Exemplo n.º 1
    private function ModuleHookExec($moduleName, $hook_name)
        $output = '';
        $moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($moduleName);
        if (Validate::isLoadedObject($moduleInstance) && $moduleInstance->id) {
            $altern = 0;
            $id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name);
            $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
            $disable_non_native_modules = (bool) Configuration::get('PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE');
            if ($disable_non_native_modules && Hook::$native_module && count(Hook::$native_module) && !in_array($moduleInstance->name, self::$native_module)) {
                return '';
            //check disable module
            $device = (int) $this->context->getDevice();
            if (Db::getInstance()->getValue('
			SELECT COUNT(`id_module`) FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_shop
			WHERE enable_device & ' . (int) $device . ' AND id_module=' . (int) $moduleInstance->id . Shop::addSqlRestriction()) == 0) {
                return '';
            // Check permissions
            $exceptions = $moduleInstance->getExceptions($id_hook);
            $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
            $controller_obj = Context::getContext()->controller;
            //check if current controller is a module controller
            if (isset($controller_obj->module) && Validate::isLoadedObject($controller_obj->module)) {
                $controller = 'module-' . $controller_obj->module->name . '-' . $controller;
            if (in_array($controller, $exceptions)) {
                return '';
            //retro compat of controller names
            $matching_name = array('authentication' => 'auth', 'productscomparison' => 'compare');
            if (isset($matching_name[$controller]) && in_array($matching_name[$controller], $exceptions)) {
                return '';
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->context->employee) && !$moduleInstance->getPermission('view', $this->context->employee)) {
                return '';
            if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) or !$hook_args['cookie']) {
                $hook_args['cookie'] = $this->context->cookie;
            if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) or !$hook_args['cart']) {
                $hook_args['cart'] = $this->context->cart;
            $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
            $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
            if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name)) {
                $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
                // Call hook method
                if ($hook_callable) {
                    $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hook_args);
                } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
                    $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hook_args);
                $output .= $display;
        return $output;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Check if the module is transplantable on the hook in parameter
  * @param string $hook_name
  * @return bool if module can be transplanted on hook
 public function isHookableOn($hook_name)
     $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
     return is_callable(array($this, 'hook' . ucfirst($hook_name))) || is_callable(array($this, 'hook' . ucfirst($retro_hook_name)));
 public static function registerDesignerHook($hook_name)
     // Check hook name validation and if module is installed
     if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
         throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid hook name');
     // Retrocompatibility
     $hook_name_bak = $hook_name;
     if ($alias = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name)) {
         $hook_name = $alias;
     // Get hook id
     $id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name);
     $live_edit = Hook::getLiveEditById((int) Hook::getIdByName($hook_name_bak));
     // If hook does not exist, we create it
     if (!$id_hook) {
         $new_hook = new Hook();
         $new_hook->name = pSQL($hook_name);
         $new_hook->title = pSQL($hook_name);
         $new_hook->live_edit = pSQL($live_edit);
         $id_hook = $new_hook->id;
         if (!$id_hook) {
             return false;
     return $id_hook;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getModuleAssign($module_name = '', $hook_name = '')
     $module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name);
     if (_PS_VERSION_ <= "1.5") {
         $id_hook = Hook::get($hook_name);
     } else {
         $id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name);
     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->id) {
         if (!isset($hookArgs['cookie']) or !$hookArgs['cookie']) {
             $hookArgs['cookie'] = $this->context->cookie;
         if (!isset($hookArgs['cart']) or !$hookArgs['cart']) {
             $hookArgs['cart'] = $this->context->cart;
         if (_PS_VERSION_ < "1.5") {
             //return self::lofHookExec( $hook_name, array(), $module->id, $array );
             $hook_name = strtolower($hook_name);
             if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
             $altern = 0;
             if (is_callable(array($module, 'hook' . $hook_name))) {
                 $hookArgs['altern'] = ++$altern;
                 $output = call_user_func(array($module, 'hook' . $hook_name), $hookArgs);
             return $output;
         } else {
             $hook_name = substr($hook_name, 7, strlen($hook_name));
             if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
             $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
             $hook_callable = is_callable(array($module, 'hook' . $hook_name));
             $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($module, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
             $output = '';
             if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($module->name)) {
                 if ($hook_callable) {
                     $output = $module->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hookArgs);
