Exemplo n.º 1
 public function enhanceMail(Codendi_Mail $mail)
     foreach ($this->getAdditionalHeaders() as $name => $value) {
         $mail->addAdditionalHeader($name, $value);
     foreach ($this->getAdditionalPropertiesForLookAndFeel() as $property => $value) {
         $mail->getLookAndFeelTemplate()->set($property, $value);
     if ($this->getMessageId()) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function enhanceMail(Codendi_Mail $mail)
     $headers = $this->getAdditionalHeaders();
     $from_mail = null;
     if (array_key_exists('from', $headers)) {
         $from_mail = $headers['from'];
     if ($from_mail === null && array_key_exists('reply-to', $headers)) {
         $from_mail = $headers['reply-to'];
     if ($from_mail !== null) {
     foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
         $mail->addAdditionalHeader($name, $value);
     foreach ($this->getAdditionalPropertiesForLookAndFeel() as $property => $value) {
         $mail->getLookAndFeelTemplate()->set($property, $value);
     if ($this->getMessageId()) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function itHasAppropriateTypeForAttachment()
     $mail = new Codendi_Mail();
     $mail->addInlineAttachment('data', 'text/plain', 'attachment');
     $this->assertEqual($mail->getMail()->getType(), 'multipart/related');
  * Send a notification
  * @param array  $recipients the list of recipients
  * @param array  $headers    the additional headers
  * @param string $subject    the subject of the message
  * @param string $htmlBody   the html content of the message
  * @param string $txtBody    the text content of the message
  * @param string $message_id the id of the message
  * @param string $from       the from email address
  * @return void
 protected function sendNotification($recipients, $headers, $subject, $htmlBody, $txtBody, $message_id, $from)
     $mail = new Codendi_Mail();
     if ($message_id) {
     $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     $tracker = $this->getTracker();
     $project = $tracker->getProject();
     $artifactId = $this->getArtifact()->getID();
     $project_unix_name = $project->getUnixName(true);
     $tracker_name = $tracker->getItemName();
     $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_server_url() . '/projects/' . $project_unix_name . '" />' . $project->getPublicName() . '</a>';
     $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_server_url() . '/plugins/tracker/?tracker=' . (int) $tracker->getId() . '" />' . $hp->purify($this->getTracker()->getName()) . '</a>';
     $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_server_url() . '/plugins/tracker/?aid=' . (int) $artifactId . '" />' . $hp->purify($this->getTracker()->getName() . ' #' . $artifactId) . '</a>';
     $mail->getLookAndFeelTemplate()->set('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs);
     $mail->getLookAndFeelTemplate()->set('unsubscribe_link', $this->getUnsubscribeLink());
     $mail->getLookAndFeelTemplate()->set('title', $hp->purify($subject));
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Project", $project->getUnixName());
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Tracker", $tracker_name);
     $mail->addAdditionalHeader("X-Codendi-Artifact-ID", $this->getId());
     foreach ($headers as $header) {
         $mail->addAdditionalHeader($header['name'], $header['value']);
     $mail->setTo(implode(', ', $recipients));
     if ($htmlBody) {
         $htmlBody .= $this->getHTMLBodyFilter($project_unix_name, $tracker_name);
     $txtBody .= $this->getTextBodyFilter($project_unix_name, $tracker_name);