Exemplo n.º 1
 function query($datainfo)
      * Here implement the query code;
     if (is_null($datainfo)) {
         $datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $datainfo;
     $inputObj = $datainfo->inputObj;
     $columnCat = (object) $datainfo->columnCat;
     $columnAgg = (object) $datainfo->columnAgg;
     $columnAggType = $datainfo->columnAggType;
     $select = "SELECT cid(" . $columnCat->cid . ") AS 'Category', ";
     $sid = $datainfo->sid;
     $table = $datainfo->table;
     switch ($columnAggType) {
         case "Count":
             $select .= "COUNT(cid(" . $columnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Sum":
             $select .= "SUM(cid(" . $columnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Avg":
             $select .= "AVG(cid(" . $columnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Max":
             $select .= "MAX(cid(" . $columnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Min":
             $select .= "MIN(cid(" . $columnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $groupby = " GROUP BY cid(" . $columnCat->cid . ") ";
     //$queryResult = json_decode('{"cat":"aaa","agg":"bbb","content":[["Year", "Sales"],["2004",15],["2005",12],["2006",16],["2007",18]]}');
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $rst = array();
     $rst['content'] = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, $groupby, null, null, null);
     $rst['columnCat'] = $columnCat->columnName;
     $rst['columnAggType'] = $columnAggType;
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     //$rst['pieAggType'] = $pieAggType;
     //$rst['$pieColumnCat'] = $pieColumnCat;
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
function importDataFromDumpFile($sid, DatabaseHandler $dbHandler, $userId, $filePath, $my_pligg_base_no_slash)
    $ktrExeDao = new KTRExecutorDAO();
    $tableNames = $dbHandler->loadTables();
    $logIds = array();
    foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
        $logIds[$tableName] = $ktrExeDao->addExecutionInfoTuple($sid, $tableName, $userId);
    try {
        $dbImporter = DatabaseImporterFactory::createDatabaseImporter($dbHandler->getDriver(), $sid, $my_pligg_base_no_slash);
        foreach ($logIds as $logId) {
            $ktrExeDao->updateExecutionInfoStatus($logId, 'success');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        foreach ($logIds as $logId) {
            $ktrExeDao->updateExecutionInfoStatus($logId, 'error');
            $ktrExeDao->updateExecutionInfoErrorMessage($logId, $e->getMessage());
    $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
    foreach ($logIds as $tableName => $logId) {
        $numProcessed = $queryEngine->GetTotalNumberTuplesInTableBySidAndNameFromExternalDB($sid, $tableName);
        $ktrExeDao->updateExecutionInfoTupleAfterPanTerminated($logId, 0, '', $numProcessed, 'success');
function MineRelationships()
    $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
    $perPage = $_POST["perPage"];
    $pageNo = $_POST["pageNo"];
    $result = $queryEngine->MineRelationships($_POST["sid"]);
    $columns = NULL;
    if ($result != null) {
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            $json_array["data"][] = $r;
            if ($columns === NULL) {
                if (is_array($r)) {
                    $columns = implode(",", array_keys($r));
                } else {
                    $columns = implode(",", array_keys(get_object_vars($r)));
    $json_array["Control"]["perPage"] = $perPage;
    $json_array["Control"]["totalPage"] = 40;
    $json_array["Control"]["pageNo"] = $pageNo;
    $json_array["Control"]["cols"] = $columns;
    echo json_encode($json_array);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function query($_datainfo)
     if (is_null($_datainfo)) {
         $_datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $_datainfo;
     $inputObj = $_datainfo->inputObj;
     $sid = $_datainfo->sid;
     $table = $_datainfo->table;
     //$pieColumnCat = $_datainfo->pieColumnCat['columnName'];
     //$pieColumnAgg = $_datainfo->pieColumnAgg['text'];//$_datainfo->pieColumnAgg[key($_datainfo->pieColumnAgg)];
     $pieColumnCat = (object) $_datainfo->pieColumnCat;
