getMethodParameters() public method

Each parameter is in the following format: 0 => array( 'name' => '$var', // The variable name. 'pass_by_reference' => false, // Passed by reference. 'type_hint' => string, // Type hint for array or custom type ) Parameters with default values have an additional array index of 'default' with the value of the default as a string.
public getMethodParameters ( integer $stackPtr ) : array
$stackPtr integer The position in the stack of the T_FUNCTION token to acquire the parameters for.
return array
  * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr  The position of the current token in the
  *                                        stack passed in $tokens.
  * @return void
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     foreach ($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr) as $param) {
         if (in_array($param, $this->forbiddenParameterNames) === true) {
             $error = "[PHP 5.4] {$param} is not a valid parameter name.";
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr);
  * Verify default value parsing.
  * @return void
 public function testDefaultValues()
     $expected = array();
     $expected[0] = array('name' => '$var1', 'default' => '1', 'pass_by_reference' => false, 'type_hint' => '');
     $expected[1] = array('name' => '$var2', 'default' => "'value'", 'pass_by_reference' => false, 'type_hint' => '');
     $start = $this->_phpcsFile->numTokens - 1;
     $function = $this->_phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_COMMENT, $start, null, false, '/* testDefaultValues */');
     $found = $this->_phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($function + 2);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $found);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $paramsInfo = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     // Check each param to see if it has a type hint we need to change
     foreach ($paramsInfo as $paramInfo) {
         if (isset($paramInfo['type_hint'])) {
             $classNamePtr = $paramInfo['type_hint'];
             $className = $tokens[$classNamePtr]['content'];
             $varPtr = $paramInfo['var'];
             $this->_variableTypes->setVariableType($varPtr, $className, $phpcsFile, null, $stackPtr);
 public function process(CodeSnifferFile $file, $stackPtr)
     $methodName = $file->getDeclarationName($stackPtr);
     if ($methodName !== '__construct' && strpos($methodName, 'set') !== 0) {
     $methodParameters = $file->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     foreach ($methodParameters as $methodParameter) {
         $this->verifyParameterName($file, $stackPtr, $methodName, $methodParameter);
     $propertyAssignments = $this->getPropertyAssignments($file, $stackPtr);
     foreach ($methodParameters as $methodParameter) {
         $this->verifyPropertyName($file, $stackPtr, $methodName, $methodParameter, $propertyAssignments);
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $functionName = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr);
     if ($this->startsWith($functionName, $this->prefixes, $this->exclude)) {
         $paramsQty = count($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr));
         if ($paramsQty < self::PARAMS_QTY) {
             $phpcsFile->addWarning('Plugin ' . $functionName . ' function must have at least two parameters.', $stackPtr);
         $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
         $hasReturn = false;
         foreach ($tokens as $currToken) {
             if ($currToken['code'] == T_RETURN && isset($currToken['conditions'][$stackPtr])) {
                 $hasReturn = true;
         if (!$hasReturn) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('Plugin ' . $functionName . ' function must return value.', $stackPtr);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     // Find the actual name of the class
     if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] == T_FUNCTION) {
         // Get information about the function parameters
         $paramsInfo = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
         // Check each param to see if it has a type hint we need to change
         foreach ($paramsInfo as $paramInfo) {
             if (isset($paramInfo['type_hint'])) {
                 $classNamePtr = $paramInfo['type_hint'];
                 $this->checkClassNamePtr($classNamePtr, $phpcsFile);
     } else {
         if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['code'] == T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) {
             $classNamePtr = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_STRING, $stackPtr);
             $this->checkClassNamePtr($classNamePtr, $phpcsFile);
         } else {
             $classNamePtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_STRING, $stackPtr);
             $this->checkClassNamePtr($classNamePtr, $phpcsFile);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         // There must be an empty line before the parameter block.
         if (substr_count($params[0]->getWhitespaceBefore(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) < 2) {
             $error = 'There must be an empty line before the parameter block';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParams');
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingAfterParams');
         $checkPos = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamType');
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($param->getVarName() !== '') {
                 $paramName = $param->getVarName();
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             $matched = false;
             // Parameter documentation can be ommitted for some parameters, so
             // we have to search the rest for a match.
             while (isset($realParams[$checkPos]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$checkPos]['name'];
                 $expectedParamName = $realName;
                 $isReference = $realParams[$checkPos]['pass_by_reference'];
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($isReference === true && substr($paramName, 0, 1) === '&') {
                     $expectedParamName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($expectedParamName === $paramName) {
                     $matched = true;
             if ($matched === false && $paramName !== '...') {
                 if ($checkPos >= $pos) {
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                     $data = array($paramName, $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'], $pos);
                     $error = 'Doc comment for var %s does not match ';
                     if (strtolower($paramName) === strtolower($realParams[$pos - 1]['name'])) {
                         $error .= 'case of ';
                         $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                     $error .= 'actual variable name %s at position %s';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, $code, $data);
                     // Reset the parameter position to check for following
                     // parameters.
                     $checkPos = $pos - 1;
                 } else {
                     // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                     $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ExtraParamComment');
                 //end if
             //end if
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamName');
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamType');
             if (in_array($param->getType(), array('unknown_type', '<type>', 'type')) === true) {
                 $error = 'Expected a valid @param data type, but found %s';
                 $data = array($param->getType());
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidParamType', $data);
             if (isset($this->invalidTypes[$param->getType()]) === true) {
                 $error = 'Invalid @param data type, expected %s but found %s';
                 $data = array($this->invalidTypes[$param->getType()], $param->getType());
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidParamTypeName', $data);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "%s" at position %s';
                 $data = array($paramName, $pos);
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamComment', $data);
             } else {
                 if (substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 1) {
                     $error = 'Parameter comment must be on the next line at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParamCommentNewLine');
                 } else {
                     if (substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ') !== 3) {
                         $error = 'Parameter comment indentation must be 2 additional spaces at position ' . $pos;
                         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos + 1, 'ParamCommentIndentation');
         //end foreach
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
  * Checks the number of method arguments.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile        The file where the token was found.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr         The position in the stack where
  *                                               the token was found.
  * @param string               $methodName       The name of the method.
  * @param int                  $countArgs        Number of required arguments.
  * @return void
 private function _checkArguments(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $methodName, $countArgs)
     $methodArguments = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     // Warning for non-public declaration
     if ($countArgs !== count($methodArguments)) {
         $error = sprintf('Wrong argument count of magic method "%s"! Must take exactly %d argument(s).', $methodName, $countArgs);
         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile    The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr     The position of the current token
  *                                           in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @param int                  $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = array();
     $maxType = 0;
     $maxVar = 0;
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $comment = '';
         $commentLines = array();
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('/([^$&]+)(?:((?:\\$|&)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $typeLen = strlen($type);
             if ($typeLen > $maxType) {
                 $maxType = $typeLen;
             if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                 $error = 'Parameter comment must be on the next line';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag + 2, 'ParamCommentNewLine');
             $var = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
             $varLen = strlen($var);
             if ($varLen > $maxVar) {
                 $maxVar = $varLen;
             // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
             if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                 $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
             } else {
                 $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
             for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                 if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                     $indent = 0;
                     if ($tokens[$i - 1]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_WHITESPACE) {
                         $indent = strlen($tokens[$i - 1]['content']);
                     $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                     $commentLines[] = array('comment' => $tokens[$i]['content'], 'token' => $i, 'indent' => $indent);
                     if ($indent < 3) {
                         $error = 'Parameter comment indentation must be 3 spaces, found %s spaces';
                         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $i, 'ParamCommentIndentation', array($indent));
             if ($comment == '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
                 $commentLines[] = array('comment' => '');
             //end if
             // Allow the "..." @param doc for a variable number of parameters.
             if (isset($matches[2]) === false && $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'] !== '...') {
                 if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['content'][0] === '$' || $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'][0] === '&') {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter type';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
             //end if
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         //end if
         $params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'commentLines' => $commentLines, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_space' => $varSpace);
     //end foreach
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = array();
     $checkPos = 0;
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         // If the type is empty, the whole line is empty.
         if ($param['type'] === '') {
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         $matched = false;
         // Parameter documentation can be ommitted for some parameters, so
         // we have to search the rest for a match.
         while (isset($realParams[$checkPos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$checkPos]['name'];
             if ($realName === $param['var'] || $realParams[$checkPos]['pass_by_reference'] === true && '&' . $realName === $param['var']) {
                 $matched = true;
         // Check the param type value.
