function entities_to_7bit($str)
    require_once LEPTON_PATH . '/framework/summary.utf8.php';
    // convert to UTF-8
    $str = charset_to_utf8($str);
    if (!utf8_check($str)) {
        return $str;
    // replace some specials
    $str = utf8_stripspecials($str, '_');
    // translate non-ASCII characters to ASCII
    $str = utf8_romanize($str);
    // missed some? - Many UTF-8-chars can't be romanized
    // convert to HTML-entities, and replace entites by hex-numbers
    $str = utf8_fast_umlauts_to_entities($str, false);
    $str = str_replace(''', ''', $str);
    //    $str = preg_replace_callback('/&#([0-9]+);/', function($matches) {return "dechex($matches[1])";}, $str);
    //    $str = preg_replace_callback('/&#([0-9]+);/', function($matches) {return dechex($matches[1]);}, $str);
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) {
        $str = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/e', "dechex('\$1')", $str);
    } else {
        $str = preg_replace_callback('/&#([0-9]+);/', create_function('$aMatches', 'return dechex($aMatches[1]);'), $str);
    // maybe there are some &gt; &lt; &apos; &quot; &amp; &nbsp; left, replace them too
    $str = str_replace(array('&gt;', '&lt;', '&apos;', '\'', '&quot;', '&amp;'), '', $str);
    $str = str_replace('&amp;', '', $str);
    return $str;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * get Country-List
 public function getCountriesByContinent()
     $return = array();
     $countries = array();
     $arrAux = array();
     $arrTmp = array();
     include TL_ROOT . '/system/config/countries.php';
     include TL_ROOT . '/system/config/countriesByContinent.php';
     foreach ($countriesByContinent as $strConKey => $arrCountries) {
         $strConKeyTranslated = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strConKey]) ? utf8_romanize($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strConKey]) : $strConKey;
         $arrAux[$strConKey] = $strConKeyTranslated;
         foreach ($arrCountries as $key => $strCounntry) {
             $arrTmp[$strConKeyTranslated][$key] = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$key]) ? utf8_romanize($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$key]) : $countries[$key];
     foreach ($arrTmp as $strConKey => $arrCountries) {
         //get original continent key
         $strOrgKey = array_search($strConKey, $arrAux);
         $strConKeyTranslated = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strOrgKey]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strOrgKey] : $strConKey;
         foreach ($arrCountries as $strKey => $strCountry) {
             $return[$strConKeyTranslated][$strKey] = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$strKey]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$strKey] : $countries[$strKey];
     $return[$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT']['other']]['xx'] = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT']['xx']) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT']['xx'] : 'No Country';
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generate module
 protected function compile()
     $objTerm = $this->Database->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_glossary_term WHERE pid IN(" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $this->glossaries)) . ")" . " ORDER BY sortTerm");
     if ($objTerm->numRows < 1) {
         $this->Template->terms = array();
     global $objPage;
     $arrTerms = array();
     while ($objTerm->next()) {
         $objTemp = new stdClass();
         $key = utf8_strtoupper(utf8_substr($objTerm->sortTerm, 0, 1));
         $objTemp->term = $objTerm->term;
         $objTemp->anchor = 'gl' . utf8_romanize($key);
         $objTemp->id = standardize($objTerm->term);
         $objTemp->isParent = false;
         $objTemp->isReference = false;
         if ($objTerm->addReference) {
             if ($objTerm->referenceType == 'parent') {
                 $objTemp->hasParent = true;
             } elseif ($objTerm->referenceType == 'reference') {
                 $objTemp->isReference = true;
                 $objTemp->referenceTerm = false;
                 $objReference = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT `id`,`term` FROM `tl_glossary_term` WHERE `id`=?")->execute($objTerm->referenceTerm);
                 if ($objReference->next()) {
                     $objTemp->referenceTerm = $objReference->term;
                     $objTemp->referenceAnchor = standardize($objReference->term);
         // Clean the RTE output
         if ($objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml') {
             $objTerm->definition = $this->String->toXhtml($objTerm->definition);
         } else {
             $objTerm->definition = $this->String->toHtml5($objTerm->definition);
         $objTemp->definition = $this->String->encodeEmail($objTerm->definition);
         if ($objTerm->addExample) {
             $objTemp->addExample = true;
             $objTemp->example = $objPage->outputFormat == 'xhtml' ? $this->String->toXhtml($objTerm->example) : $this->String->toHtml5($objTerm->example);
         } else {
             $objTemp->addExample = false;
         $objTemp->addImage = false;
         // Add image
         if ($objTerm->addImage && is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $objTerm->singleSRC)) {
             $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemp, $objTerm->row());
         $objTemp->enclosures = array();
         // Add enclosures
         if ($objTerm->addEnclosure) {
             $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemp, $objTerm->row());
         $arrTerms[$key][] = $objTemp;
     $this->Template->terms = $arrTerms;
     $this->Template->request = ampersand($this->Environment->request, true);
     $this->Template->topLink = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['backToTop'];
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function renderXml()
     $nameSuffix = str_replace(' ', '-', utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent(ucfirst($this->_params['name']))));
     $this->setDownloadFileName('BBM_BbCode_' . $nameSuffix . '.xml');
     return $this->_params['xml']->saveXml();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Check the uploaded files and move them to the target directory
  * @param string
  * @param string
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 public function uploadTo($strTarget, $strKey)
     if ($strTarget == '' || strpos($strTarget, '../') !== false) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid target path {$strTarget}");
     if ($strKey == '') {
         throw new \Exception('The key must not be empty');
     $maxlength_kb = $this->getMaximumUploadSize();
     $maxlength_kb_readable = $this->getReadableSize($maxlength_kb);
     $arrUploaded = array();
     $arrFiles = $this->getFilesFromGlobal($strKey);
     foreach ($arrFiles as $file) {
         // Romanize the filename
         $file['name'] = strip_tags($file['name']);
         $file['name'] = utf8_romanize($file['name']);
         $file['name'] = str_replace('"', '', $file['name']);
         // File was not uploaded
         if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
             if ($file['error'] == 1 || $file['error'] == 2) {
                 \Message::addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb_readable));
                 $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb_readable, 'Uploader uploadTo()', TL_ERROR);
                 $this->blnHasError = true;
             } elseif ($file['error'] == 3) {
                 \Message::addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filepartial'], $file['name']));
                 $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" was only partially uploaded', 'Uploader uploadTo()', TL_ERROR);
                 $this->blnHasError = true;
         } elseif ($file['size'] > $maxlength_kb) {
             \Message::addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb_readable));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb_readable, 'Uploader uploadTo()', TL_ERROR);
             $this->blnHasError = true;
         } else {
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
             $arrAllowedTypes = trimsplit(',', strtolower($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadTypes']));
             // File type not allowed
             if (!in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), $arrAllowedTypes)) {
                 \Message::addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filetype'], $pathinfo['extension']));
                 $this->log('File type "' . $pathinfo['extension'] . '" is not allowed to be uploaded (' . $file['name'] . ')', 'Uploader uploadTo()', TL_ERROR);
                 $this->blnHasError = true;
             } else {
                 $strNewFile = $strTarget . '/' . $file['name'];
                 // Set CHMOD and resize if neccessary
                 if ($this->Files->move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $strNewFile)) {
                     $this->Files->chmod($strNewFile, 0644);
                     $blnResized = $this->resizeUploadedImage($strNewFile, $file);
                     // Notify the user
                     if (!$blnResized) {
                         \Message::addConfirmation(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['fileUploaded'], $file['name']));
                         $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" uploaded successfully', 'Uploader uploadTo()', TL_FILES);
                     $arrUploaded[] = $strNewFile;
     return $arrUploaded;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function saveCookieName($strString, $ObjDataContainer)
     $arrSearch = array('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+/', '/ +/', '/\\-+/');
     $arrReplace = array('', '-', '-');
     $strString = html_entity_decode($strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']);
     $strString = strip_insert_tags($strString);
     $strString = utf8_romanize($strString);
     $strString = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strString);
     return trim($strString, '-');
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Export a ZAD Send News manager to XML file.
