Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get an associative array containing information about
  * a file with the given storage path.
  * Resulting array fields include:
  *   - fileExists
  *   - size (filesize in bytes)
  *   - mime (as major/minor)
  *   - media_type (value to be used with the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants)
  *   - metadata (handler specific)
  *   - sha1 (in base 36)
  *   - width
  *   - height
  *   - bits (bitrate)
  *   - file-mime
  *   - major_mime
  *   - minor_mime
  * @param string $path Filesystem path to a file
  * @param string|bool $ext The file extension, or true to extract it from the filename.
  *             Set it to false to ignore the extension.
  * @return array
  * @since 1.28
 public function getPropsFromPath($path, $ext)
     $fsFile = new FSFile($path);
     $info = $this->newPlaceholderProps();
     $info['fileExists'] = $fsFile->exists();
     if ($info['fileExists']) {
         $info['size'] = $fsFile->getSize();
         // bytes
         $info['sha1'] = $fsFile->getSha1Base36();
         # MIME type according to file contents
         $info['file-mime'] = $this->magic->guessMimeType($path, false);
         # Logical MIME type
         $ext = $ext === true ? FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path) : $ext;
         $info['mime'] = $this->magic->improveTypeFromExtension($info['file-mime'], $ext);
         list($info['major_mime'], $info['minor_mime']) = File::splitMime($info['mime']);
         $info['media_type'] = $this->magic->getMediaType($path, $info['mime']);
         # Height, width and metadata
         $handler = MediaHandler::getHandler($info['mime']);
         if ($handler) {
             $info['metadata'] = $handler->getMetadata($fsFile, $path);
             /** @noinspection PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection */
             $gis = $handler->getImageSize($fsFile, $path, $info['metadata']);
             if (is_array($gis)) {
                 $info = $this->extractImageSizeInfo($gis) + $info;
     return $info;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @see FileBackendStore::getLocalCopy()
 public function getLocalCopy(array $params)
     list($srcCont, $srcRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($params['src']);
     if ($srcRel === null) {
         return null;
     /*if ( !$this->fileExists( $params ) ) {
     			return null;
     $tmpFile = null;
     try {
         $sContObj = $this->getContainer($srcCont);
         $obj = new CF_Object($sContObj, $srcRel, false, false);
         // skip HEAD
         // Get source file extension
         $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($srcRel);
         // Create a new temporary file...
         $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory(wfBaseName($srcRel) . '_', $ext);
         if ($tmpFile) {
             $handle = fopen($tmpFile->getPath(), 'wb');
             if ($handle) {
                 $obj->stream($handle, $this->headersFromParams($params));
             } else {
                 $tmpFile = null;
                 // couldn't open temp file
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         $tmpFile = null;
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     } catch (NoSuchObjectException $e) {
         $tmpFile = null;
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     } catch (InvalidResponseException $e) {
         $tmpFile = null;
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $tmpFile = null;
         $this->logException($e, __METHOD__, $params);
     return $tmpFile;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @dataProvider provider_testExtensionFromPath
 public function testExtensionFromPath($path, $res)
     $this->assertEquals($res, FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path), "FileBackend::extensionFromPath on path '{$path}'");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Append the final chunk and ready file for parent::performUpload()
  * @return FileRepoStatus
 public function concatenateChunks()
     wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " concatenate {$this->mChunkIndex} chunks:" . $this->getOffset() . ' inx:' . $this->getChunkIndex() . "\n");
     // Concatenate all the chunks to mVirtualTempPath
     $fileList = array();
     // The first chunk is stored at the mVirtualTempPath path so we start on "chunk 1"
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->getChunkIndex(); $i++) {
         $fileList[] = $this->getVirtualChunkLocation($i);
     // Get the file extension from the last chunk
     $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($this->mVirtualTempPath);
     // Get a 0-byte temp file to perform the concatenation at
     $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('chunkedupload_', $ext);
     $tmpPath = $tmpFile ? $tmpFile->getPath() : false;
     // fail in concatenate()
     // Concatenate the chunks at the temp file
     $status = $this->repo->concatenate($fileList, $tmpPath, FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE);
     if (!$status->isOk()) {
         return $status;
     // Update the mTempPath and mLocalFile
     // ( for FileUpload or normal Stash to take over )
     $this->mTempPath = $tmpPath;
     // file system path
     $this->mLocalFile = parent::stashFile();
     return $status;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get the portion of the file that contains the origin file name.