                 } else {
                     if ($hook_retro_callable) {
                         $output = $module->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hookArgs);
             return $output;
     return '';
     * Process posting data
    public function postProcess()
        if (Tools::getValue('action') && Tools::getValue('action') == 'modulehook') {
            $id = (int) Tools::getValue('id');
            $tmp_instance = Module::getInstanceById($id);
            $hooks = array();
            foreach ($this->hookspos as $hk) {
                $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hk);
                $hook_callable = is_callable(array($tmp_instance, 'hook' . $hk));
                $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($tmp_instance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
                if ($hook_retro_callable || $hook_callable) {
                    $hooks[] = $hk;
                    //	break;
            $hooks = implode("|", $hooks);
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'leohook` WHERE id_module=' . $id . ' AND theme="' . $this->theme_name . '" AND id_shop=' . (int) $this->context->shop->id;
            if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                die('{"hasError" : false, "hook" : "' . $row['name_hook'] . '","hooks":"' . $hooks . '"}');
            } else {
                die('{"hasError" : true, "errors" : "Can not update module position","hooks":"' . $hooks . '"}');
        if (Tools::getValue('action') && Tools::getValue('action') == 'overridehook') {
            $id_module = (int) Tools::getValue('hdidmodule');
            $name_hook = Tools::getValue('name_hook');
            if (is_numeric($name_hook)) {
                $sql = 'DELETE  FROM`' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'leohook` WHERE id_module=' . $id_module . ' AND theme="' . $this->theme_name . '" AND id_shop=' . (int) $this->context->shop->id;
                die('{"hasError" : false, "errors" : done!delete module position"}');
            } elseif ($name_hook) {
                $desHook = Tools::getValue("deshook");
                $desHookId = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue("SELECT id_hook FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hook` WHERE name='" . $desHook . "'");
                $sql = 'SELECT *
					FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'leohook` WHERE id_hook= ' . $desHookId . ' AND id_module=' . $id_module . ' AND theme="' . $this->theme_name . '" AND id_shop=' . (int) $this->context->shop->id;
                if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                    $sql = ' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'leohook`  SET `id_hook`=' . $desHookId . ', name_hook="' . $name_hook . '" 
						 WHERE id_module=' . $id_module . ' AND theme="' . $this->theme_name . '" AND id_shop=' . (int) $this->context->shop->id;
                } else {
                    $sql = ' INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'leohook` (id_hook, id_module,id_shop,theme, name_hook) 
						VALUES(' . $desHookId . ',' . $id_module . ',' . (int) $this->context->shop->id . ',"' . $this->theme_name . '","' . $name_hook . '")
                die('{"hasError" : false, "errors" : done!update module position"}');
            die('{"hasError" : true, "errors" : "Can not update module position"}');
        if (Tools::getValue('action') && Tools::getValue('action') == 'savepos') {
            $positions = Tools::getValue('position');
            $way = (int) Tools::getValue('way');
            $unhook = Tools::getValue('unhook');
            $id_shop = Context::getContext()->shop->id;
            if (is_array($unhook)) {
                foreach ($unhook as $id_module => $hookId) {
                    $module = Module::getInstanceById($id_module);
                    if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module)) {
                        !$module->unregisterHook((int) $hookId, array($id_shop));
            if (is_array($positions) && !empty($positions)) {
                foreach ($positions as $pos) {
                    $tmp = explode("|", $pos);
                    if (count($tmp) == 2 && $tmp[0] && $tmp[1]) {
                        $position = $tmp[0];
                        $hookId = Hook::getIdByName($position);
                        $oldhooks = explode(",", Tools::getValue($position));
                        $ids = explode(",", $tmp[1]);
                        if ($hookId && count($oldhooks)) {
                            foreach ($ids as $index => $id_module) {
                                $module = Module::getInstanceById($id_module);
                                if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && isset($oldhooks[$index]) && is_numeric($oldhooks[$index]) && $oldhooks[$index] != $hookId) {
								 		UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'hook_module` SET id_hook=' . $hookId . ' 
								 				WHERE id_module=' . $id_module . ' AND id_hook=' . (int) $oldhooks[$index] . ' AND id_shop=' . (int) $id_shop);
                                    //	echo '<pre>'.print_r( $idshooks ,1);
                                    echo $oldhooks[$index] . '<br>';
                                    echo '<br>update:' . $id_module . "-";
                                } elseif (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && (!isset($oldhooks[$index]) || !(int) $oldhooks[$index])) {
                                    $this->registerHook($id_module, $hookId, array($id_shop));
                                    echo 'new:' . $id_module;
                                $module->updatePosition($hookId, $way, $index + 1);
                        //	echo '<pre>'.print_r( $hookId, 1 ); die;
            // echo '<pre>'.print_r( $position, 1 ); die;
            die("done done");
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function renderModuleByHookV15($hook_name, $hookArgs = array(), $id_module = NULL, $array = array())
     global $cart, $cookie;
     if (!$hook_name || !$id_module) {
     if (!empty($id_module) and !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_module) or !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