  * @param \DataContainer
 public function exportManager($dc)
     // get the manager data
     $manager = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_zad_sendnews WHERE id=?")->execute($dc->id);
     if ($manager->numRows < 1) {
         // error, exit
     // create a new XML document
     $xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     // root element
     $tables = $xml->createElement('tables');
     $tables->setAttribute('version', '2.0');
     $tables = $xml->appendChild($tables);
     // add manager table
     $this->exportTable('tl_zad_sendnews', $xml, $tables, $manager);
     // add rules table
     $rules = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_zad_sendnews_rule WHERE pid=? ORDER BY sorting")->execute($manager->id);
     $this->exportTable('tl_zad_sendnews_rule', $xml, $tables, $rules);
     // add news_archive table
     $news = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT id,title FROM tl_news_archive WHERE id=?")->execute($manager->news_archive);
     $this->exportTable('tl_news_archive', $xml, $tables, $news);
     // add user table
     $user = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT id,username,name,email FROM tl_user WHERE id=?")->execute($manager->news_author);
     $this->exportTable('tl_user', $xml, $tables, $user);
     // create a zip archive
     $tmp = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     $zip = new \ZipWriter('system/tmp/' . $tmp);
     // add XML document
     $zip->addString($xml->saveXML(), 'sendnews.xml');
     // close archive
     // romanize the file name
     $name = utf8_romanize($manager->name);
     $name = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $name));
     $name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\._-]/', '', $name);
     $name = basename($name);
     // open the "save as …" dialogue
     $file = new \File('system/tmp/' . $tmp, true);
     // send file
     header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '.zip"');
     header('Content-Length: ' . $file->filesize);
     header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
     header('Pragma: public');
     header('Expires: 0');
     $fl = fopen(TL_ROOT . '/system/tmp/' . $tmp, 'rb');
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Slugify a value.
  * @param string $value     Given value.
  * @param string $separator Separator string.
  * @return string
 private function slugify($value, $separator)
     $arrSearch = array('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\.\\&\\/_-]+/', '/[ \\.\\&\\/-]+/');
     $arrReplace = array('', $separator);
     $value = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset);
     $value = strip_insert_tags($value);
     $value = utf8_romanize($value);
     $value = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $value);
     if (!$this->preserveUppercase) {
         $value = strtolower($value);
     return trim($value, $separator);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Generate module
 protected function compile()
     $objTerm = $this->Database->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_glossary_term WHERE pid IN(" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $this->glossaries)) . ")" . " ORDER BY term");
     if ($objTerm->numRows < 1) {
     $arrAnchor = array();
     while ($objTerm->next()) {
         $link = utf8_substr($objTerm->term, 0, 1);
         $key = 'gl' . utf8_romanize($link);
         $arrAnchor[$key] = $link;
     $this->Template->request = ampersand($this->Environment->request, true);
     $this->Template->anchors = $arrAnchor;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Standardize a parameter (strip special characters and convert spaces)
 * @param string  $strString
 * @param boolean $blnPreserveUppercase
 * @return string
function standardize($strString, $blnPreserveUppercase = false)
    $arrSearch = array('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\.\\&\\/_-]+/', '/[ \\.\\&\\/-]+/');
    $arrReplace = array('', '-');
    $strString = html_entity_decode($strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet']);
    $strString = strip_insert_tags($strString);
    $strString = utf8_romanize($strString);
    $strString = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strString);
    if (is_numeric(substr($strString, 0, 1))) {
        $strString = 'id-' . $strString;
    if (!$blnPreserveUppercase) {
        $strString = strtolower($strString);
    return trim($strString, '-');
Exemplo n.º 11
function cleanID($raw_id)
    $sepchar = "_";
    $sepcharpat = '#\\' . $sepchar . '+#';
    $id = trim((string) $raw_id);
    $id = utf8_strtolower($id);
    //alternative namespace seperator
    $id = strtr($id, ';', ':');
    $id = strtr($id, '/', $sepchar);
    $id = utf8_romanize($id);
    $id = utf8_deaccent($id, -1);
    //remove specials
    $id = utf8_stripspecials($id, $sepchar, '\\*');
    $id = utf8_strip($id);
    $id = preg_replace($sepcharpat, $sepchar, $id);
    $id = preg_replace('#:+#', ':', $id);
    $id = preg_replace('#:[:\\._\\-]+#', ':', $id);
    return $id;
  * Generate module
 protected function compile()
     $objTerm = $this->objResult;
     if ($objTerm->numRows < 1) {
         return '';
     $arrAnchor = array();
     $arrLinks = array();
     while ($objTerm->next()) {
         $link = utf8_substr($objTerm->term, 0, 1);
         $key = 'gl' . utf8_romanize($link);
         $arrAnchor[$key] = $link;
         $arrLinks[$key] = array('link' => $link);
         if ($this->glossary_menu_filter) {
             $href .= '&amp;gl=' . $key;
             $arrLinks[$key]['href'] = $this->addToUrl($href);
         } else {
             $arrLinks[$key]['href'] = ampersand($this->Environment->request, true) . '#' . $key;
     $this->Template->request = ampersand($this->Environment->request, true);
     $this->Template->anchors = $arrAnchor;
     $this->Template->links = $arrLinks;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Build up the list with all countries information and cache this information.
  * Return all data from the cache.
