Exemplo n.º 1
 public function fetchRelatedFor(Doctrine_Record $record)
     $id = $record->getIncremented();
     if (empty($id) || !$this->definition['table']->getAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_LOAD_REFERENCES)) {
         return Doctrine_Collection::create($this->getTable());
     } else {
         $q = new Doctrine_RawSql($this->getTable()->getConnection());
         $formatter = $q->getConnection()->formatter;
         $assocTable = $this->getAssociationFactory()->getTableName();
         $tableName = $record->getTable()->getTableName();
         // Removing schema name from table names (MySQL Nest Relations fix)
         function removeSchemaFromTable($tableName)
             $e = explode('.', $tableName);
             if (isset($e[1])) {
                 return $e[1];
             return $e[0];
         $assocTable = removeSchemaFromTable($assocTable);
         $tableName = removeSchemaFromTable($tableName);
         $identifierColumnNames = $record->getTable()->getIdentifierColumnNames();
         $identifier = $formatter->quoteIdentifier(array_pop($identifierColumnNames));
         $sub = 'SELECT ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getForeignRefColumnName()) . ' FROM ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($assocTable) . ' WHERE ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getLocalRefColumnName()) . ' = ?';
         $condition[] = $formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . '.' . $identifier . ' IN (' . $sub . ')';
         $joinCondition[] = $formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . '.' . $identifier . ' = ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($assocTable) . '.' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getForeignRefColumnName());
         if ($this->definition['equal']) {
             $sub2 = 'SELECT ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getLocalRefColumnName()) . ' FROM ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($assocTable) . ' WHERE ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getForeignRefColumnName()) . ' = ?';
             $condition[] = $formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . '.' . $identifier . ' IN (' . $sub2 . ')';
             $joinCondition[] = $formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . '.' . $identifier . ' = ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($assocTable) . '.' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($this->getLocalRefColumnName());
         $q->select('{' . $tableName . '.*}, {' . $assocTable . '.*}')->from($formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . ' INNER JOIN ' . $formatter->quoteIdentifier($assocTable) . ' ON ' . implode(' OR ', $joinCondition))->where(implode(' OR ', $condition));
         if ($orderBy = $this->getOrderByStatement($tableName, true)) {
         } else {
             $q->addOrderBy($formatter->quoteIdentifier($tableName) . '.' . $identifier . ' ASC');
         $q->addComponent($tableName, $this->getClass());
         $path = $this->getClass() . '.' . $this->getAssociationFactory()->getComponentName();
         if ($this->definition['refClassRelationAlias']) {
             $path = $this->getClass() . '.' . $this->definition['refClassRelationAlias'];
         $q->addComponent($assocTable, $path);
         $params = $this->definition['equal'] ? array($id, $id) : array($id);
         $res = $q->execute($params);
         return $res;
  * Get Doctrine Query which can be used fetch employee list with the given
  * sorting and filtering options
  * @param array $sortField
  * @param $sortOrder
  * @param $filters
  * @return array
 public function getEmployeePerformanceReviewListQuery($sortField = null, $sortOrder = null, array $filters = null)
     $searchByStatus = false;
      * Using RawSQL since it is difficult to use DQL to get an efficient query for the
      * employee list search
     $query = new Doctrine_RawSql();
     $query->select('{e.emp_number}, {e.employee_id}, {e.emp_firstname}, {e.emp_lastname}, ' . '{e.emp_middle_name}, {cs.title}, {j.jobtit_name}, {es.estat_name}, ' . '{s.emp_firstname}, {s.emp_lastname}, rt.erep_reporting_mode')->from("hs_hr_employee e LEFT JOIN hs_hr_compstructtree cs on cs.id = e.work_station " . "  LEFT JOIN hs_hr_job_title j on j.jobtit_code = e.job_title_code " . "  LEFT JOIN hs_hr_empstat es on e.emp_status = es.estat_code " . "  LEFT JOIN hs_hr_emp_reportto rt on e.emp_number = rt.erep_sub_emp_number " . "  LEFT JOIN hs_hr_employee s on s.emp_number = rt.erep_sup_emp_number ");
     $query->addComponent('e', 'Employee e');
     $query->addComponent('cs', 'e.subDivision cs');
     $query->addComponent('j', 'e.jobTitle j');
     $query->addComponent('es', 'e.employeeStatus es');
     $query->addComponent('s', 'e.supervisors s');
     /* search filters */
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filterCount = 0;
         foreach ($filters as $searchField => $searchBy) {
             if (!empty($searchField) && !empty($searchBy) && array_key_exists($searchField, self::$searchMapping)) {
                 $field = self::$searchMapping[$searchField];
                 $value = '%' . $searchBy . '%';
                 if ($searchField == 'subDivision') {
                      * Not efficient if searching substations by more than one value, but
                      * we only have the facility to search by one value in the UI.
                     $query->andwhere('e.work_station IN (SELECT n.id FROM hs_hr_compstructtree n ' . 'INNER JOIN hs_hr_compstructtree p WHERE n.lft >= p.lft ' . 'AND n.rgt <= p.rgt AND p.title LIKE ? )', $value);
                 } else {
                     if ($searchField == 'supervisorId') {
                         $query->andwhere('s.emp_number = ?', $searchBy);
                     } else {
                         if ($filterCount == 0) {
                             $query->where($field . ' LIKE ?', $value);
                         } else {
                             $query->andwhere($field . ' LIKE ?', $value);
                 if ($searchField == 'employeeStatus') {
                     $searchByStatus = true;
     /* If not searching by employee status, hide terminated employees */
     if (!$searchByStatus) {
         $query->andwhere('( e.emp_status != ? OR e.emp_status IS NULL )', 'EST000');
     /* sorting */
     if (!empty($sortField) && !empty($sortOrder)) {
         if (array_key_exists($sortField, self::$sortMapping)) {
             $field = self::$sortMapping[$sortField];
             if (is_array($field)) {
                 foreach ($field as $key => $name) {
                     $query->addOrderBy($name . ' ' . $sortOrder);
             } else {
                 $query->orderBy($field . ' ' . $sortOrder);
     /* Default sort by emp_number, makes resulting order predictable, useful for testing */
     $query->addOrderBy('e.emp_number', 'asc');
     /* Sort subordinates direct first, then indirect, then by supervisor name */
     $query->addOrderBy('rt.erep_reporting_mode', 'asc');
     if ($sortField != 'supervisor') {
         $query->addOrderBy('s.emp_firstname', 'asc');
         $query->addOrderBy('s.emp_lastname', 'asc');
     return $query;