     if (!isset($hookArgs['cookie']) or !$hookArgs['cookie']) {
         $hookArgs['cookie'] = $cookie;
     if (!isset($hookArgs['cart']) or !$hookArgs['cart']) {
         $hookArgs['cart'] = $cart;
     if ($id_module and $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
     if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module']))) {
     $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
     $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
     $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
     $output = '';
     if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name)) {
         if ($hook_callable) {
             $output = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hookArgs);
         } else {
             if ($hook_retro_callable) {
                 $output = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hookArgs);
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 7
     * Execute modules for specified hook
     * @param string $hook_name Hook Name
     * @param array $hook_args Parameters for the functions
     * @param int $id_module Execute hook for this module only
     * @return string modules output
    public static function exec($hook_name, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null)
        // Check arguments validity
        if ($id_module && !is_numeric($id_module) || !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
            throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid id_module or hook_name');
        // If no modules associated to hook_name or recompatible hook name, we stop the function
        if (!($module_list = Hook::getHookModuleExecList($hook_name))) {
            return '';
        // Check if hook exists
        if (!($id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name))) {
            return false;
        // Store list of executed hooks on this page
        Hook::$executed_hooks[$id_hook] = $hook_name;
        $live_edit = false;
        $context = Context::getContext();
        if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) || !$hook_args['cookie']) {
            $hook_args['cookie'] = $context->cookie;
        if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) || !$hook_args['cart']) {
            $hook_args['cart'] = $context->cart;
        $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
        // Look on modules list
        $altern = 0;
        $output = '';
        foreach ($module_list as $array) {
            // Check errors
            if ($id_module && $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
            if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module']))) {
            // Check permissions
            $exceptions = $moduleInstance->getExceptions($array['id_hook']);
            if (in_array(Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController(), $exceptions)) {
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->employee) && !$moduleInstance->getPermission('view', $context->employee)) {
            // Check which / if method is callable
            $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
            $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
            if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name)) {
                $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
                // Call hook method
                if ($hook_callable) {
                    $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hook_args);
                } else {
                    if ($hook_retro_callable) {
                        $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hook_args);
                // Live edit
                if ($array['live_edit'] && Tools::isSubmit('live_edit') && Tools::getValue('ad') && Tools::getValue('liveToken') == Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModulesPositions' . (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModulesPositions') . (int) Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) {
                    $live_edit = true;
                    $output .= self::wrapLiveEdit($display, $moduleInstance, $array['id_hook']);
                } else {
                    $output .= $display;
        // Return html string
        return ($live_edit ? '<script type="text/javascript">hooks_list.push(\'' . $hook_name . '\'); </script>
				<div id="' . $hook_name . '" class="dndHook" style="min-height:50px">' : '') . $output . ($live_edit ? '</div>' : '');
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Execute modules for specified hook
  * @param string $hook_name Hook Name
  * @param array $hook_args Parameters for the functions
  * @param int $id_module Execute hook for this module only
  * @param bool $array_return If specified, module output will be set by name in an array
  * @param bool $check_exceptions Check permission exceptions
  * @param bool $use_push Force change to be refreshed on Dashboard widgets
  * @param int $id_shop If specified, hook will be execute the shop with this ID
  * @throws PrestaShopException
  * @return string/array modules output
 public static function exec($hook_name, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null, $array_return = false, $check_exceptions = true, $use_push = false, $id_shop = null)
     if (defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
     static $disable_non_native_modules = null;
     if ($disable_non_native_modules === null) {
         $disable_non_native_modules = (bool) Configuration::get('PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE');
     // Check arguments validity
     if ($id_module && !is_numeric($id_module) || !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
         throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid id_module or hook_name');
     // If no modules associated to hook_name or recompatible hook name, we stop the function
     if (!($module_list = Hook::getHookModuleExecList($hook_name))) {
         return '';
     // Check if hook exists
     if (!($id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name))) {
         return false;
     if (array_key_exists($hook_name, self::$deprecated_hooks)) {