  * @return array|null
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CamelCaseVariableName)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable)
 public static function getCountriesList()
     if (empty(self::$arrCountries)) {
         $countries = array();
         $arrTmp = array();
         // Load the language files.
         // Include all files with name.
         require_once TL_ROOT . '/system/config/countries.php';
         require_once TL_ROOT . '/system/config/countriesByContinent.php';
         /** @var $countriesByContinent array */
         foreach ($countriesByContinent as $strConKey => $arrCountries) {
             // Add the main value.
             $strParentName = strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strConKey]) ? utf8_romanize($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CONTINENT'][$strConKey]) : $strConKey;
             // Add all countries.
             foreach (array_keys($arrCountries) as $key) {
                 $arrTmp[$key] = array('name' => strlen($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$key]) ? utf8_romanize($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['CNT'][$key]) : $countries[$key], 'parent-name' => $strParentName, 'parent-short' => $strConKey);
         self::$arrCountries = $arrTmp;
     return self::$arrCountries;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Verification callback to check that a username is valid
  * @param string Username
  * @return bool
 protected function _verifyUsername(&$username)
     if ($this->isUpdate() && $username === $this->getExisting('username')) {
         return true;
         // unchanged, always pass
     // standardize white space in names
     $username = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $username);
     try {
         // if this matches, then \v isn't known (appears to be PCRE < 7.2) so don't strip
         if (!preg_match('/\\v/', 'v')) {
             $newName = preg_replace('/\\v+/u', ' ', $username);
             if (is_string($newName)) {
                 $username = $newName;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $username = trim($username);
     $usernameLength = utf8_strlen($username);
     $minLength = $this->getOption(self::OPTION_USERNAME_LENGTH_MIN);
     $maxLength = $this->getOption(self::OPTION_USERNAME_LENGTH_MAX);
     if (!$this->getOption(self::OPTION_ADMIN_EDIT)) {
         if ($minLength > 0 && $usernameLength < $minLength) {
             $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_is_at_least_x_characters_long', array('count' => $minLength)), 'username');
             return false;
         if ($maxLength > 0 && $usernameLength > $maxLength) {
             $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_is_at_most_x_characters_long', array('count' => $maxLength)), 'username');
             return false;
         $disallowedNames = $this->getOption(self::OPTION_USERNAME_DISALLOWED_NAMES);
         if ($disallowedNames) {
             foreach ($disallowedNames as $name) {
                 $name = trim($name);
                 if ($name === '') {
                 if (stripos($username, $name) !== false) {
                     $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_another_name_disallowed_words'), 'username');
                     return false;
         $matchRegex = $this->getOption(self::OPTION_USERNAME_REGEX);
         if ($matchRegex) {
             $matchRegex = str_replace('#', '\\#', $matchRegex);
             // escape delim only
             if (!preg_match('#' . $matchRegex . '#i', $username)) {
                 $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_another_name_required_format'), 'username');
                 return false;
         $censoredUserName = XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($username);
         if ($censoredUserName !== $username) {
             $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_contain_any_censored_words'), 'username');
             return false;
     // ignore check if unicode properties aren't compiled
     try {
         if (@preg_match("/\\p{C}/u", $username)) {
             $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_without_using_control_characters'), 'username');
             return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (strpos($username, ',') !== false) {
         $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_contain_comma'), 'username');
         return false;
     if (XenForo_Helper_Email::isEmailValid($username)) {
         $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_resemble_an_email_address'), 'username');
         return false;
     $existingUser = $this->_getUserModel()->getUserByName($username);
     if ($existingUser && $existingUser['user_id'] != $this->get('user_id')) {
         $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('usernames_must_be_unique'), 'username');
         return false;
     // compare against romanized name to help reduce confusable issues
     $romanized = utf8_deaccent(utf8_romanize($username));
     if ($romanized != $username) {
         $existingUser = $this->_getUserModel()->getUserByName($romanized);
         if ($existingUser && $existingUser['user_id'] != $this->get('user_id')) {
             $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('usernames_must_be_unique'), 'username');
             return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Save the current value
  * @param mixed
  * @throws Exception
 protected function save($varValue)
     if ($this->Input->post('FORM_SUBMIT') != $this->strTable || !file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension) || !$this->isMounted($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension) || $this->varValue == $varValue) {
     $arrData = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField];
     $varValue = utf8_romanize($varValue);
     // Call save_callback
     if (is_array($arrData['save_callback'])) {
         foreach ($arrData['save_callback'] as $callback) {
             $varValue = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($varValue, $this);
     $this->Files->rename($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension, $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
     // Add a log entry
     if (stristr($this->intId, '__new__') == true) {
         $this->log('Folder "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension . '" has been created', 'DC_Folder save()', TL_FILES);
     } else {
         $this->log('File or folder "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension . '" has been renamed to "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension . '"', 'DC_Folder save()', TL_FILES);
     // Set the new value so the input field can show it
     if ($this->Input->get('act') == 'editAll') {
         $session = $this->Session->getData();
         if (($index = array_search($this->urlEncode($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue) . $this->strExtension, $session['CURRENT']['IDS'])) !== false) {
             $session['CURRENT']['IDS'][$index] = $this->urlEncode($this->strPath . '/' . $varValue) . $this->strExtension;
     $this->varValue = $varValue;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Test romanization of character that would usually be deaccented in a different
  * way FS#1117
  * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 function test_deaccented()
     $this->assertEqual("a A a A a o O", utf8_romanize("å Å ä Ä ä ö Ö"));
Exemplo n.º 17
     * Generate the filter panel and return it as HTML string
     * @param integer $intFilterPanel
     * @return string
    protected function filterMenu($intFilterPanel)
        $fields = '';
        $this->bid = 'tl_buttons_a';
        $sortingFields = array();
        $session = $this->Session->getData();
        $filter = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['mode'] == 4 ? $this->strTable . '_' . CURRENT_ID : $this->strTable;
        // Get the sorting fields
        foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'] as $k => $v) {
            if (intval($v['filter']) == $intFilterPanel) {
                $sortingFields[] = $k;
        // Return if there are no sorting fields
        if (empty($sortingFields)) {
            return '';
        // Set filter from user input
        if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_filters') {
            foreach ($sortingFields as $field) {
                if (\Input::post($field, true) != 'tl_' . $field) {
                    $session['filter'][$filter][$field] = \Input::post($field, true);
                } else {
        } else {
            foreach ($sortingFields as $field) {
                if (isset($session['filter'][$filter][$field])) {
                    // Sort by day
                    if (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(5, 6))) {
                        if ($session['filter'][$filter][$field] == '') {
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . "=''";
                        } else {
                            $objDate = new \Date($session['filter'][$filter][$field]);
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . ' BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->dayBegin;
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->dayEnd;
                    } elseif (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(7, 8))) {
                        if ($session['filter'][$filter][$field] == '') {
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . "=''";
                        } else {
                            $objDate = new \Date($session['filter'][$filter][$field]);
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . ' BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->monthBegin;
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->monthEnd;
                    } elseif (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(9, 10))) {
                        if ($session['filter'][$filter][$field] == '') {
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . "=''";
                        } else {
                            $objDate = new \Date($session['filter'][$filter][$field]);
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . ' BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->yearBegin;