  * If that name is too long, then the name "thumbnail.<ext>" will be given.
  * @param string $name
  * @return string
 public function nameForThumb($name)
     if (strlen($name) > $this->abbrvThreshold) {
         $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($name);
         $name = $ext == '' ? 'thumbnail' : "thumbnail.{$ext}";
     return $name;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @see FileBackendStore::getLocalCopy()
  * @return null|TempFSFile
 public function getLocalCopy(array $params)
     list($srcCont, $srcRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($params['src']);
     if ($srcRel === null) {
         return null;
     // Blindly create a tmp file and stream to it, catching any exception if the file does
     // not exist. Also, doing a stat here will cause infinite loops when filling metadata.
     $tmpFile = null;
     try {
         $sContObj = $this->getContainer($srcCont);
         $obj = new CF_Object($sContObj, $srcRel, false, false);
         // skip HEAD
         // Get source file extension
         $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($srcRel);
         // Create a new temporary file...
         $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('localcopy_', $ext);
         if ($tmpFile) {
             $handle = fopen($tmpFile->getPath(), 'wb');
             if ($handle) {
                 $obj->stream($handle, $this->headersFromParams($params));
             } else {
                 $tmpFile = null;
                 // couldn't open temp file
     } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
         $tmpFile = null;
     } catch (NoSuchObjectException $e) {
         $tmpFile = null;
     } catch (CloudFilesException $e) {
         // some other exception?
         $tmpFile = null;
         $this->handleException($e, null, __METHOD__, $params);
     return $tmpFile;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param string $thumbName Thumbnail name
  * @return string Content-Disposition header value
 function getThumbDisposition($thumbName)
     $fileName = $this->name;
     // file name to suggest
     $thumbExt = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($thumbName);
     if ($thumbExt != '' && $thumbExt !== $this->getExtension()) {
         $fileName .= ".{$thumbExt}";
     return FileBackend::makeContentDisposition('inline', $fileName);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Transform a media file
  * @param $params Array: an associative array of handler-specific parameters.
  *                Typical keys are width, height and page.
  * @param $flags Integer: a bitfield, may contain self::RENDER_NOW to force rendering
  * @return MediaTransformOutput|false
 function transform($params, $flags = 0)
     global $wgUseSquid, $wgIgnoreImageErrors, $wgThumbnailEpoch;
     do {
         if (!$this->canRender()) {
             $thumb = $this->iconThumb();
             // not a bitmap or renderable image, don't try
         // Get the descriptionUrl to embed it as comment into the thumbnail. Bug 19791.
         $descriptionUrl = $this->getDescriptionUrl();
         if ($descriptionUrl) {
             $params['descriptionUrl'] = wfExpandUrl($descriptionUrl, PROTO_CANONICAL);
         $script = $this->getTransformScript();
         if ($script && !($flags & self::RENDER_NOW)) {
             // Use a script to transform on client request, if possible
             $thumb = $this->handler->getScriptedTransform($this, $script, $params);
             if ($thumb) {
         $normalisedParams = $params;
         $this->handler->normaliseParams($this, $normalisedParams);
         $thumbName = $this->thumbName($normalisedParams);
         $thumbUrl = $this->getThumbUrl($thumbName);
         $thumbPath = $this->getThumbPath($thumbName);
         // final thumb path
         if ($this->repo) {
             // Defer rendering if a 404 handler is set up...
             if ($this->repo->canTransformVia404() && !($flags & self::RENDER_NOW)) {
                 wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " transformation deferred.");
                 // XXX: Pass in the storage path even though we are not rendering anything
                 // and the path is supposed to be an FS path. This is due to getScalerType()
                 // getting called on the path and clobbering $thumb->getUrl() if it's false.
