Exemplo n.º 1
     * Delete single package.
     * This method is going to delete the package
     * and all the templates and blocks associated to it,
     * therefor it'll unlink/break-down the relationship
     * between those templates and blocks.
     * @param Integer Package Id.
     * @return CJTPackageModel Return $this.
    public function delete($id)
        // Initialize.
        $modelTemplates = CJTModel::getInstance('templates-manager');
        $dbd = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver();
        $assoObjectsQueryTmp = 'SELECT objectId 
																								FROM #__cjtoolbox_package_objects 
																								WHERE packageId = %d AND objectType = "%s" AND relType = "%s";';
        // Delete the package.
        CJTxTable::getInstance('package')->set('id', $id)->delete();
        // Delete blocks.
        $blockIds = array_keys($dbd->select(sprintf($assoObjectsQueryTmp, $id, 'block', 'add')));
        if (!empty($blockIds)) {
            // Delete blocks!
        // Delete templates.
        $modelTemplates->inputs['ids'] = array_keys($dbd->select(sprintf($assoObjectsQueryTmp, $id, 'template', 'add')));
        // Templates muct be in trash state before deleted!
        $modelTemplates->inputs['state'] = 'trash';
        // Move to Trash + Delete only if there is at least one Id!
        empty($modelTemplates->inputs['ids']) or $modelTemplates->changeState() and $modelTemplates->delete();
        // Delete package objects map.
        CJTxTable::getInstance('package-objects')->set('packageId', $id)->delete(array('packageId'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $templates
  * @return CJTInstallerTemplate
 public function __construct($templates)
     // Initialize!
     $this->model = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
     // Initialize Iterator!
     parent::__construct(is_array($templates) ? $templates : array());
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Uninstall CJT Plugin
  * installaion flags, setup-flags
  * and user data!
  * @return void
 public function uninstallAction()
     // Initializing!
     $model =& CJTModel::getInstance('uninstall');
     // Uninstall everything!
Exemplo n.º 4
     * put your comment there...
    public function getItem()
        $tManager = CJTModel::create('templates-manager');
        $query = $tManager->getItemsQuery();
        $query['select'] = 'SELECT t.id, 
																					r.dateCreated lastModified,
																					a.name author,
																					r.state developmentState';
        $query['where'] .= " AND t.id = {$this->inputs['id']}";
        // Filering!
        $query = $this->onqueryitem($query);
        // Build and query!
        $query = "{$query['select']} {$query['from']} {$query['where']}";
        $item = cssJSToolbox::getInstance()->getDBDriver()->getRow($query);
        // Get code.
        $code = file_get_contents(ABSPATH . "/{$item->file}");
        // Decode if its a PHP template!
        if ($item->type == 'php') {
            $code = $this->decryptCode($code);
        $item->code = $this->onloadcodefile($code, $item);
        // Return PHP StdClass object.
        return $item;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * put your comment there...
 public function _checkInstallationState()
     # Initialize
     $extensionClass = $this->extensionClass;
     $extension =& $this->extension;
     $extensionDeDoc =& $extension['defDoc'];
     $extensionState = new CJT_Framework_Extensions_Package_State_Extension($extensionDeDoc);
     # Upgrade and Install is the same both
     # required checking the packages inside
     # Package-Extension is a only a wrapper for packages inside!
     if ($extensionState->getState() != CJT_Framework_Extensions_Package_State_Extension::INSTALLED) {
         # Initialize
         $packageFileModel = CJTModel::getInstance('package-file');
         $packageModel = CJTModel::getInstance('package');
         $extensionDir = ABSPATH . PLUGINDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $extension['dir'];
         $packagesFolderPath = $extensionDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (string) $extensionDeDoc->packages->attributes()->folder;
         # Getting packages state
         $extensionPackagesState = new CJT_Framework_Extensions_Package_State_Packages($extensionDeDoc);
         # Check packages
         foreach ($extensionPackagesState as $pckName => $package) {
             # Get state
             $pckState = $extensionPackagesState->getState();
             # If not yet installed or requied upgrade
             if ($pckState != CJT_Framework_Extensions_Package_State_Packages::INSTALLED) {
                 # Take action based on package installation state
                 switch ($pckState) {
                     case CJT_Framework_Extensions_Package_State_Packages::UPGRADE:
                         # Delete package
                 # Get package file info.
                 $packageFile = $packagesFolderPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $package['file'];
                 # Add/Create Package
                 $packageCJTToken = $packageFileModel->parse(uniqid(), $packageFile);
                 $packageId = $packageFileModel->install($packageCJTToken);
                 # Mark as installed/created/added
             # Remove from queue
         # Packages to delete!
         foreach ($extensionPackagesState->getDeletedPackages() as $name => $deletedPack) {
             # Delete package
         # Upgrade packages state
         # Upgrade extension state
         # Register uninstaller
         register_uninstall_hook($extension['pluginFile'], array(__CLASS__, "uninstall_{$extensionClass}"));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * put your comment there...
  * @return CJTV10CEUpgrade Return $this
 public function finalize()
     // Temporary for a period of time we need to clean up
     // users database as the access points cache wordpress option
     // will not be used any more!
     // Delete all install operations for versions other than 'current' version!
     $operationsState = get_option(CJTInstallerModel::INSTALLATION_STATE);
     update_option(CJTInstallerModel::INSTALLATION_STATE, array(CJTPlugin::DB_VERSION => $operationsState[CJTPlugin::DB_VERSION]));
     // Chaining!
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Do nothing!
 public function transit()
     // Initialize.
     $register = $this->register();
     $modelPackage = CJTModel::getInstance('package');
     // Fetch package information with all readme and license tags locatted if
     // bundled with external files!
     $packageInfo = $register['packageParser']->getItem($this->getNode(), array('readme' => 'readme.txt', 'license' => 'license.txt'));
     // Add package to database!
     $register['packageId'] = $modelPackage->save($packageInfo);
     // Chain.
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $name
 public function useTheme($name)
     // Get template name from theme name.
     // Template name is [BLOCKNAME-THEMENAME-theme].
     $templateName = "{$this->source->name} - {$name} theme";
     // Load template record from database.
     $tblTemplate = CJTxTable::getInstance('template')->setData(array('name' => $templateName))->load(array('name'));
     $mdlTemplate = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
     $mdlTemplate->inputs['id'] = $tblTemplate->get('id');
     $template = $mdlTemplate->getItem();
     // Link Style sheet.
     $queueObject = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling')->getQueueObject('styles');
     $queueObject->add($template->queueName, "/{$template->file}");
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 public function embedded()
     // Read template revision.
     $revision = CJTxTable::getInstance('template-revision')->fetchLastRevision($this->inputs['templateId']);
     // Revision could not be queried!!
     if (!$revision->get('id')) {
         throw new Exception('Revision could not be found!!');
     $revisionFile = $revision->get('file');
     // Read revision code.
     $code = file_get_contents(ABSPATH . "/{$revisionFile}");
     // Decrypt PHP codes!
     if (preg_match('/\\.php$/', $revisionFile)) {
         $code = CJTModel::getInstance('template')->decryptCode($code);
     return $code;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * put your comment there...
 public function transit()
     // Initialize.
     $model = CJTModel::getInstance('blocks');
     $register = $this->register();
     // Prepare object + getting item to be saved into database.
     $block = $register['packageParser']->getItem($this->getNode());
     // Set other block internal data.
     $block['created'] = $block['lastModified'] = current_time('mysql');
     $block['owner'] = get_current_user_id();
     // Create Block.
     /// Expose BlockId for other nodes.
     $register['blockId'] = $model->add($block);
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
  * put your comment there...
 public function __construct($type)
     // Save type data for later use!
     $this->type = cssJSToolbox::$config->templates->types[$type];
     $this->type->name = $type;
     // Get which Wordpress queue (wp_script, wp_styles) object to fetch data from.
     $wpQueueName = self::$typesMap[$type];
      * @var CJTCouplingModel
     $coupling = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling');
     // Initialize ArrayIterator with templates list!
     // Import dependencies!
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Do nothing!
 public function transit()
     // Initialize.
     $model = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
     $node = $this->getNode();
     $register = $this->register();
     // Prepare object + getting item to be saved into database.
     $template = $register['packageParser']->getItem($node);
     // Insert template only if not exists.
     if (!$model->exists($template['name'])) {
         // Import template(s) helper.
         // Set template revision.
         $model->inputs['item']['revision']['code'] = $template['code'];
         // Set template main data.