                            $this->values[] = $objDate->yearEnd;
                    } elseif ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['multiple']) {
                        // CSV lists (see #2890)
                        if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['csv'])) {
                            $this->procedure[] = $this->Database->findInSet('?', $field, true);
                            $this->values[] = $session['filter'][$filter][$field];
                        } else {
                            $this->procedure[] = $field . ' LIKE ?';
                            $this->values[] = '%"' . $session['filter'][$filter][$field] . '"%';
                    } else {
                        $this->procedure[] = $field . '=?';
                        $this->values[] = $session['filter'][$filter][$field];
        // Add sorting options
        foreach ($sortingFields as $cnt => $field) {
            $arrValues = array();
            $arrProcedure = array();
            if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['mode'] == 4) {
                $arrProcedure[] = 'pid=?';
                $arrValues[] = CURRENT_ID;
            if (!empty($this->root) && is_array($this->root)) {
                $arrProcedure[] = "id IN(" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $this->root)) . ")";
            // Check for a static filter (see #4719)
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['filter']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['filter'])) {
                foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['list']['sorting']['filter'] as $fltr) {
                    $arrProcedure[] = $fltr[0];
                    $arrValues[] = $fltr[1];
            // Support empty ptable fields (backwards compatibility)
            if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['dynamicPtable']) {
                $arrProcedure[] = $this->ptable == 'tl_article' ? "(ptable=? OR ptable='')" : "ptable=?";
                $arrValues[] = $this->ptable;
            $objFields = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT " . $field . " FROM " . $this->strTable . (is_array($arrProcedure) && strlen($arrProcedure[0]) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $arrProcedure) : ''))->execute($arrValues);
            // Begin select menu
            $fields .= '
<select name="' . $field . '" id="' . $field . '" class="tl_select' . (isset($session['filter'][$filter][$field]) ? ' active' : '') . '">
  <option value="tl_' . $field . '">' . (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['label']) ? $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['label'][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['label']) . '</option>
  <option value="tl_' . $field . '">---</option>';
            if ($objFields->numRows) {
                $options = $objFields->fetchEach($field);
                // Sort by day
                if (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(5, 6))) {
                    $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'] == 6 ? rsort($options) : sort($options);
                    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                        if ($v == '') {
                            $options[$v] = '-';
                        } else {
                            $options[$v] = \Date::parse(\Config::get('dateFormat'), $v);
                } elseif (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(7, 8))) {
                    $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'] == 8 ? rsort($options) : sort($options);
                    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                        if ($v == '') {
                            $options[$v] = '-';
                        } else {
                            $options[$v] = date('Y-m', $v);
                            $intMonth = date('m', $v) - 1;
                            if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MONTHS'][$intMonth])) {
                                $options[$v] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MONTHS'][$intMonth] . ' ' . date('Y', $v);
                } elseif (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(9, 10))) {
                    $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'] == 10 ? rsort($options) : sort($options);
                    foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                        if ($v == '') {
                            $options[$v] = '-';
                        } else {
                            $options[$v] = date('Y', $v);
                // Manual filter
                if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['multiple']) {
                    $moptions = array();
                    // TODO: find a more effective solution
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        // CSV lists (see #2890)
                        if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['csv'])) {
                            $doptions = trimsplit($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['csv'], $option);
                        } else {
                            $doptions = deserialize($option);
                        if (is_array($doptions)) {
                            $moptions = array_merge($moptions, $doptions);
                    $options = $moptions;
                $options = array_unique($options);
                $options_callback = array();
                // Call the options_callback
                if ((is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback']) || is_callable($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) && !$GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['reference']) {
                    if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) {
                        $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'][0];
                        $strMethod = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'][1];
                        $options_callback = $this->{$strClass}->{$strMethod}($this);
                    } elseif (is_callable($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) {
                        $options_callback = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options_callback']($this);
                    // Sort options according to the keys of the callback array
                    $options = array_intersect(array_keys($options_callback), $options);
                $options_sorter = array();
                $blnDate = in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
                // Options
                foreach ($options as $kk => $vv) {
                    $value = $blnDate ? $kk : $vv;
                    // Options callback
                    if (!empty($options_callback) && is_array($options_callback)) {
                        $vv = $options_callback[$vv];
                    } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['foreignKey'])) {
                        $key = explode('.', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['foreignKey'], 2);
                        $objParent = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT " . $key[1] . " AS value FROM " . $key[0] . " WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($vv);
                        if ($objParent->numRows) {
                            $vv = $objParent->value;
                    } elseif ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['isBoolean'] || $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['inputType'] == 'checkbox' && !$GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['multiple']) {
                        $vv = $vv != '' ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['yes'] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['no'];
                    } elseif ($field == 'pid') {
                        $showFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->ptable]['list']['label']['fields'];
                        if (!$showFields[0]) {
                            $showFields[0] = 'id';
                        $objShowFields = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT " . $showFields[0] . " FROM " . $this->ptable . " WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($vv);
                        if ($objShowFields->numRows) {
                            $vv = $objShowFields->{$showFields[0]};
                    $option_label = '';
                    // Use reference array
                    if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['reference'])) {
                        $option_label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv];
                    } elseif ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['eval']['isAssociative'] || array_is_assoc($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options'])) {
                        $option_label = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['options'][$vv];
                    // No empty options allowed
                    if (!strlen($option_label)) {
                        $option_label = $vv ?: '-';
                    $options_sorter['  <option value="' . specialchars($value) . '"' . (isset($session['filter'][$filter][$field]) && $value == $session['filter'][$filter][$field] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $option_label . '</option>'] = utf8_romanize($option_label);
                // Sort by option values
                if (!$blnDate) {
                    if (in_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$field]['flag'], array(2, 4, 12))) {
                        $options_sorter = array_reverse($options_sorter, true);
                $fields .= "\n" . implode("\n", array_keys($options_sorter));
            // End select menu
            $fields .= '
</select> ';
            // Force a line-break after six elements (see #3777)
            if (($cnt + 1) % 6 == 0) {
                $fields .= '<br>';
        return '

<div class="tl_filter tl_subpanel">
<strong>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filter'] . ':</strong> ' . $fields . '
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Clean a name of a key for use as a file name.
