Exemplo n.º 1
  * Return html structure of shortcode in Page Builder area
  * @param string $shortcode_name
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $shortcode_data
  * @param array $shortcode_params
  * @return string
 public static function transformShortcodeToPagebuilder($shortcode_name, $content = '', $shortcode_data = '', $shortcode_params = '', $client = 'backend')
     $class = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::getShortcodeClass($shortcode_name);
     if (class_exists($class)) {
         global $JSNPbElements;
         $elements = $JSNPbElements->getElements();
         $instance = isset($elements[strtolower($class)]) ? $elements[strtolower($class)] : null;
         if (!is_object($instance)) {
             $instance = new $class();
         $el_title = "";
         // extract param of shortcode (now for column)
         if (isset($instance->config['extract_param'])) {
             parse_str(trim($shortcode_params), $output);
             foreach ($instance->config['extract_param'] as $param) {
                 if (isset($output[$param])) {
                     $instance->params[$param] = JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::removeQuotes($output[$param]);
         // get content in pagebuilder of shortcode: Element Title must always first option of Content tab
         if (isset($instance->items["content"]) && isset($instance->items["content"][0])) {
             $title = $instance->items["content"][0];
             if (@$title["role"] == "title") {
                 $params = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeParseAtts($shortcode_params);
                 $el_title = !empty($params[$title["id"]]) ? $params[$title["id"]] : "";
         if ($client === 'backend') {
             $shortcode_view = $instance->element_in_pgbldr($content, $shortcode_data, $el_title);
         } else {
             // Render the shortcode frontend HTML
             $params = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeParseAtts($shortcode_params);
             $shortcode_view = $instance->element_shortcode($params, $content);
         return $shortcode_view;
Exemplo n.º 2
     * Method to print element settings
    public function settings()
        $js = '
			var JSNPbParams	= {pbstrings : {}};
			JSNPbParams.rootUrl = \'' . JUri::root() . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.NO_ITEM_FOUND = \'' . JText::_('No %s found') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.SINGLE_ENTRY = \'' . JText::_('Single %s') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.SETTINGS = \'' . JText::_('Settings') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.INVALID_LINK = \'' . JText::_('The link is invalid') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.COPY = \'' . JText::_('copy') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.EMPTY = \'' . JText::_('(Untitled)') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.SELECT_DES_MARKER = \'' . JText::_('Select Destination Marker') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.ALERT_DELETE_ROW = \'' . JText::_('Are you sure you want to delete the whole row including all elements it contains?') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.ALERT_DELETE_COLUMN = \'' . JText::_('Are you sure you want to delete the whole column including all elements it contains?') . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.ALERT_DELETE_ELEMENT = \'' . JText::_('Are you sure you want to delete the element?') . '\';
        JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag($js, 'js', null, true);
        $shortcode = JRequest::getString('shortcode');
        $params = isset($_POST['params']) ? $_POST['params'] : '';
        // TODO: move under assets inside shortcode
        // Add common js library for elements.
        JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-tipsy/jquery.tipsy.js', 'js');
        JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-tipsy/tipsy.css', 'css');
        JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/joomlashine/css/jsn-general.css', 'css');
        // for accordion_item, buttonbar_item,
        JSNPagebuilderHelpersFunctions::print_asset_tag(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/joomlashine/css/jsn-fonticomoon.css', 'css');
        // for accordion_item, buttonbar_item,
        $extract_params = '';
        $shortcodeHelper = new JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode();
        $data = array();
        if (!empty($shortcode)) {
            // elements
            $class = $shortcodeHelper->getShortcodeClass($shortcode);
            if (class_exists($class)) {
                // Get all regitered element shortcodes
                global $JSNPbElements;
                $elements = $JSNPbElements->getElements();
                $instance = isset($elements[strtolower($class)]) ? $elements[strtolower($class)] : null;
                // Init and register new instance if it not
                if (!is_object($instance)) {
                    $instance = new $class();
                if (!empty($params)) {
                    $params = stripslashes($params);
                    $params = urldecode($params);
                } else {
                    $params = $instance->config['shortcode_structure'];
                // Add neccessary assets for the shortcode
                if (!empty($params)) {
                    $extract_params = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::extractParams($params, $shortcode);
                    // if have sub-shortcode, get content
                    if (!empty($instance->config['has_subshortcode'])) {
                        $sub_sc_data = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::extractSubShortcode($params, true);
                        $extract_params['sub_sc_content'] = $sub_sc_data;
                    // MODIFY $instance->items
                    $shortcodeHelper->generateShortcodeParams($instance->items, NULL, $extract_params, TRUE);
                    // recall this to re-extract params
                // get Modal setting box
                $settings = $instance->items;
                $shortcodeAterfix = substr($shortcode, -5);
                $showPreview = true;
                if ($shortcodeAterfix == '_item') {
                    $showPreview = false;
                if ($shortcode == 'pb_row') {
                    $showPreview = false;
                $modalContent = $shortcodeHelper->getShortcodeModalSettings($settings, $shortcode, $extract_params);
        $html[] = '';
        if ($showPreview) {
            $html[] = '<div id="jsn_column1" class="pull-left">';
        $html[] = '<div class="jsn-bootstrap" id="settings-form-container">
			<div id="modalOptions" class="form-horizontal">
				' . $modalContent . '
				<div id="modalAction"></div>
			<textarea class="hidden" id="shortcode_content" name="shortcode_content">' . $params . '</textarea>