         $typeNames = explode('|', $param['type']);
         foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
             $suggestedName = $this->suggestType($typeName);
             if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                 $error = 'Expected "%s" but found "%s" for parameter type';
                 $data = array($suggestedName, $typeName);
                 $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'IncorrectParamVarName', $data);
                 if ($fix === true && $phpcsFile->fixer->enabled === true) {
                     $content = $suggestedName;
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                     $content .= $param['var'];
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                     $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
             } else {
                 if (count($typeNames) === 1) {
                     // Check type hint for array and custom type.
                     $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                     if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($suggestedName, 'callable') !== false) {
                             $suggestedTypeHint = 'callable';
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($typeName, $this->allowedTypes) === false) {
                                 $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[$checkPos]) === true) {
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$checkPos]['type_hint'];
                         if ($typeHint === '') {
                             $error = 'Type hint "%s" missing for %s';
                             $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $param['var']);
                             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'TypeHintMissing', $data);
                         } else {
                             if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                                 // The type hint could be fully namespaced, so we check
                                 // for the part after the last "\".
                                 $name_parts = explode('\\', $suggestedTypeHint);
                                 $last_part = end($name_parts);
                                 if ($last_part !== $typeHint) {
                                     $error = 'Expected type hint "%s"; found "%s" for %s';
                                     $data = array($last_part, $typeHint, $param['var']);
                                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'IncorrectTypeHint', $data);
                     } else {
                         if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[$checkPos]) === true) {
                             $typeHint = $realParams[$checkPos]['type_hint'];
                             if ($typeHint !== '') {
                                 $error = 'Unknown type hint "%s" found for %s';
                                 $data = array($typeHint, $param['var']);
                                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'InvalidTypeHint', $data);
                     //end if
             //end if
         //end foreach
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Check number of spaces after the type.
         $spaces = 1;
         if ($param['type_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter type; %s found';
             $data = array($spaces, $param['type_space']);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamType', $data);
             if ($fix === true && $phpcsFile->fixer->enabled === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                 $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
                 // Fix up the indent of additional comment lines.
                 foreach ($param['commentLines'] as $lineNum => $line) {
                     if ($lineNum === 0 || $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] === 0) {
                     $newIndent = $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] + $spaces - $param['type_space'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['token'] - 1, str_repeat(' ', $newIndent));
             //end if
         //end if
         if ($matched === false) {
             if ($checkPos >= $pos) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = array($param['var'], $realName);
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
                 // Reset the parameter position to check for following
                 // parameters.
                 $checkPos = $pos - 1;
             } else {
                 if (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
                     // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                     $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
             //end if
         //end if
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Param comments must start with a capital letter and end with the full stop.
         $firstChar = $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
         if (preg_match('|\\p{Lu}|u', $firstChar) === 0) {
             $error = 'Parameter comment must start with a capital letter';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['commentLines'][0]['token'], 'ParamCommentNotCapital');
         $lastChar = substr($param['comment'], -1);
         if ($lastChar !== '.') {
             $error = 'Parameter comment must end with a full stop';
             $lastLine = end($param['commentLines']);
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $lastLine['token'], 'ParamCommentFullStop');
     //end foreach
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile    The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr     The position of the current token
  *                                           in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @param int                  $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = array();
     $maxType = 0;
     $maxVar = 0;
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $comment = '';
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('/([^$&]+)(?:((?:\\$|&)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $typeLen = strlen($type);
             if ($typeLen > $maxType) {
                 $maxType = $typeLen;
             if (isset($matches[2]) === true) {
                 $var = $matches[2];
                 $varLen = strlen($var);
                 if ($varLen > $maxVar) {
                     $maxVar = $varLen;
                 if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                     $varSpace = strlen($matches[3]);
                     $comment = $matches[4];
                     // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
                     if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
                     } else {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
                     for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                         if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                             $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
             } else {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
             //end if
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         //end if
         $params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_space' => $varSpace);
     //end foreach
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = array();
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Check number of spaces after the type.
         $spaces = $maxType - strlen($param['type']) + 1;
         if ($param['type_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter type; %s found';
             $data = array($spaces, $param['type_space']);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamType', $data);
             if ($fix === true && $phpcsFile->fixer->enabled === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                 $content .= $param['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         if (isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$pos]['name'];
             // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
             if ($realParams[$pos]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                 $realName = '&' . $realName;
             if ($realName !== $param['var']) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = array($param['var'], $realName);
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
         } else {
             if (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
         //end if
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Check number of spaces after the var name.
         $spaces = $maxVar - strlen($param['var']) + 1;
         if ($param['var_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter name; %s found';
             $data = array($spaces, $param['var_space']);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamName', $data);
             if ($fix === true && $phpcsFile->fixer->enabled === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
     //end foreach
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         if ($realParam['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
             $realParam['name'] = '&' . $realParam['name'];
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         $error = 'Doc comment for parameter "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
  * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr  The position of the current token
  *                                        in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @return void
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $token = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     // Skip broken function declarations.
     if (isset($token['scope_opener']) === false || isset($token['parenthesis_opener']) === false) {
     $params = array();
     foreach ($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr) as $param) {
         $params[$param['name']] = $stackPtr;
     $next = ++$token['scope_opener'];
     $end = --$token['scope_closer'];
     $foundContent = false;
     for (; $next <= $end; ++$next) {
         $token = $tokens[$next];
         $code = $token['code'];
         // Ignorable tokens.
         if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === true) {
         if ($foundContent === false) {
             // A throw statement as the first content indicates an interface method.
             if ($code === T_THROW) {
             // A return statement as the first content indicates an interface method.
             if ($code === T_RETURN) {
                 $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
                 if ($tmp === false) {
                 // There is a return.
                 if ($tokens[$tmp]['code'] === T_SEMICOLON) {
                 $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $tmp + 1, null, true);
                 if ($tmp !== false && $tokens[$tmp]['code'] === T_SEMICOLON) {
                     // There is a return <token>.
             //end if
         //end if
         $foundContent = true;
         if ($code === T_VARIABLE && isset($params[$token['content']]) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_DOLLAR) {
                 $nextToken = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, $next + 1, null, true);
                 if ($tokens[$nextToken]['code'] === T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) {
                     $nextToken = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, $nextToken + 1, null, true);
                     if ($tokens[$nextToken]['code'] === T_STRING) {
                         $varContent = '$' . $tokens[$nextToken]['content'];
                         if (isset($params[$varContent]) === true) {
             } else {
                 if ($code === T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING || $code === T_START_HEREDOC || $code === T_START_NOWDOC) {
                     // Tokenize strings that can contain variables.
                     // Make sure the string is re-joined if it occurs over multiple lines.
                     $validTokens = array(T_HEREDOC, T_NOWDOC, T_END_HEREDOC, T_END_NOWDOC, T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING);
                     $validTokens = array_merge($validTokens, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens);
                     $content = $token['content'];
                     for ($i = $next + 1; $i <= $end; $i++) {
                         if (in_array($tokens[$i]['code'], $validTokens) === true) {
                             $content .= $tokens[$i]['content'];
                         } else {
                     $stringTokens = token_get_all(sprintf('<?php %s;?>', $content));
                     foreach ($stringTokens as $stringPtr => $stringToken) {
                         if (is_array($stringToken) === false) {
                         $varContent = '';
                         if ($stringToken[0] === T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES) {
                             $varContent = '$' . $stringTokens[$stringPtr + 1][1];
                         } else {
                             if ($stringToken[0] === T_VARIABLE) {
                                 $varContent = $stringToken[1];
                         if ($varContent !== '' && isset($params[$varContent]) === true) {
         //end if
     //end for
     if ($foundContent === true && count($params) > 0) {
         foreach ($params as $paramName => $position) {
             $error = 'The method parameter %s is never used';
             $data = array($paramName);
             $phpcsFile->addWarning($error, $position, 'Found', $data);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile    The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr     The position of the current token
  *                                           in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @param int                  $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = array();
     $maxType = 0;
     $maxVar = 0;
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $comment = '';
         $commentLines = array();
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('/([^$&]+)(?:((?:\\$|&)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $typeLen = strlen($type);
             if ($typeLen > $maxType) {
                 $maxType = $typeLen;
             if (isset($matches[2]) === true) {
                 $var = $matches[2];
                 $varLen = strlen($var);
                 if ($varLen > $maxVar) {
                     $maxVar = $varLen;
                 if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                     $varSpace = strlen($matches[3]);
                     $comment = $matches[4];
                     $commentLines[] = array('comment' => $comment, 'token' => $tag + 2, 'indent' => $varSpace);
                     // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
                     if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
                     } else {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
                     for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                         if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                             $indent = 0;
                             if ($tokens[$i - 1]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_WHITESPACE) {
                                 $indent = strlen($tokens[$i - 1]['content']);
                             $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                             $commentLines[] = array('comment' => $tokens[$i]['content'], 'token' => $i, 'indent' => $indent);
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
                     $commentLines[] = array('comment' => '');
                 //end if
             } else {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
             //end if
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         //end if
         $params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'commentLines' => $commentLines, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_space' => $varSpace);
     //end foreach
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = array();
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         // If the type is empty, the whole line is empty.
         if ($param['type'] === '') {
         // Check the param type value.