 * Romanizes non-latin characters, then strips away anything that's
 * not a letter, number, or underscore.
 * @author Tom N Harris <*****@*****.**>
function idx_cleanName($name)
    $name = utf8_romanize(trim((string) $name));
    $name = preg_replace('#[ \\./\\:-]+#', '_', $name);
    $name = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', $name);
    return strtolower($name);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Return the available languages as array
  * @param boolean $blnInstalledOnly If true, return only installed languages
  * @return array An array of languages
 public static function getLanguages($blnInstalledOnly = false)
     $return = array();
     $languages = array();
     $arrAux = array();
     $langsNative = array();
     include TL_ROOT . '/system/config/languages.php';
     foreach ($languages as $strKey => $strName) {
         $arrAux[$strKey] = isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['LNG'][$strKey]) ? utf8_romanize($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['LNG'][$strKey]) : $strName;
     $arrBackendLanguages = scan(TL_ROOT . '/system/modules/core/languages');
     foreach (array_keys($arrAux) as $strKey) {
         if ($blnInstalledOnly && !in_array($strKey, $arrBackendLanguages)) {
         $return[$strKey] = isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['LNG'][$strKey]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['LNG'][$strKey] : $languages[$strKey];
         if (isset($langsNative[$strKey]) && $langsNative[$strKey] != $return[$strKey]) {
             $return[$strKey] .= ' - ' . $langsNative[$strKey];
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Remove unwanted chars from ID
 * Cleans a given ID to only use allowed characters. Accented characters are
 * converted to unaccented ones
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 * @param  string  $raw_id    The pageid to clean
 * @param  boolean $ascii     Force ASCII
 * @return string cleaned id
function cleanID($raw_id, $ascii = false)
    global $conf;
    static $sepcharpat = null;
    global $cache_cleanid;
    $cache =& $cache_cleanid;
    if ($conf['syslog']) {
        syslog(LOG_WARNING, '[pageutils.php] cleanID: raw_id: ' . $raw_id);
    // check if it's already in the memory cache
    if (isset($cache[(string) $raw_id])) {
        return $cache[(string) $raw_id];
    $sepchar = $conf['sepchar'];
    if ($sepcharpat == null) {
        // build string only once to save clock cycles
        $sepcharpat = '#\\' . $sepchar . '+#';
    $id = trim((string) $raw_id);
    if ($conf['mixedcase'] == 0) {
        $id = utf8_strtolower($id);
    //alternative namespace seperator
    if ($conf['useslash']) {
        $id = strtr($id, ';/', '::');
    } else {
        $id = strtr($id, ';/', ':' . $sepchar);
    if ($conf['deaccent'] == 2 || $ascii) {
        $id = utf8_romanize($id);
    if ($conf['deaccent'] || $ascii) {
        $id = utf8_deaccent($id, -1);
    //remove specials if specialcharacters is set to 0
    if ($conf['specialcharacters'] == 0) {
        $id = utf8_stripspecials($id, $sepchar, '\\*');
    if ($ascii) {
        $id = utf8_strip($id);
    //clean up
    $id = preg_replace($sepcharpat, $sepchar, $id);
    $id = preg_replace('#:+#', ':', $id);
    $id = trim($id, ':._-');
    $id = preg_replace('#:[:\\._\\-]+#', ':', $id);
    $id = preg_replace('#[:\\._\\-]+:#', ':', $id);
    $cache[(string) $raw_id] = $id;
    if ($conf['syslog']) {
        syslog(LOG_WARNING, '[pageutils.php] cleanID: id to be returned: ' . $id);
    return $id;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Check a file name and romanize it
  * @param mixed $varValue
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Exception
 public function checkFilename($varValue)
     $varValue = utf8_romanize($varValue);
     $varValue = str_replace('"', '', $varValue);
     if (strpos($varValue, '/') !== false || preg_match('/\\.$/', $varValue)) {
         throw new Exception($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidName']);
     return $varValue;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Remove unwanted chars from ID
 * Cleans a given ID to only use allowed characters. Accented characters are
 * converted to unaccented ones
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 * @param  string  $raw_id    The pageid to clean
 * @param  boolean $ascii     Force ASCII
 * @param  boolean $media     Allow leading or trailing _ for media files
function cleanID($raw_id, $ascii = false, $media = false)
    global $conf;
    static $sepcharpat = null;
    global $cache_cleanid;
    $cache =& $cache_cleanid;
    // check if it's already in the memory cache
    if (isset($cache[(string) $raw_id])) {
        return $cache[(string) $raw_id];
    $sepchar = $conf['sepchar'];
    if ($sepcharpat == null) {
        // build string only once to save clock cycles
        $sepcharpat = '#\\' . $sepchar . '+#';
    $id = trim((string) $raw_id);
    $id = utf8_strtolower($id);
    //alternative namespace seperator
    $id = strtr($id, ';', ':');
    if ($conf['useslash']) {
        $id = strtr($id, '/', ':');
    } else {
        $id = strtr($id, '/', $sepchar);
    if ($conf['deaccent'] == 2 || $ascii) {
        $id = utf8_romanize($id);
    if ($conf['deaccent'] || $ascii) {
        $id = utf8_deaccent($id, -1);
    //remove specials
    $id = utf8_stripspecials($id, $sepchar, '\\*');
    if ($ascii) {
        $id = utf8_strip($id);
    //clean up
    $id = preg_replace($sepcharpat, $sepchar, $id);
    $id = preg_replace('#:+#', ':', $id);
    $id = $media ? trim($id, ':.-') : trim($id, ':._-');
    $id = preg_replace('#:[:\\._\\-]+#', ':', $id);
    $cache[(string) $raw_id] = $id;
    return $id;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Validate input and set value
  * @return void
 public function validate()
     $this->varValue = $this->getPost($this->strName);
     // No file specified
     if (!isset($_FILES[$this->strName]) || empty($_FILES[$this->strName]['name'])) {
         if ($this->mandatory) {
             if (is_array($this->varValue)) {
                 foreach ($this->varValue as $file) {
                     if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/isotope/' . substr($file['src'], 0, 1) . '/' . $file['src'])) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['mandatory'], $this->strLabel));
     $file = $_FILES[$this->strName];
     $maxlength_kb = number_format($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['maxFileSize'] / 1024, 1, $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['decimalSeparator'], $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['thousandsSeparator']);
     // Romanize the filename
     $file['name'] = utf8_romanize($file['name']);
     // File was not uploaded
     if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
         if (in_array($file['error'], array(1, 2))) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb . ' kB', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         if ($file['error'] == 3) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filepartial'], $file['name']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" was only partially uploaded', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     // File is too big
     if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['maxFileSize'] > 0 && $file['size'] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['maxFileSize']) {
         $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb));
         $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb . ' kB', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
     $uploadTypes = trimsplit(',', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['eval']['extensions']);
     // File type is not allowed
     if (!in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), $uploadTypes)) {
         $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filetype'], $pathinfo['extension']));
         $this->log('File type "' . $pathinfo['extension'] . '" is not allowed to be uploaded (' . $file['name'] . ')', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     if (($arrImageSize = @getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) != false) {
         // Image exceeds maximum image width
         if ($arrImageSize[0] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth'] || $arrImageSize[0] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['gdMaxImgWidth']) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filewidth'], $file['name'], $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum image width of ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth'] . ' pixels', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         // Image exceeds maximum image height
         if ($arrImageSize[1] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight'] || $arrImageSize[1] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['gdMaxImgHeight']) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['fileheight'], $file['name'], $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum image height of ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight'] . ' pixels', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     // Save file in the isotope folder
