams); return $uid; } }
<?php /* ---- inicializace jadra ---- */ chdir('../'); // nasimulovat skript v rootu require './require/load.php'; SL::init(''); // kontrola pristupu a dat if (!_loginright_administration || SL::$settings['admin_index_custom'] === '') { die; } // funkce motivu a administrace require _indexroot . "require/functions-template.php"; require _indexroot . "admin/functions.php"; /* ---- vystup ---- */ // konstanty define('_indexOutput_url', _indexroot); define('_indexOutput_pid', null); define('_indexOutput_ptype', 'aindex'); define('_indexOutput_content', ''); define('_indexOutput_title', ''); // tmave schema? $scheme_dark = _admin_schemeIsDark(); // html hlavicka require 'require/headstart.php'; ?> <base href="./../" target="_blank" /> <link href="admin/remote/style.css.php?s=<?php echo _adminscheme . ($scheme_dark ? '&d' : '') . '&' . _cacheid; ?> " type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<?php /* -- inicializace jadra -- */ require '../require/load.php'; SL::init('../', null, true, true); $msg = ""; /* -- instalace databaze -- */ if (isset($_POST['license'])) { // nacteni promennych $url = _removeSlashesFromEnd($_POST['url']); $pass = $_POST['pass']; $pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; $email = $_POST['email']; $rewrite = _checkboxLoad("rewrite"); $title = DB::esc(_htmlStr($_POST['title'])); $descr = DB::esc(_htmlStr($_POST['descr'])); $keywords = DB::esc(_htmlStr($_POST['kwrds'])); // kontrola promennych $errors = array(); if ($url == "" or $url == "http://") { $errors[] = "Nebyla zadána adresa serveru."; } if ($pass == "" or $pass2 == "") { $errors[] = "Nebylo vyplněno heslo."; } if ($pass != $pass2) { $errors[] = "Zadaná hesla nejsou shodná."; } if (!_validateEmail($email)) { $errors[] = "E-mailová adresa není platná."; }