Exemplo n.º 1
  * Add new task
  * @access public
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function add_task()
     if (logged_user()->isGuest()) {
         flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
     $notAllowedMember = '';
     if (!ProjectTask::canAdd(logged_user(), active_context(), $notAllowedMember)) {
         if (str_starts_with($notAllowedMember, '-- req dim --')) {
             flash_error(lang('must choose at least one member of', str_replace_first('-- req dim --', '', $notAllowedMember, $in)));
         } else {
             flash_error(lang('no context permissions to add', lang("tasks"), $notAllowedMember));
     // if
     $task = new ProjectTask();
     $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
     if (!is_array($task_data)) {
         $dd = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date', ''));
         if ($dd instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $duetime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_time'));
             if (is_array($duetime)) {
                 $dd->setHour(array_var($duetime, 'hours'));
                 $dd->setMinute(array_var($duetime, 'mins'));
         $sd = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date', ''));
         if ($sd instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $starttime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_time'));
             if (is_array($starttime)) {
                 $sd->setHour(array_var($starttime, 'hours'));
                 $sd->setMinute(array_var($starttime, 'mins'));
         $time_estimate = array_var($_POST, 'hours', 0) * 60 + array_var($_POST, 'minutes', 0);
         $task_data = array('milestone_id' => array_var($_POST, 'milestone_id', 0), 'project_id' => 1, 'name' => array_var($_POST, 'name', ''), 'assigned_to_contact_id' => array_var($_POST, 'assigned_to_contact_id', '0'), 'parent_id' => array_var($_POST, 'parent_id', 0), 'priority' => array_var($_POST, 'priority', ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_NORMAL), 'text' => array_var($_POST, 'text', ''), 'start_date' => $sd, 'due_date' => $dd, 'time_estimate' => $time_estimate, 'is_template' => array_var($_POST, "is_template", array_var($_GET, "is_template", false)), 'percent_completed' => array_var($_POST, "percent_completed", ''), 'object_subtype' => array_var($_POST, "object_subtype", config_option('default task co type')), 'send_notification' => array_var($_POST, 'notify') && array_var($_POST, 'notify') == 'true');
         // array
         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) {
             $from_email = array_var($_GET, 'from_email');
             $email = MailContents::findById($from_email);
             if ($email instanceof MailContent) {
                 $task_data['name'] = $email->getSubject();
                 $task_data['text'] = lang('create task from email description', $email->getSubject(), $email->getFrom(), $email->getTextBody());
                 tpl_assign('from_email', $email);
     // if
     if (array_var($_GET, 'replace')) {
     tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
     tpl_assign('task', $task);
     tpl_assign('pending_task_id', 0);
     $subtasks = array();
     if (array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment')) {
         $json_subtasks = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment'));
         $line = 0;
         if (count($json_subtasks) > 0) {
             foreach ($json_subtasks as $json_subtask) {
                 $subtasks[$line]['assigned_to_contact_id'] = $json_subtask->assigned_to_contact_id;
                 $subtasks[$line]['name'] = $json_subtask->name;
                 $subtasks[$line]['time_estimate_hours'] = $json_subtask->time_estimate_hours;
                 $subtasks[$line]['time_estimate_minutes'] = $json_subtask->time_estimate_minutes;
     tpl_assign('multi_assignment', $subtasks);
     if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
         // order
         $task->setOrder(ProjectTasks::maxOrder(array_var($task_data, "parent_id", 0), array_var($task_data, "milestone_id", 0)));
         $task_data['due_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date'));
         $task_data['start_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date'));
         if ($task_data['due_date'] instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $duetime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_time'));
             if (is_array($duetime)) {
                 $task_data['due_date']->setHour(array_var($duetime, 'hours'));
                 $task_data['due_date']->setMinute(array_var($duetime, 'mins'));
             $task_data['due_date']->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
             $task_data['use_due_time'] = is_array($duetime);
         if ($task_data['start_date'] instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $starttime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_time'));
             if (is_array($starttime)) {
                 $task_data['start_date']->setHour(array_var($starttime, 'hours'));
                 $task_data['start_date']->setMinute(array_var($starttime, 'mins'));
             $task_data['start_date']->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
             $task_data['use_start_time'] = is_array($starttime);
         try {
             $err_msg = $this->setRepeatOptions($task_data);
             if ($err_msg) {
             if (config_option("wysiwyg_tasks")) {
                 $task_data['type_content'] = "html";
                 $task_data['text'] = preg_replace("/[\n|\r|\n\r]/", '', array_var($task_data, 'text'));
             } else {
                 $task_data['type_content'] = "text";
             $task_data['object_type_id'] = $task->getObjectTypeId();
             $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members'));
             if (!can_task_assignee(logged_user())) {
                 flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
             $totalMinutes = array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_hours', 0) * 60 + array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_minutes', 0);
             $id = array_var($_GET, 'id', 0);
             $parent = ProjectTasks::findById($id);
             if ($parent instanceof ProjectTask) {
                 $member_ids = $parent->getMemberIds();
                 if ($parent->getIsTemplate()) {
             if ($task->getParentId() > 0 && $task->hasChild($task->getParentId())) {
                 flash_error(lang('task child of child error'));
             // dependencies
             if (config_option('use tasks dependencies')) {
                 $previous_tasks = array_var($task_data, 'previous');
                 if (is_array($previous_tasks)) {
                     foreach ($previous_tasks as $ptask) {
                         if ($ptask == $task->getId()) {
                         $dep = ProjectTaskDependencies::findById(array('previous_task_id' => $ptask, 'task_id' => $task->getId()));
                         if (!$dep instanceof ProjectTaskDependency) {
                             $dep = new ProjectTaskDependency();
             if (array_var($_GET, 'copyId', 0) > 0) {
                 // copy remaining stuff from the task with id copyId
                 $toCopy = ProjectTasks::findById(array_var($_GET, 'copyId'));
                 if ($toCopy instanceof ProjectTask) {
                     ProjectTasks::copySubTasks($toCopy, $task, array_var($task_data, 'is_template', false));
             // if task is added from task view -> add subscribers
             if (array_var($task_data, 'inputtype') == 'taskview') {
                 if (!isset($_POST['subscribers'])) {
                     $_POST['subscribers'] = array();
                 $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . logged_user()->getId()] = 'checked';
                 if ($task->getAssignedToContactId() > 0 && Contacts::instance()->findById($task->getAssignedToContactId())->getUserType()) {