     if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
         $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
         $strCacheName = standardize($pathinfo['filename'], true) . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
         $uploadFolder = 'isotope/' . substr($strCacheName, 0, 1);
         if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $strCacheName) && md5_file($file['tmp_name']) != md5_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $uploadFolder . '/' . $strCacheName)) {
             $strCacheName = standardize($pathinfo['filename'], true) . '-' . substr(md5_file($file['tmp_name']), 0, 8) . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
             $uploadFolder = 'isotope/' . substr($strCacheName, 0, 1);
         // Make sure directory exists
         $this->Files->move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadFolder . '/' . $strCacheName);
         if (!is_array($this->varValue)) {
             $this->varValue = array();
         $this->varValue[] = array('src' => $strCacheName, 'translate' => !$_SESSION['BE_DATA']['language'][$this->strTable][$this->currentRecord] ? '' : 'all');
Exemplo n.º 24
     * Add the relation filters
     * @param \DataContainer $dc in BE
     * @return string
    public function addRelationFilters($dc)
        if (empty(static::$arrFilterableFields)) {
            return '';
        $filter = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['list']['sorting']['mode'] == 4 ? $dc->table . '_' . CURRENT_ID : $dc->table;
        $session = \Session::getInstance()->getData();
        // Set filter from user input
        if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_filters') {
            foreach (array_keys(static::$arrFilterableFields) as $field) {
                if (\Input::post($field, true) != 'tl_' . $field) {
                    $session['filter'][$filter][$field] = \Input::post($field, true);
                } else {
        $count = 0;
        $return = '<div class="tl_filter tl_subpanel">
<strong>' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['HST']['advanced_filter'] . '</strong> ';
        foreach (static::$arrFilterableFields as $field => $arrRelation) {
            $return .= '<select name="' . $field . '" class="tl_select' . (isset($session['filter'][$filter][$field]) ? ' active' : '') . '">
    <option value="tl_' . $field . '">' . $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['label'][0] . '</option>
    <option value="tl_' . $field . '">---</option>';
            $arrIds = Model::getRelatedValues($arrRelation['reference_table'], $field);
            if (empty($arrIds)) {
                $return .= '</select> ';
                // Add the line-break after 5 elements
                if (++$count % 5 == 0) {
                    $return .= '<br>';
            $options = array_unique($arrIds);
            $options_callback = array();
            // Store the field name to be used e.g. in the options_callback
            $this->field = $field;
            // Call the options_callback
            if ((is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback']) || is_callable($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) && !$GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['reference']) {
                if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) {
                    $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'][0];
                    $strMethod = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'][1];
                    $objClass = \System::importStatic($strClass);
                    $options_callback = $objClass->{$strMethod}($this);
                } elseif (is_callable($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback'])) {
                    $options_callback = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options_callback']($this);
                // Sort options according to the keys of the callback array
                $options = array_intersect(array_keys($options_callback), $options);
            $options_sorter = array();
            // Options
            foreach ($options as $kk => $vv) {
                $value = $vv;
                // Options callback
                if (!empty($options_callback) && is_array($options_callback)) {
                    $vv = $options_callback[$vv];
                } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['foreignKey'])) {
                    // Replace the ID with the foreign key
                    $key = explode('.', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['foreignKey'], 2);
                    $objParent = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT " . $key[1] . " AS value FROM " . $key[0] . " WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($vv);
                    if ($objParent->numRows) {
                        $vv = $objParent->value;
                $option_label = '';
                // Use reference array
                if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['reference'])) {
                    $option_label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['reference'][$vv];
                } elseif ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['eval']['isAssociative'] || array_is_assoc($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options'])) {
                    // Associative array
                    $option_label = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$field]['options'][$vv];
                // No empty options allowed
                if (!strlen($option_label)) {
                    $option_label = $vv ?: '-';
                $options_sorter['  <option value="' . specialchars($value) . '"' . (isset($session['filter'][$filter][$field]) && $value == $session['filter'][$filter][$field] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $option_label . '</option>'] = utf8_romanize($option_label);
            $return .= "\n" . implode("\n", array_keys($options_sorter));
            $return .= '</select> ';
            // Add the line-break after 5 elements
            if (++$count % 5 == 0) {
                $return .= '<br>';
        return $return . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Save the current value
  * @param mixed $varValue
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function save($varValue)
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') != $this->strTable) {
     $arrData = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField];
     // File names
     if ($this->strField == 'name') {
         if (!file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension) || !$this->isMounted($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension) || $this->varValue === $varValue) {
         $varValue = utf8_romanize($varValue);
         // Trigger the save_callback
         if (is_array($arrData['save_callback'])) {
             foreach ($arrData['save_callback'] as $callback) {
                 if (is_array($callback)) {
                     $varValue = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($varValue, $this);
                 } elseif (is_callable($callback)) {
                     $varValue = $callback($varValue, $this);
         // The target exists
         if (strcasecmp($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension, $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension) !== 0 && file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension)) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['fileExists'], $varValue));
         $arrImageTypes = trimsplit(',', strtolower(\Config::get('validImageTypes')));
         // Remove potentially existing thumbnails (see #6641)
         if (in_array(substr($this->strExtension, 1), $arrImageTypes)) {
             foreach (glob(TL_ROOT . '/assets/images/*/' . $this->varValue . '-*' . $this->strExtension) as $strThumbnail) {
                 $this->Files->delete(str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $strThumbnail));
         // Rename the file
         $this->Files->rename($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension, $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
         // New folders
         if (stristr($this->intId, '__new__') !== false) {
             // Update the database
             if ($this->blnIsDbAssisted && \Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension)) {
                 $this->objActiveRecord = \Dbafs::addResource($this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
             $this->log('Folder "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension . '" has been created', __METHOD__, TL_FILES);
         } else {
             // Update the database
             if ($this->blnIsDbAssisted) {
                 $syncSource = \Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension);
                 $syncTarget = \Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