         $typeNames = explode('|', $param['type']);
         foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
             $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
             if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                 $error = 'Expected "%s" but found "%s" for parameter type';
                 $data = array($suggestedName, $typeName);
                 $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'IncorrectParamVarName', $data);
                 if ($fix === true) {
                     $content = $suggestedName;
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                     $content .= $param['var'];
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                     if (isset($param['commentLines'][0]) === true) {
                         $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
             } else {
                 if (count($typeNames) === 1) {
                     // Check type hint for array and custom type.
                     $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                     if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($suggestedName, 'callable') !== false) {
                             $suggestedTypeHint = 'callable';
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                                 $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
                         $getType = substr($tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], 0, strlen($suggestedTypeHint));
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$pos]['type_hint'];
                         if ($getType !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                             if ($typeHint === '') {
                                 $error = 'Type hint "%s" missing for %s';
                                 $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $param['var']);
                                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'TypeHintMissing', $data);
                             } else {
                                 if ($typeHint !== substr($suggestedTypeHint, strlen($typeHint) * -1)) {
                                     $error = 'Expected type hint "%s"; found "%s" for %s';
                                     $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $typeHint, $param['var']);
                                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'IncorrectTypeHint', $data);
                     } else {
                         if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
                             $typeHint = $realParams[$pos]['type_hint'];
                             if ($typeHint !== '') {
                                 $error = 'Unknown type hint "%s" found for %s';
                                 $data = array($typeHint, $param['var']);
                                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'InvalidTypeHint', $data);
                     //end if
             //end if
         //end foreach
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Check number of spaces after the type.
         $spaces = $maxType - strlen($param['type']) + 1;
         if ($param['type_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter type; %s found';
             $data = array($spaces, $param['type_space']);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamType', $data);
             if ($fix === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                 $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
                 // Fix up the indent of additional comment lines.
                 foreach ($param['commentLines'] as $lineNum => $line) {
                     if ($lineNum === 0 || $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] === 0) {
                     $newIndent = $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] + $spaces - $param['type_space'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['token'] - 1, str_repeat(' ', $newIndent));
             //end if
         //end if
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         if (isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$pos]['name'];
             if ($realName !== $param['var']) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = array($param['var'], $realName);
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
         } else {
             if (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
         //end if
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Check number of spaces after the var name.
         $spaces = $maxVar - strlen($param['var']) + 1;
         if ($param['var_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter name; %s found';
             $data = array($spaces, $param['var_space']);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamName', $data);
             if ($fix === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
                 // Fix up the indent of additional comment lines.
                 foreach ($param['commentLines'] as $lineNum => $line) {
                     if ($lineNum === 0 || $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] === 0) {
                     $newIndent = $param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['indent'] + $spaces - $param['var_space'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['commentLines'][$lineNum]['token'] - 1, str_repeat(' ', $newIndent));
             //end if
         //end if
         // Param comments must start with a capital letter and end with the full stop.
         $firstChar = $param['comment'][0];
         if (preg_match('|\\p{Lu}|u', $firstChar) === 0) {
             $error = 'Parameter comment must start with a capital letter';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ParamCommentNotCapital');
         $lastChar = substr($param['comment'], -1);
         if ($lastChar !== '.') {
             $error = 'Parameter comment must end with a full stop';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ParamCommentFullStop');
     //end foreach
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         $error = 'Doc comment for parameter "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @param int $commentEnd   The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment ended.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         if (substr_count($params[count($params) - 1]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingAfterParams');
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParams');
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamType');
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align';
                     $data = array($previousName, $pos - 1, $paramName, $pos);
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterNamesNotAligned', $data);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align';
                     $data = array($previousName, $pos - 1, $paramName, $pos);
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterCommentsNotAligned', $data);
             // Variable must be one of the supported standard type.
             $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType());
             foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
                 $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
                 if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                     $error = 'Expected "%s"; found "%s" for %s at position %s';
                     $data = array($suggestedName, $typeName, $paramName, $pos);
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'IncorrectParamVarName', $data);
                 } else {
                     if (count($typeNames) === 1) {
                         // Check type hint for array and custom type.
                         $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                         if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                             $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                                 $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                         if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                             $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                             if ($typeHint === '') {
                                 $error = 'Type hint "%s" missing for %s at position %s';
                                 $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $paramName, $pos);
                                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2, 'TypeHintMissing', $data);
                             } else {
                                 if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                                     $error = 'Expected type hint "%s"; found "%s" for %s at position %s';
                                     $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $typeHint, $paramName, $pos);
                                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2, 'IncorrectTypeHint', $data);
                         } else {
                             if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                                 $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                                 if ($typeHint !== '') {
                                     $error = 'Unknown type hint "%s" found for %s at position %s';
                                     $data = array($typeHint, $paramName, $pos);
                                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2, 'InvalidTypeHint', $data);
                 //end if
             //end foreach
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $paramName) {
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                     $data = array($paramName, $realName, $pos);
                     $error = 'Doc comment for var %s does not match ';
                     if (strtolower($paramName) === strtolower($realName)) {
                         $error .= 'case of ';
                         $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                     $error .= 'actual variable name %s at position %s';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, $code, $data);
             } else {
                 if (substr($paramName, -4) !== ',...') {
                     // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                     $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ExtraParamComment');
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamName');
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamType');
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "%s" at position %s';
                 $data = array($paramName, $pos);
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamComment', $data);
             } else {
                 // Param comments must start with a capital letter and
                 // end with the full stop.
                 $firstChar = $paramComment[0];
                 if (preg_match('|[A-Z]|', $firstChar) === 0) {
                     $error = 'Param comment must start with a capital letter';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParamCommentNotCapital');
                 $lastChar = $paramComment[strlen($paramComment) - 1];
                 if ($lastChar !== '.') {
                     $error = 'Param comment must end with a full stop';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParamCommentFullStop');
             $previousParam = $param;
         //end foreach
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestType, 'SpacingAfterLongType');
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar, 'SpacingAfterLongName');
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
  * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr  The position of the current token
  *                                        in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @return void
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $token = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     // Skip broken function declarations.
     if (isset($token['scope_opener']) === false || isset($token['parenthesis_opener']) === false) {
     $params = array();
     foreach ($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr) as $param) {
         $params[$param['name']] = $stackPtr;
     $next = ++$token['scope_opener'];
     $end = --$token['scope_closer'];
     $emptyBody = true;
     for (; $next <= $end; ++$next) {
         $token = $tokens[$next];
         $code = $token['code'];
         // Ingorable tokens.
         if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_THROW && $emptyBody === true) {
                 // Throw statement and an empty body indicate an interface method.
             } else {
                 if ($code === T_RETURN && $emptyBody === true) {
                     // Return statement and an empty body indicate an interface method.
                     $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
                     if ($tmp === false) {
                     // There is a return.
                     if ($tokens[$tmp]['code'] === T_SEMICOLON) {
                     $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $tmp + 1, null, true);
                     // There is a return <token>.
                     if ($tmp !== false && $tokens[$tmp]['code'] === T_SEMICOLON) {
         //end if
         $emptyBody = false;
         if ($code === T_VARIABLE && isset($params[$token['content']]) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING || $code === T_HEREDOC) {
                 // Tokenize strings that can contain variables.
