Exemplo n.º 1
  * decoratePerson - get the supplied attributes and add to the correct
  * fields in person
  * This function is a bit fragile. The reason for this, is that it needs
  * to 'bootstrap' the map for person-identifier (e.g. ePPN)
  * through various encodings.
  * One way would be to add a specific mapping for all known NRENs, but
  * we'd rather add a generic approach and just try the known encodings
  * and see if we find something there.
  * If, for some reason, a new NREN/IdP fails to correctly decorate the
  * person-object, the problem most likely starts here.
  * @author Henrik Austad <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Thomas Zangerl <*****@*****.**>
  * @throws CGE_CriticalAttributeException If an attribute without which Confusa
  *                                        really can not work is not found
  * @throws MapNotFoundException           If the NREN-map is not found
  * @param array	$attributes
  * @param String $idp
  * @throws MapNotFoundException
 protected function decoratePerson($attributes, $idp)
     $cnPrefix = "";
     $oPrefix = "";
     if (Config::get_config('capi_test')) {
         $cnPrefix = ConfusaConstants::$CAPI_TEST_CN_PREFIX;
         $oPrefix = ConfusaConstants::$CAPI_TEST_O_PREFIX;
     if (is_null($idp)) {
         throw new CGE_CriticalAttributeException("Need the URL of the IdP in order to create an NREN-object!");
     if (is_null($attributes)) {
         throw new CGE_CriticalAttributeException("Cannot find <b>any</b> attributes!");
     /* From the IdP, find the NREN-details */
     $this->person->setNREN(new NREN($idp));
     if (is_null($this->person->getNREN()) || !$this->person->getNREN()->isValid()) {
         $msg = "Could not map from the identity provider to the NREN. ";
         $msg .= "Probably the idp_map in the database is not configured for your idp ({$idp}) ";
         $msg .= "Please tell an administrator about that problem!";
         throw new CGE_CriticalAttributeException($msg);
     $nren_id = $this->person->getNREN()->getID();
     Logger::logEvent(LOG_INFO, "Confusa_Auth", "decoratePerson(..., {$idp})", "Decorating person with map from NREN {$nren_id}.");
     $map = $this->person->getMap();
     /* Normal mapping, this is what we want. */
     if ($this->mapSanityCheck($map)) {
         /* Now that we have the NREN-map, reiterate getMap() in
          * case we can find the subscriber-map. */
         $this->person->setSubscriber(new Subscriber($attributes[$map['epodn']][0], $this->person->getNREN()));
         $new_map = $this->person->getMap();
         if ($this->mapSanityCheck($new_map)) {
             $map = $new_map;
         $eppn = Input::sanitizeEPPN($attributes[$map['eppn']][0]);
         if (!is_null($map['eppn'])) {
         if (!is_null($map['cn'])) {
             if (array_key_exists($map['cn'], $attributes)) {
                 $cn = mysql_real_escape_string($attributes[$map['cn']][0]);
                 $this->person->setName($cnPrefix . $cn);
         /* end map has cn */
         if (!is_null($map['mail'])) {
             if (array_key_exists($map['mail'], $attributes)) {
                 $mail = Input::sanitizeEmail($attributes[$map['mail']]);
         /* go through and add the relevant entitlement-parts.
          * TODO: cleanup this and move to person::setEntitlement()
         if (!is_null($map['entitlement'])) {
             if (array_key_exists($map['entitlement'], $attributes)) {
                 $entitlements = $attributes[$map['entitlement']];
         if (isset($entitlements)) {
             $namespace = Config::get_config('entitlement_namespace');
             foreach ($entitlements as $key => $entitlementValue) {
                 $pos = strpos($entitlementValue, $namespace);
                 /* Note: we *must* check for both false *and*
                  * type, as we want pos to be 0 */
                 if ($pos === false || (int) $pos != 0) {
                 } else {
                     $val = explode(":", $entitlementValue);
                     if (count($val) !== count(explode(":", $namespace)) + 1) {
                         Framework::error_output("Error with namespace, too many objects in namespace (" . count($val) . ")");
                     /* only set the part *after*
                      * entitlement-namespace */
                     $entitlement = Input::sanitizeEntitlement($val[count($val) - 1]);
                     /* is the entitlement a valid entitlement? */
                     if ($entitlement == Config::get_config('entitlement_user') || $entitlement == Config::get_config('entitlement_admin')) {
     } else {
         /* At this point we're on shaky ground as we have to
          * 'see if we can find anything'
          *		no map is set, can we find the ePPN in there?