     $pieColumnAgg = (object) $_datainfo->pieColumnAgg;
     $pieAggType = $_datainfo->pieAggType;
     $where = $_datainfo->where;
     $select = "SELECT cid(" . $pieColumnCat->cid . ") AS 'Category', ";
     switch ($pieAggType) {
         case "Count":
             $select .= "COUNT(cid(" . $pieColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Sum":
             $select .= "SUM(cid(" . $pieColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Avg":
             $select .= "AVG(cid(" . $pieColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Max":
             $select .= "MAX(cid(" . $pieColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
         case "Min":
             $select .= "MIN(cid(" . $pieColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS 'AggValue' ";
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $groupby = " GROUP BY cid(" . $pieColumnCat->cid . ") ";
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $rst = array();
     //var_dump($select, $fromArray, $groupby);
     $rst['content'] = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, $groupby, null, null, null);
     $rst['pieAggType'] = $pieAggType;
     $rst['pieColumnCat'] = $pieColumnCat->columnName;
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     //$queryResult = json_decode('{"string":"aaa","number":"bbb","content":[{"Category":" 2.0","AggValue":"1"},{"Category":" 3.0","AggValue":"2"},{"Category":" 4.0","AggValue":"3"}]}');
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
 public function testAddRelationshipWithPartialData()
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $user_id = 20;
     $from = ['sid' => 753, 'tableName' => 'Sheet1', 'columns' => ['cid(616) + cid(617)']];
     $to = ['sid' => 752, 'tableName' => 'Sheet1', 'columns' => ['cid(609)']];
     $confidence = 0;
     $queryEngine->AddRelationship($user_id, $name, $description, $from, $to, $confidence, $comment);
Exemplo n.º 6
 function query($_datainfo)
      * Here implement the query code;
     if (is_null($_datainfo)) {
         $_datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $_datainfo;
     $sid = $_datainfo->sid;
     $table = $_datainfo->table;
     $inputObj = $_datainfo->inputObj;
     $comboColumnCat = (object) $_datainfo->comboColumnCat;
     $comboColumnAgg = (object) $_datainfo->comboColumnAgg;
     $comboAggType = $_datainfo->comboAggType;
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $select = "SELECT cid(" . $comboColumnCat->cid . ") AS 'Category' ";
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($comboAggType); $i++) {
         $select .= ", " . $comboAggType[$i] . "(cid(" . $comboColumnAgg->cid . ")) AS '" . $comboAggType[$i] . "' ";
     $groupby = " GROUP BY cid(" . $comboColumnCat->cid . ") ";
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $rst['content'] = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, $groupby, null, null, null);
     $rst['comboAggType'] = $comboAggType;
     $rst['comboColumnCat'] = $comboColumnCat->columnName;
     $rst['comboColumnAgg'] = $comboColumnAgg->columnName;
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     //rst['content'] =  json_decode('[{"Category":"aaa","AVG":"13","MAX":"18","MIN":"12"},{"Category":"bbb","AVG":"14","MAX":"16","MIN":"11"},{"Category":"ccc","AVG":"10","MAX":"14","MIN":"6"},{"Category":"ddd","AVG":"43","MAX":"45","MIN":"14"}]');
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
  * Returns execution status with additional information like how many records were processed.
  * @param   $sid sid of the story
  * @return stdClass      info about the status
 public static function getExecutionStatus($sid)
     $ktrExecutorDAO = new KTRExecutorDAO();
     $tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable = $ktrExecutorDAO->getTuplesBySid($sid);
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     if (!isset($tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable) || count($tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable) == 0) {
         $tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable = array();
         $tables = $queryEngine->GetTablesList($sid);
         // Add table into exec info.
