Exemplo n.º 1
	function indexAction()
		$request = new RivetyCore_Request($this->getRequest());
		$basepath = Zend_Registry::get('basepath');
		$this->view->timezones = RivetyCore_Common::getTimeZonesArray();

		if ($this->getRequest()->isPost())
			$errors = array();

			 * TODO: Check that smarty dirs are writeable, etc. dir is writable, etc. dir is NOT writeable after install, libraries exist,
			 * log level is set to something

			if (!file_exists($basepath . "/.htaccess"))
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Missing .htaccess file in %s. Be sure to copy %s/template.htaccess and remove the word template from the filename.", array($basepath, $basepath));

			$zf_version_class   = $request->zf_path . "/Zend/Version.php";
			$smarty_class_file  = $request->smarty_path . "/Smarty.class.php";
			$asido_class_file   = $request->asido_path . "/class.asido.php";
			$etc_dir            = $basepath . "/etc";
			$config_filename    = $etc_dir . "/config.ini";
			$tmp_path           = $request->tmp_path;
			$smarty_compile_dir = $tmp_path . "/view_compiles";
			$smarty_cache_dir   = $tmp_path . "/cache";
			$image_cache_dir    = $tmp_path . "/image_cache";
			$upload_path        = $basepath . "/uploads";
			$log_path           = $request->log_path;
			$module_cfg         = parse_ini_file($basepath . "/core/default/module.ini", true);

			if (!file_exists($zf_version_class))
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Can't find Zend Framework in %s", $request->zf_path);
				if (Zend_Version::compareVersion($module_cfg['lib_versions']['zf']) > 0)
					$errors[] = $this->_T("Rivety requires Zend Framework %s or higher. The supplied version is %s.", array($module_cfg['lib_versions']['zf'], Zend_Version::VERSION));
			if (!file_exists($smarty_class_file))
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Can't find Smarty in %s", $request->RivetyCore_smarty_path);
				$smarty_class_lines = explode("\n",file_get_contents($smarty_class_file));
				$strVersion = "* @version";
				foreach ($smarty_class_lines as $line)
					if (strpos($line,$strVersion) !== false)
						$found_smarty_version = trim(substr($line,strpos($line,$strVersion) + strlen($strVersion)));
				if (version_compare($module_cfg['lib_versions']['smarty'],$found_smarty_version) > 0)
					$errors[] = $this->_T("Rivety requires Smarty Template Engine %s or higher. The supplied version is %s.", array($module_cfg['lib_versions']['smarty'], $found_smarty_version));
			if (!file_exists($asido_class_file))
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Can't find Asido in %s.", $request->RivetyCore_asido_path);
				$asido = new Asido();
				if (version_compare($module_cfg['lib_versions']['asido'], $asido->version()) > 0)
					$errors[] = $this->_T("Rivety requires Asido %s or higher. The supplied version is %s.", array($module_cfg['lib_versions']['asido'], $asido->version()));
			$dir_array = array($etc_dir,
			foreach ($dir_array as $dir)
				if (!is_writable($dir))
					$errors[] = $this->_T("Web server can't write to %s.", $dir);
			if ($request->admin_username == null)
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Admin username cannot be blank.");

			if ($request->admin_email == null)
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Admin email cannot be blank.");

			$cfg_array = array(
				"database" => array(
					"adapter" => "PDO_MYSQL",
					"params" => array(
						"host"     => $request->db_host,
						"dbname"   => $request->db_name,
						"username" => $request->db_user,
						"password" => $request->db_pass,
						"port"     => $request->db_port,

			if (!is_null($request->db_sock))
				$cfg_array['database']['params']['unix_socket'] = $request->db_sock;  // this is often something like /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

			$dbconfig = new Zend_Config($cfg_array);

			$db = Zend_Db::factory($dbconfig->database);

				if (count($errors) == 0)
					$tables = $db->listTables();
					if (count($tables) > 0)
						$errors[] = $this->_T("The specified database is not empty.");
					// get the table creation script
					$ddl_file = $basepath . "/core/default/sql/" . $dbconfig->database->adapter . "/install.sql";
					if (file_exists($ddl_file)) {
						$queries = explode(";",file_get_contents($ddl_file));
							foreach ($queries as $query)
								if (trim($query) != "")
									$query = str_replace("@@@@ADMIN_USERNAME@@@@", $request->admin_username, $query);
									$query = str_replace("@@@@ADMIN_EMAIL@@@@", $request->admin_email, $query);
									$query = str_replace("@@@@CREATED_ON@@@@@", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $query);
						catch (Exception $e)
							$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
						$errors[] = $this->_T("Database creation script not found.");
			catch (Exception $e)
				$errors[] = $e->getMessage();

			if (count($errors) == 0)
				// everything worked out okay, attempt to write the config file