         $deprecVersion = isset(self::$deprecated_hooks[$hook_name]['from']) ? self::$deprecated_hooks[$hook_name]['from'] : _PS_VERSION_;
         Tools::displayAsDeprecated('The hook ' . $hook_name . ' is deprecated in PrestaShop v.' . $deprecVersion);
     // Store list of executed hooks on this page
     Hook::$executed_hooks[$id_hook] = $hook_name;
     $context = Context::getContext();
     if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) || !$hook_args['cookie']) {
         $hook_args['cookie'] = $context->cookie;
     if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) || !$hook_args['cart']) {
         $hook_args['cart'] = $context->cart;
     $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
     // Look on modules list
     $altern = 0;
     if ($array_return) {
         $output = array();
     } else {
         $output = '';
     if ($disable_non_native_modules && !isset(Hook::$native_module)) {
         Hook::$native_module = Module::getNativeModuleList();
     $different_shop = false;
     if ($id_shop !== null && Validate::isUnsignedId($id_shop) && $id_shop != $context->shop->getContextShopID()) {
         $old_context = $context->shop->getContext();
         $old_shop = clone $context->shop;
         $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
         if (Validate::isLoadedObject($shop)) {
             $context->shop = $shop;
             $context->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, $shop->id);
             $different_shop = true;
     foreach ($module_list as $array) {
         // Check errors
         if ($id_module && $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
         if ((bool) $disable_non_native_modules && Hook::$native_module && count(Hook::$native_module) && !in_array($array['module'], Hook::$native_module)) {
         // Check permissions
         if ($check_exceptions) {
             $exceptions = Module::getExceptionsStatic($array['id_module'], $array['id_hook']);
             $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
             $controller_obj = Context::getContext()->controller;
             //check if current controller is a module controller
             if (isset($controller_obj->module) && Validate::isLoadedObject($controller_obj->module)) {
                 $controller = 'module-' . $controller_obj->module->name . '-' . $controller;
             if (in_array($controller, $exceptions)) {
             //Backward compatibility of controller names
             $matching_name = array('authentication' => 'auth');
             if (isset($matching_name[$controller]) && in_array($matching_name[$controller], $exceptions)) {
             if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->employee) && !Module::getPermissionStatic($array['id_module'], 'view', $context->employee)) {
         if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module']))) {
         if ($use_push && !$moduleInstance->allow_push) {
         // Check which / if method is callable
         $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
         $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
         if ($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) {
             $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
             if ($use_push && isset($moduleInstance->push_filename) && file_exists($moduleInstance->push_filename)) {
                 Tools::waitUntilFileIsModified($moduleInstance->push_filename, $moduleInstance->push_time_limit);
             // Call hook method
             if ($hook_callable) {
                 $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name, $hook_args);
             } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
                 $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name, $hook_args);
             if ($array_return) {
                 $output[$moduleInstance->name] = $display;
             } else {
                 $output .= $display;
         } elseif (Hook::isDisplayHookName($hook_name)) {
             if ($moduleInstance instanceof WidgetInterface) {
                 $display = Hook::coreRenderWidget($moduleInstance, $hook_name, $hook_args);
                 if ($array_return) {
                     $output[$moduleInstance->name] = $display;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $display;
     if ($different_shop) {
         $context->shop = $old_shop;
         $context->shop->setContext($old_context, $shop->id);
     return $output;
 public function getHooksByModuleId($id_module)
     $module = self::getModulById($id_module);
     $moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($module['name']);
     $hooks = array();
     if ($this->hookAssign) {
         foreach ($this->hookAssign as $hook) {
             if (_PS_VERSION_ < "1.5") {
                 if (is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook))) {
                     $hooks[] = $hook;
             } else {
                 $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook);
                 if (is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook)) || is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name))) {
                     $hooks[] = $retro_hook_name;
     $results = self::getHookByArrName($hooks);
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function getHooksByModuleId($id_module, $id_shop)
     $module = self::getModulById($id_module, $id_shop);
     $moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($module['name']);
     //echo "<pre>";print_r($moduleInstance);die;
     $hooks = array();
     if ($this->_hookAssign) {
         foreach ($this->_hookAssign as $hook) {
             $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook);
             if ($hook == 'topcolumn') {
                 $retro_hook_name = 'displayTopColumn';
             if ($hook == 'nav') {
                 $retro_hook_name = 'displayNav';
             if (is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook)) || is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name))) {
                 $hooks[] = $retro_hook_name;
     $results = self::getHookByArrName($hooks);
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 11
     * Execute modules for specified hook
     * @param string $hook_name Hook Name