         $model->inputs['item']['template'] = $template;
         /** Get template Type!
          * Get type from external file extension if
          * the template code was linked to file.
          * If the template code were inline
          * then the type must be provided under
          * TYPE element!
         // If no type specified get it from the external file extension
         if (!isset($model->inputs['item']['template']['type'])) {
             // @WARNING: Get locatted file!
             $codeFileName = (string) $node->code->attributes()->locatted;
             if ($codeFileName) {
                 // Get type from extension.
                 $fileComponent = pathinfo($codeFileName);
                 $model->inputs['item']['template']['type'] = CJTTemplates::getExtensionType($fileComponent['extension']);
         // Add template.
         $addedTemplate = $model->save();
         // Expose template fields to be by used by other objects.
         $register['templateId'] = $addedTemplate->templateId;
         $register['templateFile'] = $addedTemplate->file;
     // Chaining.
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $blockId
 public function getExecTemplatesCode($blockId)
     // Initialize.
     $code = '';
     // Get all HTML and PHP templates linked to the block.
     $templates = $this->getLinkedTemplates($blockId, array('php', 'html'));
     if (!empty($templates)) {
         // Instantiate template model.
         $templateModel = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
         // Concat their codes.
         foreach ($templates as $template) {
             // Fetch template record with code loaded from file and decrypted if PHP!
             $templateModel->inputs['id'] = $template->id;
             $template = $templateModel->getItem();
             // Concat
             $code .= $template->code;
     return $code;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * put your comment there...
 public function upgrade()
     // Read block!
     $srcBlock =& $this[$this->key()];
     // Build block in new structure!
     $block = array_diff_key($srcBlock, array_flip(array('page', 'category')));
     $pins = array();
     // Set interna data!
     $block['id'] = $this->id();
     $block['created'] = $block['lastModified'] = current_time('mysql');
     $block['owner'] = get_current_user_id();
     // Translate old assignment panel to use the new structure!
     if (isset($srcBlock['category'])) {
         $pins['categories'] = $srcBlock['category'];
     // Translate named map from last versions to the value used in the new versions!
     // Import CJTBlockModel
     $namedPins = array('allpages' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_ALL_PAGES, 'allposts' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_ALL_POSTS, 'frontpage' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_FRONT_PAGE);
     foreach (isset($srcBlock['page']) ? $srcBlock['page'] : array() as $assignedObject) {
         // Translate named pin to flag!
         if (isset($namedPins[$assignedObject])) {
             // Set pinPoint flags!
             $block['pinPoint'][] = dechex($namedPins[$assignedObject]);
         } else {
             // Previous versions support only pages but not posts!
             $pins['pages'][] = $assignedObject;
     // Calculate Pin Points!
     $block['pinPoint'] = CJTBlockModel::calculatePinPoint($block, $pins);
     // Create new Block!
     // Save Block pins/assigned objects as it doesnt saved when created!
     $pins['id'] = $block['id'];
     $this->model->update($pins, true);
     // Chaining
     return $this;
  * Link external Resources (CSS, HTML, JS and PHP)
  * The action is to create external link as CJT template
  * and link it to the target block.
 protected function linkExternalAction()
     // Import dependencies.
     // Initialize response as successed until error occured!
     $this->response = array('code' => 0, 'message' => '');
     // List of all the external templates records to create!
     $externalTemplates = array();
     // Read inputs.
     $externals = explode(',', $_REQUEST['externals']);
     $blockId = (int) $_REQUEST['blockId'];
     // Add as templates.
     foreach ($externals as $externalResourceURI) {
         // Use URI base name as Template Name and the extension as Template Type.
         $externalPathInfo = pathinfo($externalResourceURI);
         // Template Item.
         $item = array();
         $item['template']['name'] = $externalPathInfo['basename'];
         $item['template']['type'] = CJTTemplates::getExtensionType($externalPathInfo['extension']);
         $item['template']['state'] = 'published';
         // Get external URI code!
         $externalResponse = wp_remote_get($externalResourceURI);
         if ($error = $externalResponse instanceof WP_Error) {
             // State an error!
             $this->response['code'] = $externalResponse->get_error_code();
             $this->response['message'] = $externalResponse->get_error_message($this->response['code']);
         } else {
             // Read code content.
