if (trim($v) != '') { $at_mgc[trim($v)] = trim($v); } } } $nmgc = $g_name = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['mgc']), ENT_QUOTES); $at_mgc[trim($nmgc)] = trim($nmgc); $mgc_c = "<?php"; foreach ($at_mgc as $v) { $mgc_c .= "\r\n\$a_mgc[]='" . $v . "';"; } $mgc_c .= "\r\n//\$a_mgc[]='';\r\n//请自行添加敏感词,一行一个\r\n\r\n"; writeText($mgc_file, $mgc_c); $e = 2; } elseif (isset($_POST['delmgc']) && $_POST['delmgc'] == 1) { writeText($mgc_file, "<?php\r\n//\$a_mgc[]='';\r\n//请自行添加敏感词,一行一个\r\n\r\n"); $e = 3; } header('Location:./?m=setting&t=special' . (isset($e) ? '&e=' . $e : '')); exit; } else { $a_msg = array(1 => '设置已修改。', '敏感词已保存。', '敏感词过滤功能已关闭。'); $is_disa = $config['open'] > 0 ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"'; $content .= (isset($_GET['e']) && isset($a_msg[$_GET['e']]) ? '<div class="msg_v">' . $a_msg[$_GET['e']] . '</div>' : '') . '<div class="title">访客账号</div><div class="lcontent">基于某些特殊原因,部分主管部门或者相关机构可能会要求审查内容,在没有开放访问的情况下可以通过开启访客账号来提供给相关部门进行审查。<br/><br/>此功能只有在不开放访问时生效。<br/><br/>' . ($config['open'] > 0 ? '<form method="post" action="">' : '') . '<table><tr><td>访客账号:</td><td><input name="g_open" type="radio" value="1"' . ($config['g_open'] > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' rel="s_cbt" data-id="gline"' . $is_disa . ' />开启 <input name="g_open" type="radio" value="0"' . ($config['g_open'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' rel="h_cbt" data-id="gline"' . $is_disa . ' />关闭</td></tr><tbody id="gline"' . ($config['g_open'] > 0 ? '' : ' style="display: none;"') . '><tr><td>用户名:</td><td><input name="g_name" size="15" value="' . $config['g_name'] . '"' . $is_disa . '/>(不可以与现有用户的用户名一样)</td></tr><tr><td>密码:</td><td><input name="g_pwd" size="15" value="' . $config['g_pwd'] . '"' . $is_disa . '/></td></tr></tbody><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="修改" class="button"' . $is_disa . ' /></td></tr></table>'; if ($config['open'] > 0) { $content .= '</form>'; } if ($config['g_vdate'] > 0) { $content .= '<br/>最后使用:' . date('Y-n-j H:i', $config['g_vdate']); } if ($config['g_vc'] > 0) {
unset($result); $username = trim($_POST['username']); $password = enc_p(trim($_POST['password'])); $name = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['name']), ENT_QUOTES); $query = sprintf('insert into %s (username, password, name, power, regdate) values (%s, %s, %s, 9, %s)', $dbprefix . 'member', SQLString($username, 'text'), SQLString($password, 'text'), SQLString($name, 'text'), time()); $result = mysql_query($query); echo '<li>写入新数据 ' . $dbprefix . 'member:<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#' . ($result == true ? '036;">成功' : 'f00;">失败') . '</span></li>'; unset($query); unset($result); $query = sprintf('insert into %s (path, title, sfile) values (%s, %s, %s)', $dbprefix . 'skin', SQLString('blue', 'text'), SQLString('蓝色梦想', 'text'), SQLString('styles.css', 'text')); $result = mysql_query($query); echo '<li>写入新数据 ' . $dbprefix . 'skin:<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#' . ($result == true ? '036;">成功' : 'f00;">失败') . '</span></li>'; unset($query); unset($result); echo '</ul><input type="button" value="完成" class="button" onclick="location.href=\'../\';"/></div>'; writeText($l_file, time()); } else { ?> <div class="title">第2步:配置信息</div> <div class="lcontent"> <form method="post" onsubmit="if(document.form1.title.value=='' || document.form1.username.value=='' || document.form1.password.value=='' || document.form1.name.value==''){alert('请输入配置信息。');return false;}else if(document.form1.password.value!='' && document.form1.password.value!=document.form1.password2.value){alert('请确认密码。');return false;}" name="form1"> <table> <tr><td>标题:</td><td><input name="title" size="32"/></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2">管理员信息</td></tr> <tr><td>用户名:</td><td><input name="username" size="32"/></td></tr> <tr><td>姓名:</td><td><input name="name" size="32"/></td></tr> <tr><td>密码:</td><td><input type="password" name="password" size="32"/></td></tr> <tr><td>确认:</td><td><input type="password" name="password2" size="32"/></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="下一步" class="button" /> <input type="reset" value="重置" class="button" /></td></tr> </table> </form>
function writeEntry($handle, $url, $link_text) { $entry = "<tocentry><ulink url=\"{$url}\">{$link_text}</ulink></tocentry>"; writeText($handle, $entry); }
