Exemplo n.º 1
	* PrintEditForm
	* Prints a form to edit a user. If you pass in a userid, it will load up that user and print their information. If you pass in the details array, it will prefill the form with that information (eg if you tried to create a user with a duplicate username). Also checks whether you are allowed to edit this user. If you are not an admin, you are only allowed to edit your own account.
	* @param Int $userid Userid to load up.
	* @param Array $details Details to prefill the form with (in case there was a problem creating the user).
	* @see User_API::Admin
	* @see User_API::Status
	* @see User_API::ListAdmin
	* @see User_API::EditOwnSettings
	* @see GetUser
	* @return Void Returns nothing. If you don't have access to edit a particular user, it prints an error message and exits. Otherwise it prints the correct form (either edit-own or edit) and then exits.
	function PrintEditForm($userid = 0, $details = array())
		$thisuser = IEM::getCurrentUser();
		if (!$thisuser->UserAdmin()) {
			if ($userid != $thisuser->userid) {

			if (!$thisuser->EditOwnSettings()) {

		$user = $this->GetApi('User');

		$listapi = $this->GetApi('Lists');
		$all_lists = $listapi->GetLists(0, array('SortBy' => 'name', 'Direction' => 'asc'), false, 0, 0);

		$segmentapi = $this->GetApi('Segment');
		$all_segments = $segmentapi->GetSegments(array('SortBy' => 'segmentname', 'Direction' => 'asc'), false, 0, 'all');

		$templateapi = $this->GetApi('Templates');
		$all_templates = $templateapi->GetTemplates(0, array('SortBy' => 'name', 'Direction' => 'asc'), false, 0, 0);

		$all_groups = API_USERGROUPS::getRecords(false, false, 0, 0, 'groupname');

		$GLOBALS['CustomSmtpServer_Display'] = '0';


		if ($userid > 0) {
			$user = GetUser($userid);
			if ($user->Get('userid') <= 0) {
				$GLOBALS['ErrorMessage'] = GetLang('UserDoesntExist');
			$GLOBALS['UserID'] = $user->Get('userid');
			$GLOBALS['UserName'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('username'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['FullName'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('fullname'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['EmailAddress'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('emailaddress'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			$activity = $user->GetEventActivityType();
			if (!is_array($activity)) {
				$activity = array();
			$GLOBALS['EventActivityType'] = implode("\n", $activity);

			$GLOBALS['MaxLists'] = $user->group->limit_list;
			$GLOBALS['MaxEmails'] = $user->group->limit_totalemailslimit;
			$GLOBALS['PerMonth'] = $user->group->limit_emailspermonth;
			$GLOBALS['PerHour'] = $user->group->limit_hourlyemailsrate;

			$GLOBALS['DisplayMaxLists'] = '';
			if ($user->Get('maxlists') == 0) {
				$GLOBALS['LimitListsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['DisplayMaxLists'] = 'none';

			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerHour'] = '';
			if ($user->Get('perhour') == 0) {
				$GLOBALS['LimitPerHourChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerHour'] = 'none';

			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerMonth'] = '';
			if ($user->Get('permonth') == 0) {
				$GLOBALS['LimitPerMonthChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerMonth'] = 'none';

			$GLOBALS['LimitMaximumEmailsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsMaxEmails'] = 'none';

			if (!$user->hasUnlimitedCredit()) {
				$GLOBALS['LimitMaximumEmailsChecked'] = '';
				$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsMaxEmails'] = '';

			if ($user->Get('usewysiwyg')) {
				$GLOBALS['UseWysiwyg'] = ' CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['UseXHTMLDisplay'] = ' style="display:block;"';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['UseXHTMLDisplay'] = ' style="display:none;"';

			if ($user->Get('enableactivitylog')) {
				$GLOBALS['EnableActivityLog'] = ' CHECKED';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['EnableActivityLog'] = '';

			$GLOBALS['UseXHTMLCheckbox'] = $user->Get('usexhtml')? ' CHECKED' : '';