                     $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . $task->getAssignedToContactId()] = 'checked';
             // Add assigned user to the subscibers list
             if (isset($_POST['subscribers']) && $task->getAssignedToContactId() > 0 && Contacts::instance()->findById($task->getAssignedToContactId())) {
                 $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . $task->getAssignedToContactId()] = 'checked';
             //Link objects
             $object_controller = new ObjectController();
             $object_controller->add_to_members($task, $member_ids);
             ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
             if (config_option('repeating_task') == 1) {
                 $opt_rep_day['saturday'] = false;
                 $opt_rep_day['sunday'] = false;
                 if (array_var($task_data, 'repeat_saturdays', false)) {
                     $opt_rep_day['saturday'] = true;
                 if (array_var($task_data, 'repeat_sundays', false)) {
                     $opt_rep_day['sunday'] = true;
                 $this->repetitive_task($task, $opt_rep_day);
             if (config_option('multi_assignment') && Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('crpm')) {
                 $subtasks = array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment');
                 Hook::fire('save_subtasks', $task, $subtasks);
             // notify asignee
             if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification') == 'checked') {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     evt_add("debug", $e->getMessage());
                 // try
             if ($task->getIsTemplate()) {
                 flash_success(lang('success add template', $task->getObjectName()));
             } else {
                 flash_success(lang('success add task list', $task->getObjectName()));
             if (array_var($task_data, 'inputtype') != 'taskview') {
             } else {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         // try
     // if
 function download()
     $id = array_var($_GET, 'id');
     $email = MailContents::findById($id);
     if (!$email instanceof MailContent) {
         flash_error(lang('email dnx'));
     if (!$email->canView(logged_user())) {
         flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
     if ($email->getContent()) {
         download_contents($email->getContent(), 'message/rfc822', $email->getSubject() . ".eml", strlen($email->getContent()), true);
     } else {
         download_from_repository($email->getContentFileId(), 'message/rfc822', $email->getSubject() . ".eml", true);
Exemplo n.º 3
 function list_objects()
     //alert("debugging. remove this line");ajx_current('empty'); return array() ; //TODO remove this line
     /* get query parameters */
     $filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start') ? (int) array_var($_GET, 'start') : 0;
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit') ? array_var($_GET, 'limit') : $filesPerPage;
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $ignore_context = (bool) array_var($_GET, 'ignore_context');
     if ($order == "dateUpdated") {
         $order = "updated_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateArchived") {
         $order = "archived_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateDeleted") {
         $order = "trashed_on";
     $orderdir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $types = null;
     if ($typeCSV) {
         $types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
     $name_filter = mysql_escape_string(array_var($_GET, 'name'));
     $linked_obj_filter = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
     $object_ids_filter = '';
     if (!is_null($linked_obj_filter)) {
         $linkedObject = Objects::findObject($linked_obj_filter);
         $objs = $linkedObject->getLinkedObjects();
         foreach ($objs as $obj) {
             $object_ids_filter .= ($object_ids_filter == '' ? '' : ',') . $obj->getId();
     $filters = array();
     if (!is_null($types)) {
         $filters['types'] = $types;
     if (!is_null($name_filter)) {
         $filters['name'] = $name_filter;
     if ($object_ids_filter != '') {
         $filters['object_ids'] = $object_ids_filter;
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     $trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
     $archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);
     /* if there's an action to execute, do so */
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         $result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("extra_conditions" => " AND o.id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ") ", "include_deleted" => true));
         $objects = $result->objects;
         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects);
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
         } else {
             Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $ids, $ignored);
             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             //$result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), null, null, true, false, array('object_ids' => implode(",",$ids)));
             $objects = Objects::instance()->findAll(array("conditions" => "id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"));
             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
             if ($err > 0) {
                 flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
             if ($succ > 0) {
                 Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $ids, $ignored);
                 flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                     list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {
                         $result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), 'trashed_on', 'desc', true);
                         $objects = $result->objects;
                         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
                         if ($err > 0) {
                             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
                         if ($succ > 0) {
                             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
                     } else {
                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'archive');
                             if ($err > 0) {
                                 flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
                             } else {
                                 flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
                         } else {
                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'unarchive');
                                 if ($err > 0) {
                                     flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
                                 } else {
                                     flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
                                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                     $err = 0;
                                     $succ = 0;
                                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                         $split = explode(":", $id);
                                         $type = $split[0];
                                         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail') && $type == 'MailContents') {
                                             $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                             if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                 if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) {
                                                 } else {
                                             } else {
                                     if ($err > 0) {
                                         flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
                                     } else {