                 $thumb = $this->handler->getTransform($this, $thumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params);
             // Clean up broken thumbnails as needed
             // Check if an up-to-date thumbnail already exists...
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": Doing stat for {$thumbPath}\n");
             if ($this->repo->fileExists($thumbPath) && !($flags & self::RENDER_FORCE)) {
                 $timestamp = $this->repo->getFileTimestamp($thumbPath);
                 if ($timestamp !== false && $timestamp >= $wgThumbnailEpoch) {
                     // XXX: Pass in the storage path even though we are not rendering anything
                     // and the path is supposed to be an FS path. This is due to getScalerType()
                     // getting called on the path and clobbering $thumb->getUrl() if it's false.
                     $thumb = $this->handler->getTransform($this, $thumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params);
             } elseif ($flags & self::RENDER_FORCE) {
                 wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " forcing rendering per flag File::RENDER_FORCE\n");
         // Create a temp FS file with the same extension and the thumbnail
         $thumbExt = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($thumbPath);
         $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('transform_', $thumbExt);
         if (!$tmpFile) {
             $thumb = $this->transformErrorOutput($thumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params, $flags);
         $tmpThumbPath = $tmpFile->getPath();
         // path of 0-byte temp file
         // Actually render the thumbnail...
         $thumb = $this->handler->doTransform($this, $tmpThumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params);
         // keep alive with $thumb
         if (!$thumb) {
             // bad params?
             $thumb = null;
         } elseif ($thumb->isError()) {
             // transform error
             $this->lastError = $thumb->toText();
             // Ignore errors if requested
             if ($wgIgnoreImageErrors && !($flags & self::RENDER_NOW)) {
                 $thumb = $this->handler->getTransform($this, $tmpThumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params);
         } elseif ($this->repo && $thumb->hasFile() && !$thumb->fileIsSource()) {
             $backend = $this->repo->getBackend();
             // Copy the thumbnail from the file system into storage. This avoids using
             // FileRepo::store(); getThumbPath() uses a different zone in some subclasses.
             $backend->prepare(array('dir' => dirname($thumbPath)));
             $status = $backend->store(array('src' => $tmpThumbPath, 'dst' => $thumbPath, 'overwrite' => 1), array('force' => 1, 'nonLocking' => 1, 'allowStale' => 1));
             if ($status->isOK()) {
             } else {
                 $thumb = $this->transformErrorOutput($thumbPath, $thumbUrl, $params, $flags);
         // Purge. Useful in the event of Core -> Squid connection failure or squid
         // purge collisions from elsewhere during failure. Don't keep triggering for
         // "thumbs" which have the main image URL though (bug 13776)
         if ($wgUseSquid) {
             if (!$thumb || $thumb->isError() || $thumb->getUrl() != $this->getURL()) {
     } while (false);
     return is_object($thumb) ? $thumb : false;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param string $storagePath
  * @param string|null $content
  * @param string|null $fsPath
  * @return string
  * @since 1.27
 public function guessMimeInternal($storagePath, $content, $fsPath)
     $magic = MimeMagic::singleton();
     // Trust the extension of the storage path (caller must validate)
     $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($storagePath);
     $type = $magic->guessTypesForExtension($ext);
     // For files without a valid extension (or one at all), inspect the contents
     if (!$type && $fsPath) {
         $type = $magic->guessMimeType($fsPath, false);
     } elseif (!$type && strlen($content)) {
         $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('mime_');
         file_put_contents($tmpFile->getPath(), $content);
         $type = $magic->guessMimeType($tmpFile->getPath(), false);
     return $type ?: 'unknown/unknown';
Exemplo n.º 10
 protected function doGetLocalCopyMulti(array $params)
     $tmpFiles = array();
     // (path => TempFSFile)
     foreach ($params['srcs'] as $srcPath) {
         $src = $this->resolveHashKey($srcPath);
         if ($src === null || !isset($this->files[$src])) {
             $fsFile = null;
         } else {
             // Create a new temporary file with the same extension...