                 if ($syncSource && $syncTarget) {
                     \Dbafs::moveResource($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension, $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
                 } elseif ($syncSource) {
                     \Dbafs::deleteResource($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension);
                 } elseif ($syncTarget) {
                     \Dbafs::addResource($this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension);
             $this->log('File or folder "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension . '" has been renamed to "' . $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension . '"', __METHOD__, TL_FILES);
         // Set the new value so the input field can show it
         if (\Input::get('act') == 'editAll') {
             $session = $this->Session->getData();
             if (($index = array_search($this->strPath . '/' . $this->varValue . $this->strExtension, $session['CURRENT']['IDS'])) !== false) {
                 $session['CURRENT']['IDS'][$index] = $this->strPath . '/' . $varValue . $this->strExtension;
         $this->varValue = $varValue;
     } elseif ($this->blnIsDbAssisted && $this->objActiveRecord !== null) {
         // Convert date formats into timestamps
         if ($varValue != '' && in_array($arrData['eval']['rgxp'], array('date', 'time', 'datim'))) {
             $objDate = new \Date($varValue, \Date::getFormatFromRgxp($arrData['eval']['rgxp']));
             $varValue = $objDate->tstamp;
         // Make sure unique fields are unique
         if ($arrData['eval']['unique'] && $varValue != '' && !$this->Database->isUniqueValue($this->strTable, $this->strField, $varValue, $this->objActiveRecord->id)) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['unique'], $arrData['label'][0] ?: $this->strField));
         // Handle multi-select fields in "override all" mode
         if (\Input::get('act') == 'overrideAll' && ($arrData['inputType'] == 'checkbox' || $arrData['inputType'] == 'checkboxWizard') && $arrData['eval']['multiple']) {
             if ($this->objActiveRecord !== null) {
                 $new = deserialize($varValue, true);
                 $old = deserialize($this->objActiveRecord->{$this->strField}, true);
                 switch (\Input::post($this->strInputName . '_update')) {
                     case 'add':
                         $varValue = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($old, $new)));
                     case 'remove':
                         $varValue = array_values(array_diff($old, $new));
                     case 'replace':
                         $varValue = $new;
                 if (!is_array($varValue) || empty($varValue)) {
                     $varValue = '';
                 } elseif (isset($arrData['eval']['csv'])) {
                     $varValue = implode($arrData['eval']['csv'], $varValue);
                     // see #2890
                 } else {
                     $varValue = serialize($varValue);
         // Convert arrays (see #2890)
         if ($arrData['eval']['multiple'] && isset($arrData['eval']['csv'])) {
             $varValue = implode($arrData['eval']['csv'], deserialize($varValue, true));
         // Trigger the save_callback
         if (is_array($arrData['save_callback'])) {
             foreach ($arrData['save_callback'] as $callback) {
                 if (is_array($callback)) {
                     $varValue = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($varValue, $this);
                 } elseif (is_callable($callback)) {
                     $varValue = $callback($varValue, $this);
         // Save the value if there was no error
         if (($varValue != '' || !$arrData['eval']['doNotSaveEmpty']) && ($this->varValue != $varValue || $arrData['eval']['alwaysSave'])) {
             // If the field is a fallback field, empty all other columns
             if ($arrData['eval']['fallback'] && $varValue != '') {
                 $this->Database->execute("UPDATE " . $this->strTable . " SET " . $this->strField . "=''");
             // Set the correct empty value (see #6284, #6373)
             if ($varValue === '') {
                 $varValue = \Widget::getEmptyValueByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']);
             $this->objActiveRecord->{$this->strField} = $varValue;
             $this->blnCreateNewVersion = true;
             $this->varValue = deserialize($varValue);
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected function _getUrlVersionOfTag($tag)
     $db = $this->_getDb();
     $urlVersion = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/', '', utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($tag)));
     $urlVersion = preg_replace('/[ -]+/', '-', $urlVersion);
     if (!strlen($urlVersion)) {
         $urlVersion = 1 + intval($db->fetchOne("\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT MAX(tag_id)\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM xf_tag\r\n\t\t\t"));
     } else {
         $existing = $db->fetchRow("\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT *\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM xf_tag\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE tag_url = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\tOR (tag_url LIKE ? AND tag_url REGEXP ?)\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY tag_id DESC\r\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\r\n\t\t\t", array($urlVersion, "{$urlVersion}-%", "^{$urlVersion}-[0-9]+\$"));
         if ($existing) {
             $counter = 1;
             if ($existing['tag_url'] != $urlVersion && preg_match('/-(\\d+)$/', $existing['tag_url'], $match)) {
                 $counter = $match[1];
             $testExists = true;
             while ($testExists) {
                 $testExists = $db->fetchOne("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT tag_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM xf_tag\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tag_url = ?\r\n\t\t\t\t\t", "{$urlVersion}-{$counter}");
             $urlVersion .= "-{$counter}";
     return $urlVersion;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Validate the input and set the value
 public function validate()
     // No file specified
     if (!isset($_FILES[$this->strName]) || empty($_FILES[$this->strName]['name'])) {
         if ($this->mandatory) {
             if ($this->strLabel == '') {
             } else {
                 $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['mandatory'], $this->strLabel));
     $file = $_FILES[$this->strName];
     $maxlength_kb = $this->getReadableSize($this->maxlength);
     // Romanize the filename
     $file['name'] = utf8_romanize($file['name']);
     // File was not uploaded
     if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
         if (in_array($file['error'], array(1, 2))) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb, 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
         if ($file['error'] == 3) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filepartial'], $file['name']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" was only partially uploaded', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
     // File is too big
     if ($this->maxlength > 0 && $file['size'] > $this->maxlength) {
         $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filesize'], $maxlength_kb));
         $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum file size of ' . $maxlength_kb, 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
     $strExtension = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $uploadTypes = trimsplit(',', $this->extensions);
     // File type is not allowed
     if (!in_array(strtolower($strExtension), $uploadTypes)) {
         $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filetype'], $strExtension));
         $this->log('File type "' . $strExtension . '" is not allowed to be uploaded (' . $file['name'] . ')', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
     if (($arrImageSize = @getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) != false) {
         // Image exceeds maximum image width
         if ($arrImageSize[0] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth']) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['filewidth'], $file['name'], $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum image width of ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageWidth'] . ' pixels', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
         // Image exceeds maximum image height
         if ($arrImageSize[1] > $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight']) {
             $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['fileheight'], $file['name'], $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight']));
             $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" exceeds the maximum image height of ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['imageHeight'] . ' pixels', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_ERROR);