                 // Make sure the string is re-joined if it occurs over multiple lines.
                 $string = $token['content'];
                 for ($i = $next + 1; $i <= $end; $i++) {
                     if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === $code) {
                         $string .= $tokens[$i]['content'];
                 $strTokens = token_get_all(sprintf('<?php %s;?>', $string));
                 foreach ($strTokens as $tok) {
                     if (is_array($tok) === false || $tok[0] !== T_VARIABLE) {
                     if (isset($params[$tok[1]]) === true) {
         //end if
     //end for
     if ($emptyBody === false && count($params) > 0) {
         foreach ($params as $paramName => $position) {
             $error = 'The method parameter %s is never used';
             $data = array($paramName);
             $phpcsFile->addWarning($error, $position, 'Found', $data);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd, $tagElements)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.20') . $error, $errorPos);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.21') . $error, $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Check type
             $r = $this->checkType($param->getType(), $this->allowedParamTypes, 'param');
             if (true !== $r) {
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.3.5.15') . $r, $errorPos);
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.22') . $error, $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.23') . $error, $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.24') . $error, $errorPos);
             //end if
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $error = 'Doc comment var "' . $paramName;
                     $error .= '" does not match actual variable name "' . $realName;
                     $error .= '" at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.25') . $error, $errorPos);
                 if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]['default']) && !preg_match('/ OPTIONAL$/Ss', $paramComment)) {
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.3.5.18') . 'Переменная "' . $paramName . '" опциональная, но служебного тэга OPTIONAL ее комментарий не имеет', $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.27') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^[a-z]/Ss', trim($paramComment))) {
                 $error = 'Комментарий параметра "' . $paramName . '" начинается с маленькой буквы';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.5.8') . $error, $errorPos);
             $this->checkForDefaultValue($paramName, 'param', $errorPos);
             $this->checkForDefaultValue($paramComment, 'param', $errorPos);
             $previousParam = $param;
         //end foreach
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('?') . $error, $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('?') . $error, $longestVar);
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report and missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "' . $neededParam . '" missing';
         $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.27') . $error, $errorPos);
  * Process the function parameter comments
  * @param  integer $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started
  * @param  integer $commentEnd   The position in the stack where the comment ended
  * @return void
 protected function _processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd)
     $realParams = $this->_currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->_commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $isSpecialMethod = ($this->_methodName === '__construct' or $this->_methodName === '__destruct');
         if (substr_count($params[count($params) - 1]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->_currentFile->eolChar) !== 1 and $isSpecialMethod === false) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('EMPTY_LINE_LAST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array(), $errorPos + 1);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('PARAMETER_AFTER_COMMENT_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array(), $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         if (count($this->_commentParser->getThrows()) !== 0) {
             $isSpecialMethod = false;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             if ($isSpecialMethod === true and $param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addEvent('ONE_SPACE_VARIABLE_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array(), $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment and $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addEvent('VARIABLES_NAMES_NOT_ALIGN_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('previousname' => $previousName, 'previousnamepos' => $pos - 1, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addEvent('COMMENTS_NOT_ALIGN_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('previousname' => $previousName, 'previousnamepos' => $pos - 1, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             // Variable must be one of the supported standard type
             $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType());
             foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
                 $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
                 if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addEvent('EXPECTED_FOUND_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('suggestedname' => $suggestedName, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'typename' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
                 if (count($typeNames) !== 1) {
                 // Check type hint for array and custom type
                 $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                 if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                     $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                 if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                     $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                     if ($typeHint === '') {
                         $this->_currentFile->addEvent('TYPEHINT_MISSING_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('suggestedtypehint' => $suggestedTypeHint, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $commentEnd + 2);
                     } else {
                         if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('EXPECTED_TYPEHINT_FOUND_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('suggestedtypehint' => $suggestedTypeHint, 'typehint' => $typeHint, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $commentEnd + 2);
                 } else {
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                         if ($typeHint !== '') {
                             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('UNKNOW_TYPEHINT_FOUND_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('typehint' => $typeHint, 'paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $commentEnd + 2);
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addEvent('DOCCOMMENT_NOT_MATCH_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('paramname' => $paramName, 'realname' => $realName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment
                 $this->_currentFile->addEvent('SUPERFLUOUS_DOCCOMMENT_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('doccommentpos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addEvent('MISSING_PARAMETER_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('parameterpos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addEvent('MISSING_TYPE_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('typepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addEvent('MISSING_COMMENT_PARAM_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('paramname' => $paramName, 'paramnamepos' => $pos), $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // Check if optional params include (Optional) within their description
                 $functionBegin = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_FUNCTION), $commentStart);
                 $functionName = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_STRING), $functionBegin);
                 $openBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_opener'];
                 $closeBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_closer'];
                 $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $openBracket + 1, $closeBracket);
                 while ($nextParam !== false) {
                     $nextToken = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket + 1, true);
                     if ($nextToken === false and $this->_tokens[$nextParam + 1]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
                     $nextCode = $this->_tokens[$nextToken]['code'];
                     $arg = $this->_tokens[$nextParam]['content'];
                     if ($nextCode === T_EQUAL and $paramName === $arg) {
                         if (substr($paramComment, 0, 11) !== '(Optional) ') {
                             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('OPTIONAL_PARAM_START_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('paramname' => $paramName), $errorPos);
                     $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket);
             $previousParam = $param;
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 and $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('ONE_SPACE_LONGEST_TYPE_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array(), $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $this->_currentFile->addEvent('ONE_SPACE_LONGEST_VARIABLE_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array(), $longestVar);
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $this->_currentFile->addEvent('DOCCOMMENT_MISSING_FUNCTION_COMMENT', array('param' => $neededParam), $errorPos);
  * Process the function parameter comments
  * @param  integer $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started
  * @param  integer $commentEnd   The position in the stack where the comment ended
  * @return void
 protected function _processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd)
     $realParams = $this->_currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->_commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $isSpecialMethod = ($this->_methodName === '__construct' or $this->_methodName === '__destruct');
         if (substr_count($params[count($params) - 1]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->_currentFile->eolChar) !== 1 and $isSpecialMethod === false) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addError("No empty line after last parameter comment allowed", $errorPos + 1, 'EmptyLineLastParameterFunctionComment');
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addError("Parameters must appear immediately after the comment", $errorPos, 'ParameterAfterCommentFunctionComment');
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         if (count($this->_commentParser->getThrows()) !== 0) {
             $isSpecialMethod = false;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             if ($isSpecialMethod === true and $param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addError("Expected 1 space before variable type", $errorPos, 'OneSpaceVariableFunctionComment');
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment and $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addError("The variable names for parameters {$previousName} (" . ($pos - 1) . ") and {$paramName} ({$pos}) do not align", $errorPos, 'VariablesNamesNotAlignFunctionComment');
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addError("The comments for parameters {$previousName} (" . ($pos - 1) . ") and {$paramName} ({$pos}) do not align", $errorPos, 'CommentsNotAlignFunctionComment');
             // Variable must be one of the supported standard type
             $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType());
             foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
                 $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
                 if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addError("Expected {$suggestedName} found {$typeName} for {$paramName} at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'ExpectedFoundFunctionComment');
                 if (count($typeNames) !== 1) {
                 // Check type hint for array and custom type
                 $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                 if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                     $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                 if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                     $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                     if ($typeHint === '') {
                         $this->_currentFile->addError("Type hint {$suggestedTypeHint} missing for {$paramName} at position {$pos}", $commentEnd + 2, 'TypehintMissingFunctionComment');
                     } else {
                         if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                             $this->_currentFile->addError("Expected type hint {$suggestedTypeHint} found {$typeHint} for {$paramName} at position {$pos}", $commentEnd + 2, 'ExpectedTypehintFoundFunctionComment');
                 } else {
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                         if ($typeHint !== '') {
                             $this->_currentFile->addError("Unknown type hint {$typeHint} found for {$paramName} at position {$pos}", $commentEnd + 2, 'UnknowTypehintFoundFunctionComment');
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $this->_currentFile->addError("Doc comment var {$paramName} does not match actual variable name {$realName} at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'DoccommentNotMatchFunctionComment');
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment
                 $this->_currentFile->addError("Superfluous doc comment at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'SuperfluousDoccommentFunctionComment');
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addError("Missing parameter name at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'MissingParameterFunctionComment');
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addError("Missing type at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'MissingTypeFunctionComment');
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $this->_currentFile->addError("Missing comment for param {$paramName} at position {$pos}", $errorPos, 'MissingCommentParamFunctionComment');
             } else {
                 // Check if optional params include (Optional) within their description
                 $functionBegin = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_FUNCTION), $commentStart);
                 $functionName = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_STRING), $functionBegin);
                 $openBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_opener'];
                 $closeBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_closer'];
                 $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $openBracket + 1, $closeBracket);
                 while ($nextParam !== false) {
                     $nextToken = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket + 1, true);
                     if ($nextToken === false and $this->_tokens[$nextParam + 1]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
                     $nextCode = $this->_tokens[$nextToken]['code'];
                     $arg = $this->_tokens[$nextParam]['content'];
                     if ($nextCode === T_EQUAL and $paramName === $arg) {
                         if (substr($paramComment, 0, 11) !== '(Optional) ') {
                             $this->_currentFile->addError("Le commentaire pour le parametre {$paramName} doit commencer avec \"(Optional)\"", $errorPos, 'OptionalParamStartFunctionComment');
                     $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket);
             $previousParam = $param;
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 and $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $this->_currentFile->addError("1 espace attendu après la définition du type pour les paramètres", $longestType, 'OneSpaceLongestTypeFunctionComment');
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $this->_currentFile->addError("1 espace attendu après le nom de la variable pour les paramètres", $longestVar, 'OneSpaceLongestTypeFunctionComment');
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $this->_currentFile->addError("Commentaire de fonction manquant ({$neededParam})", $errorPos, 'DoccommentMissingFunctionComment');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr  The position of the current token
  *                                        in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @return void
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $token = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     // Skip broken function declarations.