     * @param array $hook_args Parameters for the functions
     * @param int $id_module Execute hook for this module only
     * @return string modules output
    public static function moduleExec($hook_name, $modulename, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null, $array_return = false, $use_push = false, $id_shop = null)
        static $disable_non_native_modules = null;
        $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
        // Look on modules list
        $altern = 0;
        $output = '';
        if ($disable_non_native_modules && !isset(Hook::$native_module)) {
            Hook::$native_module = Module::getNativeModuleList();
        $different_shop = false;
        $context = Context::getContext();
        if ($id_shop !== null && Validate::isUnsignedId($id_shop) && $id_shop != $context->shop->getContextShopID()) {
            $old_context = $context->shop->getContext();
            $old_shop = clone $context->shop;
            $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($shop)) {
                $context->shop = $shop;
                $context->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, $shop->id);
                $different_shop = true;
        $module_list = array();
        $module_list[] = array('module' => $modulename, 'id_module' => 0);
        $live_edit = false;
        foreach ($module_list as $array) {
            $array['live_edit'] = false;
            // Check errors
            if ($id_module && $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
            if ((bool) $disable_non_native_modules && Hook::$native_module && count(Hook::$native_module) && !in_array($array['module'], self::$native_module)) {
            if (!($module_instance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module']))) {
            if ($use_push && !$module_instance->allow_push) {
            $hook_callable = is_callable(array($module_instance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
            $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($module_instance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
            if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($module_instance->name)) {
                $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
                if ($use_push && isset($module_instance->push_filename) && file_exists($module_instance->push_filename)) {
                    Tools::waitUntilFileIsModified($module_instance->push_filename, $module_instance->push_time_limit);
                // Call hook method
                if ($hook_callable) {
                    $display = $module_instance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hook_args);
                } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
                    $display = $module_instance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hook_args);
                if (!$array_return && $array['live_edit'] && Tools::isSubmit('live_edit') && Tools::getValue('ad') && Tools::getValue('liveToken') == Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModulesPositions' . (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModulesPositions') . (int) Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) {
                    $live_edit = true;
                    $output .= Hook::wrapLiveEdit($display, $module_instance, $array['id_hook']);
                } else {
                    if ($array_return) {
                        $output[$module_instance->name] = $display;
                    } else {
                        $output .= $display;
        if ($different_shop) {
            $context->shop = $old_shop;
            $context->shop->setContext($old_context, $shop->id);
        if ($array_return) {
            return $output;
        } else {
            return ($live_edit ? '<script type="text/javascript">hooks_list.push(\'' . $hook_name . '\');</script>
				<div id="' . $hook_name . '" class="dndHook" style="min-height:50px">' : '') . $output . ($live_edit ? '</div>' : '');
Exemplo n.º 12
  * execute module, return string html
  * */
 private function getModuleAssign($moduleObject, $hook_name)
     if (Validate::isLoadedObject($moduleObject) && $moduleObject->id) {
         if (!isset($hookArgs['cookie']) or !$hookArgs['cookie']) {
             $hookArgs['cookie'] = $this->context->cookie;
         if (!isset($hookArgs['cart']) or !$hookArgs['cart']) {
             $hookArgs['cart'] = $this->context->cart;
         if (_PS_VERSION_ < "1.5") {
             $hook_name = strtolower($hook_name);
             if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
             $altern = 0;
             if (is_callable(array($moduleObject, 'hook' . $hook_name))) {
                 $hookArgs['altern'] = ++$altern;
                 $output = call_user_func(array($moduleObject, 'hook' . $hook_name), $hookArgs);
             return $output;
         } else {
             //$hook_name = substr($hook_name, 7, strlen($hook_name));
             if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
             $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
             $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleObject, 'hook' . $hook_name));
             $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleObject, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
             $output = '';
             if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleObject->name)) {
                 if ($hook_callable) {
                     $output = $moduleObject->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hookArgs);
                 } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
                     $output = $moduleObject->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hookArgs);
             return $output;
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Get list of modules we can execute per hook
  * @param string $hook_name Get list of modules for this hook if given
  * @return array
 public static function getHookModuleExecList($hook_name = null)
     $context = Context::getContext();
     $cache_id = 'ovic_hook_module_exec_list_' . (isset($context->shop->id) ? '_' . $context->shop->id : '') . (isset($context->customer) ? '_' . $context->customer->id : '');
