public function createProfile($profile) { $this->loadCreds(); $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $profile = $request->createCustomerProfile($profile)->xml->profile->customerProfileID; return $profile; }
/** * Creates a new instance. * * @param $data New instance data. * * @return bool */ public function create(array $data) { $customer_gateway_id = Service_Customer_Gateway::external_id($this->driver->customer, $this->driver->gateway); if (!$customer_gateway_id) { return false; } if (!($payment_method = Arr::get($data, 'payment_method'))) { return false; } if (!($amount = Arr::get($data, 'amount'))) { return false; } $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction(); $transaction->amount = $amount; $transaction->customerProfileId = $customer_gateway_id; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $payment_method->external_id; // AuthOnly or AuthCapture $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction('AuthCapture', $transaction); if (!$response->isOk()) { Log::error('Unable to create transaction.'); return false; } $response = $response->getTransactionResponse(); if (empty($response->transaction_id)) { return false; } return $response->transaction_id; }
/** * @param array $data maps to properties as $key => $value */ public function __construct($data = array()) { parent::__construct(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } }
/** * Creates the customer profile. * * @param array $data The data to us to create the profile. * * @return bool */ public function create(array $data) { if (!($customer = Arr::get($data, 'customer'))) { return false; } if (!($contact = Arr::get($data, 'contact'))) { return false; } $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $profile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer(); $profile->merchantCustomerId = $customer->id; $profile->email = $contact->email; $response = $request->createCustomerProfile($profile); if (!$response->isOk()) { preg_match('/A duplicate record with ID ([0-9]+) already exists./i', $response->getMessageText(), $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { return $matches[1]; } Log::error('Unable to create customer profile.'); return false; } return $response->getCustomerProfileId(); }
public function testGetCustomerProfileIds() { // Create new customer profile $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM; $customerProfile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer; $customerProfile->description = "Description of customer"; $customerProfile->merchantCustomerId = time().rand(1,10); $customerProfile->email = "*****@*****.**"; $response = $request->createCustomerProfile($customerProfile); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $customerProfileId = $response->getCustomerProfileId(); $response = $request->getCustomerProfileIds(); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertTrue(in_array($customerProfileId, $response->getCustomerProfileIds())); }
function deleteShip($id) { $tmpcim = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $response = $tmpcim->deleteCustomerShippingAddress($this->CIM_ID, $id); if ($response->isOk) { return false; } else { return $response->getErrorMessage(); } }
$fldAmount = $db->f('fldAmount'); $fldPaymentProfileId = $db->f('fldPaymentProfileId'); // gets the customer profile Id $query = "SELECT fldFirstName,fldLastName," . "fldANetCustomerProfileId,fldEmail FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldId={$fldCoach}"; $db1->query($query); $db1->next_record(); $fldFirstName = $db1->f('fldFirstName'); $fldLastName = $db1->f('fldLastName'); $fldCustomerProfileId = $db1->f('fldANetCustomerProfileId'); $fldEmail = $db1->f('fldEmail'); // attempts to charge the user for the subscription $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction(); $transaction->amount = $fldAmount; $transaction->customerProfileId = $fldCustomerProfileId; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $fldPaymentProfileId; $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthCapture", $transaction); // if the transaction fails, cancel the subscription if (ANet_Response_getResultCode($response) == 'Error') { $data = array('fldActive' => 0, 'fldCancelDate' => $today, 'fldCancelReasonOther' => 'Automatic renewal failed (' . ANet_Response_getMessageCode($response) . ': ' . ANet_Response_getMessageText($response) . ')'); $db1->updateRec(TBL_COLLEGE_SUBSCRIPTION, $data, 'fldId=' . $fldId); // gets the active number of subscriptions for the current coach $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS subsCount FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_SUBSCRIPTION . " WHERE fldActive=1 AND fldCoach=" . $fldCoach; $db1->query($query); $db1->next_record(); $subsCount = $db1->f('subsCount'); // increments the coach's cancel count by 1. If the // coach has no subscriptions now that this subscription // is canceled, set fldSubscribe to 0 $query = "SELECT fldCancelCount FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldId=" . $fldCoach; $db1->query($query);
