Exemplo n.º 1
echo jgettext('Create index.html files');

    <input type="checkbox" name="buildopts[]" id="createMD5"
echo $preset->createMD5 == 'ON' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    <label class="inline" for="createMD5"><?php 
echo jgettext('Create MD5 checksum file');
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|__<input type="checkbox" name="buildopts[]" id="createMD5Compressed"
echo $preset->createMD5Compressed == 'ON' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    <label class="inline" for="createMD5Compressed">
echo jgettext('Compress checksum file');

echo EcrHelp::info(jgettext('This will do a small compression on your checksum file'), jgettext('Compress checksum file'));
Exemplo n.º 2
$buildPath = $this->project->getZipPath();

<div class="infoHeader img icon16-installfolder"><?php 
echo jgettext('Build folder');

<div class="customPath">
    <span id="buildFolder"><?php 
echo JPath::clean($buildPath);
echo DS . '&nbsp;' . $this->project->version;

echo EcrHelp::info(jgettext('The folder where your final package ends up. The folders extension_name and version will be added automatically.' . '<br />' . 'If left blank the default folder will be used.'), jgettext('Build folder'));

if (false == JFolder::exists($buildPath . DS . $this->project->version)) {
    //-- The build folder does not exist - let's create it
    if (JFolder::create($buildPath . DS . $this->project->version)) {
        EcrHtml::message(jgettext('The folder has been created'));
    } else {
        EcrHtml::message(array(jgettext('Unable to create the build folder - please check !'), $buildPath . DS . $this->project->version), 'error');
Exemplo n.º 3

<div class="customPath">
echo $this->project->comName;
<span id="ajName"></span>.zip

echo jgettext('Custom name format');

echo EcrHelp::info(jgettext('Use:<br />*VERSION*<br />*VCSREV*<br />*DATETIMExxxx*'), jgettext('Custom name format'));

<input type="radio" name="opt_format" id="custom_name_1" class="custom_opt" checked="checked"
echo $buildOpts->get('custom_name_1');
echo $javascript;
<label class="inline filename" id="lbl_custom_name_1" for="custom_name_1">
Exemplo n.º 4

        <label class="inline" for="sel_event">
echo jgettext('Event');
        <select class="span7" id="sel_event" name="event">
            <option value="precopy">Pre Copy</option>
            <option value="postcopy">Post Copy</option>
            <option value="postbuild">Post Build</option>

        <div class="btn-toolbar">
            <div class="btn" onclick="Stuffer.newAction(this);">
                <i class="img icon16-add"></i>
echo jgettext('Add Action');

echo EcrHelp::info('${temp_dir}<br />${j_root}', jgettext('Available replacements'));