             $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($src);
             $fsFile = TempFSFile::factory('localcopy_', $ext);
             if ($fsFile) {
                 $bytes = file_put_contents($fsFile->getPath(), $this->files[$src]['data']);
                 if ($bytes !== strlen($this->files[$src]['data'])) {
                     $fsFile = null;
         $tmpFiles[$srcPath] = $fsFile;
     return $tmpFiles;
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function doGetLocalCopyMulti(array $params)
     $tmpFiles = array();
     // (path => TempFSFile)
     foreach ($params['srcs'] as $src) {
         $source = $this->resolveToFSPath($src);
         if ($source === null) {
             $tmpFiles[$src] = null;
             // invalid path
         } else {
             // Create a new temporary file with the same extension...
             $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($src);
             $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('localcopy_', $ext);
             if (!$tmpFile) {
                 $tmpFiles[$src] = null;
             } else {
                 $tmpPath = $tmpFile->getPath();
                 // Copy the source file over the temp file
                 $ok = copy($source, $tmpPath);
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $tmpFiles[$src] = null;
                 } else {
                     $tmpFiles[$src] = $tmpFile;
     return $tmpFiles;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @see FileBackendStore::getLocalCopy()
 public function getLocalCopy(array $params)
     $source = $this->resolveToFSPath($params['src']);
     if ($source === null) {
         return null;
     // Create a new temporary file with the same extension...
     $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($params['src']);
     $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory(wfBaseName($source) . '_', $ext);
     if (!$tmpFile) {
         return null;
     $tmpPath = $tmpFile->getPath();
     // Copy the source file over the temp file
     $ok = copy($source, $tmpPath);
     if (!$ok) {
         return null;
     return $tmpFile;
	 * @see FileBackend::getLocalCopy()
	function getLocalCopy( array $params ) {
		list( $srcCont, $srcRel ) = $this->resolveStoragePath( $params['src'] );
		if ( $srcRel === null ) {
			return null;

		// Get source file extension
		$ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath( $srcRel );
		// Create a new temporary file...
		// TODO: Caution: tempfile should not write a local file.
		$tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory( wfBaseName( $srcRel ) . '_', $ext );
		if ( !$tmpFile ) {
			return null;
		$tmpPath = $tmpFile->getPath();

		try {
			$this->storageClient->getBlob( $srcCont, $srcRel, $tmpPath );
		catch ( Exception $e ) {
			$tmpFile = null;

		return $tmpFile;
Exemplo n.º 14
function wfImageAuthMain()
    global $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap;
    $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
    $publicWiki = in_array('read', User::getGroupPermissions(array('*')), true);
    // Get the requested file path (source file or thumbnail)
    $matches = WebRequest::getPathInfo();
    if (!isset($matches['title'])) {
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nopathinfo');
    $path = $matches['title'];
    if ($path && $path[0] !== '/') {
        // Make sure $path has a leading /
        $path = "/" . $path;
    // Check for bug 28235: QUERY_STRING overriding the correct extension
    $whitelist = array();
    $extension = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path, 'rawcase');
    if ($extension != '') {
        $whitelist[] = $extension;
    if (!$request->checkUrlExtension($whitelist)) {
    // Various extensions may have their own backends that need access.