			$GLOBALS['Xmlapi'] = $user->Get('xmlapi')? ' CHECKED' : '';
			$GLOBALS['XMLTokenDisplay'] = ' style="display:none;"';

			if ($user->Get('xmlapi')) {
				$GLOBALS['XMLTokenDisplay'] = ' style="display:block;"';
			$GLOBALS['XmlToken'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('xmltoken'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			$GLOBALS['TextFooter'] = $user->Get('textfooter');
			$GLOBALS['HTMLFooter'] = $user->Get('htmlfooter');

			$GLOBALS['SmtpServer'] = $user->Get('smtpserver');
			$GLOBALS['SmtpUsername'] = $user->Get('smtpusername');
			$GLOBALS['SmtpPassword'] = $user->Get('smtppassword');
			$GLOBALS['SmtpPort'] = $user->Get('smtpport');

			if ($GLOBALS['SmtpServer']) {
				$GLOBALS['CustomSmtpServer_Display'] = '1';

			$GLOBALS['googlecalendarusername'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('googlecalendarusername'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
			$GLOBALS['googlecalendarpassword'] = htmlspecialchars($user->Get('googlecalendarpassword'), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);

			$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=Save&UserID=' . $user->userid;

			if (!$thisuser->UserAdmin()) {

				$smtp_access = $thisuser->HasAccess('User', 'SMTP');

				$GLOBALS['ShowSMTPInfo'] = 'none';
				$GLOBALS['DisplaySMTP'] = '0';

				if ($smtp_access) {
					$GLOBALS['ShowSMTPInfo'] = '';

				if ($GLOBALS['SmtpServer']) {
					$GLOBALS['CustomSmtpServer_Display'] = '1';
					if ($smtp_access) {
						$GLOBALS['DisplaySMTP'] = '1';


			$GLOBALS['StatusChecked'] = ($user->Status()) ? ' CHECKED' : '';

			$GLOBALS['ForceDoubleOptInChecked'] = ($user->Get('forcedoubleoptin')) ? ' CHECKED' : '';
			$GLOBALS['ForceSpamCheckChecked'] = ($user->Get('forcespamcheck')) ? ' CHECKED' : '';
			$GLOBALS['InfoTipsChecked'] = ($user->InfoTips()) ? ' CHECKED' : '';

			$editown = '';
			if ($user->UserAdmin()) {
				$editown = ' CHECKED';
			} else {
				if ($user->EditOwnSettings()) {
					$editown = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['EditOwnSettingsChecked'] = $editown;

			$timezone = $user->usertimezone;

			$GLOBALS['TimeZoneList'] = $this->TimeZoneList($timezone);

			$admintype = $user->AdminType();
			$listadmintype = $user->ListAdminType();
			$segmentadmintype = $user->SegmentAdminType();
			$templateadmintype = $user->TemplateAdminType();

			$admin = $user->Admin();
			$listadmin = $user->ListAdmin();
			$segmentadmin = $user->SegmentAdmin();
			$templateadmin = $user->TemplateAdmin();

			$permissions = $user->Get('permissions');
			$area_access = $user->Get('access');

			$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('EditUser');
			$GLOBALS['Help_Heading'] = GetLang('Help_EditUser');

			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifyEmailAddress'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_email');
			if (empty($GLOBALS['AdminNotifyEmailAddress'])) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotifyEmailAddress'] = constant('SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS');

			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Send_Email'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_send_emailtext');
			if (empty($GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Send_Email'])) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Send_Email'] = GetLang('AdminNotifications_Send_Email');

			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_import_emailtext');
			if (empty($GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'])) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'] = GetLang('AdminNotifications_Import_Email');

			$GLOBALS['SendLimit'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_send_threshold');
			$GLOBALS['ImportLimit'] = $user->Get('adminnotify_import_threshold');

			if (empty($GLOBALS['SendLimit'])) {
				$GLOBALS['SendLimit'] = 1000;
			if (empty($GLOBALS['ImportLimit'])) {
				$GLOBALS['ImportLimit'] = 1000;