             $item['revision']['code'] = wp_remote_retrieve_body($externalResponse);
             // Add to the save list!
             $externalTemplates[] = $item;
     // Save all templates if no error occured
     // Single error will halt all the linked externals! They all added as  a single transaction.
     if (!$this->response['code']) {
         // Instantiate Template Models.
         $modelLookup = CJTModel::getInstance('templates-lookup');
         $modelTemplate = CJTModel::getInstance('template');
         $modelBlockTemplates = CJTModel::getInstance('block-templates');
         // Add all templates.
         foreach ($externalTemplates as $item) {
             // Check existance.
             $modelTemplate->inputs['filter']['field'] = 'name';
             $modelTemplate->inputs['filter']['value'] = $item['template']['name'];
             if (!($existsItem = $modelTemplate->getTemplateBy()) || !property_exists($existsItem, 'id') || !$existsItem->id) {
                 // Create template.
                 $modelTemplate->inputs['item'] = $item;
                 $item = (array) $modelTemplate->save();
             } else {
                 // The returned item has 'id' field not 'templateId'!!
                 $item = array('templateId' => $existsItem->id);
             // Link only if not already linked!
             if (!$modelBlockTemplates->isLinked($blockId, $item['templateId'])) {
                 // Link template to the block.
                 $modelLookup->inputs['templateId'] = $item['templateId'];
                 $modelLookup->inputs['blockId'] = $blockId;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Select which metabox to load.
  * create-metabox view will be loaded if user doesnt 
  * created a block for current post yet.
  * metabox view will be loaded if there is a block
  * already created for current post.
  * Callback for add_meta_boxes action.
 public function showMetabox()
     // Import blocks view.
     /// Get block id.
     $metaboxId = $this->model->reservedMetaboxBlockId();
     // User didn't create block for this post yet.
     // Show create-metabox view.
     if (!$this->model->hasBlock()) {
         // Set view template name.
         $viewName = 'create-metabox';
         // Create DUMMY block object.
         $block = (object) array();
         $block->id = $metaboxId;
         $block->name = cssJSToolbox::getText('CJT Block');
     } else {
         // Set view template name.
         $viewName = 'metabox';
         // Get real block data.
         $block = CJTModel::create('blocks')->getBlock($metaboxId, array('returnCodeFile' => true));
     // Get block meta box view object instance.
     $this->view = CJTView::create("blocks/{$viewName}");
     // Push view vars.
     // Add metabox.
     add_meta_box($this->view->getMetaboxId(), $this->view->getMetaboxName(), array(&$this->view, 'display'), $this->model->getPost()->post_type, 'normal');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * put your comment there...
 public function __toString()
     // Initialize.
     $replacement = '';
     $model = CJTModel::getInstance('coupling');
     // Get shortcode options.
     $this->options = array_merge($this->options, array_intersect_key($this->attributes, $this->options));
     // Get shortcode parameters.
     $this->parameters = array_diff_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('force', 'tag', 'name', 'id')));
     // Get Block fields to be used to query the block.
     $blockQueryFields = array_intersect_key($this->attributes, array_flip(array('id', 'name')));
     $coupling =& CJTBlocksCouplingController::theInstance();
     // Import dependecies.
     cssJSToolbox::import('framework:db:mysql:xtable.inc.php', 'framework:php:evaluator:evaluator.inc.php');
     // Query block.
     $block = CJTxTable::getInstance('block')->setData($blockQueryFields)->load(array_keys($blockQueryFields));
     // Load using Creteria fields.
     // Get block code if exists and is active block.
     if ($block->get('id')) {
         if ($block->get('state') == 'active') {
             // Get stdCLass copy.
             $block = $block->getData();
             // Output block if 'force="true" or only if it wasn't already in the header/footer!
             if ($this->options['force'] == 'true' || !in_array($block->id, $coupling->getOnActionIds())) {
                 // Id is being used!
                 $coupling->addOnActionIds((int) $block->id);
                 // Retrieve block code-files.
                 $block->code = $model->getBlockCode($block->id);
                 // Import Executable (PHP and HTML) templates.
                 $block->code = $block->code . $model->getExecTemplatesCode($block->id);
                 // CJT Block Standard Parameters object.
                 $spi = new CJT_Framework_Developer_Interface_Block_Shortcode_Shortcode($block, $this->parameters, $this->content);
                 // Get block code, execute it as PHP!