                                         flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
                                         $errorMessage = null;
                                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                         $success = 0;
                                         $error = 0;
                                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                             $obj = Objects::findObject($id);
                                             if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                                                 try {
                                                     if ($obj->getObjectTypeId() == 11) {
                                                         $event = ProjectEvents::findById($obj->getId());
                                                         if ($event->getExtCalId() != "") {
                                                             $this->created_event_google_calendar($obj, $event);
                                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                             } else {
                                         if ($success > 0) {
                                             flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
                                         if ($error > 0) {
                                             $errorString = is_null($errorMessage) ? lang("error untrash objects", $error) : $errorMessage;
     $filterName = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $result = null;
     $context = active_context();
     $obj_type_types = array('content_object', 'dimension_object');
     if (array_var($_GET, 'include_comments')) {
         $obj_type_types[] = 'comment';
     $type_condition = "";
     if ($types) {
         $type_condition = " AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $types) . "')";
     $res = DB::executeAll("SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE type IN ('" . implode("','", $obj_type_types) . "') AND name <> 'file revision' {$type_condition} ");
     $type_ids = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         if (ObjectTypes::isListableObjectType($row['id'])) {
             $types_ids[] = $row['id'];
     //Hook::fire('list_objects_type_ids', null, $types_ids);
     $type_ids_csv = implode(',', $types_ids);
     $extra_conditions = array();
     $extra_conditions[] = "object_type_id in ({$type_ids_csv})";
     if ($name_filter) {
         $extra_conditions[] = "name LIKE '%{$name_filter}%'";
     //$pagination = Objects::getObjects($context,$start,$limit,$order,$orderdir,$trashed,$archived, $filters,$start, $limit, $obj_type_types);
     $pagination = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("start" => $start, "limit" => $limit, "order" => $order, "order_dir" => $orderdir, "trashed" => $trashed, "archived" => $archived, "types" => $types, "count_results" => false, "extra_conditions" => " AND " . implode(" AND ", $extra_conditions), "ignore_context" => $ignore_context));
     $result = $pagination->objects;
     $total_items = $pagination->total;
     if (!$result) {
         $result = array();
     /* prepare response object */
     $info = array();
     foreach ($result as $obj) {
         $info_elem = $obj->getArrayInfo($trashed, $archived);
         $instance = Objects::instance()->findObject($info_elem['object_id']);
         $info_elem['url'] = $instance->getViewUrl();
         /* @var $instance Contact  */
         if ($instance instanceof Contact) {
             if ($instance->isCompany()) {
                 $info_elem['icon'] = 'ico-company';
                 $info_elem['type'] = 'company';
         } else {
             if ($instance instanceof ProjectFile) {
                 $info_elem['mimeType'] = $instance->getTypeString();
         $info_elem['isRead'] = $instance->getIsRead(logged_user()->getId());
         $info_elem['manager'] = get_class($instance->manager());
         $info_elem['memPath'] = json_encode($instance->getMembersToDisplayPath());
         $info[] = $info_elem;
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $total_items, "start" => $start, "objects" => $info);
     tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
     if (isset($reload) && $reload) {
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Add new task
  * @access public
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function add_task()
     //is template task?
     $isTemplateTask = false;
     if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'template_task') == true) {
         $isTemplateTask = true;
         if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'template_id')) {
             $template_id = array_var($_REQUEST, 'template_id');
         } else {
             $template_id = 0;
         tpl_assign('template_id', $template_id);
         tpl_assign('additional_tt_params', array_var($_REQUEST, 'additional_tt_params'));
     if (logged_user()->isGuest()) {
         flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
     $email = null;
     $context = active_context();
     $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members', null));
     if (is_array($member_ids) && count($member_ids) > 0) {
         $context = Members::findAll(array('conditions' => 'id IN (' . implode(',', $member_ids) . ')'));
     $notAllowedMember = '';
     if (!ProjectTask::canAdd(logged_user(), $context, $notAllowedMember) && !$isTemplateTask && is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
         if (str_starts_with($notAllowedMember, '-- req dim --')) {
             $msg = lang('must choose at least one member of', str_replace_first('-- req dim --', '', $notAllowedMember, $in));
         } else {
             trim($notAllowedMember) == "" ? $msg = lang('you must select where to keep', lang('the task')) : ($msg = lang('no context permissions to add', lang("tasks"), $notAllowedMember));
         if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'modal')) {
             $params = array('errorMessage' => $msg, 'errorCode' => 1, 'showMessage' => 1, 'reload' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'reload'));
             print_modal_json_response($params, true, array_var($_REQUEST, 'use_ajx'));
         } else {
     //is template task?
     if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'template_task') == true) {
         $task = new TemplateTask();
         $this->setTemplate(get_template_path('add_template_task', 'template_task'));
     } else {
         $task = new ProjectTask();
     $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
     if (is_array($task_data)) {
         foreach ($task_data as $k => &$v) {
             $v = remove_scripts($v);
     if (!is_array($task_data)) {
         // set layout for modal form
         if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'modal')) {
             tpl_assign('modal', true);
         $dd = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date', ''));
         if ($dd instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $duetime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_time'));
             if (is_array($duetime)) {
                 $dd->setHour(array_var($duetime, 'hours'));
                 $dd->setMinute(array_var($duetime, 'mins'));
         $sd = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date', ''));
         if ($sd instanceof DateTimeValue) {
             $starttime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_time'));
             if (is_array($starttime)) {
                 $sd->setHour(array_var($starttime, 'hours'));
                 $sd->setMinute(array_var($starttime, 'mins'));
         $time_estimate = array_var($_POST, 'hours', 0) * 60 + array_var($_POST, 'minutes', 0);
         if (config_option("wysiwyg_tasks")) {
             $text_post = preg_replace("/[\n|\r|\n\r]/", '', array_var($_POST, 'text', ''));
         } else {
             $text_post = array_var($_POST, 'text', '');
