template() public method

Display the page template
See also: Pods_Templates::template
Since: 2.0
public template ( $template_name, string $code = null, boolean $deprecated = false ) : mixed
$code string Custom template code to use instead
$deprecated boolean Whether to use deprecated functionality based on old function usage
return mixed Template output
  * Attach Pods Template to $content
  * @param string        $template_name  The name of a Pods Template to load.
  * @param string        $content        Post content
  * @param Pods          $pods           Current Pods object.
  * @param bool|string   $append         Optional. Whether to append, prepend or replace content. Defaults to true, which appends, if false, content is replaced, if 'prepend' content is prepended.
  * @return string $content with Pods Template appended if template exists
  * @since 2.4.5
 function load_template($template_name, $content, $pods, $append = true)
     //prevent infinite loops caused by this method acting on post_content
     remove_filter('the_content', array($this, 'front'));
     $template = $pods->template($template_name);
     add_filter('the_content', array($this, 'front'));
     //check if we have a valid template
     if (!is_null($template)) {
         //if so append it to content or replace content.
         if ($append === 'replace') {
             $content = $template;
         } elseif ($append === 'prepend') {
             $content = $template . $content;
         } elseif ($append || $append === 'append') {
             $content = $content . $template;
         } else {
             $content = $template;
     return $content;