Exemplo n.º 1
  * 修改信息
  * @param [type] $id [description]
  * @todo 价格
 public function PUT_infoAction($id)
     $info = [];
     Input::put('name', $var, 'title') and $info['name'] = $var;
     Input::put('email', $var, 'email') and $info['email'] = $var;
     Input::put('phone', $var, 'phone') and $info['phone'] = $var;
     Input::put('qq', $var, 'int') and $info['qq'] = $var;
     Input::put('wechat', $var, 'char_num') and $info['wechat'] = $var;
     Input::put('address', $var, 'text') and $info['address'] = $var;
     Input::put('profile', $var, 'text') and $info['profile'] = $var;
     Input::put('open', $var, 'text') and $info['open'] = $var;
     Input::put('other', $var, 'text') and $info['other'] = $var;
     $price = [];
     Input::put('price_s', $price['s'], 'float');
     Input::put('price_d', $price['d'], 'float');
     Input::put('price_c_s', $price['c_s'], 'float');
     Input::put('price_c_d', $price['c_d'], 'float');
     if (!empty(array_filter($price))) {
         if ($oldprice = PrinterModel::where('id', $id)->get('price')) {
             if ($oldprice = @json_decode($oldprice, true)) {
                 $price = array_merge($oldprice, array_filter($price));
         $info['price'] = json_encode($price);
     if (empty($info)) {
         $this->response(0, '无有效参数');
     } elseif (PrinterModel::where('id', $id)->update($info) !== false) {
         $this->response(1, $info);
     } else {
         $this->response(0, '修改失败');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * 打印店登录
  * @method loginAction
  * @return [type]      [description]
  * @author NewFuture
 public function POST_indexAction()
     $response['status'] = 0;
     if (!Input::post('account', $account, Config::get('regex.account'))) {
         $response['info'] = '账号格式错误';
     } elseif (!Input::post('password', $password, 'isMd5')) {
         $response['info'] = '密码未加密处理';
     } elseif (!Safe::checkTry('printer_auth_' . $account)) {
         $response['info'] = '尝试次数过多账号临时封禁,稍后重试或者联系我们';
     } elseif (!($Printer = PrinterModel::where('account', $account)->field('id,sch_id,password,status,name')->find())) {
         $response['info'] = '账号错误';
     } elseif (Encrypt::encryptPwd($password, $account) != $Printer['password']) {
         $response['info'] = '密码错误';
     } else {
         Safe::del('printer_auth_' . $account);
         $sid = Session::start();
         Session::set('printer', ['id' => $Printer['id'], 'sch_id' => $Printer['sch_id']]);
         $response['status'] = 1;
         $response['info'] = ['sid' => $sid, 'printer' => $Printer];
     $this->response = $response;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 重置密码
  * @method POST_indexAction
  * @author NewFuture
 public function POST_indexAction()
     $response['status'] = 0;
     if (!Input::post('password', $password, 'isMd5')) {
         $response['info'] = '密码无效';
     } elseif (!($printer = Session::get('find_printer'))) {
         $response['info'] = '未验证或者验证信息过期';
     } else {
         $printer['password'] = Encrypt::encryptPwd($password, $printer['account']);
         if (PrinterModel::where('id', $printer['id'])->update($printer) >= 0) {
             $response['status'] = 1;
             $response['info'] = '重置成功';
         } else {
             $response['info'] = '新密码保存失败';
     $this->response = $response;