         $task_data = array('milestone_id' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'milestone_id', 0), 'project_id' => 1, 'name' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'name', ''), 'assigned_to_contact_id' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'assigned_to_contact_id', '0'), 'selected_members_ids' => json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members', null)), 'parent_id' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'parent_id', 0), 'priority' => array_var($_POST, 'priority', ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_NORMAL), 'text' => $text_post, 'start_date' => $sd, 'due_date' => $dd, 'time_estimate' => $time_estimate, 'is_template' => array_var($_POST, "is_template", array_var($_GET, "is_template", false)), 'percent_completed' => array_var($_POST, "percent_completed", ''), 'object_subtype' => array_var($_POST, "object_subtype", config_option('default task co type')), 'send_notification_subscribers' => user_config_option("can notify subscribers"));
         // array
         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) {
             $from_email = array_var($_GET, 'from_email');
             $email = MailContents::findById($from_email);
             if ($email instanceof MailContent) {
                 $task_data['name'] = $email->getSubject();
                 $task_data['text'] = lang('create task from email description', $email->getSubject(), $email->getFrom(), $email->getTextBody());
                 $task_data['selected_members_ids'] = $email->getMemberIds();
                 tpl_assign('from_email', $email);
         tpl_assign('additional_onsubmit', array_var($_REQUEST, 'additional_onsubmit'));
     // if
     if (array_var($_GET, 'replace')) {
     tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
     tpl_assign('task', $task);
     tpl_assign('pending_task_id', 0);
     $subtasks = array();
     if (array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment')) {
         $subtasks = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment'), true);
     tpl_assign('multi_assignment', $subtasks);
     if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
         try {
             // order
             $task->setOrder(ProjectTasks::maxOrder(array_var($task_data, "parent_id", 0), array_var($task_data, "milestone_id", 0)));
             try {
                 $task_data['due_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date'));
                 $task_data['start_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception(lang('date format error', date_format_tip(user_config_option('date_format'))));
             if ($task_data['due_date'] instanceof DateTimeValue) {
                 $duetime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_time'));
                 if (is_array($duetime)) {
                     $task_data['due_date']->setHour(array_var($duetime, 'hours'));
                     $task_data['due_date']->setMinute(array_var($duetime, 'mins'));
                     $task_data['due_date']->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
                 $task_data['use_due_time'] = is_array($duetime);
             if ($task_data['start_date'] instanceof DateTimeValue) {
                 $starttime = getTimeValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_time'));
                 if (is_array($starttime)) {
                     $task_data['start_date']->setHour(array_var($starttime, 'hours'));
                     $task_data['start_date']->setMinute(array_var($starttime, 'mins'));
                     $task_data['start_date']->advance(logged_user()->getTimezone() * -3600);
                 $task_data['use_start_time'] = is_array($starttime);
             $err_msg = $this->setRepeatOptions($task_data);
             if ($err_msg) {
                 throw new Exception($err_msg);
             if (config_option("wysiwyg_tasks")) {
                 $task_data['type_content'] = "html";
                 $task_data['text'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), array('', '', ''), array_var($task_data, 'text'));
             } else {
                 $task_data['type_content'] = "text";
             $task_data['object_type_id'] = $task->getObjectTypeId();
             $member_ids = json_decode(array_var($_POST, 'members'));
             if (!can_task_assignee(logged_user())) {
                 flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
             $totalMinutes = array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_hours', 0) * 60 + array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_minutes', 0);
             $id = array_var($_GET, 'id', 0);
             if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
                 //evt_add("template task added", array("id_template_task" => $file->getId()));
                 $parent = TemplateTasks::findById($id);
                 if ($parent instanceof TemplateTask) {
                     $member_ids = $parent->getMemberIds();
                 //template id
             } else {
                 $parent = ProjectTasks::findById($id);
                 if ($parent instanceof ProjectTask) {
                     $member_ids = $parent->getMemberIds();
             if ($task->getParentId() > 0 && $task->hasChild($task->getParentId())) {
                 flash_error(lang('task child of child error'));
             if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
             // dependencies
             if (config_option('use tasks dependencies')) {
                 $previous_tasks = array_var($task_data, 'previous');
                 if (is_array($previous_tasks)) {
                     foreach ($previous_tasks as $ptask) {
                         if ($ptask == $task->getId()) {
                         $dep = ProjectTaskDependencies::findById(array('previous_task_id' => $ptask, 'task_id' => $task->getId()));
                         if (!$dep instanceof ProjectTaskDependency) {
                             $dep = new ProjectTaskDependency();
             if (array_var($_GET, 'copyId', 0) > 0) {
                 // copy remaining stuff from the task with id copyId
                 $toCopy = ProjectTasks::findById(array_var($_GET, 'copyId'));
                 if ($toCopy instanceof ProjectTask) {
                     ProjectTasks::copySubTasks($toCopy, $task, array_var($task_data, 'is_template', false));
             // if task is added from task view -> add subscribers
             if (array_var($task_data, 'inputtype') == 'taskview') {
                 if (!isset($_POST['subscribers'])) {
                     $_POST['subscribers'] = array();
                 $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . logged_user()->getId()] = '1';
                 if ($task->getAssignedToContactId() > 0 && Contacts::instance()->findById($task->getAssignedToContactId())->getUserType()) {
                     $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . $task->getAssignedToContactId()] = '1';
             // Add assigned user to the subscibers list
             if (isset($_POST['subscribers']) && $task->getAssignedToContactId() > 0 && Contacts::instance()->findById($task->getAssignedToContactId())) {
                 $_POST['subscribers']['user_' . $task->getAssignedToContactId()] = '1';
             //Link objects
             $object_controller = new ObjectController();
             if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
                 $object_controller->add_to_members($task, $member_ids, null, false);
             } else {
                 $object_controller->add_to_members($task, $member_ids);
             $is_template = $task instanceof TemplateTask;
             $object_controller->add_subscribers($task, null, !$is_template);
             if (config_option('repeating_task') == 1) {
                 $opt_rep_day['saturday'] = false;
                 $opt_rep_day['sunday'] = false;
                 if (array_var($task_data, 'repeat_saturdays', false)) {
                     $opt_rep_day['saturday'] = true;
                 if (array_var($task_data, 'repeat_sundays', false)) {
