Exemplo n.º 1
        if ($_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_MANAGER || $bDelete) {
            $aNavigation[CURRENT_PATH . '?delete'] = array('cross.png', 'Delete disease entry', 1);
        $aNavigation[CURRENT_PATH . '/columns'] = array('menu_columns.png', 'View enabled phenotype columns', 1);
        $aNavigation[CURRENT_PATH . '/columns?order'] = array('menu_columns.png', 'Re-order enabled phenotype columns', 1);
        $aNavigation['columns/Phenotype'] = array('menu_columns.png', 'View all available phenotype columns', 1);
        $aNavigation['phenotypes/disease/' . $nID] = array('menu_magnifying_glass.png', 'View all phenotype entries for this disease', 1);
    lovd_showJGNavigation($aNavigation, 'Diseases');
    if ($zData['individuals']) {
        $_GET['search_diseaseids'] = $nID;
        print '<BR><BR>' . "\n\n";
        $_T->printTitle('Individuals', 'H4');
        require ROOT_PATH . 'class/object_individuals.php';
        $_DATA = new LOVD_Individual();
        $_DATA->viewList('Individuals_for_D_VE', array('panelid', 'diseaseids'), true, false, (bool) ($_AUTH['level'] >= LEVEL_MANAGER), false, true);
if (PATH_COUNT == 2 && !ctype_digit($_PE[1]) && !ACTION) {
    // URL: /diseases/DMD
    // Try to find a disease by its abbreviation and forward.
    // When we have multiple hits, refer to listView.
    $sID = rawurldecode($_PE[1]);
    $aDiseases = $_DB->query('SELECT id FROM ' . TABLE_DISEASES . ' WHERE symbol = ?', array($sID))->fetchAllColumn();
    $n = count($aDiseases);
    if (!$n) {
        define('PAGE_TITLE', 'View disease');