			$admin_flag = $user->Get('adminnotify_send_flag');
			if ($user->Get('adminnotify_send_flag') == 1) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotificationsSend'] = 'CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifySend'] = '';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifySend'] = "style=display:none;";
			if ($user->Get('adminnotify_import_flag') == 1) {
				$GLOBALS['AdminNotificationsImport'] = 'CHECKED';
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifyImport'] = '';
			} else {
				$GLOBALS['UseNotifyImport'] = "style=display:none;";

			$GLOBALS['SmtpPort'] = $user->Get('smtpport');

			// Log this to "User Activity Log"
			IEM::logUserActivity(IEM::urlFor('users', array('Action' => 'Edit', 'UserID' => $userid)), 'images/user.gif', $user->username);

		} else {
			$timezone = (isset($details['timezone'])) ? $details['timezone'] : SENDSTUDIO_SERVERTIMEZONE;
			$GLOBALS['TimeZoneList'] = $this->TimeZoneList($timezone);

			$activity = $thisuser->defaultEventActivityType;
			if (!is_array($activity)) {
				$activity = array();
			$GLOBALS['EventActivityType'] = implode("\n", $activity);

			$GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=Create';

			if (!empty($details)) {
				foreach ($details as $area => $val) {
					$GLOBALS[$area] = $val;
			$GLOBALS['Heading'] = GetLang('CreateUser');
			$GLOBALS['Help_Heading'] = GetLang('Help_CreateUser');

			$listadmintype = 'c';
			$segmentadmintype = 'c';
			$admintype = 'c';
			$templateadmintype = 'c';

			$GLOBALS['DisplayMaxLists'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerHour'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsPerMonth'] = 'none';
			$GLOBALS['DisplayEmailsMaxEmails'] = 'none';

			$GLOBALS['MaxLists'] = '0';
			$GLOBALS['PerHour'] = '0';
			$GLOBALS['PerMonth'] = '0';
			$GLOBALS['MaxEmails'] = '0';

			$GLOBALS['StatusChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['ForceDoubleOptInChecked'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['ForceSpamCheckChecked'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['InfoTipsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['EditOwnSettingsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';

			$GLOBALS['LimitListsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['LimitPerHourChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['LimitPerMonthChecked'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['LimitMaximumEmailsChecked'] = ' CHECKED';

			$GLOBALS['UseWysiwyg'] = ' CHECKED';
			$GLOBALS['EnableLastViewed'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['UseXHTMLCheckbox'] = ' CHECKED';

			$GLOBALS['HTMLFooter'] = GetLang('Default_Global_HTML_Footer');
			$GLOBALS['TextFooter'] = GetLang('Default_Global_Text_Footer');

			$GLOBALS['EnableActivityLog'] = ' CHECKED';

			$GLOBALS['Xmlapi'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['XMLTokenDisplay'] = ' style="display:none;"';

			$admin = $listadmin = $segmentadmin = $templateadmin = false;
			$permissions = array();
			$area_access = array('lists' => array(), 'templates' => array(), 'segments' => array());

			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifyEmailAddress'] = constant('SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS');
			$GLOBALS['UseNotifySend'] = "style=display:none;";
			$GLOBALS['UseNotifyImport'] = "style=display:none;";

			$GLOBALS['SendLimit'] = 1000;
			$GLOBALS['ImportLimit'] = 1000;
			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Send_Email'] = GetLang('AdminNotifications_Send_Email');
			$GLOBALS['AdminNotifications_Import_Email'] = GetLang('AdminNotifications_Import_Email');


		$available_users = $user->AvailableUsers();