    // Check if there is a special backend and storage base path for this file.
    foreach ($wgImgAuthUrlPathMap as $prefix => $storageDir) {
        $prefix = rtrim($prefix, '/') . '/';
        // implicit trailing slash
        if (strpos($path, $prefix) === 0) {
            $be = FileBackendGroup::singleton()->backendFromPath($storageDir);
            $filename = $storageDir . substr($path, strlen($prefix));
            // strip prefix
            // Check basic user authorization
            if (!RequestContext::getMain()->getUser()->isAllowed('read')) {
                wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-noread', $path);
            if ($be->fileExists(array('src' => $filename))) {
                wfDebugLog('img_auth', "Streaming `" . $filename . "`.");
                $be->streamFile(array('src' => $filename), array('Cache-Control: private', 'Vary: Cookie'));
            } else {
                wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nofile', $path);
    // Get the local file repository
    $repo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getRepo('local');
    $zone = strstr(ltrim($path, '/'), '/', true);
    // Get the full file storage path and extract the source file name.
    // (e.g. 120px-Foo.png => Foo.png or page2-120px-Foo.png => Foo.png).
    // This only applies to thumbnails/transcoded, and each of them should
    // be under a folder that has the source file name.
    if ($zone === 'thumb' || $zone === 'transcoded') {
        $name = wfBaseName(dirname($path));
        $filename = $repo->getZonePath($zone) . substr($path, strlen("/" . $zone));
        // Check to see if the file exists
        if (!$repo->fileExists($filename)) {
            wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nofile', $filename);
    } else {
        $name = wfBaseName($path);
        // file is a source file
        $filename = $repo->getZonePath('public') . $path;
        // Check to see if the file exists and is not deleted
        $bits = explode('!', $name, 2);
        if (substr($path, 0, 9) === '/archive/' && count($bits) == 2) {
            $file = $repo->newFromArchiveName($bits[1], $name);
        } else {
            $file = $repo->newFile($name);
        if (!$file->exists() || $file->isDeleted(File::DELETED_FILE)) {
            wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nofile', $filename);
    $headers = array();
    // extra HTTP headers to send
    if (!$publicWiki) {
        // For private wikis, run extra auth checks and set cache control headers
        $headers[] = 'Cache-Control: private';
        $headers[] = 'Vary: Cookie';
        $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FILE, $name);
        if (!$title instanceof Title) {
            // files have valid titles
            wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-badtitle', $name);
        // Run hook for extension authorization plugins
        /** @var $result array */
        $result = null;
        if (!wfRunHooks('ImgAuthBeforeStream', array(&$title, &$path, &$name, &$result))) {
            wfForbidden($result[0], $result[1], array_slice($result, 2));
        // Check user authorization for this title
        // Checks Whitelist too
        if (!$title->userCan('read')) {
            wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-noread', $name);
    if ($request->getCheck('download')) {
        $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment';
    // Stream the requested file
    wfDebugLog('img_auth', "Streaming `" . $filename . "`.");
    $repo->streamFile($filename, $headers);
Exemplo n.º 15
 protected function doGetLocalCopyMulti(array $params)
     $tmpFiles = array();
     $auth = $this->getAuthentication();
     $ep = array_diff_key($params, array('srcs' => 1));
     // for error logging
     // Blindly create tmp files and stream to them, catching any exception if the file does
     // not exist. Doing a stat here is useless causes infinite loops in addMissingMetadata().
     $reqs = array();
     // (path => op)
     foreach ($params['srcs'] as $path) {
         // each path in this concurrent batch
         list($srcCont, $srcRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($path);
         if ($srcRel === null || !$auth) {
             $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
         // Get source file extension
         $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path);
         // Create a new temporary file...