public static function doTransaction($type, $transactionData = array()) { $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $requestAim = new AuthorizeNetAIM(); Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' sandbox ' . (int) SANDBOX_MODE); $request->setSandbox(SANDBOX_MODE); $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction(); $libAnetResponse = new Lib_Anet_Response(); switch ($type) { case self::$TRANS_AUTHONLY: $amount = $customer_profile_id = $payment_profile_id = $invoice_id = null; extract($transactionData, EXTR_OVERWRITE); Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' cp :' . $customer_profile_id . ' pp :' . $payment_profile_id . ' inv :' . $invoice_id . ' amt :' . $amount); $cps = Lib_Anet::getCardProfiles($customer_profile_id); $transaction->amount = $amount; $transaction->customerProfileId = $customer_profile_id; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $payment_profile_id; $transaction->order->invoiceNumber = $invoice_id; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction(self::$TRANS_AUTHONLY, $transaction); // $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction($transactionType, $transaction); if ($response->isOk()) { Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' ok'); $transactionResponse = $response->getTransactionResponse(); $libAnetResponse->state = true; $libAnetResponse->transaction_id = $transactionResponse->transaction_id; $libAnetResponse->authorization_code = $transactionResponse->authorization_code; $libAnetResponse->message = $transactionResponse->response_reason_text; $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); $libAnetResponse->last_digit = trim(str_replace('X', '', $transactionResponse->account_number)); } if ($response->isError()) { Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' err'); $libAnetResponse->state = false; $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); } Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' ' . $response->getMessageCode() . ' ' . $response->getMessageText()); Log::write(__METHOD__ . ' ' . json_encode($libAnetResponse)); if ($libAnetResponse->text == 'A duplicate transaction has been submitted.') { $libAnetResponse->text = 'Try again in 2 minutes'; } return $libAnetResponse; break; case self::$TRANS_PRIORAUTHCAPTURE: $transaction_id = $amount = null; extract($transactionData, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $transaction->transId = $transaction_id; $transaction->amount = $amount; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction(self::$TRANS_PRIORAUTHCAPTURE, $transaction); if ($response->isOk()) { $transactionResponse = $response->getTransactionResponse(); $libAnetResponse->state = true; $libAnetResponse->transaction_id = $transactionResponse->transaction_id; $libAnetResponse->authorization_code = $transactionResponse->authorization_code; $libAnetResponse->message = $transactionResponse->response_reason_text; $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); } if ($response->isError()) { $libAnetResponse->state = false; /*$returnResponse->message = $transactionResponse->response_reason_text;*/ $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); } return $libAnetResponse; break; case self::$TRANS_AUTHCAPTURE: $amount = $customer_profile_id = $payment_profile_id = null; extract($transactionData, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $transaction->amount = $amount; $transaction->customerProfileId = $customer_profile_id; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $payment_profile_id; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction(self::$TRANS_AUTHCAPTURE, $transaction); if ($response->isOk()) { $transactionResponse = $response->getTransactionResponse(); $libAnetResponse->state = true; $libAnetResponse->transaction_id = $transactionResponse->transaction_id; $libAnetResponse->authorization_code = $transactionResponse->authorization_code; $libAnetResponse->message = $transactionResponse->response_reason_text; $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); $libAnetResponse->last_digit = trim(str_replace('X', '', $transactionResponse->account_number)); } if ($response->isError()) { $libAnetResponse->state = false; $libAnetResponse->text = $response->getMessageText(); $libAnetResponse->code = $response->getMessageCode(); } return $libAnetResponse; break; case self::$TRANS_CREDIT: $amount = $customerProfileId = $paymentProfileId = null; $transaction->amount = $transactionData->amount; $requestAim->setSandbox(SANDBOX_MODE); $response = $requestAim->credit($transactionData->id, $transactionData->amount, $transactionData->lfor); return true; if (!$response->error) { return true; } else { throw new Exception($response->response_reason_text, 512); } break; case self::$TRANS_VOID: $amount = $customer_profile_id = $payment_profile_id = $invoice_id = null; extract($transactionData, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $transaction->amount = $amount; $transaction->customerProfileId = $customer_profile_id; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $payment_profile_id; $transaction->order->invoiceNumber = $invoice_id; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction(self::$TRANS_AUTHONLY, $transaction); break; } }
