Exemplo n.º 1
 private function showLoginForm($sLogin, $sUrlRedirect, $bRememberMe, $sError = false)
     //display login form
     $sFormAction = AnwUtils::alink("login");
     $this->out .= $this->tpl()->loginForm($sFormAction, $sLogin, $sUrlRedirect, $bRememberMe, AnwSessions::isResumeEnabled(), $sError);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static function loadCurrentSession()
     AnwDebug::startbench("Current session load");
     try {
         self::$oSession = AnwSessions::getCurrentSession();
         $nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive = time() - self::getLastKeepAlive();
         $nKeepAliveInterval = AnwComponent::globalCfgKeepaliveDelay();
         AnwDebug::log('(AnwSessions) Time elapsed since last keepalive: ' . $nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive . '/' . $nKeepAliveInterval . 's');
         if ($nElapsedTimeSinceKeepalive > $nKeepAliveInterval) {
             AnwDebug::log('(AnwSessions) Running keepalive...');
             $nTime = time();
             //keepalive session
             //run hooks
             $oSessionUser = self::$oSession->getUser();
             AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_any", $oSessionUser);
             if (self::$oSession->isLoggedIn()) {
                 AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_loggedin", $oSessionUser);
             } else {
                 AnwPlugins::hook("session_keepalive_loggedout", $oSessionUser);
     } catch (AnwUserNotFoundException $e) {
         //current user doesn't exist anymore
         self::$oSession = new AnwSession();
     AnwDebug::stopbench("Current session load");
Exemplo n.º 3
 function output($bEmergencyError = false)
     AnwDebug::startbench("output", true);
     //render head
     //global actions
     /*$asAllGlobalActions = array("lastchanges", "sitemap", "untranslated", "management");
     		$asAvailableGlobalActions = array();
     		foreach ($asAllGlobalActions as $sAction)
     			if (AnwCurrentSession::isActionGlobalAllowed($sAction))
     				$asAvailableGlobalActions[] = array(
     					'action' => $sAction,
     					'link' => AnwUtils::alink($sAction),
     					'translation' => self::g_("action_".$sAction)
     if (!$bEmergencyError) {
         //session nav
         if (AnwCurrentSession::isLoggedIn()) {
             $sLinkProfile = AnwUsers::isDriverInternal() ? AnwUtils::alink("profile") : AnwUsers::getLinkProfile(AnwCurrentSession::getUser());
             $sLinkSettings = AnwUtils::aLink("settings");
             $sLinkLogout = AnwSessions::isDriverInternal() ? AnwUtils::alink("logout") : AnwSessions::getLogoutLink();
             $sessionnav = $this->tpl()->sessionNavLoggedin(AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->getDisplayName(), $sLinkProfile, $sLinkSettings, $sLinkLogout);
         } else {
             $sLinkSettings = AnwUtils::aLink("settings");
             $sLinkLogin = AnwSessions::isDriverInternal() ? AnwUtils::alink("login") : AnwSessions::getLoginLink();
             if (self::globalCfgUsersRegisterEnabled()) {
                 $sLinkRegister = AnwUsers::isDriverInternal() ? AnwUtils::alink("register") : AnwUsers::getRegisterLink();
             } else {
                 $sLinkRegister = false;
             $sessionnav = $this->tpl()->sessionNavGuest($sLinkSettings, $sLinkLogin, $sLinkRegister);
         $aoAllowedGlobalNavEntries = $this->getGlobalNavEntriesAllowed();
         if (count($aoAllowedGlobalNavEntries) > 0) {
             $globalnav = $this->tpl()->globalNav($aoAllowedGlobalNavEntries);
         } else {
             $globalnav = "";
     } else {
         $sessionnav = "";
         $globalnav = "";
     $this->out = $this->tpl()->globalBody($sessionnav, $globalnav, $this->out);
     $this->out = $this->tpl()->globalHtml(self::g_("local_html_lang", array(), self::getActionLang()), self::g_("local_html_dir", array(), self::getActionLang()), $this->title, $this->head, $this->out);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function needsReauth()
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn() || !AnwComponent::globalCfgReauthEnabled() || !AnwSessions::isReauthSupported()) {
         self::debug("needsReauth: skipping");
         return false;
     $nTimeElapsed = time() - $this->nTimeAuth;
     self::debug("needsReauth: " . $nTimeElapsed . "/" . AnwComponent::globalCfgReauthDelay() . "s");
     if ($nTimeElapsed > AnwComponent::globalCfgReauthDelay()) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @throws AnwUnexpectedException
 static function loadDriver()
     AnwDebug::startbench("Sessions driver init");
     self::$oDriver = AnwSessionsDriver::loadComponent(AnwComponent::globalCfgDriverSessions());
     if (self::isDriverInternal()) {
         self::debug("Sessions Driver loaded : internal");
     } else {
         if (self::isDriverExternal()) {
             self::debug("Sessions Driver loaded : external");
         } else {
             throw new AnwUnexpectedException("Unknown sessionsdriver type");
     AnwDebug::stopbench("Sessions driver init");
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function saveSession($oSession, $bCreateSessionIfNotExists = false)
     $sSessionId = $oSession->getId();
     if ($oSession->isLoggedIn()) {
         //purge the old sessions from database (needed for the update/insert test)
         //try to update session in database (if it already exists)
         $sSessionIdentifier = AnwEnv::calculateSessionIdentifier();
         $sSessionCode = self::generateSessionCode();
         //a new code is generated (even if session already exists) to prevent session stealing
         $nSessionUser = $oSession->getUser()->getId();
         $sSessionResume = $oSession->isResume() ? 1 : 0;
         $nSessionTimeSeen = time();
         $asData = array("SessionIdentifier" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionIdentifier), "SessionCode" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionCode), "SessionUser" => $this->db()->inttosql($nSessionUser), "SessionResume" => $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionResume), "SessionTimeSeen" => $this->db()->inttosql($nSessionTimeSeen));
         $this->db()->do_update($asData, "session", "WHERE SessionId=" . $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionId));
         //otherwise, we may need to INSERT this new session or to kill it
         if ($this->db()->affected_rows() != 1) {
             if ($bCreateSessionIfNotExists) {
                 //user is logging in, it's normal that the session doesn't exist in database.
                 $asData["SessionId"] = $this->db()->strtosql($sSessionId);
                 $asData["SessionTimeStart"] = $this->db()->inttosql(time());
                 $asData["SessionTimeAuth"] = $this->db()->inttosql(time());
                 $this->db()->do_insert($asData, "session");
             } else {
                 //here, the session is supposed to exist in database, but isn't found.
                 //this can happend in the following situations:
                 // - The session has expired (DurationIdle or DurationMax)
                 // - An user was using a session, when someone tried to steal it. The session was killed for security reasons.
                 // - An administrator has killed the session.
                 // - The session has expired.
                 //In both situations, the current session is no longer safe and must be closed.
                 self::debug("WARNING: Session doesn't exist in database, but session creation is NOT expected. Logging out.");
         //remember current session in cookies
         $nCookieExpires = AnwSessions::isResumeEnabled() && $oSession->isResume() ? time() + $this->cfgResumeDelayMax() : 0;
         AnwEnv::putCookie(self::COOKIE_SESSION_ID, $sSessionId, $nCookieExpires);
         AnwEnv::putCookie(self::COOKIE_SESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode, $nCookieExpires);
         AnwEnv::putSession(self::SESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode);
     } else {
         //unset cookies
 protected function grantUserAdmin($oUser)
     //grant admin privileges
     //open the session
     AnwSessions::login($oUser, false);
     //squeezing AnwCurrentSession...
     //update step status