         $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('localcopy_', $ext);
         if ($tmpFile) {
             $handle = fopen($tmpFile->getPath(), 'wb');
             if ($handle) {
                 $reqs[$path] = array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => $this->storageUrl($auth, $srcCont, $srcRel), 'headers' => $this->authTokenHeaders($auth) + $this->headersFromParams($params), 'stream' => $handle);
             } else {
                 $tmpFile = null;
         $tmpFiles[$path] = $tmpFile;
     $isLatest = $this->isRGW || !empty($params['latest']);
     $opts = array('maxConnsPerHost' => $params['concurrency']);
     $reqs = $this->http->runMulti($reqs, $opts);
     foreach ($reqs as $path => $op) {
         list($rcode, $rdesc, $rhdrs, $rbody, $rerr) = $op['response'];
         // close open handle
         if ($rcode >= 200 && $rcode <= 299) {
             $size = $tmpFiles[$path] ? $tmpFiles[$path]->getSize() : 0;
             // Double check that the disk is not full/broken
             if ($size != $rhdrs['content-length']) {
                 $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
                 $rerr = "Got {$size}/{$rhdrs['content-length']} bytes";
                 $this->onError(null, __METHOD__, array('src' => $path) + $ep, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc);
             // Set the file stat process cache in passing
             $stat = $this->getStatFromHeaders($rhdrs);
             $stat['latest'] = $isLatest;
             $this->cheapCache->set($path, 'stat', $stat);
         } elseif ($rcode === 404) {
             $tmpFiles[$path] = false;
         } else {
             $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
             $this->onError(null, __METHOD__, array('src' => $path) + $ep, $rerr, $rcode, $rdesc);
     return $tmpFiles;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Append the final chunk and ready file for parent::performUpload()
  * @return FileRepoStatus
 public function concatenateChunks()
     $chunkIndex = $this->getChunkIndex();
     wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " concatenate {$this->mChunkIndex} chunks:" . $this->getOffset() . ' inx:' . $chunkIndex . "\n");
     // Concatenate all the chunks to mVirtualTempPath
     $fileList = [];
     // The first chunk is stored at the mVirtualTempPath path so we start on "chunk 1"
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $chunkIndex; $i++) {
         $fileList[] = $this->getVirtualChunkLocation($i);
     // Get the file extension from the last chunk
     $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($this->mVirtualTempPath);
     // Get a 0-byte temp file to perform the concatenation at
     $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('chunkedupload_', $ext, wfTempDir());
     $tmpPath = false;
     // fail in concatenate()
     if ($tmpFile) {
         // keep alive with $this
         $tmpPath = $tmpFile->bind($this)->getPath();
     // Concatenate the chunks at the temp file
     $tStart = microtime(true);
     $status = $this->repo->concatenate($fileList, $tmpPath, FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE);
     $tAmount = microtime(true) - $tStart;
     if (!$status->isOK()) {
         return $status;
     wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Combined {$i} chunks in {$tAmount} seconds.");
     // File system path of the actual full temp file
     $ret = $this->verifyUpload();
     if ($ret['status'] !== UploadBase::OK) {
         wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Verification failed for chunked upload");
         return $status;
     // Update the mTempPath and mStashFile
     // (for FileUpload or normal Stash to take over)
     $tStart = microtime(true);
     // This is a re-implementation of UploadBase::tryStashFile(), we can't call it because we
     // override doStashFile() with completely different functionality in this class...
     $error = $this->runUploadStashFileHook($this->user);
     if ($error) {
         call_user_func_array([$status, 'fatal'], $error);
         return $status;
     try {
         $this->mStashFile = parent::doStashFile($this->user);
     } catch (UploadStashException $e) {
         $status->fatal('uploadstash-exception', get_class($e), $e->getMessage());
         return $status;
     $tAmount = microtime(true) - $tStart;
     // reuse (e.g. for getImageInfo())
     wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Stashed combined file ({$i} chunks) in {$tAmount} seconds.");
     return $status;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @see FileBackendStore::doGetLocalCopyMulti()
  * @return null|TempFSFile
 protected function doGetLocalCopyMulti(array $params)
     $tmpFiles = array();
     $ep = array_diff_key($params, array('srcs' => 1));
     // for error logging
     // Blindly create tmp files and stream to them, catching any exception if the file does
     // not exist. Doing a stat here is useless causes infinite loops in addMissingMetadata().