$response = $request->createCustomerProfile($customerProfile); if (ANet_Response_getResultCode($response) == 'Error') { $e = ANet_Response_getMessageCode($response) . ': ' . ANet_Response_getMessageText($response); throw new Exception($e); } // gets the customer profile ID and payment profile ID from the response $customerProfileId = $response->getCustomerProfileId(); $paymentProfileId = $response->getCustomerPaymentProfileIds(); // updates the database with the new customer profile ID $tbl = TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER; $data = array('fldANetCustomerProfileId' => $customerProfileId); $where = 'fldId=' . $fldId; $affectedRows = $db1->updateRec($tbl, $data, $where); } else { // gets all existing payment profiles associated with the customer profile $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $response = $request->getCustomerProfile($customerProfileId); if (ANet_Response_getResultCode($response) == 'Error') { $e = ANet_Response_getMessageCode($response) . ': ' . ANet_Response_getMessageText($response); throw new Exception($e); } $paymentProfiles = $response->xml->profile->paymentProfiles; // gets the last four digits of the provided card number $subLastFour = substr($subCardnumber, -4); // compares the last four digits of the provided card number against all // card numbers associated with the customer profile. If match is found, // the matched payment profile is used for the transaction $isMatch = false; foreach ($paymentProfiles as $paymentProfile) { $profileCard = (string) $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->cardNumber; if ($subLastFour == substr($profileCard, -4)) {
public function testGetCustomerProfileIds() { // A valid response should be received when a merchant has zero customer profiles... // Hence, first testing using specific credentials for a merchant which has zero customer profiles... $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM('5KP3u95bQpv', '4Ktq966gC55GAX7S'); $response = $request->getCustomerProfileIds(); // Create new customer profile $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $customerProfile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer(); $customerProfile->description = "Description of customer"; $customerProfile->merchantCustomerId = time() . rand(1, 100); $customerProfile->email = "*****@*****.**"; $response = $request->createCustomerProfile($customerProfile); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $customerProfileId = $response->getCustomerProfileId(); $response = $request->getCustomerProfileIds(); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertTrue(in_array($customerProfileId, $response->getCustomerProfileIds())); }
/** * Deletes a payment method. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { if (!($id = $this->id())) { return false; } if (!($customer_gateway_id = $this->data('customer_id'))) { return false; } $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $response = $request->deleteCustomerPaymentProfile($customer_gateway_id, $id); if (!$response->isOk()) { Log::error('Unable to delete payment method.'); return false; } return true; }
/** * Returns the instance of AuthorizeNetCIM class. * * @since 3.5 * * @access protected * @staticvar AuthorizeNetCIM $cim The instance of AuthorizeNetCIM class. * @return AuthorizeNetCIM The instance of AuthorizeNetCIM class. */ protected function _get_cim() { static $cim = null; if (!is_null($cim)) { return $cim; } require_once MEMBERSHIP_ABSPATH . '/classes/'; // merchant information $login_id = $this->_get_option('api_user'); $transaction_key = $this->_get_option('api_key'); $mode = $this->_get_option('mode', self::MODE_SANDBOX); $cim = new AuthorizeNetCIM($login_id, $transaction_key); $cim->setSandbox($mode != self::MODE_LIVE); if (defined('MEMBERSHIP_AUTHORIZE_LOGFILE')) { $cim->setLogFile(MEMBERSHIP_AUTHORIZE_LOGFILE); } return $cim; }
<?php require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; require_once 'AuthorizeNetMerchantAccount.php'; // gets the payment profile ID created // for the subscription from the database $queryString = "SELECT `%s` FROM `%s` WHERE fldId='%s'"; $query = sprintf($queryString, 'fldPaymentProfileId', TBL_COLLEGE_SUBSCRIPTION, $subId); $db1->query($query); $db1->next_record(); $paymentProfileId = $db1->f('fldPaymentProfileId'); // updates the payment profile with the new information $paymentProfile = new AuthorizeNetPaymentProfile(); $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->cardNumber = $subCardnumber; $paymentProfile->payment->creditCard->expirationDate = $subCardExpDate; $paymentProfile->billTo->firstName = $subFName; $paymentProfile->billTo->lastName = $subLName; $paymentProfile->billTo->address = $subAddress; $paymentProfile->billTo->city = $subCity; $paymentProfile->billTo->state = $subState; $paymentProfile->billTo->zip = $subZip; $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM(); $response = $request->updateCustomerPaymentProfile($customerProfileId, $paymentProfileId, $paymentProfile); if (ANet_Response_getResultCode($response) == 'Error') { $e = ANet_Response_getMessageCode($response) . ': ' . ANet_Response_getMessageText($response); throw new Exception($e); }