         foreach ($tables as $key => $tableName) {
             $rec = new stdClass();
             $rec->tableName = $tableName;
             $rec->status = "success";
             $rec->Eid = "NA";
             $rec->ErrorMessage = "";
             $rec->RecordsProcessed = $queryEngine->GetTotalNumberTuplesInTableBySidAndName($sid, "[{$tableName}]");
             $rec->Sid = $sid;
             $rec->TimeEnd = "2013-08-18 12:21:19";
             $rec->TimeStart = "2013-08-18 12:21:19";
             $rec->UserId = "NA";
             $tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable[] = $rec;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($tuplesFromExecuteInfoTable as $i => $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable) {
         if ($tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->status == 'success' || $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->status == 'error') {
             $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->numberProcessRecords = $queryEngine->GetTotalNumberTuplesInTableBySidAndName($sid, "[{$value->tableName}]");
             //$tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->numberProcessRecords = $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->RecordsProcessed;
         } else {
             //TODO FIXME: table name should not be wrapped into [] at this spet. Need global refactoring to move wrapping table into brackets closer to the query execution
             $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable->numberProcessRecords = $queryEngine->GetTotalNumberTuplesInTableBySidAndName($sid, "[{$value->tableName}]");
         $result[] = $tupleFromExecuteInfoTable;
     return $result;

include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../config.php';
include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../DAL/QueryEngine.php';
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT ^ E_NOTICE);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$from = new stdClass();
$from->sid = 751;
$from->tableName = "Extra-State War Participants (V";
$from->links = array("cid(593)", "cid(594)");
// size of this array should be equal to the size of array in To
$searchTerms = array("cid(593)" => "30", "cid(594)" => "00.");
$queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
echo json_encode($queryEngine->GetDistinctForColumns($from, 10, 1, $searchTerms));
Exemplo n.º 9
 function query($_datainfo)
      * Here implement the query code;
     if (is_null($_datainfo)) {
         $_datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $_datainfo;
     $sid = $_datainfo->sid;
     $table = $_datainfo->table;
     $inputObj = $_datainfo->inputObj;
     $latitude = (object) $_datainfo->latitude;
     $longitude = (object) $_datainfo->longitude;
     //$_datainfo->mapTooltip = array("ID","dvalue");
     if (isset($_datainfo->mapTooltip)) {
         $mapTooltip = $_datainfo->mapTooltip;
     $where = $_datainfo->where;
     $tips = "";
     if (empty($mapTooltip)) {
         //echo("Please select the columns!");
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapTooltip); $i++) {
             $mt = (object) $mapTooltip[$i];
             $tips .= " cid(" . $mt->cid . ") as " . $mt->columnName;
             if (!empty($mapTooltip[$i + 1])) {
                 $tips .= ",";
     $select = "SELECT cid(" . $latitude->cid . ") as 'latitude', cid(" . $longitude->cid . ") as 'longitude'";
     if (isset($_datainfo->mapTooltip)) {
         $select .= ", " . $tips;
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $select .= $where;
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     //$rst = $db->get_results($sql);
     $rst = array();
     $rst['content'] = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, null, null, null, null);
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     if (isset($_datainfo->mapTooltip)) {
         $rst['mapTooltip'] = $mapTooltip;
     //$rst['content'] = json_decode('[{"latitude":"37.4232","longitude":"-122.0853","ID":"1","dvalue":"3"},{"latitude":"37.42234","longitude":"-122.0134","ID":"2","dvalue":"5"},{"latitude":"37.4452","longitude":"-122.0753","ID":"3","dvalue":"4"}]');
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
 public function GetStoryCorrelationSummary($sid, $tableName)
     $datasetDAO = new DatasetDAO();
     //TODO: get cids of all column in the table by sid and tableName
     $columns = $datasetDAO->getTableColumns($sid, $tableName);
     $result = array();
     $oneRow = array();
     $row = 0;
     $keys = array_keys($columns);
     $values = array_values($columns);