     if (!Cache::isStored($cache_id) || $hook_name == 'displayPayment' || $hook_name == 'displayBackOfficeHeader') {
         $frontend = true;
         $groups = array();
         $use_groups = Group::isFeatureActive();
         if (isset($context->employee)) {
             $frontend = false;
         } else {
             // Get groups list
             if ($use_groups) {
                 if (isset($context->customer) && $context->customer->isLogged()) {
                     $groups = $context->customer->getGroups();
                 } elseif (isset($context->customer) && $context->customer->isLogged(true)) {
                     $groups = array((int) Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_GROUP'));
                 } else {
                     $groups = array((int) Configuration::get('PS_UNIDENTIFIED_GROUP'));
         // SQL Request
         $sql = new DbQuery();
         $sql->select('h.`name` as hook, m.`id_module`, h.`id_hook`, m.`name` as module, h.`live_edit`');
         $sql->from('module', 'm');
         if ($hook_name != 'displayBackOfficeHeader') {
             $sql->join(Shop::addSqlAssociation('module', 'm', true, 'module_shop.enable_device & ' . (int) Context::getContext()->getDevice()));
             $sql->innerJoin('module_shop', 'ms', 'ms.`id_module` = m.`id_module`');
         $sql->innerJoin('ovic_backup_hook_module', 'hm', 'hm.`id_module` = m.`id_module`');
         $sql->innerJoin('hook', 'h', 'hm.`id_hook` = h.`id_hook`');
         if ($hook_name != 'displayPayment') {
             $sql->where('h.name != "displayPayment"');
         } elseif ($frontend) {
             if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->country)) {
                 $sql->where('(h.name = "displayPayment" AND (SELECT id_country FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_country mc WHERE mc.id_module = m.id_module AND id_country = ' . (int) $context->country->id . ' AND id_shop = ' . (int) $context->shop->id . ' LIMIT 1) = ' . (int) $context->country->id . ')');
             if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->currency)) {
                 $sql->where('(h.name = "displayPayment" AND (SELECT id_currency FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_currency mcr WHERE mcr.id_module = m.id_module AND id_currency IN (' . (int) $context->currency->id . ', -1, -2) LIMIT 1) IN (' . (int) $context->currency->id . ', -1, -2))');
         if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->shop)) {
             $sql->where('hm.id_shop = ' . (int) $context->shop->id);
         if ($frontend) {
             if ($use_groups) {
                 $sql->leftJoin('module_group', 'mg', 'mg.`id_module` = m.`id_module`');
                 if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->shop)) {
                     $sql->where('mg.id_shop = ' . (int) $context->shop->id . ' AND  mg.`id_group` IN (' . implode(', ', $groups) . ')');
                 } else {
                     $sql->where('mg.`id_group` IN (' . implode(', ', $groups) . ')');
         $sql->groupBy('hm.id_hook, hm.id_module');
         $list = array();
         if ($result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql)) {
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $row['hook'] = strtolower($row['hook']);
                 if (!isset($list[$row['hook']])) {
                     $list[$row['hook']] = array();
                 $list[$row['hook']][] = array('id_hook' => $row['id_hook'], 'module' => $row['module'], 'id_module' => $row['id_module'], 'live_edit' => $row['live_edit']);
         if ($hook_name != 'displayPayment' && $hook_name != 'displayBackOfficeHeader') {
             Cache::store($cache_id, $list);
             // @todo remove this in 1.6, we keep it in 1.5 for retrocompatibility
             self::$_hook_modules_cache_exec = $list;
     } else {
         $list = Cache::retrieve($cache_id);
     // If hook_name is given, just get list of modules for this hook
     if ($hook_name) {
         $retro_hook_name = strtolower(Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name));
         $hook_name = strtolower($hook_name);
         $return = array();
         $inserted_modules = array();
         if (isset($list[$hook_name])) {
             $return = $list[$hook_name];
         foreach ($return as $module) {
             $inserted_modules[] = $module['id_module'];
         if (isset($list[$retro_hook_name])) {
             foreach ($list[$retro_hook_name] as $retro_module_call) {
                 if (!in_array($retro_module_call['id_module'], $inserted_modules)) {
                     $return[] = $retro_module_call;
         return count($return) > 0 ? $return : false;
     } else {
         return $list;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static function hookExec($hook_name, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null, $array = array())
     if (!empty($id_module) && !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_module) || !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
     $context = Context::getContext();
     if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) || !$hook_args['cookie']) {
         $hook_args['cookie'] = $context->cookie;
     if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) || !$hook_args['cart']) {
         $hook_args['cart'] = $context->cart;
     if ($id_module && $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
     if (!($module_instance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module'])) || !$module_instance->active) {
     $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
     $hook_callable = is_callable(array($module_instance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
     $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($module_instance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
     $output = '';
     if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($module_instance->name)) {
         if ($hook_callable) {
             $output = $module_instance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hook_args);
         } else {
             if ($hook_retro_callable) {
                 $output = $module_instance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hook_args);