         $eppnKey = $this->findEPPN($attributes);
         if (!is_null($eppnKey)) {
             $eppn = Input::sanitizeEPPN($eppnKey['value']);
         /* is ePPN registred as NREN admin (from bootstrap) */
         if ($this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
             if (is_array($map)) {
                 Logger::log_event(LOG_WARNING, "Map for NREN {$nren_id} ({$idp}) corrupted. " . "Contains empty fields, consider dropping the map.");
             $msg = "No NREN map found!";
             if (Config::get_config('debug')) {
                 $msg .= "Raw-dump of supplied attributes:<br />\n";
                 $msg .= "<br /><pre>\n";
                 foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
                     $tabs = "\t";
                     if (strlen($key) < 8) {
                         $tabs .= "\t\t";
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($key) < 16) {
                             $tabs .= "\t";
                     $msg .= htmlentities("{$key}{$tabs}{$val[0]}") . "\n";
                 $msg .= "</pre><br />\n";
             throw new MapNotFoundException($msg);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function pre_process($person)
     /* IF user is not subscirber- or nren-admin, we stop here */
     if (!($this->person->isSubscriberAdmin() || $this->person->isNRENAdmin())) {
         return false;
     if (isset($_POST['nren_operation'])) {
         if (!$this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
             Framework::error_output("You need NREN-administrator privileges in order to complete this request.");
             return false;
         /* operations called by the NREN-admin */
         switch (htmlentities($_POST['nren_operation'])) {
             case 'delete_nren_admin':
                 $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['nren_admin']);
                 $this->deleteAdmin($admin, NREN_ADMIN);
             case 'downgrade_self':
                 if ($this->person->testEntitlementAttribute(Config::get_config('entitlement_admin'))) {
                     $this->downgradeNRENAdmin($this->person->getEPPN(), $this->person->getSubscriber()->getDBID());
             case 'upgrade_subs_admin':
                 $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
             case 'add_nren_admin':
                 $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['nren_admin']);
                 $idp = htmlentities($_POST['idp']);
                 if ($idp === '-') {
                     $this->addNRENAdmin($admin, NULL);
                 } else {
                     $this->addNRENAdmin($admin, $idp);
             case 'delete_subs_admin':
                 $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
                 $this->deleteAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_ADMIN);
             case 'add_subs_admin':
                 $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
                 $subscriberID = Input::sanitizeID($_POST['subscriberID']);
                 $this->addSubscriberAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_ADMIN, $subscriberID);
         /* operations called by the subscriber admin */
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['subs_operation'])) {
             if (!$this->person->isSubscriberAdmin()) {
                 Framework::error_output("You do not have sufficient permissions in order to complete this transaction.");
                 return false;
             switch (htmlentities($_POST['subs_operation'])) {
                 case 'delete_subs_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
                     $this->deleteAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_ADMIN);
                 case 'add_subs_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
                     $this->addSubscriberAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_ADMIN, $this->person->getSubscriber()->getDBID());
                 case 'downgrade_subs_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_admin']);
                     $this->downgradeSubscriberAdmin($admin, $this->person->getSubscriber()->getDBID());
                 case 'upgrade_subs_sub_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_sub_admin']);
                     $this->upgradeSubscriberSubAdmin($admin, $this->person->getSubscriber()->getDBID());
                 case 'delete_subs_sub_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_sub_admin']);
                     $this->deleteAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_SUB_ADMIN);
                 case 'add_subs_sub_admin':
                     $admin = Input::sanitizeEPPN($_POST['subs_sub_admin']);
                     $this->addSubscriberAdmin($admin, SUBSCRIBER_SUB_ADMIN, $this->person->getSubscriber()->getDBID());
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Display a list of distinguished names whose certificates will be revoked
  * based on an uploaded CSV with a list of UIDs (e.g. eppns). Offer the
  * possibility to revoke these certificates.
  * @param $eppn_file string The name of the $_FILES parameter containining the
  *                          CSV of unique identifiers
  * @param $subscriber string The name of the subscriber by which the search is
  * 							scoped
 private function search_list_display($eppn_file, $subscriber)
     /* These can become a *lot* of auth_keys/order_numbers. Thus, save the list
      * of auth_keys preferrably in the session, otherwise it will take forever
      * to download the site and I am not sure if it is such a good idea to send
      * an endless list of auth_keys as hidden parameters
      * to the user and then from there back again with a POST to the server
     $csvl = new CSV_Lib($eppn_file);
     $eppn_list = $csvl->get_csv_entries();
     $certs = array();
     $auth_keys = array();
     foreach ($eppn_list as $eppn) {
         $eppn = Input::sanitizeEPPN($eppn);
         $eppn_certs = $this->ca->getCertListForEPPN($eppn, $subscriber);
         $certs = array_merge($certs, $eppn_certs);
     if (count($certs) > 0) {
         /* get the certificate owner/order number pairs into a ordering that
          * permits us to send the order-numbers for each certificate owner
          * to the revocation method */
         foreach ($certs as $row) {
             $owners[] = str_replace(",", ", ", $row['cert_owner']);
             $auth_keys[] = $row['auth_key'];
         $owners = array_unique($owners);
         CS::setSessionKey('auth_keys', $auth_keys);
         $this->tpl->assign('owners', $owners);
         $this->tpl->assign('revoke_list', true);
         $this->tpl->assign('nren_reasons', ConfusaConstants::$REVOCATION_REASONS);
         $this->tpl->assign('selected', 'unspecified');