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keys); $i++) {
         $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
         $inputObj = new stdClass();
         $inputObj->sid = $sid;
         $cidi = $keys[$i];
         $columnNamei = $values[$i];
         $cidiType = $this->statisticsDAO->GetColumnType($cidi);
         $oneRow["statistics"] = "Correlation " . $columnNamei;
         for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($keys); $j++) {
             $cidj = $keys[$j];
             $columnNamej = $values[$j];
             $cidjType = $this->statisticsDAO->GetColumnType($cidj);
             if (strtoupper($cidiType) == "NUMBER" && strtoupper($cidjType) == "NUMBER") {
                 $select = "SELECT ROUND(CORR({$values[$i]}, {$values[$j]}),2) AS 'Correlation' ";
                 $from = (object) array('sid' => $sid, 'tableName' => "[{$tableName}]");
                 $fromArray = array($from);
                 $obj = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, null, null, null, null);
                 $oneRow[$columnNamej] = $obj[0]["Correlation"];
                 //$oneRow[$columnNamej] = "--";
             } else {
                 $oneRow[$columnNamej] = "--";
         $result[$row] = $oneRow;
     $columns = NULL;
     foreach ($result as $r) {
         $json_array["data"][] = $r;
         if ($columns === NULL) {
             if (is_array($r)) {
                 $columns = implode(",", array_keys($r));
             } else {
                 $columns = implode(",", array_keys(get_object_vars($r)));
     $json_array["Control"]["cols"] = $columns;
     return $json_array;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function getColumnsBySid($sid, $tableName = null)
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $result = $queryEngine->GetTablesInfo($sid);
     return $result[$tableName];
 public static function GetDistinctForColumns($dataMatcherLinkOnePart, $perPage, $pageNo, $searchTerms = null)
     $from = (object) array('sid' => $dataMatcherLinkOnePart->sid, 'tableName' => "[{$dataMatcherLinkOnePart->tableName}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $transHandler = new TransformationHandler();
     $columnNames = array();
     $columnNamesNoBrack = array();
     $whereArray = array();
     //  foreach ($dataMatcherLinkOnePart->transformation as $key=>$transformation) {
     $column = $transHandler->decodeTransformationInput($dataMatcherLinkOnePart->transformation, true);
     $columnNames[] = "[{$column}]";
     $columnNamesNoBrack[] = $column;
     if (isset($searchTerms)) {
         if (isset($searchTerms[$dataMatcherLinkOnePart->transformation])) {
             $whereArray[] = " [{$column}] like '%" . $searchTerms[$dataMatcherLinkOnePart->transformation] . "%' ";
     //  }
     $columns = implode(",", array_values($columnNames));
     $where = null;
     if (count($whereArray) > 0) {
         $where = "where " . implode(" and ", array_values($whereArray));
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $result = new stdClass();
     $result->columns = $columnNamesNoBrack;
     $result->rows = $queryEngine->doQuery("SELECT distinct {$columns}", $fromArray, $where, null, null, $perPage, $pageNo);
     $result->totalRows = $queryEngine->doQuery("SELECT COUNT(distinct {$columns}) as ct", $fromArray, $where, null, null, null, null);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 13
 function query($_datainfo)
      * Here implement the query code;
     if (is_null($_datainfo)) {
         $_datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $_datainfo;
     $sid = $_datainfo->sid;
     $table = $_datainfo->table;
     $inputObj = $_datainfo->inputObj;
     $color = $_datainfo->color;
     $tableColumns = $_datainfo->tableColumns;
     $perPage = $_datainfo->perPage;
     // controls how many tuples shown on each page
     $pageNo = $_datainfo->currentPage;
     // controls which page to show, got from JS function
     $where = $_datainfo->where;
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     $totalTuple = $queryEngine->doQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)", $fromArray, null, null, null, null, null);
     $tp = 0;
     foreach ($totalTuple[0] as $value) {
         $tp = $value;
     $totalPage = ceil(intval($tp) / intval($perPage));
     $startPoint = ($pageNo - 1) * $perPage;
     $cols = '';
     if (empty($tableColumns)) {
         //echo("Please select the columns!");
     } else {
         $transformationHandler = new TransformationHandler();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tableColumns); $i++) {