     foreach (array_chunk($params['srcs'], $params['concurrency']) as $pathBatch) {
         $cfOps = array();
         // (path => CF_Async_Op)
         foreach ($pathBatch as $path) {
             // each path in this concurrent batch
             list($srcCont, $srcRel) = $this->resolveStoragePathReal($path);
             if ($srcRel === null) {
                 $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
             $tmpFile = null;
             try {
                 $sContObj = $this->getContainer($srcCont);
                 $obj = new CF_Object($sContObj, $srcRel, false, false);
                 // skip HEAD
                 // Get source file extension
                 $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path);
                 // Create a new temporary file...
                 $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('localcopy_', $ext);
                 if ($tmpFile) {
                     $handle = fopen($tmpFile->getPath(), 'wb');
                     if ($handle) {
                         $headers = $this->headersFromParams($params);
                         if (count($pathBatch) > 1) {
                             $cfOps[$path] = $obj->stream_async($handle, $headers);
                             $cfOps[$path]->_file_handle = $handle;
                             // close this later
                         } else {
                             $obj->stream($handle, $headers);
                     } else {
                         $tmpFile = null;
             } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
                 $tmpFile = null;
             } catch (NoSuchObjectException $e) {
                 $tmpFile = null;
             } catch (CloudFilesException $e) {
                 // some other exception?
                 $tmpFile = null;
                 $this->handleException($e, null, __METHOD__, array('src' => $path) + $ep);
             $tmpFiles[$path] = $tmpFile;
         $batch = new CF_Async_Op_Batch($cfOps);
         $cfOps = $batch->execute();
         foreach ($cfOps as $path => $cfOp) {
             try {
             } catch (NoSuchContainerException $e) {
                 $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
             } catch (NoSuchObjectException $e) {
                 $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
             } catch (CloudFilesException $e) {
                 // some other exception?
                 $tmpFiles[$path] = null;
                 $this->handleException($e, null, __METHOD__, array('src' => $path) + $ep);
             // close open handle
     return $tmpFiles;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Get the final extension of the thumbnail.
  * Returns false for scripted transformations.
  * @return string|bool
 public function getExtension()
     return $this->path ? FileBackend::extensionFromPath($this->path) : false;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Append the final chunk and ready file for parent::performUpload()
  * @return FileRepoStatus
 public function concatenateChunks()
     $chunkIndex = $this->getChunkIndex();
     wfDebug(__METHOD__ . " concatenate {$this->mChunkIndex} chunks:" . $this->getOffset() . ' inx:' . $chunkIndex . "\n");
     // Concatenate all the chunks to mVirtualTempPath
     $fileList = array();
     // The first chunk is stored at the mVirtualTempPath path so we start on "chunk 1"
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $chunkIndex; $i++) {
         $fileList[] = $this->getVirtualChunkLocation($i);
     // Get the file extension from the last chunk
     $ext = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($this->mVirtualTempPath);
     // Get a 0-byte temp file to perform the concatenation at
     $tmpFile = TempFSFile::factory('chunkedupload_', $ext);
     $tmpPath = false;
     // fail in concatenate()
     if ($tmpFile) {
         // keep alive with $this
         $tmpPath = $tmpFile->bind($this)->getPath();
     // Concatenate the chunks at the temp file
     $tStart = microtime(true);
     $status = $this->repo->concatenate($fileList, $tmpPath, FileRepo::DELETE_SOURCE);
     $tAmount = microtime(true) - $tStart;
     if (!$status->isOk()) {
         return $status;
     wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Combined {$i} chunks in {$tAmount} seconds.");
     // File system path
     $this->mTempPath = $tmpPath;
     // Since this was set for the last chunk previously
     $this->mFileSize = filesize($this->mTempPath);
     $ret = $this->verifyUpload();
     if ($ret['status'] !== UploadBase::OK) {
         wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Verification failed for chunked upload");
         return $status;
     // Update the mTempPath and mLocalFile
     // (for FileUpload or normal Stash to take over)
     $tStart = microtime(true);
     $this->mLocalFile = parent::stashFile($this->user);
     $tAmount = microtime(true) - $tStart;
     // reuse (e.g. for getImageInfo())
     wfDebugLog('fileconcatenate', "Stashed combined file ({$i} chunks) in {$tAmount} seconds.");
     return $status;
Exemplo n.º 20
function wfImageAuthMain()
    global $wgImgAuthPublicTest, $wgImgAuthUrlPathMap, $wgRequest;
    // See if this is a public Wiki (no protections).