                     $opt_rep_day['sunday'] = true;
                 $this->repetitive_task($task, $opt_rep_day);
             if (config_option('multi_assignment') && Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('crpm')) {
                 $subtasks = array_var($_POST, 'multi_assignment');
                 Hook::fire('save_subtasks', $task, $subtasks);
             //for calculate member status we save de task again after the object have the members
             // save subtasks added in 'subtasks' tab
             $sub_tasks_to_log = $this->saveSubtasks($task, array_var($task_data, 'subtasks'), $member_ids);
             foreach ($sub_tasks_to_log['add'] as $st_to_log) {
                 ApplicationLogs::createLog($st_to_log, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
             foreach ($sub_tasks_to_log['edit'] as $st_to_log) {
                 ApplicationLogs::createLog($st_to_log, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_EDIT);
             foreach ($sub_tasks_to_log['trash'] as $st_to_log) {
                 ApplicationLogs::createLog($st_to_log, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_TRASH);
             //Send Template task to view
             if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
                 $objectId = $task->getObjectId();
                 $id = $task->getId();
                 $objectTypeName = $task->getObjectTypeName();
                 $objectName = $task->getObjectName();
                 $manager = get_class($task->manager());
                 $milestoneId = $task instanceof TemplateTask ? $task->getMilestoneId() : '0';
                 $subTasks = array();
                 $parentId = $task->getParentId();
                 $ico = "ico-task";
                 $action = "add";
                 $object = TemplateController::prepareObject($objectId, $id, $objectName, $objectTypeName, $manager, $action, $milestoneId, $subTasks, $parentId, $ico);
                 $template_task_data = array('object' => $object);
                 if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'additional_tt_params')) {
                     $additional_tt_params = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', array_var($_REQUEST, 'additional_tt_params')), true);
                     foreach ($additional_tt_params as $k => $v) {
                         $template_task_data[$k] = $v;
                 if (!array_var($_REQUEST, 'modal')) {
                     evt_add("template object added", $template_task_data);
             // notify asignee
             if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification')) {
                 if ($task instanceof ProjectTask && $task->getAssignedToContactId() != $task->getAssignedById()) {
                     try {
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         evt_add("debug", $e->getMessage());
                     // try
                 // notify asignee for subtasks
                 foreach ($sub_tasks_to_log['assigned'] as $st_to_log) {
                     if ($st_to_log instanceof ProjectTask && $st_to_log->getAssignedToContactId() != $st_to_log->getAssignedById()) {
                         try {
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             evt_add("debug", $e->getMessage());
                         // try
             //notify subscribers
             $isSilent = true;
             if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification_subscribers')) {
                 $isSilent = false;
             ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD, null, $isSilent);
             if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'modal')) {
                 // reload task info because plugins may have updated some task info (for example: name prefix)
                 if ($is_template) {
                     $task = TemplateTasks::findById($task->getId());
                 } else {
                     $task = ProjectTasks::findById($task->getId());
                 $params = array('msg' => lang('success add task list', $task->getObjectName()), 'task' => $task->getArrayInfo(), 'reload' => array_var($_REQUEST, 'reload'));
                 if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
                     $params['msg'] = lang('success add template', $task->getObjectName());
                     $params['object'] = $template_task_data['object'];
                 print_modal_json_response($params, true, array_var($_REQUEST, 'use_ajx'));
             } else {
                 if ($task instanceof TemplateTask) {
                     flash_success(lang('success add template', $task->getObjectName()));
                 } else {
                     flash_success(lang('success add task list', $task->getObjectName()));
                 if (array_var($task_data, 'inputtype') != 'taskview') {
                 } else {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'modal')) {
                 print_modal_json_response(array('errorCode' => 1, 'errorMessage' => $e->getMessage(), 'showMessage' => 1), true, array_var($_REQUEST, 'use_ajx'));
             } else {
         // try
     // if
  * Add new task
  * @access public
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function add_task()
     if (logged_user()->isGuest()) {
         flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
     $project = active_or_personal_project();
     if (!ProjectTask::canAdd(logged_user(), $project)) {
         flash_error(lang('no access permissions'));
     // if
     $task = new ProjectTask();
     $task_data = array_var($_POST, 'task');
     if (!is_array($task_data)) {
         $task_data = array('milestone_id' => array_var($_POST, 'milestone_id', 0), 'project_id' => array_var($_POST, 'project_id', active_or_personal_project()->getId()), 'title' => array_var($_POST, 'title', ''), 'assigned_to' => array_var($_POST, 'assigned_to', '0:0'), 'parent_id' => array_var($_POST, 'parent_id', 0), 'priority' => array_var($_POST, 'priority', ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_NORMAL), 'text' => array_var($_POST, 'text', ''), 'start_date' => getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date', '')), 'due_date' => getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date', '')), 'is_template' => array_var($_POST, "is_template", array_var($_GET, "is_template", false)), 'tags' => array_var($_POST, "tags", ''), 'object_subtype' => array_var($_POST, "object_subtype", config_option('default task co type')), 'send_notification' => array_var($_POST, 'notify') && array_var($_POST, 'notify') == 'true');
         // array
         $from_email = array_var($_GET, 'from_email');
         $email = MailContents::findById($from_email);
         if ($email instanceof MailContent) {
             $task_data['title'] = $email->getSubject();
             $task_data['text'] = lang('create task from email description', $email->getSubject(), $email->getFrom(), $email->getTextBody());
             $task_data['tags'] = implode(", ", $email->getTagNames());
             tpl_assign('from_email', $email);
     // if
     if (array_var($_GET, 'replace')) {
     tpl_assign('task_data', $task_data);
     tpl_assign('task', $task);
     if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'task'))) {
         $proj = Projects::findById(array_var($task_data, 'project_id'));
         if ($proj instanceof Project) {
             $project = $proj;
         // order
         $task->setOrder(ProjectTasks::maxOrder(array_var($task_data, "parent_id", 0), array_var($task_data, "milestone_id", 0)));
         $task_data['due_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_due_date'));
         $task_data['start_date'] = getDateValue(array_var($_POST, 'task_start_date'));
         try {
             $err_msg = $this->setRepeatOptions($task_data);
             if ($err_msg) {
             $totalMinutes = array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_hours', 0) * 60 + array_var($task_data, 'time_estimate_minutes', 0);
             // Not used, but defined as not null.