                 $blockCode = CJTPHPCodeEvaluator::getInstance($block)->exec(array('cb' => $spi))->getOutput();
                 // CJT Shortcode markup interface (CSMI)!
                 // CSMI is HTML markup to identify the CJT block Shortcode replacement.
                 $replacement = "<{$this->options['tag']} id='{$spi->containerElementId()}' class='csmi csmi-bid-{$block->id} csmi-{$block->name}'>{$this->content}{$blockCode}</{$this->options['tag']}>";
                 // Get linked templates.
                 $linkedStylesheets = '';
                 $templates = $model->getLinkedTemplates($block->id);
                 $reverseTypes = array_flip(CJTCouplingModel::$templateTypes);
                 // Enqueue all scripts & Direct Output for all Style Sheets!
                 foreach ($templates as $template) {
                     // Get Template type name.
                     $typeName = $reverseTypes[$template->type];
                      * @var WP_Dependencies
                     $queue = $model->getQueueObject($typeName);
                     if (!in_array($template->queueName, $queue->done)) {
                         if (!isset($queue->registered[$template->queueName])) {
                             $queue->add($template->queueName, "/{$template->file}", null, $template->version, 1);
                         // Enqueue template!
                 // Prepend linked Stylesheets to the replacement.
                 if (isset($linkedStylesheets)) {
                     $replacement = "<style type='text/css'>{$linkedStylesheets}</style>{$replacement}";
     } else {
         // Invalid Shortcode block query!
         $replacement = cssJSToolbox::getText('Could not find block specified! Please check out the Shortcode parameters.');
     // Return shortcode replacement string.
     return $replacement;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * put your comment there...
 public static function enqueueStyles()
     $listTypeName = CJTModel::getInstance('extensions')->getListTypeName();
     // Use related scripts.
     self::useStyles(__CLASS__, 'thickbox', "views:extensions:plugins-list:public:css:{CJTExtensionsPluginsListView-}{$listTypeName}");
Exemplo n.º 19
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $name
 public function getModel($name = null)
     // Instantiate model if required!
     if ($name) {
         $this->model = CJTModel::getInstance($name);
     return $this->ongetmodel($this->model);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * put your comment there...
  * @param mixed $hasView
  * @param mixed $request
  * @param mixed $overrideControllerPath
  * @param mixed $overrideContollerPrefix
  * @return CJTController
 public function __construct($hasView = null, $request = null, $overrideControllerPath = null, $overrideContollerPrefix = null)
     // Initialize hookable!
     // Read request parameters.
     $this->request = array_merge((array) $_REQUEST, (array) $request);
     // Create default model.
     if (isset($this->controllerInfo['model'])) {
         // E_ALL complain!
         if (!isset($this->controllerInfo['model_file'])) {
             $this->controllerInfo['model_file'] = null;
         $this->model = CJTModel::create($this->controllerInfo['model'], $this->request, $this->controllerInfo['model_file'], dirname($overrideControllerPath), $overrideContollerPrefix);
     // Create default view.
     if ($hasView === null) {
         // Default value for $hasView = true
         // Request/passed parameters has priority over controller default view!
         $view = $this->ongetviewname(isset($this->request['view']) ? $this->request['view'] : (isset($this->controllerInfo['view']) ? $this->controllerInfo['view'] : null));
         if ($view) {
             $this->view = self::getView($view, null, dirname($overrideControllerPath), $overrideContollerPrefix)->setModel($this->model)->setRequest($this->request);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * put your comment there...
 protected function setRequestFilters()
     // Get request blocks.
     $filters = $this->ondefaultfilters((object) array('pinPoint' => 0x0, 'customPins' => array(), 'moreToOrder' => array(), 'currentObject' => null, 'currentCustomPin' => 0, 'params' => array()));
     if (is_admin()) {
         // Include all backend blocks.
         $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_BACKEND;
     } else {
         $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_FRONTEND;
         // Pages.
         if (is_page()) {
             // Blocks with ALL PAGES selected.
             $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_ALL_PAGES;
             $filters->currentObject = $GLOBALS['post'];
             $filters->currentCustomPin = CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_CUSTOM_PAGE;
             // Blocks with PAGE-ID selected.
