/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * * @see BaseFacebook::__construct */ public function __construct($config) { if (function_exists('session_status') && session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE || !session_id()) { session_start(); } $_REQUEST += $_GET; if ($config == null) { $this->_ci =& get_instance(); $this->_ci->load->config('facebook'); $config = array('appId' => $this->_ci->config->item('appId'), 'secret' => $this->_ci->config->item('secret')); } if (!isset($config['appId']) || !isset($config['secret'])) { $this->_ci =& get_instance(); $this->_ci->load->config('facebook'); // $config['appId'] = $this->_ci->config->item('appId'); // $config['secret'] = $this->_ci->config->item('secret'); $config['appId'] = '446400522196773'; $config['secret'] = '0bc289d56447f3ca090be62f4e593fde'; } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); // re-load the persisted state, since parent // attempted to read out of non-shared cookie $state = $this->getPersistentData('state'); if (!empty($state)) { $this->state = $state; } else { $this->state = null; } } }
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token) { if (!$this->supports($token)) { return null; } $user = $token->getUser(); if ($user instanceof UserInterface) { $this->userChecker->checkPostAuth($user); $newToken = new FacebookUserToken($this->providerKey, $user, $user->getRoles()); $newToken->setAttributes($token->getAttributes()); return $newToken; } try { if ($uid = $this->facebook->getUser()) { $newToken = $this->createAuthenticatedToken($uid); $newToken->setAttributes($token->getAttributes()); return $newToken; } } catch (AuthenticationException $failed) { throw $failed; } catch (\Exception $failed) { throw new AuthenticationException($failed->getMessage(), null, (int) $failed->getCode(), $failed); } throw new AuthenticationException('The Facebook user could not be retrieved from the session.'); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } parent::__construct($config); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { SessionCache::init(); } parent::__construct($config); }
/** * @param array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config, Session $session, $prefix = self::PREFIX) { $this->session = $session; $this->prefix = $prefix; $this->session->start(); parent::__construct($config); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct(array $parameters = array(), Session $session, $logger = null) { $this->session = $session; $this->logger = $logger; $this->parameters = array_merge($this->getDefaultParameters(), $parameters); if (!$this->hasParameter('app_id')) { throw new \Exception('You need to set the "app_id" parameter'); } if (!$this->hasParameter('secret')) { throw new \Exception('You need to set the "secret" parameter'); } if ($this->hasParameter('timeout')) { self::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = $this->getParameter('timeout'); } if ($this->hasParameter('connect_timeout')) { self::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = $this->getParameter('connect_timeout'); } if ($this->hasParameter('proxy')) { self::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $this->getParameter('proxy'); } $baseParameters = array('appId' => isset($this->parameters['app_id']) ? $this->parameters['app_id'] : null, 'secret' => isset($this->parameters['secret']) ? $this->parameters['secret'] : null); $this->session->start(); //we want to avoir the session_start in parent::__construct() \BaseFacebook::__construct($baseParameters); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in base_facebook.php */ public function __construct(array $config, &$ssp_state) { $this->ssp_state =& $ssp_state; parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { // if (!session_id()) {if (!isset($_SESSION)) {session_start();}} parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { parent::__construct($config); if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_name('TGP_Homework'); session_set_cookie_params(31556926); session_start(); } }
public function __construct($config, $logCallback = null) { if (is_callable($logCallback)) { $this->logCallback = $logCallback; } parent::__construct($config); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub }
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token) { if (!$this->supports($token)) { return null; } try { if ($uid = $this->facebook->getUser()) { $token->setUser($uid); return $this->createAuthenticatedToken($uid); } } catch (AuthenticationException $failed) { throw $failed; } catch (\Exception $failed) { throw new AuthenticationException('Unknown error', $failed->getMessage(), $failed->getCode(), $failed); } throw new AuthenticationException('The Facebook user could not be retrieved from the session.'); }
/** * @param array $params * * @return string */ public function getLogoutUrl($params = array()) { $this->checkFacebookConnection(); if (isset($params['redirect_uri'])) { $params['next'] = $params['redirect_uri']; } return parent::getLogoutUrl($params); }
/** * Sets default application parameters - FB application ID, * secure key and cookie support. * * @return null */ public function __construct() { $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig(); $aFbConfig["appId"] = $oConfig->getConfigParam("sFbAppId"); $aFbConfig["secret"] = $oConfig->getConfigParam("sFbSecretKey"); $aFbConfig["cookie"] = true; BaseFacebook::__construct($aFbConfig); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { // session_start(); //need this for Zend Framework Zend_Session::start(); } parent::__construct($config); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $config['appId'] = '416398375038503'; $config['secret'] = 'f707a5d557ddb60205a5b8f535e56bac'; parent::__construct($config); }
/** * @param Request $request * @param FacebookPersistenceInterface $persistence * @param array $config */ public function __construct(Request $request, FacebookPersistenceInterface $persistence = null, $config) { $this->setAppId($config['appId']); if ($persistence) { $this->persistence = $persistence; $this->persistence->init($this); } parent::__construct($request, $config); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @param \OperaCore\Session Session object * * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (isset($config['session_container'])) { $this->session = $config['session_container']; } else { $this->session =& $_SESSION; } parent::__construct($config); }
public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $this->client_id = $config['appId']; $this->client_secret = $config['secret']; $this->callback_url = $config['callback_url']; parent::__construct($config); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { /* if (!session_id()) { session_start(); }*/ parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config, $fromcron = false) { if (!session_id() && !$fromcron) { session_start(); } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { CakeSession::start(); } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { session_save_path(realpath(APPPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sessions')); session_start(); } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config = array()) { if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } if (count($config) == 0) { //$config=array('appId'=>'415316545179174','secret'=>'ac58e50d8d10b458388e63eec36939ae'); $config = array('appId' => '332345880170760', 'secret' => '29a0f2cd00dcfbab6143d0566b0218d1'); } parent::__construct($config); }
public function __construct($di) { $this->di = $di; $fbConfig = $di->get('config')->pup->connectors->facebook; $config['appId'] = $fbConfig->appId; $config['secret'] = $fbConfig->secret; parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct($config) { if (!session_id()) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { $some_name = session_name("JBIMSAdmission"); session_start(); } } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token) { if (!$this->supports($token)) { return null; } $user = $token->getUser(); if ($user instanceof UserInterface) { $this->userChecker->checkPostAuth($user); $newToken = new FacebookUserToken($this->providerKey, $user, $user->getRoles(), $token->getAccessToken()); $newToken->setAttributes($token->getAttributes()); return $newToken; } if (!is_null($token->getAccessToken())) { $this->facebook->setAccessToken($token->getAccessToken()); } if ($uid = $this->facebook->getUser()) { $newToken = $this->createAuthenticatedToken($uid, $token->getAccessToken()); $newToken->setAttributes($token->getAttributes()); return $newToken; } throw new AuthenticationException('The Facebook user could not be retrieved from the session.'); }
/** * Identical to the parent constructor, except that * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and * access token if during the course of execution * we discover them. * * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app * shares the domain with other apps). * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php */ public function __construct() { $CI =& get_instance(); $config['appId'] = $CI->config->item('facebook_appId'); $config['secret'] = $CI->config->item('facebook_secret'); $config['fileUpload'] = $CI->config->item('facebook_fileUpload'); // optional $this->config = $config; if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); } }
public function __construct($config) { if (function_exists('session_status') && session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE || !session_id()) { session_start(); } parent::__construct($config); if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) { $this->initSharedSession(); $state = $this->getPersistentData('state'); if (!empty($state)) { $this->state = $state; } else { $this->state = null; } } }