		$template = GetTemplateSystem();
		$template->Assign('UserID', $user->userid);
		$template->Assign('groupid', $user->groupid);
		$template->Assign('canChangeUserGroup', !$user->isLastAdmin());
		$template->Assign('AgencyEdition', get_agency_license_variables());
		$template->Assign('EditOwn', ($user->userid != 0 && $user->userid == $thisuser->userid));
		$template->Assign('TrialUser', $user->trialuser);
		$template->Assign('EditMode', !empty($user->userid));
		$template->Assign('AvailableNormalUsers', isset($available_users['normal']) ? $available_users['normal'] : 0);
		$template->Assign('AvailableTrialUsers', isset($available_users['trial']) ? $available_users['trial'] : 0);
		$template->Assign('AvailableGroups', $all_groups);
		$template->Assign('record_groupid', $user->groupid);
		$template->Assign('DefaultIdTab', IEM::requestGetPOST('id_tab_num', 1, 'intval'));
		$template->Assign('showSmtpInfo', (bool) $user->smtpserver);

Exemplo n.º 2
	public function page_saveRecord()
		$record = IEM::requestGetPOST('record', array());

        $record['groupname'] = htmlspecialchars($record['groupname']);

		$created = ((IEM::ifsetor($record['groupid'], 0, 'intval') == 0) ? true : false);

		 * Transform the permission so that it will be recognized by the API

		$permissions = IEM::ifsetor($record['permissions'], array());

		$new_permissions = array();
		if (!is_array($permissions)) {
			$permissions = array();
		if (!empty($permissions)) {
			foreach ($permissions as $each) {
				$temp = explode('.', $each);

				// This can only handle 2 level permissions,
				// ie. autoresponders.create, autoresponders.delete, autoresponders.edit
				// will become $permissions['autoresponders'] = array('create', 'delete', 'edit');
				if (count($temp) != 2) {

				if (!isset($new_permissions[$temp[0]])) {
					$new_permissions[$temp[0]] = array();

				$new_permissions[$temp[0]][] = $temp[1];

		$record['permissions'] = $new_permissions;

		if (empty($record)) {
			return $this->page_createGroup($record);

		// Check if "Request Token" matches
		// This tries to prevent CSRF
		$token = IEM::sessionGet('UsersGroups_Editor_RequestToken', false);
		if (!$token || $token != IEM::requestGetPOST('requestToken', false)) {
			return $this->page_createGroup($record);

		$status = API_USERGROUPS::saveRecord($record);
		if (!$status) {
			FlashMessage(GetLang('UsersGroups_From_Error_CannotSave'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR);
			return $this->printEditor($record);

		$messageVariable = 'UsersGroups_From_Success_Saved';
		if ($created) {
			$messageVariable = 'UsersGroups_From_Success_Created';

		FlashMessage(GetLang($messageVariable), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, IEM::urlFor('UsersGroups'));
Exemplo n.º 3
     * Automates relationship property setting.
     * Automatically loads a relationship based on which property is accessed.
     * If the db class was better we could automate this process for one-to-one
     * one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.
     * @param string $name The name of the variable to get.
     * @return mixed;
    public function __get($name) {
        switch ($name) {
            case 'group':
                if (!isset($this->group)) {
                    $this->group = (object) API_USERGROUPS::getRecordById($this->groupid);

                return $this->group;

