Exemplo n.º 1
 public function getTimeDue($releaseDay, $releaseTime)
     $tm = null;
     if ($releaseDay && $releaseTime) {
         $schedDay = CalemScheduleInfo::decode($releaseDay);
         $schedTime = CalemScheduleTimeInfo::decode($releaseTime);
         $dueTime = $schedTime->getNextDueTime(null, $schedDay);
         $tm = $dueTime ? CalemText::getServerDateTime($dueTime) : null;
     return $tm;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Figure out next time due
 public function updateNextDueTime($jobRow)
     $schedDay = CalemScheduleInfo::decode($jobRow['release_day']);
     $schedTime = CalemScheduleInfo::decode($jobRow['release_time']);
     $dueTime = CalemText::parseServerDateTime($jobRow['time_due']);
     $newTime = $schedTime->getNextDueTime($dueTime, $schedDay);
     try {
         $this->dbo->setValue('time_due', CalemText::getServerDateTime($newTime));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error("Error in updating job row=" . var_export($jobRow, true) . ", msg=" . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getDataChanged()
     $mt = filemtime($this->dataFile);
     if (mktime() - $mt <= $this->conf['ttl']) {
         return false;
     $rtn = false;
     try {
         $stime = CalemText::getServerDateTime($mt);
         $cnt = $this->dbo->getCountBySqlParam($this->getSqlCheck(), array($stime));
         $rtn = $cnt > 0;
     } catch (CalemDboDataNotFoundException $e) {
     return $rtn;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function set($sem)
     $ar = array("expire_time" => CalemText::getServerDateTime($sem->getExpireTime()));
     try {
         $ps = $this->dbo->fetchById($sem->getId());
         //Doing an update here.
     } catch (CalemDboDataNotFoundException $e) {
         //Doing an insertion here.
         $ar['id'] = $sem->getId();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * PM dependency map to load up
 public function getPdm()
     $pdm = null;
     $cache = CalemFactory::getDataCacheManager();
     $pdmInfo = $cache->load('pdm');
     if ($pdmInfo) {
         if ($this->pdmUpToDate($pdmInfo)) {
             $pdm = $pdmInfo['pdm'];
     if (!$pdm) {
         //Create PDM and save it.
         $timestamp = CalemText::getServerDateTime();
         $pdm = $this->buildPdm();
         $cache->save(array('timestamp' => $timestamp, 'pdm' => $pdm), 'pdm');
     return $pdm;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * If the scheduler cannot secure a semaphore do not proceed.
 public function execute()
     $sem = $this->semBo->get(self::SemSchedulerId);
     if ($sem != null && $sem->getExpireTime() > gmmktime()) {
         $this->logger->debug("A semaphore is still on. Abort this run.");
     //Secure a semaphore for this run
     //Cycle through jobs
     try {
         $jobs = $this->jobBo->getDueJobList();
         if (!$jobs) {
         foreach ($jobs as $job) {
             //Extend script time and semaphore
             if ($this->conf['task_script_time']) {
             //run one job.
             if ($this->logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
                 $this->logger->debug("starting job: " . var_export($job, true));
             try {
                 $startTime = CalemText::getServerDateTime();
                 $rtn = $this->jobBo->executeJob($job);
                 $endTime = CalemText::getServerDateTime();
                 $this->jobBo->addJobRun($job, $startTime, $endTime, $rtn);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->logger->error("Error in starting job=" . $job['id'] . ", msg=" . $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error("Error in starting jobs, msg=" . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Manual-gen a req
 public function manualGenOrderRequest($inId, $reqRow)
     $inDbo = CalemFactory::getDbo('inventory');
     $inRow = $inDbo->fetchById($inId);
     if (!$inRow['qty_to_order']) {
     //In case it's processed already
     //Figure out the due date
     $initRow = $this->conf['in_order_gen']['req_manual']['init'];
     foreach ($initRow as $key => $val) {
         if (!$reqRow[$key]) {
             $reqRow[$key] = $val;
     $dueDate = $this->getReqDueDateByWo($inId);
     if ($dueDate) {
         $reqRow['due_date'] = CalemText::datetimeToDate($dueDate);
     $reqRow['request_time'] = CalemText::getServerDateTime();
     $reqBo = new CalemReqBo();
     $reqId = $reqBo->createInOrderRequest($reqRow, $inId, $inRow['qty_to_order'], $inRow['uom_id']);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * To use CalemWoDbo for business logic reuse. 
 public function releasePm($dueDate, $finishTime, $pmRow, $pmAssetRow)
     //Counting dates
     $woRow = array();
     $woRow['planned_start_time'] = CalemText::getServerDateTime($dueDate);
     $woRow['planned_finish_time'] = CalemText::getServerDateTime($finishTime);
     $woRow['status_id'] = $this->releaseConf['wo_status'];
     $woRow['orig_time'] = CalemText::getServerDateTime();
     //It's today
     $woRow['time_needed'] = $woRow['planned_finish_time'];
     $woRow = $this->copyPmToWo($woRow, $pmRow, $pmAssetRow);
     //Check for minimum fields to fill if not set
     foreach ($this->wogenConf['wo_min_default'] as $fld => $value) {
         if (!$woRow[$fld]) {
             $woRow[$fld] = $value;
     $woRow = $this->woDbo->beforeInsert('workorder', $woRow, null, null);
     //Start a transaction here
     //So a new Id is generated
     try {
         $woId = $this->woDbo->insert();
         $this->woDbo->onDataInserted($woId, 'workorder', $woRow, null, null);
         //Also recording release dates at PM
         $this->setPmReleaseDate($dueDate, $pmRow, $pmAssetRow);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->logger->error("Error in releasing pm: " . var_export($woRow, true));
         $woId = null;
     return $woId;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function getSemaphore()
     try {
         $row = $this->semDbo->fetchById($this->conf['semaphore_id']);
         if ($row['expiration']) {
             $time = CalemText::parseServerDateTime($row['expiration']);
         } else {
             $time = 0;
         if ($time > mktime()) {
             if ($this->logger->isInfoEnabled()) {
                 $this->logger->info("Cannot start wo generation, semaphore is not expired: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time));
             return false;
     } catch (CalemDboDataNotFoundException $ex) {
         $this->semDbo->setChangeBulk(array('id' => $this->conf['semaphore_id'], 'expiration' => CalemText::getServerDateTime($this->getSemExpiration())));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Order generation check
 public function generateOrderRequest($inRow)
     if ($inRow['qty_to_order'] > 0 && $inRow['order_gen_id'] == 'inog_auto') {
         $inOrderGenBo = new CalemInOrderGenBo();
         $inOrderGenBo->autoGenOrderRequest($inRow['id'], $inRow['qty_to_order'], $inRow['uom_id'], $inRow['owner_user_id'], CalemText::getServerDateTime());