             $filters->customPins[] = array('pin' => 'pages', 'pins' => array($filters->currentObject->ID), 'flag' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_CUSTOM_PAGE);
             // Blocks with FRONT-PAGE selected.
             if (is_front_page()) {
                 $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_PAGES_FRONT_PAGE;
              * In order for metabox block to get in the output we need
              * to add metabox order for it.
              * @see CJTBlocksCouplingController::getBlocks.
             $metabox = CJTModel::create('metabox', array($filters->currentObject->ID));
             $filters->moreToOrder[][1] = $metabox->getMetaboxId();
         } else {
             if (is_attachment()) {
                 $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_ATTACHMENT;
             } else {
                 if (is_single()) {
                     // Blocks with ALL POSTS & ALL CATEGORIES selected.
                     $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_ALL_POSTS | CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_ALL_CATEGORIES;
                     $filters->currentObject = $GLOBALS['post'];
                     $filters->currentCustomPin = CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_CUSTOM_POST;
                     // Blocks with POST-ID selected.
                     $filters->customPins[] = array('pin' => 'posts', 'pins' => array($filters->currentObject->ID), 'flag' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_CUSTOM_POST);
                     // Include POST PARENT CATRGORIES blocks.
                     $parentCategoriesIds = wp_get_post_categories($filters->currentObject->ID, array('fields' => 'ids'));
                      * Custom-Posts just added "ON THE RUN/FLY"
                      * Need simple fix by confirming that the post is belong to
                      * specific category or not.
                      * Custom posts NOW unlike Posts, it doesn't inherit parent
                      * taxonomis Code Blocks!!
                     if (!empty($parentCategoriesIds)) {
                         $filters->params['hasCategories'] = true;
                         $filters->params['parentCategories'] = $parentCategoriesIds;
                         $filters->customPins[] = array('pin' => 'categories', 'pins' => $parentCategoriesIds, 'flag' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_CUSTOM_CATEGORY);
                      * In order for metabox block to get in the output we need
                      * to add metabox order for it.
                      * @see CJTBlocksCouplingController::getBlocks.
                     $metabox = CJTModel::create('metabox', array($filters->currentObject->ID));
                     $filters->moreToOrder[][1] = $metabox->getMetaboxId();
                      * @TODO check for recent posts Based on user configuration.
                      * Recent posts should be detcted by comparing
                      * user condifguration with post date.
                     if (0) {
                 } else {
                     if (is_category()) {
                         // Blocks with ALL CATEGORIES selected.
                         $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_ALL_CATEGORIES;
                         $filters->currentObject = get_queried_object();
                         $filters->currentCustomPin = CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_CUSTOM_CATEGORY;
                         // Blocks with CATEGORY-ID selected.
                         $filters->customPins[] = array('pin' => 'categories', 'pins' => array($filters->currentObject->term_id), 'flag' => CJTBlockModel::PINS_CATEGORIES_CUSTOM_CATEGORY);
                     } else {
                         if (is_home()) {
                             $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_POSTS_BLOG_INDEX;
                         } else {
                             if (is_search()) {
                                 $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_SEARCH;
                             } else {
                                 if (is_tag()) {
                                     $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_TAG;
                                 } else {
                                     if (is_author()) {
                                         $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_AUTHOR;
                                     } else {
                                         if (is_archive()) {
                                             $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_ARCHIVE;
                                         } else {
                                             if (is_404()) {
                                                 $filters->pinPoint |= CJTBlockModel::PINS_404_ERROR;
     $this->filters = $this->onsetfilters($filters);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Check whether is the current post type
  * can has CJT Block metabox?
 public function doPost()
     // Get all post types selected by user.
     $metaboxSettings = CJTModel::create('settings')->loadPage('metabox');
     // Return true is post types selected, otherwise return false.
     $allowedPostTypes = $metaboxSettings->postTypes;
     return in_array($this->getPost()->post_type, $allowedPostTypes);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * put your comment there...
 public function loadBlockAction()
     // Block Id.
     $blockId = (int) $_GET['blockId'];
     // Get block content.
     $view = CJTView::getInstance('blocks/cjt-block');
     $view->setBlock(CJTModel::create('blocks')->getBlock($blockId, array('returnCodeFile' => true)));
     // Return View content.
     $this->response = $view->structuredContent;