Exemplo n.º 1
  * Find out what should be the sort order for the given column if this
  * column is clicked.
  * The logic is: If the column is currently the sorting order for this table,
  * then the sorting order will be the oposite of what it was.
  * If the column is not the sorting order, the sorting order would be ascending,
  * unless the argument $descendByDefault is set to true.
  * @param String $column the column name
  * @param boolean $descendByDefault if true, the sorting order will be 
  *        descending, unless the column was already the sorting column.
  * @return String '0' for descending, '1' for ascending.
 private function getNewSortOrderForColumn($column, $descendByDefault)
     if ($this->pagingInfo->getOrderByColumn() == $column) {
         return $this->pagingInfo->isOrderByAscending() ? '0' : '1';
     return $descendByDefault ? '0' : '1';
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return the query, with the paging applied to it.
  * @return String the sql query
 public function getQuery()
     if ($this->paging == null) {
         return $this->sql;
     $search = $this->paging->getSearchInfo();
     if ($search != null && $this->includeFilter) {
     $newSql = "select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from (" . $this->sql . ") _x";
     if ($this->paging->getOrderByColumn()) {
         $newSql .= " order by " . $this->paging->getOrderByColumn();
         $newSql .= $this->paging->isOrderByAscending() ? ' asc' : ' desc';
     $newSql .= " limit " . $this->paging->getFirstRecord() . ", " . $this->paging->getRecordsPerPage();
     return $newSql;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @covers PagingInfo::isOrderByAscending
 public function testIsOrderByAscending()