  * @brief Delete this element
  * @note    This function overrides the same-named function from the parent class.
  *          This is required to delete the attachements of an element too.
  * @param boolean $delete_files_from_hdd    @li if true, the attached files will be deleted from harddisc drive (!!)
  *                                              If some files are used for other elements, they won't be deleted.
  *                                          @li if false, the files will be deleted from database,
  *                                              but not from the harddisc drive.
  * @throws Exception if there was an error
 public function delete($delete_files_from_hdd = false)
     try {
         $transaction_id = $this->database->begin_transaction();
         // start transaction
         // first, we will delete all files of this element
         $attachements = $this->get_attachements();
         // set $this->attachements to NULL
         foreach ($attachements as $attachement) {
         // now delete this element
         // commit transaction
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // rollback transaction
         // restore the settings from BEFORE the transaction
         throw new Exception("Das Element \"" . $this->get_name() . "\" konnte nicht gelöscht werden!\nGrund: " . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @brief Delete this attachement from database (and the associated file from harddisc if desired)
  * @note This method overrides the same-named method from the parent class.
  * @param boolean $delete_from_hdd      if true, and the associated file isn't used in other file records,
  *                                      the file will be deleted from harddisc drive too (!!)
  * @throws Exception if the file exists and should be deleted, but cannot be deleted
  *                   (maybe not enought permissions)
  * @throws Exception if there was an error
 public function delete($delete_from_hdd = false)
     $filename = $this->get_filename();
     $must_file_delete = false;
     if ($delete_from_hdd && strlen($filename) > 0) {
         // we will delete the file only from HDD if there are no other "Attachement" objects with the same filename!
         $attachements = Attachement::get_attachements_by_filename($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $filename);
         if (count($attachements) <= 1 && file_exists($filename)) {
             // check if there are enought permissions to delete the file
             if (!is_writable(dirname($filename))) {
                 throw new Exception('Die Datei "' . $filename . '" kann nicht gelöscht werden, ' . 'da im übergeordneten Ordner keine Schreibrechte vorhanden sind!');
             // all OK, file must be deleted after deleting the database record successfully
             $must_file_delete = true;
     try {
         $transaction_id = $this->database->begin_transaction();
         // start transaction
         // Set all "id_master_picture_attachement" in the table "parts" to NULL where the master picture is this attachement
         $query = 'SELECT id from parts WHERE id_master_picture_attachement=?';
         $query_data = $this->database->query($query, array($this->get_id()));
         foreach ($query_data as $row) {
             $part = new Part($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $row['id']);
         // save element attributes to update its "last_modified"
         // Now we can delete the database record of this attachement
         // now delete the file (if desired)
         if ($must_file_delete) {
             if (!unlink($filename)) {
                 throw new Exception('Die Datei "' . $filename . '" kann nicht von der Festplatte gelöscht ' . "werden! \nÜberprüfen Sie, ob die nötigen Rechte vorhanden sind.");
         // commit transaction
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // rollback transaction
         // restore the settings from BEFORE the transaction
         throw new Exception("Der Dateianhang \"" . $this->get_name() . "\" konnte nicht entfernt werden!\nGrund: " . $e->getMessage());