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function execModuleHook($hook_name, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null, $id_shop = null)
     // Check arguments validity
     if ($id_module && !is_numeric($id_module) || !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
         throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid id_module or hook_name');
     // Check if hook exists
     if (!($id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name))) {
         return false;
     // Store list of executed hooks on this page
     Hook::$executed_hooks[$id_hook] = $hook_name;
     $live_edit = false;
     $context = Context::getContext();
     if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) || !$hook_args['cookie']) {
         $hook_args['cookie'] = $context->cookie;
     if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) || !$hook_args['cart']) {
         $hook_args['cart'] = $context->cart;
     $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
     // Look on modules list
     $altern = 0;
     $output = '';
     $different_shop = false;
     if ($id_shop !== null && Validate::isUnsignedId($id_shop) && $id_shop != $context->shop->getContextShopID()) {
         $old_context_shop_id = $context->shop->getContextShopID();
         $old_context = $context->shop->getContext();
         $old_shop = clone $context->shop;
         $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
         if (Validate::isLoadedObject($shop)) {
             $context->shop = $shop;
             $context->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, $shop->id);
             $different_shop = true;
     if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceById($id_module))) {
     // Check which / if method is callable
     $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
     $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
     if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name)) {
         $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
         // Call hook method
         if ($hook_callable) {
             $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $hook_name}($hook_args);
         } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
             $display = $moduleInstance->{'hook' . $retro_hook_name}($hook_args);
         $output .= $display;
     if ($different_shop) {
         $context->shop = $old_shop;
         $context->shop->setContext($old_context, $shop->id);
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 16
     * Execute modules for specified hook
     * @param string $hook_name Hook Name
     * @param array $hook_args Parameters for the functions
     * @param int $id_module Execute hook for this module only
     * @param bool $array_return If specified, module output will be set by name in an array
     * @param bool $check_exceptions Check permission exceptions
     * @param bool $use_push Force change to be refreshed on Dashboard widgets
     * @param int $id_shop If specified, hook will be execute the shop with this ID
     * @throws PrestaShopException
     * @return string/array modules output
    public static function exec($hook_name, $hook_args = array(), $id_module = null, $array_return = false, $check_exceptions = true, $use_push = false, $id_shop = null)
        if (defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
        static $disable_non_native_modules = null;
        if ($disable_non_native_modules === null) {
            $disable_non_native_modules = (bool) Configuration::get('PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE');
        // Check arguments validity
        if ($id_module && !is_numeric($id_module) || !Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
            throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid id_module or hook_name');
        // If no modules associated to hook_name or recompatible hook name, we stop the function
        if (!($module_list = Hook::getHookModuleExecList($hook_name))) {
            return '';
        // Check if hook exists
        if (!($id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name))) {
            return false;
        // Store list of executed hooks on this page
        Hook::$executed_hooks[$id_hook] = $hook_name;
        $live_edit = false;
        $context = Context::getContext();
        if (!isset($hook_args['cookie']) || !$hook_args['cookie']) {
            $hook_args['cookie'] = $context->cookie;
        if (!isset($hook_args['cart']) || !$hook_args['cart']) {
            $hook_args['cart'] = $context->cart;
        $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
        // Look on modules list
        $altern = 0;
        $output = '';
        if ($disable_non_native_modules && !isset(Hook::$native_module)) {
            Hook::$native_module = Module::getNativeModuleList();
        $different_shop = false;
        if ($id_shop !== null && Validate::isUnsignedId($id_shop) && $id_shop != $context->shop->getContextShopID()) {
            $old_context = $context->shop->getContext();
            $old_shop = clone $context->shop;
            $shop = new Shop((int) $id_shop);
            if (Validate::isLoadedObject($shop)) {
                $context->shop = $shop;
                $context->shop->setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP, $shop->id);
                $different_shop = true;
        foreach ($module_list as $array) {
            // Check errors
            if ($id_module && $id_module != $array['id_module']) {
            if ((bool) $disable_non_native_modules && Hook::$native_module && count(Hook::$native_module) && !in_array($array['module'], Hook::$native_module)) {
            // Check permissions
            if ($check_exceptions) {
                $exceptions = Module::getExceptionsStatic($array['id_module'], $array['id_hook']);
                $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
                $controller_obj = Context::getContext()->controller;
                //check if current controller is a module controller
                if (isset($controller_obj->module) && Validate::isLoadedObject($controller_obj->module)) {
                    $controller = 'module-' . $controller_obj->module->name . '-' . $controller;
