Exemplo n.º 1
    if (empty($is_member)) {
        $failure_msg = 'Please join this group to perform any activity';
    } else {
        $return_variable = create_forum_topic($_form);
        $failure_msg = $return_variable['msg']['failure_msg'];
        $succss_msg = $return_variable['msg']['success_msg'];
    $redirect_url = "forum_home.php";
    $query_str = "?gid=" . $parent_id;
if ($_form['opertion'] == 'edit') {
    $gid = (int) $_form['gid'];
    $mid = (int) $_form['mid'];
    $group_data = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $gid, $login_uid);
    $cat_obj = new MessageBoard();
    $edit_data = $cat_obj->get_by_id($mid);
    $params['action'] = 'edit_forum';
    $params['group_owner'] = $group_data->author_id;
    $params['forum_owner'] = $edit_data['user_id'];
    if (!user_can($params)) {
        $failure_msg = 'You are not authorized to edit forum';
    } else {
        $return_variable = edit_forum_topic($_form);
        $failure_msg = $return_variable['msg']['failure_msg'];
        $succss_msg = $return_variable['msg']['success_msg'];
    $redirect_url = "forum_messages.php";
    $query_str = "?mid={$mid}&ccid=" . $parent_id;
// Here we call the function
$msg_array = array();
Exemplo n.º 2
This function is used for loading the information from the get variables
Usage:on forum page for message board
function load_info()
    $request_info = array();
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
        $request_info['parent_id'] = $_REQUEST['gid'];
        $request_info['parent_name_hidden'] = 'gid';
        $request_info['parent_type'] = PARENT_TYPE_COLLECTION;
        $obj = new Group();
        $request_info['header_title'] = stripslashes($obj->title);
    } else {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['mid'])) {
            $request_info['parent_id'] = $_REQUEST['mid'];
            $request_info['parent_name_hidden'] = 'mid';
            $request_info['parent_type'] = PARENT_TYPE_MESSAGE;
            $obj = new MessageBoard();
            $data = $obj->get_by_id($_REQUEST['mid']);
            $request_info['header_title'] = stripslashes($data['title']);
        } else {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['cid'])) {
                $content = Content::load_content((int) $_REQUEST['cid'], (int) PA::$login_uid);
                $ccid = $content->parent_collection_id;
                if ($ccid != 0 && $ccid != -1) {
                    //here parent collection 0 is for deleted content and -1 is for home page routed thus checking that its not a group id
                    $content_collection = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $ccid, PA::$login_uid);
                    if ($content_collection->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) {
                        $request_info['parent_id'] = $ccid;
                        $request_info['parent_name_hidden'] = 'gid';
                        $request_info['parent_type'] = PARENT_TYPE_COLLECTION;
            } else {
                return false;
    return $request_info;
            MessageBoard::delete_all_in_parent($mid, PARENT_TYPE_MESSAGE);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // catch if delete is fail
        $location = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
        header("Location: {$location}");
} else {
    // When User wants to delete repllies of forum
    $mid = $_GET['mid'];
    $params['action'] = 'delete_rep';
    // fiding the parent for the replly
    $request_info = load_info();
    $msg = new MessageBoard();
    $rep_details = $msg->get_by_id($_REQUEST['mid']);
    $cond_array = array('boardmessage_id' => $request_info['parent_id']);
    $forum_detail = MessageBoard::get_forums($cond_array);
    $owner = Group::get_admin_id($_REQUEST['ccid']);
    $params['forum_owner'] = $forum_detail[0]->user_id;
    $params['rep_owner'] = $rep_details['user_id'];
    $params['group_owner'] = $owner['user_id'];
    if (user_can($params)) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // catch if delete is fail
        $location = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
        header("Location: {$location}");