Exemplo n.º 4
  * Returns the group associated to the current user.
  * @return record_UserGroups
 public function getGroup()
     return API_USERGROUPS::getRecordById($this->groupid);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Evaluate credit warning conditions
  * This method will evaluate credit warnings for a particular user.
  * It will dispatch warning emails accrodingly.
  * @param record_Users|integer $user User record object or user ID
  * @return boolean Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
  * @todo fixed credits does not have warnings yet
 public static function creditEvaluateWarnings($user)
     $userobject = null;
     $warnings = null;
     $this_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 1, date('Y'));
     $credit_left = null;
     // ----- PRE
     if ($user instanceof record_Users) {
         $userobject = $user;
     } else {
         $userobject = self::getRecordByID($user);
     if (empty($userobject)) {
         trigger_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' -- User is not specified', E_USER_NOTICE);
         return false;
     // -----
     // Credit warnings are not enabled
         return true;
     require_once IEM_PUBLIC_PATH . '/functions/api/settings.php';
     $tempSettingsAPI = new Settings_API();
     $warnings = $tempSettingsAPI->GetCreditWarningsSettings();
     // Does not hany any warnings setup? Well... we can't continue then.
     if (empty($warnings)) {
         return true;
     $credit_left = self::creditAvailableTotal($userobject);
     //unlimited credit
     if ($credit_left === true) {
         return true;
     $whichlevel = self::creditWhichWarning($userobject, $credit_left, $warnings);
     // If $whichlevel contains FALSE, that means there was something wrong
     // when trying to figure out which warning level it should send out.
     if ($whichlevel === false) {
         return true;
     $userGroup = API_USERGROUPS::getRecordById($userobject->groupid);
     if (!isset($userGroup['limit_emailspermonth'])) {
         return false;
     $userobject_permonth = (int) $userGroup['limit_emailspermonth'];
     $fixed = self::creditAvailableFixed($userobject);
     $monthly = self::creditAvailableThisMonth($userobject);
     if ($fixed === true) {
         $userobject_permonth = $monthly;
     } elseif ($monthly === true) {
         $userobject_permonth = $fixed;
     if (!empty($whichlevel)) {
         $tempNames = explode(' ', $userobject->fullname);
         $tempLastName = array_pop($tempNames);
         $tempFirstName = implode(' ', $tempNames);
         $available_custom_fields_key = array('%%user_fullname%%', '%%user_firstname%%', '%%user_lastname%%', '%%credit_total%%', '%%credit_remains%%', '%%credit_remains_precentage%%', '%%credit_used%%', '%%credit_used_percentage%%');
         $available_custom_fields_value = array($userobject->fullname, $tempFirstName, $tempLastName, $userobject_permonth, intval($userobject_permonth * ($credit_left / 100)), intval($credit_left), intval($userobject_permonth * ((100 - $credit_left) / 100)), intval(100 - $credit_left));
         $email_contents = str_replace($available_custom_fields_key, $available_custom_fields_value, $whichlevel['emailcontents']);
         $email_subject = str_replace($available_custom_fields_key, $available_custom_fields_value, $whichlevel['emailsubject']);
         // ----- We found which warnings it is that we want to send out
         require_once IEM_PATH . '/ext/interspire_email/email.php';
         $emailapi = new Email_API();
         if ($userobject->smtpserver) {
             $emailapi->SetSmtp($userobject->smtpserver, $userobject->smtpusername, $userobject->smtppassword, $userobject->smtpport);
         $emailapi->Set('forcechecks', false);
         $emailapi->AddRecipient($userobject->emailaddress, $userobject->fullname, 't');
         $emailapi->Set('FromName', false);
         $emailapi->Set('FromAddress', defined('SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS') ? SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS : $userobject->emailaddress);
         $emailapi->Set('BounceAddress', SENDSTUDIO_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
         $emailapi->Set('CharSet', SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
         $emailapi->Set('Subject', $email_subject);
         $emailapi->AddBody('text', $email_contents);
         $status = $emailapi->Send();
         if ($status['success'] != 1) {
             trigger_error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . ' -- Was not able to send email: ' . serialize($status['failed']), E_USER_NOTICE);
             return false;
         // -----
         // ----- Update user record
         $db = IEM::getDatabase();
         $status = $db->Query("UPDATE [|PREFIX|]users SET credit_warning_time = {$this_month}, credit_warning_percentage = {$whichlevel['creditlevel']} WHERE userid = {$userobject->userid}");
         // Update user object in session
         // FIXME, we really need to make a special getter/setter for this
         $current_user = IEM::getCurrentUser();
         if ($current_user && $current_user->userid == $userobject->userid) {
             $current_user->credit_warning_time = $this_month;
             $current_user->credit_warning_percentage = $whichlevel['creditlevel'];
         // -----
     return true;