     if (isset($token['scope_opener']) === false || isset($token['parenthesis_opener']) === false) {
     $params = array();
     foreach ($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr) as $param) {
         $params[$param['name']] = $stackPtr;
     $next = ++$token['scope_opener'];
     $end = --$token['scope_closer'];
     $emptyBody = true;
     for (; $next <= $end; ++$next) {
         $token = $tokens[$next];
         $code = $token['code'];
         // Ingorable tokens.
         if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_THROW && $emptyBody === true) {
                 // Throw statement and an empty body indicate an interface method.
             } else {
                 if ($code === T_RETURN && $emptyBody === true) {
                     // Return statement and an empty body indicate an interface method.
                     $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
                     if ($tmp === false) {
                     // There is a return.
                     if ($tokens[$tmp] === T_SEMICOLON) {
                     $tmp = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $tmp + 1, null, true);
                     // There is a return <token>.
                     if ($tmp !== false && $tokens[$tmp] === T_SEMICOLON) {
         //end if
         $emptyBody = false;
         if ($code === T_VARIABLE && isset($params[$token['content']]) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING) {
                 // Tokenize double quote string.
                 $strTokens = token_get_all(sprintf('<?php %s;?>', $token['content']));
                 foreach ($strTokens as $tok) {
                     foreach (array_keys($params) as $par) {
                         if (is_array($tok) && strpos($tok[1], $par) !== false) {
                     if (is_array($tok) === false || $tok[0] !== T_VARIABLE) {
                     if (isset($params[$tok[1]]) === true) {
         //end if
     //end for
     if ($emptyBody === false && count($params) > 0) {
         foreach ($params as $paramName => $position) {
             $error = 'El parámetro ' . $paramName . ' nunca es usado';
             $phpcsFile->addWarning($error, $position);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile
  * @param $stackPtr
  * @return bool
 private function functionHasParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     return (bool) $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Process the code
  * @return	void
  * @param 	PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile	The file.
  * @param 	unknown_type $stackPtr			The stackpointer.
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     // @todo	no empty lines after { and before }
     // get the tokens
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $current = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     $lines = file($phpcsFile->getFilename());
     $next = $tokens[$stackPtr + 1];
     if ($next['content'] != ' ') {
         $phpcsFile->addError('After "function" we expect exactly one space.', $stackPtr);
     if (isset($current['scope_opener'])) {
         // check if { is on next line
         if ($tokens[$current['scope_opener']]['line'] - $current['line'] != 1) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('The opening brace of a function/method should be placed on the line below the signature.', $stackPtr);
         if ($tokens[$current['scope_opener']]['column'] != $tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['column']) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('The opening and closing brace should be indentend equaly.', $stackPtr);
         // find class
         $class = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_CLASS, $stackPtr);
         // class found?
         if ($class != false) {
             // get next function inside the class
             $nextFunction = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_FUNCTION, $stackPtr + 1, $tokens[$class]['scope_closer']);
             // not last method?
             if ($nextFunction != false && isset($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]) && in_array($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]['code'], array(T_PRIVATE, T_PUBLIC, T_PROTECTED, T_STATIC))) {
                 if (!($lines[$tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['line']] == "\n" && $lines[$tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['line'] + 1] == "\n" && trim($lines[$tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['line'] + 2]) != '')) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('After a function/method we expect 2 empty lines.', $stackPtr);
     // find comment
     if ($phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, $stackPtr, $stackPtr - 7) === false) {
         $phpcsFile->addError('We expect a function/method to have PHPDoc-documentation.', $stackPtr);
     if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]) && in_array($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]['code'], array(T_PRIVATE, T_PUBLIC, T_PROTECTED, T_STATIC))) {
         // get comment
         $startComment = (int) $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, null, null, '/**' . "\n");
         $endComment = (int) $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, null, null, '	 */');
         $parameters = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
         $hasReturn = false;
         $returnFirst = false;
         $paramCounter = 0;
         for ($i = $startComment; $i <= $endComment; $i++) {
             // package
             if (trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 0, 11)) == '* @return') {
                 // reset
                 $hasReturn = true;
                 // find part
                 $content = trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], strrpos($tokens[$i]['content'], "\t")));
                 // validate syntax
                 if (substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 11, 1) != "\t") {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('After "@return" there should be at least one tab.', $i);
                 $returnFirst = true;
             if (trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 0, 10)) == '* @param') {
                 if (!$returnFirst && $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr) !== '__construct') {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('We expect "@return" before "@param".', $i);
                 // find part
                 $content = trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], "\t", 2)));
                 $type = substr($content, 0, strpos($content, ' '));
                 $varName = trim(substr($content, strpos($content, ' ') + 1));
                 if (substr_count($varName, "\t") > 0) {
                     if (substr($varName, -1, 1) != '.' && substr($varName, -1, 1) != '?') {
                         $phpcsFile->addWarning('Shouldn\'t the description have a "." on the end?', $i);
                     $varName = trim(substr($varName, 0, strpos($varName, "\t")));
                 } else {
                     $phpcsFile->addWarning('Shouldn\'t the parameter be documented?', $i);
                 // check if it match
                 if (!preg_match('/(.*)\\s\\$(.*)(\\t(.*))?$/', $content)) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('Wrong sequence, we expect "@param" in the following way: @param[tab]<type>[space]<varname>([tab]<documentation>).', $i);
                 if (!isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['name']) || $parameters[$paramCounter]['name'] != $varName) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('We expect the variablename used in the PHPDoc to be the same as the one used in the parameterlist.', $i);
                 if (isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['default']) && $parameters[$paramCounter]['default'] != '') {
                     if (substr_count($type, '[optional]') == 0) {
                         $phpcsFile->addError('We expect optional parameters to have "[optional]" just after the type.', $i);
                     if ($parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] != '' && $type != $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] . '[optional]') {
                         $phpcsFile->addError('The type in the PHPDoc doesn\'t match the typehinting in the signature.', $i);
                 } elseif (isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint']) && $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] != '' && $type != $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint']) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('The type in the PHPDoc doesn\'t match the typehinting in the signature.', $i);
                 // increment
             if (trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 0, 15)) == '* @deprecated') {
                 // find part
                 $content = trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], "\t", 2)));
                 if ($content != '') {
                     if (substr($content, -1, 1) != '.' && substr($content, -1, 1) != '?') {
                         $phpcsFile->addWarning('Shouldn\'t the explanation have a "." on the end?', $i);
                 } else {
                     $phpcsFile->addWarning('Shouldn\'t there be an explanation?', $i);
         // incorrect number of parameters
         if ($paramCounter != count($parameters)) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('We expect all parameters to be in the PHPDoc.', $stackPtr);
     // cleanup
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             //end if
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $error = 'Doc comment var "' . $paramName;
                     $error .= '" does not match actual variable name "' . $realName;
                     $error .= '" at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             $previousParam = $param;
         //end foreach
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar);
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report and missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "' . $neededParam . '" missing';
         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 1) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment must not a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingAfterParams');
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParams');
         $previousParam = null;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 // Make sure that there are only tabs used to intend the var type.