function writeEntry($handle, $term, $sections, $type) { $sections = trim($sections, "\n,"); $term = "<{$type}>{$term}</{$type}>"; $entry = <<<ENTRY <indexentry> <primaryie>{$term}, {$sections} </primaryie> </indexentry> ENTRY; writeText($handle, $entry); }
$e = 2; $is_inc = isset($_POST['file_t']) && $_POST['file_t'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $f = 'setup/sql-' . time() . '.' . ($is_inc > 0 ? 'inc' : 'php'); foreach ($q as $k => $v) { unset($qt1); foreach ($v as $kv => $qv) { unset($qt0); foreach ($qv as $qav) { $qt0[] = "'" . str_replace(array("'", "\r", "\n"), array('<'>', '<r>', '<n>'), $qav) . "'"; } $qt1[] = $kv . "=>array(" . join(', ', $qt0) . ")"; } $qt2[] = "'" . $k . "'=>array(\n\t\t" . join(",\n\t\t", $qt1) . "\n\t)"; } $c = "<?php\n\$data=array(\n\t" . join(",\n\t", $qt2) . "\n);\n\r\n"; writeText($f, $c); } } header('Location:./?m=setting&t=sql' . (isset($e) ? '&e=' . $e : '') . (isset($f) ? '&f=' . $f : '') . (isset($is_inc) && $is_inc > 0 ? '&inc=1' : '')); exit; } else { $a_msg[1] = '导入成功!'; if (isset($_GET['f'])) { $a_msg[2] = '数据已备份到“' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['f'], ENT_QUOTES) . '”中' . (isset($_GET['inc']) && $_GET['inc'] == 1 ? ',<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['f'], ENT_QUOTES) . '">点击右键另存</a>' : '') . '。'; } $js_c .= ' $("#drform").submit(function(e){ if(!confirm(\'确认要导入新数据?\')){ e.preventDefault(); }else if($("#drform input[type=\'submit\']").length>0){ $("#drform input[type=\'submit\']").attr(\'disabled\', \'disabled\');
function writeLine($line, &$status) { $status->trace(TC_Util3, "writeLine: {$line}"); $status->startParagraph(); writeText($line, $status); echo " "; }
} // Display Mount Info if ($configData['skills_disp_mount']) { foreach ($skillsData as $skill) { // Print only secondary skills where the name equals riding if ($skill['type'] == $roster->locale->wordings[$sig_char_locale]['secondary'] && $skill['name'] == $roster->locale->wordings[$sig_char_locale]['riding']) { $desc = $skill['name']; // Shorten long strings based on max length in config if (strlen($desc) > $configData['skills_desc_length_mount']) { $desc = trim(substr($desc, 0, $configData['skills_desc_length_mount'])) . '.'; } writeText($im, $configData['skills_font_size'], $configData['skills_desc_loc_x'], $pos['desc'], $configData['skills_font_color'], $configData['skills_font_name'], $desc, $configData['skills_align_desc'], $configData['skills_shadow']); // Print Skill level if ($configData['skills_disp_level']) { // Just Print level writeText($im, $configData['skills_font_size'], $configData['skills_level_loc_x'], $pos['level'], $configData['skills_font_color'], $configData['skills_font_name'], $skill['level'], $configData['skills_align_level'], $configData['skills_shadow']); } // Move the line position $pos['desc'] += $configData['skills_desc_linespace']; $pos['level'] += $configData['skills_level_linespace']; } } } } #--[ FINALIZE AND CLOSE ]-------------------------------------------------- // Set to output image by default $make_image = 1; // Save mode Web request over-ride if (isset($sig_saveonly)) { $configData['save_only_mode'] = $sig_saveonly; $configData['save_images'] = $sig_saveonly;
function img_output($realmData, $err, $image_path, $font_path) { global $roster; $vadj = 0; $serverfont = $font_path . $roster->config['rs_font_server']; $typefont = $font_path . $roster->config['rs_font_type']; $serverpopfont = $font_path . $roster->config['rs_font_pop']; // Get and combine base images, set colors $top = @imagecreatefrompng($image_path . strtolower($realmData['serverstatus']) . '.png'); if (!$top) { return; } if ($roster->config['rs_display'] == 'full') { // Get with of the top image $topwidth = imagesx($top); // Make the bottom part $bottom = imagecreatefrompng($image_path . strtolower($err ? 