				$config = array(
					"db.rivety.adapter"         => "PDO_MYSQL", // This should really be configurable, but it isn't yet.
					"db.rivety.config.host"     => $request->db_host,
					"db.rivety.config.dbname"   => $request->db_name,
					"db.rivety.config.username" => $request->db_user,
					"db.rivety.config.password" => $request->db_pass,
					"db.rivety.config.port"     => $request->db_port,
					"db.rivety.config.default"  => "true",
				if (!is_null($request->db_sock))
					$config['db.rivety.config.unix_socket'] = $request->db_sock;
				$config_file .= RivetyCore_ConfigFile::makeSection("databases", "Database Settings", "This is the default database.", $config);

				$RivetyCore_config = array(
					"timezone"        => $request->RivetyCore_timezone,
					"launched"        => "1",
					"prelaunch_url"   => "http://google.com",
					"allowed_ips"     => "",
					"zf_path"         => $request->zf_path,
					"smarty_path"     => $request->smarty_path,
					"asido_path"      => $request->asido_path,
					"image_cache_dir" => $image_cache_dir,
					"log_filename"    => $log_path."/RivetyCore_log",
					"log_level"       => "6",
					"addtl_includes"  => "",

				$config_file .= RivetyCore_ConfigFile::makeSection("application", "Application Settings", "These are the application specific settings.", $RivetyCore_config);

				// create directories if needed
				if (!file_exists($smarty_compile_dir))
					mkdir($smarty_compile_dir, 0777, true);

				if (!file_exists($smarty_cache_dir))
					mkdir($smarty_cache_dir, 0777, true);

				if (!file_exists($image_cache_dir))
					mkdir($image_cache_dir, 0777, true);

				$smarty_config = array(
					"config.compile_dir" => $smarty_compile_dir,
					"config.cache_dir"   => $smarty_cache_dir,

				$config_file .= RivetyCore_ConfigFile::makeSection("smarty", "Smarty Settings", "These are the settings for the Smarty template engine.", $smarty_config);

				if (file_put_contents($config_filename, $config_file) === false)
					$this->view->config_file = $config_file;
					$this->view->config_filename = $config_filename;
					$this->view->success = "Database installed, but could not write config file. Please create the file \"" . $config_filename . "\" and paste this following into it:";
					$this->_redirect("/default/install/secondstage/username/" . $request->admin_username);
				$this->view->errors          = $errors;
				$this->view->db_host         = $request->db_host;
				$this->view->db_name         = $request->db_name;
				$this->view->db_user         = $request->db_user;
				$this->view->db_pass         = $request->db_pass;
				$this->view->db_port         = $request->db_port;
				$this->view->db_sock         = $request->db_sock;
				$this->view->admin_username  = $request->admin_username;
				$this->view->admin_email     = $request->admin_email;
				$this->view->timezone        = $request->timezone;
				$this->view->zf_path         = $request->zf_path;
				$this->view->smarty_path     = $request->smarty_path;
				$this->view->asido_path      = $request->asido_path;
				$this->view->tmp_path        = $request->tmp_path;
				$this->view->log_path        = $request->log_path;
			$this->view->db_host         = "localhost";
			$this->view->db_name         = "rivety";
			$this->view->db_user         = "******";
			$this->view->db_pass         = "";
			$this->view->db_port         = "3306";
			$this->view->db_sock         = "";
			$this->view->admin_username  = "******";
			$this->view->timezone        = "America/Los_Angeles";
			$this->view->zf_path         = $basepath . "/lib/ZendFramework/library";
			$this->view->smarty_path     = $basepath . "/lib/Smarty/libs";
			$this->view->asido_path      = $basepath . "/lib/Asido";
			$this->view->tmp_path        = $basepath . "/tmp";
			$this->view->log_path        = $basepath . "/logs";
		$this->view->admin_theme_url = "/core/default/views/admin";
		$this->view->admin_theme_global_path = $basepath . "/core/default/views/admin/tpl_common";