                 if ($this->isTabUsedToIntend($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType())) {
                     $error = 'Spaces must be used to indent the variable type; tabs are not allowed';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamType');
                 // Make sure that there are only tabs used to intend the var comment.
                 if ($this->isTabUsedToIntend($param->getWhiteSpaceBeforeComment())) {
                     $error = 'Spaces must be used to indent the variable comment; tabs are not allowed';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamComment');
                 // Make sure that there are only tabs used to intend the var name.
                 if ($param->getVarName() && $this->isTabUsedToIntend($param->getWhiteSpaceBeforeVarName())) {
                     $error = 'Spaces must be used to indent the variable name; tabs are not allowed';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamName');
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $paramName) {
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                     $data = array($paramName, $realName, $pos);
                     $error = 'Doc comment for var %s does not match ';
                     if (strtolower($paramName) === strtolower($realName)) {
                         $error .= 'case of ';
                         $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                     $error .= 'actual variable name %s at position %s';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, $code, $data);
             } else {
                 // Throw an error if we found a parameter in comment but not in the parameter list of the function
                 $error = 'The paramter "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos . ' is superfluous, because this parameter was not found in parameter list.';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SuperFluous.ParamComment');
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamName');
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamType');
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report and missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile    The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr     The position of the current token
  *                                           in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @param int                  $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                                           the comment started.
  * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception
  * @return void
 protected function processParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = array();
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $isVarIntendByTab = false;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $isCommentIndentByTab = false;
         $comment = '';
         $commentLines = array();
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('/([^$&]+)(?:((?:\\$|&)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $isVarIntendByTab = $this->isTabUsedToIntend($matches[1]);
             if (isset($matches[2]) === true) {
                 $var = $matches[2];
                 if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                     $varSpace = strlen($matches[3]);
                     $isCommentIndentByTab = $this->isTabUsedToIntend($matches[3]);
                     $comment = $matches[4];
                     $commentLines[] = array('comment' => $comment, 'token' => $tag + 2, 'indent' => $varSpace);
                     // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
                     if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
                     } else {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
                     for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                         if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                             $indent = 0;
                             if ($tokens[$i - 1]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_WHITESPACE) {
                                 $indent = strlen($tokens[$i - 1]['content']);
                             $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                             $commentLines[] = array('comment' => $tokens[$i]['content'], 'token' => $i, 'indent' => $indent);
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
                     $commentLines[] = array('comment' => '');
                 //end if
             } else {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
             //end if
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         //end if
         $params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'commentLines' => $commentLines, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_tab_indent' => $isVarIntendByTab, 'var_space' => $varSpace, 'comment_tab_indent' => $isCommentIndentByTab);
     //end foreach
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = array();
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         // If the type is empty, the whole line is empty.
         if ($param['type'] === '') {
         // Check the param type value.
         $typeNames = explode('|', $param['type']);
         foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
             $suggestedName = self::suggestType($typeName);
             if ($suggestedName !== '\\TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\ObjectStorage' && $typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                 $error = 'Expected "%s" but found "%s" for parameter type';
                 $data = array($suggestedName, $typeName);
                 $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'IncorrectParamVarName', $data);
                 if ($fix === true) {
                     $content = $suggestedName;
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                     $content .= $param['var'];
                     $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                     if (isset($param['commentLines'][0]) === true) {
                         $content .= $param['commentLines'][0]['comment'];
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
             } else {
                 if (count($typeNames) === 1) {
                     // Check type hint for array and custom type.
                     $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                     if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($suggestedName, 'callable') !== false) {
                             $suggestedTypeHint = 'callable';
                             // TODO: AllowedTypes are the long version but we only allow the short version.
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($typeName, self::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                                 $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$pos]['type_hint'];
                         if ($typeHint === '') {
                             $error = 'Type hint "%s" missing for %s';
                             $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $param['var']);
                             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'TypeHintMissing', $data);
                         } else {
                             if ($typeHint !== substr($suggestedTypeHint, strlen($typeHint) * -1)) {
                                 $error = 'Expected type hint "%s"; found "%s" for %s';
                                 $data = array($suggestedTypeHint, $typeHint, $param['var']);
                                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'IncorrectTypeHint', $data);
                     } else {
                         if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
                             $typeHint = $realParams[$pos]['type_hint'];
                             if ($typeHint !== '') {
                                 $error = 'Unknown type hint "%s" found for %s';
                                 $data = array($typeHint, $param['var']);
                                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'InvalidTypeHint', $data);
                     //end if
             //end if
         //end foreach
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         if (isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$pos]['name'];
             if ($realName !== $param['var']) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = array($param['var'], $realName);
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
         } else {
             if (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
         //end if
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Param comments should start with a capital letter.
         $firstChar = $param['comment'][0];
         if (preg_match('|\\p{Lu}|u', $firstChar) === 0) {
             $error = 'Parameter comment should start with a capital letter';
             $phpcsFile->addWarning($error, $param['tag'], 'ParamCommentNotCapital');
     //end foreach
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         $error = 'Doc comment for parameter "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param  integer $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started
  * @param  integer $commentEnd   The position in the stack where the comment ended
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         if (substr_count($params[count($params) - 1]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 1) {
             $error = 'No empty line after last parameter comment allowed';
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos + 1);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== '  ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 2 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             // Variable must be one of the supported standard type.
             $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType());
             foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
                 $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
                 if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                     $error = "Expected \"{$suggestedName}\"; found \"{$typeName}\" for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 } else {
                     if (count($typeNames) === 1) {
                         // Check type hint for array and custom type.
                         $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                         if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                             $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                                 $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                         if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                             $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                             if ($typeHint === '') {
                                 $error = "Type hint \"{$suggestedTypeHint}\" missing for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
                             } else {
                                 if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                                     $error = "Expected type hint \"{$suggestedTypeHint}\"; found \"{$typeHint}\" for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
                         } else {
                             if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                                 $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                                 if ($typeHint !== '') {
                                     $error = "Unknown type hint \"{$typeHint}\" found for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $error = 'Doc comment var "' . $paramName;
                     $error .= '" does not match actual variable name "' . $realName;
                     $error .= '" at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // Param comments must start with a capital letter and
                 // end with the full stop.