    if ($wgImgAuthPublicTest && in_array('read', User::getGroupPermissions(array('*')), true)) {
        // This is a public wiki, so disable this script (for private wikis only)
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-public');
    // Get the requested file path (source file or thumbnail)
    $matches = WebRequest::getPathInfo();
    if (!isset($matches['title'])) {
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nopathinfo');
    $path = $matches['title'];
    if ($path && $path[0] !== '/') {
        // Make sure $path has a leading /
        $path = "/" . $path;
    // Check for bug 28235: QUERY_STRING overriding the correct extension
    $whitelist = array();
    $extension = FileBackend::extensionFromPath($path, 'rawcase');
    if ($extension != '') {
        $whitelist[] = $extension;
    if (!$wgRequest->checkUrlExtension($whitelist)) {
    // Various extensions may have their own backends that need access.
    // Check if there is a special backend and storage base path for this file.
    foreach ($wgImgAuthUrlPathMap as $prefix => $storageDir) {
        $prefix = rtrim($prefix, '/') . '/';
        // implicit trailing slash
        if (strpos($path, $prefix) === 0) {
            $be = FileBackendGroup::singleton()->backendFromPath($storageDir);
            $filename = $storageDir . substr($path, strlen($prefix));
            // strip prefix
            // Check basic user authorization
            if (!RequestContext::getMain()->getUser()->isAllowed('read')) {
                wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-noread', $path);
            if ($be->fileExists(array('src' => $filename))) {
                wfDebugLog('img_auth', "Streaming `" . $filename . "`.");
                $be->streamFile(array('src' => $filename), array('Cache-Control: private', 'Vary: Cookie'));
            } else {
                wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nofile', $path);
    // Get the local file repository
    $repo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getRepo('local');
    // Get the full file storage path and extract the source file name.
    // (e.g. 120px-Foo.png => Foo.png or page2-120px-Foo.png => Foo.png).
    // This only applies to thumbnails, and all thumbnails should
    // be under a folder that has the source file name.
    if (strpos($path, '/thumb/') === 0) {
        $name = wfBaseName(dirname($path));
        // file is a thumbnail
        $filename = $repo->getZonePath('thumb') . substr($path, 6);
        // strip "/thumb"
    } else {
        $name = wfBaseName($path);
        // file is a source file
        $filename = $repo->getZonePath('public') . $path;
    // Check to see if the file exists
    if (!$repo->fileExists($filename)) {
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-nofile', $filename);
    $title = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FILE, $name);
    if (!$title instanceof Title) {
        // files have valid titles
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-badtitle', $name);
    // Run hook for extension authorization plugins
    /** @var $result array */
    $result = null;
    if (!wfRunHooks('ImgAuthBeforeStream', array(&$title, &$path, &$name, &$result))) {
        wfForbidden($result[0], $result[1], array_slice($result, 2));
    // Check user authorization for this title
    // Checks Whitelist too
    if (!$title->userCan('read')) {
        wfForbidden('img-auth-accessdenied', 'img-auth-noread', $name);
    if ($wgRequest->getCheck('download')) {
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment');
    // Stream the requested file
    wfDebugLog('img_auth', "Streaming `" . $filename . "`.");
    $repo->streamFile($filename, array('Cache-Control: private', 'Vary: Cookie'));