                if (in_array($controller, $exceptions)) {
                //Backward compatibility of controller names
                $matching_name = array('authentication' => 'auth', 'productscomparison' => 'compare');
                if (isset($matching_name[$controller]) && in_array($matching_name[$controller], $exceptions)) {
                if (Validate::isLoadedObject($context->employee) && !Module::getPermissionStatic($array['id_module'], 'view', $context->employee)) {
            if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module']))) {
            if ($use_push && !$moduleInstance->allow_push) {
            // Check which / if method is callable
            $hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name));
            $hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name));
            if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name)) {
                $hook_args['altern'] = ++$altern;
                if ($use_push && isset($moduleInstance->push_filename) && file_exists($moduleInstance->push_filename)) {
                    Tools::waitUntilFileIsModified($moduleInstance->push_filename, $moduleInstance->push_time_limit);
                // Call hook method
                if ($hook_callable) {
                    $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $hook_name, $hook_args);
                } elseif ($hook_retro_callable) {
                    $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook' . $retro_hook_name, $hook_args);
                // Live edit
                if (!$array_return && $array['live_edit'] && Tools::isSubmit('live_edit') && Tools::getValue('ad') && Tools::getValue('liveToken') == Tools::getAdminToken('AdminModulesPositions' . (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminModulesPositions') . (int) Tools::getValue('id_employee'))) {
                    $live_edit = true;
                    $output .= self::wrapLiveEdit($display, $moduleInstance, $array['id_hook']);
                } elseif ($array_return) {
                    $output[$moduleInstance->name] = $display;
                } else {
                    $output .= $display;
        if ($different_shop) {
            $context->shop = $old_shop;
            $context->shop->setContext($old_context, $shop->id);
        if ($array_return) {
            return $output;
        } else {
            return ($live_edit ? '<script type="text/javascript">hooks_list.push(\'' . $hook_name . '\');</script>
				<div id="' . $hook_name . '" class="dndHook" style="min-height:50px">' : '') . $output . ($live_edit ? '</div>' : '');
        // Return html string
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function autoregisterhook($hook_name = 'moduleRoutes', $module_name = 'smartblog', $shop_list = null)
     if (Module::isEnabled($module_name) == 1 && Module::isInstalled($module_name) == 1) {
         $return = true;
         $id_sql = 'SELECT `id_module` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module` WHERE `name` = "' . $module_name . '"';
         $id_module = Db::getInstance()->getValue($id_sql);
         if (is_array($hook_name)) {
             $hook_names = $hook_name;
         } else {
             $hook_names = array($hook_name);
         foreach ($hook_names as $hook_name) {
             if (!Validate::isHookName($hook_name)) {
                 throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid hook name');
             if (!isset($id_module) || !is_numeric($id_module)) {
                 return false;
             //$hook_name_bak = $hook_name;
             if ($alias = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name)) {
                 $hook_name = $alias;
             $id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($hook_name);
             //$live_edit = Hook::getLiveEditById((int) Hook::getIdByName($hook_name_bak));
             if (!$id_hook) {
                 $new_hook = new Hook();
                 $new_hook->name = pSQL($hook_name);
                 $new_hook->title = pSQL($hook_name);
                 $new_hook->live_edit = (bool) preg_match('/^display/i', $new_hook->name);
                 $new_hook->position = (bool) $new_hook->live_edit;
                 $id_hook = $new_hook->id;
                 if (!$id_hook) {
                     return false;
             if (is_null($shop_list)) {
                 $shop_list = Shop::getShops(true, null, true);
             foreach ($shop_list as $shop_id) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT hm.`id_module`
                     FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'hook_module` hm, `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'hook` h
                     WHERE hm.`id_module` = ' . (int) $id_module . ' AND h.`id_hook` = ' . $id_hook . '
                     AND h.`id_hook` = hm.`id_hook` AND `id_shop` = ' . (int) $shop_id;
                 if (Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`position`) AS position
                     FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'hook_module`
                     WHERE `id_hook` = ' . (int) $id_hook . ' AND `id_shop` = ' . (int) $shop_id;
                 if (!($position = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql))) {
                     $position = 0;
                 $return &= Db::getInstance()->insert('hook_module', array('id_module' => (int) $id_module, 'id_hook' => (int) $id_hook, 'id_shop' => (int) $shop_id, 'position' => (int) ($position + 1)));
         return $return;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Return the hooks list where this module can be hooked.
  * @return array Hooks list.
 public function getPossibleHooksList()
     $hooks_list = Hook::getHooks();
     $possible_hooks_list = array();
     foreach ($hooks_list as &$current_hook) {
         $hook_name = $current_hook['name'];
         $retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);
         if (is_callable(array($this, 'hook' . ucfirst($hook_name))) || is_callable(array($this, 'hook' . ucfirst($retro_hook_name)))) {
             $possible_hooks_list[] = array('id_hook' => $current_hook['id_hook'], 'name' => $hook_name, 'title' => $current_hook['title']);
     return $possible_hooks_list;