			<textarea class="hidden" id="pb_share_data"  ></textarea>
			<textarea class="hidden" id="pb_merge_data"  ></textarea>
			<textarea class="hidden" id="pb_extract_data"  ></textarea>
			<input type="hidden" id="pb_previewing" value="0" />
			<input id="shortcode_name" name="shortcode_name" type="hidden" value="' . $shortcode . '" />
        if ($showPreview) {
            $html[] = '</div>';
        if ($showPreview) {
            $html[] = '<div id="jsn_column2" class="pull-left">
			<div class="preview_title">' . JText::_("Preview") . '</div>
			<div id="framePreview" class="preview_border">
				<div id="iframeLoading" class="iframe_loading_border"><div class="iframe_loading_image"><img src="components/com_pagebuilder/assets/images/icons-32/ajax-loader.gif"></div></div>
				<div class="control-group">
					<div id="preview_container">
						<iframe id="shortcode_preview_iframe" scrolling="auto" name="shortcode_preview_iframe" class="shortcode_preview_iframe" width="100%"></iframe>
						<div id="preview"></div>
        $html[] = '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
        echo implode('', $html);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Register elements
  * @return void
 public function registerElements()
     //$current_shortcode = IG_Pb_Functions::current_shortcode();
     $shortcodes = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::getShortcodeTags();
     //echo "<pre>";
     //print_r($shortcodes); die();
     // Use Row and Column as shortcodes
     $shortcodes['pb_row'] = 'row';
     $shortcodes['pb_column'] = 'column';
     foreach ($shortcodes as $name => $type) {
         $class = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::getShortcodeClass($name);
         if (class_exists($class)) {
             $element = new $class();
             $this->setElement($class, $element);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public function display($tpl = null)
        JSNHtmlAsset::addScript(JSNPB_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/js/shortcodesetting/settings-handler.js');
        $js = '
			var JSNPbParams	= {pbstrings : {}};
			JSNPbParams.rootUrl = \'' . JUri::root() . '\';
			JSNPbParams.pbstrings.COPY = \'' . JText::_('JSN_PAGEBUILDER_CONTROLLERS_SHORTCODE_COPY') . '\';
        $shortcode = JRequest::getString('shortcode');
        $params = '';
        // Get params from session then clear the session
        if (isset($_SESSION[JSNPB_SHORTCODE_SESSION_NAME][$shortcode]['params'])) {
            $params = $_SESSION[JSNPB_SHORTCODE_SESSION_NAME][$shortcode]['params'];
            $params = json_decode($params);
            $_SESSION[JSNPB_SHORTCODE_SESSION_NAME][$shortcode]['params'] = '';
        // TODO: move under assets inside shortcode
        // Add common js library for elements.
        JSNHtmlAsset::addScript(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-tipsy/jquery.tipsy.js');
        JSNHtmlAsset::addStyle(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery-tipsy/tipsy.css');
        JSNHtmlAsset::addStyle(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/joomlashine/css/jsn-general.css');
        // for accordion_item, buttonbar_item,
        JSNHtmlAsset::addStyle(JSNPB_FRAMEWORK_ASSETS . '/joomlashine/css/jsn-fonticomoon.css');
        // for accordion_item, buttonbar_item,
        $extract_params = '';
        $shortcodeHelper = new JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode();
        $data = array();
        if (!empty($shortcode)) {
            // elements
            $class = $shortcodeHelper->getShortcodeClass($shortcode);
            if (class_exists($class)) {
                // Get all regitered element shortcodes
                global $JSNPbElements;
                $elements = $JSNPbElements->getElements();
                $instance = isset($elements[strtolower($class)]) ? $elements[strtolower($class)] : null;
                // Init and register new instance if it not
                if (!is_object($instance)) {
                    $instance = new $class();
                if (!empty($params)) {
                    $params = stripslashes($params);
                    $params = urldecode($params);
                } else {
                    $params = $instance->config['shortcode_structure'];
                // Add neccessary assets for the shortcode
                // process require_js at backend setting
                if (isset($instance->config['exception']['require_js'])) {
                    $requires = $instance->config['exception']['require_js'];
                    foreach ($requires as $i => $require) {
                        if (file_exists(JSNPB_ASSETS_PATH . $require)) {
                            JSNHtmlAsset::addScript(JSNPB_ASSETS_PATH . $require);
                if (!empty($params)) {
                    $extract_params = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::extractParams($params, $shortcode);
                    // if have sub-shortcode, get content
                    if (!empty($instance->config['has_subshortcode'])) {
                        $sub_sc_data = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::extractSubShortcode($params, true);
                        $extract_params['sub_sc_content'] = $sub_sc_data;
                    // MODIFY $instance->items
                    $shortcodeHelper->generateShortcodeParams($instance->items, NULL, $extract_params, TRUE);
                    // recall this to re-extract params
                // get Modal setting box
                $settings = $instance->items;
                $shortcodeAterfix = substr($shortcode, -5);
                $showPreview = true;
                if ($shortcodeAterfix == '_item') {
                    $showPreview = false;
                if ($shortcode == 'pb_row') {
                    $showPreview = false;
                $modalContent = $shortcodeHelper->getShortcodeModalSettings($settings, $shortcode, $extract_params);
                $this->assign('content', $modalContent);
                $this->assign('params', $params);
                $this->assign('shortcodeName', $shortcode);
                $this->assign('showPreview', $showPreview);
        return parent::display();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function getShortCodeClassBeforeRender($content)
     $helper = new JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode();
     $content = trim($content);
     $shortcodeTags = $helper::getShortcodeTags();
     $shortcodeClass = array();
     foreach ($shortcodeTags as $pattern => $shortcodeTag) {
         preg_match("/{$pattern}/", $content, $match);
         if (count($match)) {
             if ($match[0]) {
                 $class = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::getShortcodeClass($match[0]);
                 $shortcodeClass[] = $class;
     return $shortcodeClass;