             // Set assigned to
             $assigned_to = explode(':', array_var($task_data, 'assigned_to', ''));
             $company_id = array_var($assigned_to, 0, 0);
             $user_id = array_var($assigned_to, 1, 0);
             $can_assign = can_assign_task_to_company_user(logged_user(), $task, $company_id, $user_id);
             if ($can_assign !== true) {
             $id = array_var($_GET, 'id', 0);
             $parent = ProjectTasks::findById($id);
             if ($parent instanceof ProjectTask) {
                 if ($parent->getIsTemplate()) {
             if ($task->getParentId() > 0 && $task->hasChild($task->getParentId())) {
                 flash_error(lang('task child of child error'));
             //Add handins
             $handins = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                 if (isset($task_data["handin{$i}"]) && is_array($task_data["handin{$i}"]) && trim(array_var($task_data["handin{$i}"], 'title')) != '') {
                     $assigned_to = explode(':', array_var($task_data["handin{$i}"], 'assigned_to', ''));
                     $handins[] = array('title' => array_var($task_data["handin{$i}"], 'title'), 'responsible_company_id' => array_var($assigned_to, 0, 0), 'responsible_user_id' => array_var($assigned_to, 1, 0));
                     // array
                 // if
             // for
             //echo 'pepe'; DB::rollback(); die();
             $task->setTagsFromCSV(array_var($task_data, 'tags'));
             foreach ($handins as $handin_data) {
                 $handin = new ObjectHandin();
             // foreach*/
             if (array_var($_GET, 'copyId', 0) > 0) {
                 // copy remaining stuff from the task with id copyId
                 $toCopy = ProjectTasks::findById(array_var($_GET, 'copyId'));
                 if ($toCopy instanceof ProjectTask) {
                     ProjectTasks::copySubTasks($toCopy, $task, array_var($task_data, 'is_template', false));
             //Link objects
             $object_controller = new ObjectController();
             if ($parent instanceof ProjectTask) {
                 // task is being added as subtask of another, so place in same workspace
             } else {
             ApplicationLogs::createLog($task, $task->getWorkspaces(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_ADD);
             // notify asignee
             if (array_var($task_data, 'send_notification') == 'checked') {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     evt_add("debug", $e->getMessage());
                 // try
             if ($task->getIsTemplate()) {
                 flash_success(lang('success add template', $task->getTitle()));
             } else {
                 flash_success(lang('success add task list', $task->getTitle()));
             if (array_var($task_data, 'inputtype') != 'taskview') {
             } else {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         // try
     // if
 public function activity_feed()
     /* get query parameters */
     $filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start') ? (int) array_var($_GET, 'start') : 0;
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit') ? array_var($_GET, 'limit') : $filesPerPage;
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $orderdir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $types = null;
     if ($typeCSV) {
         $types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
     $name_filter = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $linked_obj_filter = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
     $object_ids_filter = '';
     if (!is_null($linked_obj_filter)) {
         $linkedObject = Objects::findObject($linked_obj_filter);
         $objs = $linkedObject->getLinkedObjects();
         foreach ($objs as $obj) {
             $object_ids_filter .= ($object_ids_filter == '' ? '' : ',') . $obj->getId();
     $filters = array();
     if (!is_null($types)) {
         $filters['types'] = $types;
     if (!is_null($name_filter)) {
         $filters['name'] = $name_filter;
     if ($object_ids_filter != '') {
         $filters['object_ids'] = $object_ids_filter;
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     $trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
     $archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);
     /* if there's an action to execute, do so */
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         $result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), null, null, false, false, array('object_ids' => implode(",", $ids)));
         $objects = $result->objects;
         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects);
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
         } else {
             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             $result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), null, null, true, false, array('object_ids' => implode(",", $ids)));
             $objects = $result->objects;
             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
             if ($err > 0) {
                 flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
             if ($succ > 0) {
                 flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                     list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {
                         $result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), 'trashed_on', 'desc', true);
                         $objects = $result->objects;
                         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
                         if ($err > 0) {
                             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
                         if ($succ > 0) {
                             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
                     } else {
                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'archive');
                             if ($err > 0) {
                                 flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
                             } else {
                                 flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
                         } else {
                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'unarchive');
                                 if ($err > 0) {
                                     flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
                                 } else {
                                     flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
                                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                     $err = 0;
                                     $succ = 0;
                                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                         $split = explode(":", $id);
                                         $type = $split[0];
                                         if ($type == 'MailContents') {
                                             $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                             if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                 if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) {
                                                 } else {
                                             } else {
                                     if ($err > 0) {
                                         flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
                                     } else {
                                         flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
                                         $errorMessage = null;
                                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                         $success = 0;
                                         $error = 0;
                                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                             $obj = Objects::findObject($id);
                                             if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                                                 try {
                                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                             } else {
                                         if ($success > 0) {
                                             flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
                                         if ($error > 0) {
                                             $errorString = is_null($errorMessage) ? lang("error untrash objects", $error) : $errorMessage;
     /*FIXME else if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'move') {
     			$wsid = array_var($_GET, "moveTo");
     			$destination = Projects::findById($wsid);
     			if (!$destination instanceof Project) {
     				$resultMessage = lang('project dnx');
     				$resultCode = 1;
     			} else if (!can_add(logged_user(), $destination, 'ProjectMessages')) {
     				$resultMessage = lang('no access permissions');
     				$resultCode = 1;
     			} else {
     				$ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
     				$count = 0;
     				foreach ($ids as $id) {
     					$split = explode(":", $id);
     					$type = $split[0];
     					$obj = Objects::findObject($split[1]);
     					$mantainWs = array_var($_GET, "mantainWs");
     					if ($type != 'Projects' && $obj->canEdit(logged_user())) {
     						if ($type == 'MailContents') {
     							$email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
     							$conversation = MailContents::getMailsFromConversation($email);
     							foreach ($conversation as $conv_email) {
     								$count += MailController::addEmailToWorkspace($conv_email->getId(), $destination, $mantainWs);
     								if (array_var($_GET, 'classify_atts') && $conv_email->getHasAttachments()) {
     									MailUtilities::parseMail($conv_email->getContent(), $decoded, $parsedEmail, $warnings);
     									$classification_data = array();
     									for ($j=0; $j < count(array_var($parsedEmail, "Attachments", array())); $j++) {
     										$classification_data["att_".$j] = true;		
     									$tags = implode(",", $conv_email->getTagNames());
     									MailController::classifyFile($classification_data, $conv_email, $parsedEmail, array($destination), $mantainWs, $tags);
     						} else {
     							if (!$mantainWs || $type == 'ProjectTasks' || $type == 'ProjectMilestones') {
     								$removed = "";
     								$ws = $obj->getWorkspaces();
     								foreach ($ws as $w) {
     									if (can_add(logged_user(), $w, $type)) {
     										$removed .= $w->getId() . ",";
     								$removed = substr($removed, 0, -1);
     								$log_action = ApplicationLogs::ACTION_MOVE;
     								$log_data = ($removed == "" ? "" : "from:$removed;") . "to:$wsid";
     							} else {
     								$log_action = ApplicationLogs::ACTION_COPY;
     								$log_data = "to:$wsid";
     							ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, $log_action, false, null, true, $log_data);
     				if ($count > 0) {
     					$reload = true;
     					flash_success(lang("success move objects", $count));
     				} else {
     $filterName = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $result = null;