                 $firstChar = $paramComment[0];
                 if (preg_match('|[A-Z]|', $firstChar) === 0) {
                     $error = 'Param comment must start with a capital letter';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             $previousParam = $param;
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar);
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "' . $neededParam . '" missing';
         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
  * Process the function parameter comments
  * @param  integer $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started
  * @param  integer $commentEnd   The position in the stack where the comment ended
  * @return void
 protected function _processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd)
     $realParams = $this->_currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->_commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $isSpecialMethod = ($this->_methodName === '__construct' or $this->_methodName === '__destruct');
         if (substr_count($params[count($params) - 1]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->_currentFile->eolChar) !== 1 and $isSpecialMethod === false) {
             $error = 'No empty line after last parameter comment allowed';
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos + 1);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         if (count($this->_commentParser->getThrows()) !== 0) {
             $isSpecialMethod = false;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one or two space before the var type
             if ($isSpecialMethod === false and $param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== '  ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 2 spaces before variable type';
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($isSpecialMethod === true and $param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment and $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             // Variable must be one of the supported standard type
             $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType());
             foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) {
                 $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName);
                 if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) {
                     $error = "Expected \"{$suggestedName}\"; found \"{$typeName}\" for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                     $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 if (count($typeNames) !== 1) {
                 // Check type hint for array and custom type
                 $suggestedTypeHint = '';
                 if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) {
                     $suggestedTypeHint = 'array';
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) {
                         $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName;
                 if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                     $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                     if ($typeHint === '') {
                         $error = "Type hint \"{$suggestedTypeHint}\" missing for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                         $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
                     } else {
                         if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) {
                             $error = "Expected type hint \"{$suggestedTypeHint}\"; found \"{$typeHint}\"" . " for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
                 } else {
                     if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' and isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                         $typeHint = $realParams[$pos - 1]['type_hint'];
                         if ($typeHint !== '') {
                             $error = "Unknown type hint \"{$typeHint}\" found for {$paramName} at position {$pos}";
                             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd + 2);
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $error = 'Doc comment var "' . $paramName;
                     $error .= '" does not match actual variable name "' . $realName;
                     $error .= '" at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // Param comments must start with a capital letter
                 $firstChar = $paramComment[0];
                 if (preg_match('|[A-Z]|', $firstChar) === 0 and $firstChar !== '(') {
                     $error = 'Param comment must start with a capital letter';
                     $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                 // Check if optional params include (Optional) within their description
                 $functionBegin = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_FUNCTION), $commentStart);
                 $functionName = $this->_currentFile->findNext(array(T_STRING), $functionBegin);
                 $openBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_opener'];
                 $closeBracket = $this->_tokens[$functionBegin]['parenthesis_closer'];
                 $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $openBracket + 1, $closeBracket);
                 while ($nextParam !== false) {
                     $nextToken = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket + 1, true);
                     if ($nextToken === false and $this->_tokens[$nextParam + 1]['code'] === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
                     $nextCode = $this->_tokens[$nextToken]['code'];
                     $arg = $this->_tokens[$nextParam]['content'];
                     if ($nextCode === T_EQUAL and $paramName === $arg) {
                         if (substr($paramComment, 0, 11) !== '(Optional) ') {
                             $error = "Optional param comment for '{$paramName}' must start with '(Optional)'";
                             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('|[A-Z]|', $paramComment[11]) === 0) {
                                 $error = 'Param comment must start with a capital letter';
                                 $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
                     $nextParam = $this->_currentFile->findNext(T_VARIABLE, $nextParam + 1, $closeBracket);
             $previousParam = $param;
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 and $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 and $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar);
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "' . $neededParam . '" missing';
         $this->_currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos);
  * Process a @param comment .
  * @param File $phpcsFile
  * @param int $stackPtr
  * @param int $commentStart
 protected function processParams(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = [];
     $maxType = 0;
     $maxVar = 0;
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $comment = '';
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = [];
             preg_match('/([^$&\\.]+)(?:((?:\\$|&|\\.)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $typeLen = strlen($type);
             if ($typeLen > $maxType) {
                 $maxType = $typeLen;
             if (isset($matches[2]) === true) {
                 $var = str_replace('...', '', $matches[2]);
                 $varLen = strlen($var);
                 if ($varLen > $maxVar) {
                     $maxVar = $varLen;
                 if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                     $varSpace = strlen($matches[3]);
                     $comment = $matches[4];
                     // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
                     if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
                     } else {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
                     for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                         if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                             $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                 //$error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                 //$phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
             } else {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         $params[] = ['tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_space' => $varSpace];
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = [];
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         if (array_key_exists('type', $param)) {
             $types = explode('|', $param['type']);
             foreach ($types as $type) {
                 $this->checkParamType($type, $param['tag'], $phpcsFile);
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Check number of spaces after the type.
         $spaces = 1;
         if ($param['type_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter type; %s found';
             $data = [$spaces, $param['type_space']];
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamType', $data);
             if ($fix === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['var_space']);
                 $content .= $param['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         if (isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$pos]['name'];
             if ($realName !== $param['var']) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = [$param['var'], $realName];
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
         } else {
             if (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Check number of spaces after the var name.
         $spaces = 1;
         if ($param['var_space'] !== $spaces) {
             $error = 'Expected %s spaces after parameter name; %s found';
             $data = [$spaces, $param['var_space']];
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'SpacingAfterParamName', $data);
             if ($fix === true) {
                 $content = $param['type'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $param['type_space']);
                 $content .= $param['var'];
                 $content .= str_repeat(' ', $spaces);
                 $content .= $param['comment'];
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 2, $content);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
  * @param int                  $stackPtr  The position of the current token
  *                                        in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @return void
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $token = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     // Skip function without body.
     if (isset($token['scope_opener']) === false) {
     // Get function name.
     $methodName = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr);
     // Get all parameters from method signature.
     $signature = array();
     foreach ($phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr) as $param) {
         $signature[] = $param['name'];
     $next = ++$token['scope_opener'];
     $end = --$token['scope_closer'];
     for (; $next <= $end; ++$next) {
         $code = $tokens[$next]['code'];
         if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === true) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_RETURN) {
     // Any token except 'parent' indicates correct code.
     if ($tokens[$next]['code'] !== T_PARENT) {
     // Find next non empty token index, should be double colon.
     $next = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
     // Skip for invalid code.
     if ($next === false || $tokens[$next]['code'] !== T_DOUBLE_COLON) {
     // Find next non empty token index, should be the function name.
     $next = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
     // Skip for invalid code or other method.
     if ($next === false || $tokens[$next]['content'] !== $methodName) {
     // Find next non empty token index, should be the open parenthesis.
     $next = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
     // Skip for invalid code.
     if ($next === false || $tokens[$next]['code'] !== T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) {
     $validParameterTypes = array(T_VARIABLE, T_LNUMBER, T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING);
     $parameters = array('');
     $parenthesisCount = 1;
     $count = count($tokens);
     for (++$next; $next < $count; ++$next) {
         $code = $tokens[$next]['code'];
         if ($code === T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) {
         } else {
             if ($code === T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
             } else {
                 if ($parenthesisCount === 1 && $code === T_COMMA) {
                     $parameters[] = '';
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) {
                         $parameters[count($parameters) - 1] .= $tokens[$next]['content'];
         if ($parenthesisCount === 0) {
     //end for
     $next = $phpcsFile->findNext(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $next + 1, null, true);
     if ($next === false || $tokens[$next]['code'] !== T_SEMICOLON) {
     // Check rest of the scope.
     for (++$next; $next <= $end; ++$next) {
         $code = $tokens[$next]['code'];
         // Skip for any other content.
         if (in_array($code, PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) {
     $parameters = array_map('trim', $parameters);
     $parameters = array_filter($parameters);
     if (count($parameters) === count($signature) && $parameters === $signature) {
         $phpcsFile->addWarning('Useless method overriding detected', $stackPtr);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Process the code
  * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile
  * @param unknown_type $stackPtr
 public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $current = $tokens[$stackPtr];
     $lines = file($phpcsFile->getFilename());
     $next = $tokens[$stackPtr + 1];
     // function whitespaces
     if ($next['content'] != ' ') {
         $phpcsFile->addError('After "function" we expect exactly one space.', $stackPtr);
     if (isset($current['scope_opener'])) {
         // check if { is on next line
         if ($tokens[$current['scope_opener']]['line'] - $current['line'] != 1) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('The opening brace of a function/method should be placed on the line below the signature.', $stackPtr);
         // braces indentation
         if ($tokens[$current['scope_opener']]['column'] != $tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['column']) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('The opening and closing brace should be indentend equally.', $stackPtr);
         // find class
         $class = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_CLASS, $stackPtr);
         // class found?
         if ($class != false) {
             // get next function inside the class
             $nextFunction = $phpcsFile->findNext(T_FUNCTION, $stackPtr + 1, $tokens[$class]['scope_closer']);
             // not last method?