'down' : $realmData['serverstatus']) . '2.png'); // Create a new image $full = imagecreatetruecolor($topwidth, imagesy($top) + imagesy($bottom)); // Turn off apha so we can get a clean boder to set to transparent imagealphablending($full, false); // Set the trans color $col = getColor('22ff22', $full); imagefilledrectangle($full, 0, 0, $topwidth, imagesy($top) + imagesy($bottom), $col); imagecopy($full, $top, 0, 0, 0, 0, $topwidth, imagesy($top)); imagecopy($full, $bottom, 0, imagesy($top), 0, 0, imagesx($bottom), imagesy($bottom)); imagealphablending($full, true); $top = $full; // Ouput centered $server name $maxw = 62; $output = ''; $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_server'], 0, $serverfont, $realmData['server_name']); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); if ($w > $maxw) { $i = $w; $t = strlen($realmData['server_name']); while ($i > $maxw) { $t--; $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_server'], 0, $serverfont, substr($realmData['server_name'], 0, $t)); $i = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); } $t = strrpos(substr($realmData['server_name'], 0, $t), ' '); $output[0] = substr($realmData['server_name'], 0, $t); $output[1] = ltrim(substr($realmData['server_name'], $t)); $vadj = -6; } else { $output[0] = $realmData['server_name']; } $i = 0; foreach ($output as $value) { $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_server'], 0, $serverfont, $value); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); writeText($top, $roster->config['rs_size_server'], round(($topwidth - $w) / 2), 54 + $i * 8 + $vadj, $roster->config['rs_color_server'], $serverfont, $value, $roster->config['rs_color_shadow']); $i++; } unset($output); $vadj = 0; // Ouput centered $realmData['serverpop'] if ($realmData['serverpop']) { $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_pop'], 0, $serverpopfont, $realmData['serverpop']); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); if ($w > $maxw) { $i = $w; $t = strlen($realmData['serverpop']); while ($i > $maxw) { $t--; $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_pop'], 0, $serverpopfont, substr($realmData['serverpop'], 0, $t)); $i = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); } $t = strrpos(substr($realmData['serverpop'], 0, $t), ' '); $output[0] = substr($realmData['serverpop'], 0, $t); $output[1] = ltrim(substr($realmData['serverpop'], $t)); $vadj = -4; } else { $output[0] = $realmData['serverpop']; } $i = 0; foreach ($output as $value) { $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_pop'], 0, $serverpopfont, $value); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); writeText($top, $roster->config['rs_size_pop'], round(($topwidth - $w) / 2), 73 + $i * 10 + $vadj, $realmData['serverpopcolor'], $serverpopfont, $value, $roster->config['rs_color_shadow']); $i++; } } // Ouput centered $realmData['servertype'] if ($realmData['servertype'] && !$err) { $box = imagettfbbox($roster->config['rs_size_type'], 0, $typefont, $realmData['servertype']); $w = abs($box[0]) + abs($box[2]); writeText($top, $roster->config['rs_size_type'], round(($topwidth - $w) / 2), 88, $realmData['servertypecolor'], $typefont, $realmData['servertype'], $roster->config['rs_color_shadow']); } } header('Content-type: image/png'); imagealphablending($top, false); imagesavealpha($top, true); imagepng($top); imagedestroy($top); }
function writeLine($line, &$status) { $status->trace(TC_Util3, "writeLine: {$line} " . ($status->fPreformatted ? "T" : "F")); if ($status->fPreformatted) { echo htmlentities($line); echo "\n"; } else { $status->startParagraph(); writeText($line, $status); echo " "; } }
/** * 迷你同学录 (http://mini_class.piscdong.com/) * (c)PiscDong studio (http://www.piscdong.com/) * * 程序完全免费,请保留这段代码。 * 请勿出售本程序或其修改版,请勿利用本程序或其修改版进行任何商业活动。 */ require_once 'inc.php'; if (!file_exists($l_file)) { echo getstop(); if (!file_exists($c_file)) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $_POST['hostname'] != '' && $_POST['database'] != '' && $_POST['username'] != '') { if (@mysql_connect($_POST['hostname'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { if (mysql_select_db($_POST['database']) || mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . $_POST['database'])) { $c_content = "<?php\n\$hostname_conn='" . $_POST['hostname'] . "';\n\$database_conn='" . $_POST['database'] . "';\n\$username_conn='" . $_POST['username'] . "';\n\$password_conn='" . $_POST['password'] . "';\n\$dbprefix='" . $_POST['dbprefix'] . "';\n\$conn=mysql_connect(\$hostname_conn, \$username_conn, \$password_conn) or die('');\nmysql_select_db(\$database_conn, \$conn);" . (chksqlv() ? "\nmysql_query(\"SET NAMES 'utf8'\", \$conn);\n\$charset_conn=1;" : '') . "\n?>"; writeText($c_file, $c_content); } else { $e = 1; } } else { $e = 2; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . (isset($e) ? 'location.href=\'?e=' . $e : 'location.href=\'mysql.php') . '\';</script>'; } else { if (isset($_GET['e'])) { $msg = $_GET['e'] == 2 ? '无法连接数据库!' : '无法建立数据库!'; } if (isset($msg)) { echo '<div class="msg_v">' . $msg . '</div>'; } ?>