     $context = active_context();
     $obj_type_types = array('content_object');
     if (array_var($_GET, 'include_comments')) {
         $obj_type_types[] = 'comment';
     $pagination = Objects::getObjects($context, $start, $limit, $order, $orderdir, $trashed, $archived, $filters, $start, $limit, $obj_type_types);
     $result = $pagination->objects;
     $total_items = $pagination->total;
     if (!$result) {
         $result = array();
     /* prepare response object */
     $info = array();
     foreach ($result as $obj) {
         $info_elem = $obj->getArrayInfo($trashed, $archived);
         $instance = Objects::instance()->findObject($info_elem['object_id']);
         $info_elem['url'] = $instance->getViewUrl();
         if (method_exists($instance, "getText")) {
             $info_elem['content'] = $instance->getText();
         $info_elem['picture'] = $instance->getCreatedBy()->getPictureUrl();
         $info_elem['friendly_date'] = friendly_date($instance->getCreatedOn());
         $info_elem['comment'] = $instance->getComments();
         /* @var $instance Contact  */
         if ($instance instanceof Contact) {
             if ($instance->isCompany()) {
                 $info_elem['icon'] = 'ico-company';
                 $info_elem['type'] = 'company';
         $info_elem['isRead'] = $instance->getIsRead(logged_user()->getId());
         $info_elem['manager'] = get_class($instance->manager());
         $info[] = $info_elem;
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $total_items, "start" => $start, "objects" => $info);
     tpl_assign("feeds", $listing);
 function addToSharingTable()
     // if classified or not belongs to an email
     $member_ids = array();
     $members = $this->getMembers();
     foreach ($members as $m) {
         $d = $m->getDimension();
         if ($d instanceof Dimension && $d->getIsManageable()) {
             $member_ids[] = $m->getId();
     if ($this->getMailId() == 0 || count($member_ids) > 0) {
         $revisions = $this->getRevisions();
         if (is_array($revisions)) {
             foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
     } else {
         // if not classified and belongs to an email
         $mail = MailContents::findById($this->getMailId());
         if ($mail instanceof MailContent) {
             DB::execute("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table WHERE object_id=" . $this->getId());
             $macs = MailAccountContacts::findAll(array('conditions' => array('`account_id` = ?', $mail->getAccountId())));
             foreach ($macs as $mac) {
                 $c = Contacts::findById($mac->getContactId());
                 if ($c instanceof Contact) {
                     $values = "(" . $c->getPermissionGroupId() . "," . $this->getId() . ")";
                     DB::execute("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table (group_id, object_id) VALUES {$values} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE group_id=group_id;");
 function list_objects()
     /* get query parameters */
     $filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start') ? (int) array_var($_GET, 'start') : 0;
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit') ? array_var($_GET, 'limit') : $filesPerPage;
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $orderdir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $tag = array_var($_GET, 'tag');
     $typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $types = null;
     if ($typeCSV) {
         $types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
     $objid = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
     $mangr = array_var($_GET, 'linkedmanager');
     $filterManager = array_var($_GET, 'filtermanager', '');
     if ($mangr != null && $objid != null) {
         $linkedObject = get_object_by_manager_and_id($objid, $mangr);
     } else {
         $linkedObject = null;
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     $trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
     $archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);
     /* if there's an action to execute, do so */
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($ids);
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
         } else {
             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($ids, null, true);
             if ($err > 0) {
                 flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
             if ($succ > 0) {
                 flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                     list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {
                         $Allitems = $this->getDashboardObjects(null, null, null, null, null, null, active_project(), true);
                         $ids = array();
                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($Allitems); $i++) {
                             $id = $Allitems[$i]['object_id'];
                             $manager = $Allitems[$i]['manager'];
                             $ids[] = $manager . ':' . $id;
                         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($ids, null, true);
                         if ($err > 0) {
                             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
                         if ($succ > 0) {
                             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
                     } else {
                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, null, 'archive');
                             if ($err > 0) {
                                 flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
                             } else {
                                 flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
                         } else {
                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, null, 'unarchive');
                                 if ($err > 0) {
                                     flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
                                 } else {
                                     flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
                                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                     $err = 0;
                                     $succ = 0;
                                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                         $split = explode(":", $id);
                                         $type = $split[0];
                                         if ($type == 'MailContents') {
                                             $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                             if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                 if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) {
                                                 } else {
                                             } else {
                                     if ($err > 0) {
                                         flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
                                     } else {
                                         flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'tag') {
                                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                         $tagTag = array_var($_GET, 'tagTag');
                                         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_tag_object($tagTag, $ids);
                                         if ($err > 0) {
                                             flash_error(lang('error tag objects', $err));
                                         } else {
                                             flash_success(lang('success tag objects', $succ));
                                     } else {
                                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'untag') {
                                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_untag_object(array_var($_GET, 'tagTag'), $ids);
                                             if ($err > 0) {
                                                 flash_error(lang('error untag objects', $err));
                                             } else {
                                                 flash_success(lang('success untag objects', $succ));
                                         } else {
                                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
                                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                                 $success = 0;
                                                 $error = 0;
                                                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                                     $split = explode(":", $id);
                                                     $obj = get_object_by_manager_and_id($split[1], $split[0]);
                                                     if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                                                         try {
                                                             ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, $obj->getWorkspaces(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                             if ($obj->getObjectManagerName() == 'ProjectTasks') {
                                                                 $subtasks = $obj->getAllSubtasks();
                                                                 foreach ($subtasks as $st) {
                                                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($st, $st->getWorkspaces(), ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                     } else {
                                                 if ($success > 0) {
                                                     flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
                                                 if ($error > 0) {
                                                     flash_error(lang("error untrash objects", $error));
                                             } else {
                                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'move') {
                                                     $wsid = array_var($_GET, "moveTo");
                                                     $destination = Projects::findById($wsid);
                                                     if (!$destination instanceof Project) {
                                                         $resultMessage = lang('project dnx');
                                                         $resultCode = 1;
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (!can_add(logged_user(), $destination, 'ProjectMessages')) {
                                                             $resultMessage = lang('no access permissions');
                                                             $resultCode = 1;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                                             $count = 0;
                                                             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                                                 $split = explode(":", $id);