             if ($nextFunction != false && isset($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]) && in_array($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]['code'], array(T_PRIVATE, T_PUBLIC, T_PROTECTED, T_STATIC))) {
                 if (!($lines[$tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['line']] == "\n" && trim($lines[$tokens[$current['scope_closer']]['line'] + 1]) != '')) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('After a function/method we expect 1 blank line.', $stackPtr);
     // find comment
     if ($phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, $stackPtr, $stackPtr - 7) === false) {
         $phpcsFile->addError('We expect a function/method to have PHPDoc-documentation.', $stackPtr);
     if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]) && in_array($tokens[$stackPtr - 2]['code'], array(T_PRIVATE, T_PUBLIC, T_PROTECTED, T_STATIC))) {
         // get comment
         $startComment = (int) $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, null, null, '/**' . "\n");
         $endComment = (int) $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $stackPtr, null, null, '	 */');
         $parameters = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
         $hasReturn = false;
         $paramCounter = 0;
         for ($i = $startComment; $i <= $endComment; $i++) {
             if (trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 0, 11)) == '* @return') {
                 $hasReturn = true;
                 // find part
                 $content = trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], strrpos($tokens[$i]['content'], ' ')));
                 // validate syntax
                 if (substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 11, 1) != ' ') {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('After "@return" there should be exactly one space.', $i);
                 // @return should be last
                 if ($paramCounter == 0 && count($parameters) != 0) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('"@return" needs to be placed after the last "@param"', $i);
             if (trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], 0, 10)) == '* @param') {
                 // find part
                 $content = trim(substr($tokens[$i]['content'], strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], '* ') + 2));
                 $pieces = explode(' ', trim(str_replace('@param', '', $content)), 4);
                 $type = $pieces[0];
                 $variable = $pieces[1];
                 $description = isset($pieces[2]) ? $pieces[2] : null;
                 // validate type
                 if ($type != trim($type)) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('Something wrong with the type in the PHPDoc. We expect @param[space]<type>...', $i);
                 // validate variable
                 if ($variable !== trim($variable)) {
                     $phpcsFile->addError('Something wrong with the variable in the PHPDoc. We expect @param[space]<type>[space]<variable>...', $i);
                  * @todo add validation:
                  * - description ends with a dot (if filled in)
                  * - compare parameters to method
                  * - optional parameters should be like that in the method and phpdoc
                 // check if it match
                 /*if(!preg_match('/(.*)\s\$(.*)(\t(.*))?$/', $content)) $phpcsFile->addError('Wrong sequence, we expect "@param" in the following way: @param[tab]<type>[space]<varname>([tab]<documentation>).', $i);
                 					if(!isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['name']) || $parameters[$paramCounter]['name'] != $varName)
                 						$phpcsFile->addError('We expect the variablename used in the PHPDoc to be the same as the one used in the parameterlist.', $i);
                 					if(isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['default']) && $parameters[$paramCounter]['default'] != '')
                 						if(substr_count($type, '[optional]') == 0) $phpcsFile->addError('We expect optional parameters to have "[optional]" just after the type.', $i);
                 						if($parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] != '' && $type != $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] .'[optional]') $phpcsFile->addError('The type in the PHPDoc doesn\'t match the typehinting in the signature.', $i);
                 					elseif(isset($parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint']) && $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint'] != '' && $type != $parameters[$paramCounter]['type_hint']) $phpcsFile->addError('The type in the PHPDoc doesn\'t match the typehinting in the signature.', $i);
                 // increment
         // incorrect number of parameters
         if ($paramCounter != count($parameters)) {
             $phpcsFile->addError('We expect all parameters to be in the PHPDoc.', $stackPtr);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingAfterParams');
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParams');
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamType');
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align';
                     $data = array($previousName, $pos - 1, $paramName, $pos);
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterNamesNotAligned', $data);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align';
                     $data = array($previousName, $pos - 1, $paramName, $pos);
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterCommentsNotAligned', $data);
             //end if
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $paramName) {
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                     $data = array($paramName, $realName, $pos);
                     $error = 'Doc comment for var %s does not match ';
                     if (strtolower($paramName) === strtolower($realName)) {
                         $error .= 'case of ';
                         $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                     $error .= 'actual variable name %s at position %s';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, $code, $data);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ExtraParamComment');
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamName');
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamType');
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "%s" at position %s';
                 $data = array($paramName, $pos);
                 $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamComment', $data);
             $previousParam = $param;
         //end foreach
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestType, 'SpacingAfterLongType');
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar, 'SpacingAfterLongName');
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report and missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamTag', $data);
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * Extends PEAR.Commenting.FunctionComment.processReturn to enforce correct alignment of the doc block.
  * @param   PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile     The file being scanned.
  * @param   integer              $stackPtr      The position of the current token in the stack passed in $tokens.
  * @param   integer              $commentStart  The position in the stack where the comment started.
  * @return  void
  * @todo    Reinstate the check that params come after the function's comment and has a blank line before them
  * @todo    Reinstate the check that there is a blank line after all params are declared
 protected function processParams(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $commentStart)
     $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
     $params = array();
     $maxType = 0;
     $maxVar = 0;
     foreach ($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'] as $pos => $tag) {
         if ($tokens[$tag]['content'] !== '@param') {
         $type = '';
         $typeSpace = 0;
         $var = '';
         $varSpace = 0;
         $comment = '';
         if ($tokens[$tag + 2]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('/([^$&]+)(?:((?:\\$|&)[^\\s]+)(?:(\\s+)(.*))?)?/', $tokens[$tag + 2]['content'], $matches);
             $typeLen = strlen($matches[1]);
             $type = trim($matches[1]);
             $typeSpace = $typeLen - strlen($type);
             $typeLen = strlen($type);
             if ($typeLen > $maxType) {
                 $maxType = $typeLen;
             if (isset($matches[2]) === true) {
                 $var = $matches[2];
                 $varLen = strlen($var);
                 if ($varLen > $maxVar) {
                     $maxVar = $varLen;
                 if (isset($matches[4]) === true) {
                     $varSpace = strlen($matches[3]);
                     $comment = $matches[4];
                     // Any strings until the next tag belong to this comment.
                     if (isset($tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1]) === true) {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_tags'][$pos + 1];
                     } else {
                         $end = $tokens[$commentStart]['comment_closer'];
                     for ($i = $tag + 3; $i < $end; $i++) {
                         if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_DOC_COMMENT_STRING) {
                             $comment .= ' ' . $tokens[$i]['content'];
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Missing parameter comment';
                     $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamComment');
             } else {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamName');
         } else {
             $error = 'Missing parameter type';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $tag, 'MissingParamType');
         $params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'type' => $type, 'var' => $var, 'comment' => $comment, 'type_space' => $typeSpace, 'var_space' => $varSpace, 'align_space' => $tokens[$tag + 1]['content']);
     $realParams = $phpcsFile->getMethodParameters($stackPtr);
     $foundParams = array();
     $previousParam = null;
     foreach ($params as $pos => $param) {
         if ($param['var'] === '') {
         $foundParams[] = $param['var'];
         // Joomla change: There must be 3 spaces after the @param tag to make it line up with the @return tag
         if ($param['align_space'] !== '   ') {
             $error = 'Expected 3 spaces before variable type, found %s';
             $spaces = strlen($param['align_space']);
             $data = array($spaces);
             $fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $param['tag'], 'BeforeParamType', $data);
             if ($fix === true) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $spaces; $i++) {
                     $phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($param['tag'] + 1, '');
                 $phpcsFile->fixer->addContent($param['tag'], '   ');
         // Make sure the param name is correct.
         if (isset($realParams[$pos]) === true) {
             $realName = $realParams[$pos]['name'];
             if ($realName !== $param['var']) {
                 $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch';
                 $data = array($param['var'], $realName);
                 $error = 'Doc comment for parameter %s does not match ';
                 if (strtolower($param['var']) === strtolower($realName)) {
                     $error .= 'case of ';
                     $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch';
                 $error .= 'actual variable name %s';
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], $code, $data);
         } elseif (substr($param['var'], -4) !== ',...') {
             // We must have an extra parameter comment.
             $error = 'Superfluous parameter comment';
             $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ExtraParamComment');
         if ($param['comment'] === '') {
         // Joomla change: Enforces alignment of the param variables and comments
         if ($previousParam !== null) {
             $previousName = $previousParam['var'] !== '' ? $previousParam['var'] : 'UNKNOWN';
             // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
             if (!$this->paramVarsAlign($param, $previousParam)) {
                 $error = 'The variable names for parameters %s and %s do not align';
                 $data = array($previousName, $param['var']);
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ParameterNamesNotAligned', $data);
             // Check to see if the comments align properly.
             if (!$this->paramCommentsAlign($param, $previousParam)) {
                 $error = 'The comments for parameters %s and %s do not align';
                 $data = array($previousName, $param['var']);
                 $phpcsFile->addError($error, $param['tag'], 'ParameterCommentsNotAligned', $data);
         $previousParam = $param;
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         $error = 'Doc comment for parameter "%s" missing';
         $data = array($neededParam);
         $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'MissingParamTag', $data);