     // Store file in the session and optionally on the server
     if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
         $_SESSION['FILES'][$this->strName] = $_FILES[$this->strName];
         $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" uploaded successfully', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_FILES);
         if ($this->storeFile) {
             $strUploadFolder = $this->uploadFolder;
             // Overwrite upload folder with user home directory
             if ($this->useHomeDir && FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
                 $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
                 if ($this->User->assignDir && $this->User->homeDir && is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $this->User->homeDir)) {
                     $strUploadFolder = $this->User->homeDir;
             // Store the file if the upload folder exists
             if (strlen($strUploadFolder) && is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strUploadFolder)) {
                 // Do not overwrite existing files
                 if ($this->doNotOverwrite && file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strUploadFolder . '/' . $file['name'])) {
                     $offset = 1;
                     $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
                     $name = $pathinfo['filename'];
                     $arrAll = scan(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strUploadFolder);
                     $arrFiles = preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($name, '/') . '.*\\.' . preg_quote($pathinfo['extension'], '/') . '/', $arrAll);
                     foreach ($arrFiles as $strFile) {
                         if (preg_match('/__[0-9]+\\.' . preg_quote($pathinfo['extension'], '/') . '$/', $strFile)) {
                             $strFile = str_replace('.' . $pathinfo['extension'], '', $strFile);
                             $intValue = intval(substr($strFile, strrpos($strFile, '_') + 1));
                             $offset = max($offset, $intValue);
                     $file['name'] = str_replace($name, $name . '__' . ++$offset, $file['name']);
                 $this->Files->move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $strUploadFolder . '/' . $file['name']);
                 $this->Files->chmod($strUploadFolder . '/' . $file['name'], $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['defaultFileChmod']);
                 $_SESSION['FILES'][$this->strName] = array('name' => $file['name'], 'type' => $file['type'], 'tmp_name' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $strUploadFolder . '/' . $file['name'], 'error' => $file['error'], 'size' => $file['size'], 'uploaded' => true);
                 $this->log('File "' . $file['name'] . '" has been moved to "' . $strUploadFolder . '"', 'FormFileUpload validate()', TL_FILES);
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: Theme.php Projeto: Jobu/core
  * Export a theme
  * @param \DataContainer $dc
 public function exportTheme($dc)
     // Get the theme meta data
     $objTheme = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_theme WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute($dc->id);
     if ($objTheme->numRows < 1) {
     // Romanize the name
     $strName = utf8_romanize($objTheme->name);
     $strName = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $strName));
     $strName = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/', '', $strName);
     $strName = basename($strName);
     // Create a new XML document
     $xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     // Root element
     $tables = $xml->createElement('tables');
     $tables = $xml->appendChild($tables);
     // Add the tables
     $this->addTableTlTheme($xml, $tables, $objTheme);
     $this->addTableTlStyleSheet($xml, $tables, $objTheme);
     $this->addTableTlModule($xml, $tables, $objTheme);
     $this->addTableTlLayout($xml, $tables, $objTheme);
     $this->addTableTlImageSize($xml, $tables, $objTheme);
     // Generate the archive
     $strTmp = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     $objArchive = new \ZipWriter('system/tmp/' . $strTmp);
     // Add the files
     $this->addTableTlFiles($xml, $tables, $objTheme, $objArchive);
     // Add the template files
     $this->addTemplatesToArchive($objArchive, $objTheme->templates);
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['exportTheme']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['exportTheme'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['exportTheme'] as $callback) {
             \System::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback}[1]($xml, $objArchive, $objTheme->id);
     // Add the XML document
     $objArchive->addString($xml->saveXML(), 'theme.xml');
     // Close the archive
     // Open the "save as …" dialogue
     $objFile = new \File('system/tmp/' . $strTmp, true);
     $objFile->sendToBrowser($strName . '.cto');
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function verifyUsername($username, $userId = null)
     // standardize white space in names
     $username = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $username);
     try {
         $newName = preg_replace('/\\v+/u', ' ', $username);
         if (is_string($newName)) {
             $username = $newName;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $username = trim($username);
     $usernameLength = utf8_strlen($username);
     $minLength = $this->getOption('usernameLength', 'min');
     $maxLength = $this->getOption('usernameLength', 'max');
     if ($minLength > 0 && $usernameLength < $minLength) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_is_at_least_x_characters_long', array('count' => $minLength));
     if ($maxLength > 0 && $usernameLength > $maxLength) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_is_at_most_x_characters_long', array('count' => $maxLength));
     $disallowedNames = preg_split('/\\r?\\n/', $this->getOption('usernameValidation', 'disallowedNames'));
     if ($disallowedNames) {
         foreach ($disallowedNames as $name) {
             $name = trim($name);
             if ($name === '') {
             if (stripos($username, $name) !== false) {
                 return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_another_name_disallowed_words');
     $matchRegex = $this->getOption('usernameValidation', 'matchRegex');
     if ($matchRegex) {
         $matchRegex = str_replace('#', '\\#', $matchRegex);
         // escape delim only
         if (!preg_match('#' . $matchRegex . '#i', $username)) {
             return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_another_name_required_format');
     $censoredUserName = XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($username);
     if ($censoredUserName !== $username) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_contain_any_censored_words');
     // ignore check if unicode properties aren't compiled
     try {
         if (@preg_match("/\\p{C}/u", $username)) {
             return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_without_using_control_characters');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (strpos($username, ',') !== false) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_contain_comma');
     if (Zend_Validate::is($username, 'EmailAddress')) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_name_that_does_not_resemble_an_email_address');
     $existingUser = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_User')->getUserByName($username);
     if ($existingUser && (!$userId || $userId && $userId != $existingUser['user_id'])) {
         return new XenForo_Phrase('usernames_must_be_unique');
     // compare against romanized name to help reduce confusable issues
     $romanized = utf8_deaccent(utf8_romanize($username));
     if ($romanized != $username) {
         $existingUser = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_User')->getUserByName($romanized);
         if ($existingUser && (!$userId || $userId && $userId != $existingUser['user_id'])) {
             return new XenForo_Phrase('usernames_must_be_unique');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Gets version of a title that is valid in a URL. Invalid elements are stripped
  * or replaced with '-'. It may not be possible to reverse a URL'd title to the
  * original title.
  * @param string $title
  * @param boolean $romanize If true, non-latin strings are romanized
  * @return string
 public static function getTitleForUrl($title, $romanize = false)
     if ($romanize) {
         $title = utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($title));
     $title = strtr($title, '`!"$%^&*()-+={}[]<>;:@#~,./?|' . "\r\n\t\\", '                             ' . '    ');
     $title = strtr($title, array('"' => '', "'" => ''));
     $title = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '-', trim($title));
     return strtr($title, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');