                                                                 $type = $split[0];
                                                                 $obj = get_object_by_manager_and_id($split[1], $type);
                                                                 $mantainWs = array_var($_GET, "mantainWs");
                                                                 if ($type != 'Projects' && $obj->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                                     if ($type == 'MailContents') {
                                                                         $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                                                         $conversation = MailContents::getMailsFromConversation($email);
                                                                         foreach ($conversation as $conv_email) {
                                                                             $count += MailController::addEmailToWorkspace($conv_email->getId(), $destination, $mantainWs);
                                                                             if (array_var($_GET, 'classify_atts') && $conv_email->getHasAttachments()) {
                                                                                 MailUtilities::parseMail($conv_email->getContent(), $decoded, $parsedEmail, $warnings);
                                                                                 $classification_data = array();
                                                                                 for ($j = 0; $j < count(array_var($parsedEmail, "Attachments", array())); $j++) {
                                                                                     $classification_data["att_" . $j] = true;
                                                                                 $tags = implode(",", $conv_email->getTagNames());
                                                                                 MailController::classifyFile($classification_data, $conv_email, $parsedEmail, array($destination), $mantainWs, $tags);
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if (!$mantainWs || $type == 'ProjectTasks' || $type == 'ProjectMilestones') {
                                                                             $removed = "";
                                                                             $ws = $obj->getWorkspaces();
                                                                             foreach ($ws as $w) {
                                                                                 if (can_add(logged_user(), $w, $type)) {
                                                                                     $removed .= $w->getId() . ",";
                                                                             $removed = substr($removed, 0, -1);
                                                                             $log_action = ApplicationLogs::ACTION_MOVE;
                                                                             $log_data = ($removed == "" ? "" : "from:{$removed};") . "to:{$wsid}";
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             $log_action = ApplicationLogs::ACTION_COPY;
                                                                             $log_data = "to:{$wsid}";
                                                                         ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, $obj->getWorkspaces(), $log_action, false, null, true, $log_data);
                                                             if ($count > 0) {
                                                                 $reload = true;
                                                                 flash_success(lang("success move objects", $count));
                                                             } else {
     $filterName = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $result = null;
     /* perform queries according to type*/
     $project = active_project();
     $total_items = $this->countDashboardObjects($tag, $types, $project, $trashed, $linkedObject, $filterName, $archived, $filterManager);
     if ($total_items < ($page - 1) * $limit) {
         $page = 1;
         $start = 0;
     $result = $this->getDashboardObjects($page, $filesPerPage, $tag, $order, $orderdir, $types, $project, $trashed, $linkedObject, $filterName, $archived, $filterManager);
     if (!$result) {
         $result = array();
     /* prepare response object */
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $total_items, "start" => $start, "objects" => $result);
     tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
     if (isset($reload) && $reload) {
     } else {
						<select name="<?php 
            echo 'parameterValues[' . $parameter['name'] . ']';
            $context = active_context();
            if (isset($member_id) && $member_id > 0) {
                // filter by context passed by parameter
                $additional_member = Members::findById($member_id);
                if ($additional_member instanceof Member) {
                    $context = array($additional_member);
            if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'from_email')) {
                $from_email = MailContents::findById(array_var($_REQUEST, 'from_email'));
                if ($from_email instanceof MailContent) {
                    $context = $from_email->getMembers();
            $companies = allowed_users_to_assign($context);
            foreach ($companies as $c) {
                if (config_option('can_assign_tasks_to_companies')) {
								<option value="<?php 
                    echo $c['id'];
"> <?php 
                    echo $c['name'];
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function processListActions()
     $linkedObject = null;
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         $result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("extra_conditions" => " AND o.id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ") ", "include_deleted" => true));
         $objects = $result->objects;
         foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $real_deleted_ids = array();
         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, false, $real_deleted_ids);
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
         } else {
             Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $real_deleted_ids, $ignored);
             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             $objects = Objects::instance()->findAll(array("conditions" => "id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"));
             $real_deleted_ids = array();
             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true, $real_deleted_ids);
             if ($err > 0) {
                 flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
             if ($succ > 0) {
                 Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $real_deleted_ids, $ignored);
                 flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                     list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {
                         $result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("select_columns" => array('id'), "raw_data" => true, "trashed" => true));
                         $objects = $result->objects;
                         foreach ($objects as $object) {
                         if (count($objects) > 0) {
                             $obj_ids_str = implode(',', array_flat($objects));
                             $extra_conds = "AND o.id IN ({$obj_ids_str})";
                             $count = Trash::purge_trash(0, 1000, $extra_conds);
                             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $count));
                     } else {
                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'archive');
                             if ($err > 0) {
                                 flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
                             } else {
                                 flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
                         } else {
                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'unarchive');
                                 if ($err > 0) {
                                     flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
                                 } else {
                                     flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
                                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                     $err = 0;
                                     $succ = 0;
                                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                         $split = explode(":", $id);
                                         $type = $split[0];
                                         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail') && $type == 'MailContents') {
                                             $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                             if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                 if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) {
                                                 } else {
                                             } else {
                                     if ($err > 0) {
                                         flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
                                     } else {
                                         flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
                                         $errorMessage = null;
                                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                         $success = 0;
                                         $error = 0;
                                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                             $obj = Objects::findObject($id);
                                             if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                                                 try {
                                                     if ($obj->getObjectTypeId() == 11) {
                                                         $event = ProjectEvents::findById($obj->getId());
                                                         if ($event->getExtCalId() != "") {
                                                             $this->created_event_google_calendar($obj, $event);
                                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                             } else {
                                         if ($success > 0) {
                                             flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
                                         if ($error > 0) {
                                             $errorString = is_null($errorMessage) ? lang("error untrash objects", $error) : $errorMessage;
     if (!array_var($_GET, 'only_result')) {
         $ignored = null;
         Hook::fire('after_multi_object_action', array('object_ids' => explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects')), 'action' => array_var($_GET, 'action')), $ignored);