             $tc = (object) $tableColumns[$i];
             $prefix = $transformationHandler->getColumnPrefixByCid($tc->cid, array("tableName", "sid"));
             $cols .= "cid(" . $tc->cid . ") as [" . $prefix . $tc->columnName . "] ";
             if (!empty($tableColumns[$i + 1])) {
                 $cols .= ", ";
     $select = "SELECT " . $cols;
     $resultDoQuery = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, null, null, $perPage, $pageNo);
     $returnedColumns = array();
     if (isset($resultDoQuery) && count($resultDoQuery) > 0) {
         if (is_array($resultDoQuery[0])) {
             $returnedColumns = array_keys($resultDoQuery[0]);
         } else {
             if (is_object($resultDoQuery[0])) {
                 $returnedColumns = array_keys(get_object_vars($resultDoQuery[0]));
     $rst['content'] = $resultDoQuery;
     $rst["perPage"] = $perPage;
     $rst["totalPage"] = $totalPage;
     $rst['totalTuple'] = $totalTuple;
     $rst["pageNo"] = $pageNo;
     $rst['color'] = $color;
     $rst['tableColumns'] = $tableColumns;
     $rst['returnedColumns'] = $returnedColumns;
     $rst['currentPage'] = $pageNo;
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     //$rst = json_decode('{"column":["ID","la","rownum","long","dvalue"],"data":[{"rownum":"1","ID":" 2.0","la":" 35.273637","long":" 108.0","dvalue":" 2.0"},{"rownum":"2","ID":" 3.0","la":" 40.234","long":" 119.0","dvalue":" 3.0"},{"rownum":"3","ID":" 4.0","la":" 29.873","long":" 125.0","dvalue":" 4.0"}],"Control":{"perPage":"50","totalPage":1,"pageNo":"1","cols":["ID","la","long","dvalue"],"color":"blue"}}');
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
Exemplo n.º 14
function CheckDataMatching()
    $from = $_POST["from"];
    $to = $_POST["to"];
    $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
    echo json_encode($queryEngine->CheckDataMatching($from, $to));
Exemplo n.º 15
 function query($_datainfo)
      * Here implement the query code;
     if (is_null($_datainfo)) {
         $_datainfo = $this->datainfo;
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
     } else {
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($_datainfo as $key => $value) {
             $temp->{$key} = $value;
         $_datainfo = $temp;
         $this->datainfo = $_datainfo;
     $sid = $_datainfo->sid;
     $table = $_datainfo->table;
     $inputObj = $_datainfo->inputObj;
     $firstColumn = (object) $_datainfo->firstColumn;
     $dateColumn = (object) $_datainfo->dateColumn;
     $otherColumns = $_datainfo->otherColumns;
     $where = $_datainfo->where;
     $valueColumns = "";
     $valueColumnsArray = array();
     if (empty($otherColumns)) {
         echo "Please select the columns!";
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($otherColumns); $i++) {
             $oc = (object) $otherColumns[$i];
             $valueColumns .= "cid(" . $oc->cid . ") as 'valueColumn" . $i . "'";
             array_push($valueColumnsArray, "valueColumn" . $i);
             if (!empty($otherColumns[$i + 1])) {
                 $valueColumns .= ", ";
     $select = "SELECT cid(" . $firstColumn->cid . ") as 'firstColumn', cid(" . $dateColumn->cid . ") as 'dateColumn', ";
     $select .= $valueColumns;
     if (!empty($where)) {
         $select .= $where;
     $from = (object) array('inputObj' => $inputObj, 'tableName' => "[{$table}]");
     $fromArray = array($from);
     $queryEngine = new QueryEngine();
     //TODO: Return date as three separate values: year, month, day
     $rst = array();
     $rst['firstColumn'] = $firstColumn->cid;
     $rst['dateColumn'] = $dateColumn->cid;
     $rst['originalOtherColumns'] = $otherColumns;
     $rst['otherColumns'] = $valueColumnsArray;
     $rst['sid'] = $sid;
     $rst['table'] = $table;
     echo $select;
     $rst['content'] = $queryEngine->doQuery($select, $fromArray, null, null, null, null, null);
     //    foreach($valueColumns as $value){
     //       array_push($rst['otherColumns'], $value);
     //    }
     $this->queryResult = $rst;
     return $rst;
     // $rst = array();
     //$rst['firstColumn'] = 'disease';
     //$rst['dateColumn'] = 'date';
     //$rst['otherColumns'] = array('numberofCase','precipitation','state');
     //$rst['content'] = json_decode('[{"disease":"flu","year":"2000","month":"10","numberOfCases":"123","precipitation":"13","state":"PA"},{"disease":"phthisis","year":"2000","month":"10","numberOfCases":"126","precipitation":"15","state":"CA"},{"disease":"anemia","year":"2000","month":"10","numberOfCases":"128","precipitation":"17","state":"NY"}]');