Exemplo n.º 1
* Borrar puntos
* Option 2: listado de usuarios con puntos (expertos)
if (elgg_is_active_plugin('elggx_userpoints')) {
    $options_count = array('type' => 'user', 'limit' => false, 'count' => true, 'order_by_metadata' => array('name' => 'userpoints_points', 'direction' => DESC, 'as' => integer));
    $options_count['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = array(array('name' => 'userpoints_points', 'value' => -10, 'operand' => '>'));
    $count = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options_count);
    $options = array('type' => 'user', 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
    //, 'order_by_metadata' =>  array('name' => 'userpoints_points', 'direction' => DESC, 'as' => integer));
    //$options['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = array(array('name' => 'userpoints_points', 'value' => -10,  'operand' => '>'));no solo los que tienen puntos... todos
    $experts = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
    foreach ($experts as $entity) {
        $points = -$entity->userpoints_points;
        $description = elgg_echo('evaluationcontent:reset_all:description') . $entity->username;
        $userpoint = userpoints_add($entity->guid, $points, $description);
        $user = get_user($entity->guid);
        $user->nValorations = 0;
        $user->expertise = 0;
        //system_message($user->nValorations . " reset " . $user->username);
        $user->karma = elgg_echo('hflts:karma:none');
        /* hard core erasing is plausible too
           $prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
           delete_data("DELETE from {$prefix}metadata where name_id=" . add_metastring('userpoints_points'));
* Borrar evaluaciones
$list = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(['type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'evaluation_content', 'order_by_metadata' => ['name' => 'state', 'direction' => 'ASC', 'as' => 'text']]);
Exemplo n.º 2
function delete_assessment($entity_guid)
    $evaluation = get_entity($entity_guid);
    $user = get_entity($evaluation->user_guid);
    if ($evaluation->state == "archived") {
        //system_message($user->username . " was assessed by " . $evaluation->owner_guid . " (nValorations " . $user->nValorations .")");
        //drop owner points if the evaluation granted one
        if (elgg_is_active_plugin('elggx_userpoints')) {
            $points = -1;
            $description = $points . elgg_echo('evaluationcontent:point');
            userpoints_add($evaluation->owner_guid, $points, $description, 'admin');
        //update user nValorations
        if ($user->nValorations > 0) {
            $user->nValorations = $user->nValorations - 1;
        //karma should be also updated
    //drop grade
    if (!elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('evaluationcontent:delete', 'system', array('evaluation' => $evaluation), true)) {
    if (!$evaluation->delete()) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Hooks on the invitefriends/invite action and either awards
 * points for the invite or sets up a pending userpoint record
 * where points can be awarded when the invited user registers.
function elggx_userpoints_invite()
    if (!($points = elgg_get_plugin_setting('invite', 'elggx_userpoints'))) {
    $emails = get_input('emails');
    $emails = explode("\n", $emails);
    if (sizeof($emails)) {
        foreach ($emails as $email) {
            $email = trim($email);
            if (get_user_by_email($email)) {
            if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('verify_email', 'elggx_userpoints') && !elggx_userpoints_validEmail($email)) {
            if ((int) elgg_get_plugin_setting('require_registration', 'elggx_userpoints')) {
                if (!elggx_userpoints_invite_status(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), $email)) {
                    $userpoint = userpoints_add_pending(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), $points, $email, 'invite');
                    if (elgg_is_active_plugin('expirationdate') && ($expire = (int) elgg_get_plugin_setting('expire_invite', 'elggx_userpoints'))) {
                        $ts = time() + $expire;
                        expirationdate_set($userpoint->guid, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), false);
            } else {
                if (!elggx_userpoints_invite_status(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), $email)) {
                    userpoints_add(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), $points, $email, 'invite');
                    $userpoint = userpoints_add_pending(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), 0, $email, 'invite');
                    if (elgg_is_active_plugin('expirationdate') && ($expire = (int) elgg_get_plugin_setting('expire_invite', 'elggx_userpoints'))) {
                        $ts = time() + $expire;
                        expirationdate_set($userpoint->guid, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts), false);
Exemplo n.º 4
$autoArchive = elgg_get_plugin_setting('auto_moderation', 'hflts');
//esto lo quiero implementar con una llamada al action archive, pero por lo pronto asi (un action se lanza desde botón)
if ($autoArchive) {
     * se premiará con 1 punto al usuario que realiza la valoracion usando el plugin userpoints (+badgets)
     * TO DO el numero de puntos puede ser configurable
    if (elgg_is_active_plugin('elggx_userpoints')) {
        $points = 1;
        $notify = "Se otorga un punto a " . $evaluation->owner . " por la evaluación realizada a " . $evaluation->name . " relativa al viaje " . $evaluation->trip;
        $description = elgg_echo('evaluationcontent:pointtaken') . $points . elgg_echo('evaluationcontent:point');
        /*	$user = get_user_by_username('strem');	userpoints_add($user->guid, $points, $description, 'admin');*/
        userpoints_add($evaluation->owner_guid, $points, $description, 'admin');
    //Registro del numero de valoraciones
    $user = get_entity($evaluation->user_guid);
    if (!$user->nValorations) {
        $user->karma = 0;
        $user->nValorations = 0;
    $user->nValorations = $user->nValorations + 1;
    // change the state
    $evaluation->state = "archived";
    // allow another plugin to override
    if (!elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('evaluationcontent:archive', 'system', ['evaluation' => $evaluation], true)) {

 * Gain userpoints for hours worked - a skeletal plugin that might need to get customized according to your needs.
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
 * @author iionly
 * @copyright iionly
// get the form input
$params = get_input('params');
$hours_worked = $params['hours_worked'];
$description = $params['description'];
//get GUID and name of user who has entered the hours of revisions
$user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
$username = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->name;
if (function_exists('userpoints_add')) {
    // Add userpoints
    $userpoints_balance = $hours_worked * USERPOINTS_PER_HOUR;
    if ($description == '') {
        $description = elgg_echo('userpoints_balance:no_description', array($username));
    $success = userpoints_add($user_guid, $userpoints_balance, 'Userpoint Balance: ' . $description);
    if ($success) {
        system_message(elgg_echo('userpoints_balance:pointsuccess', array($userpoints_balance, $hours_worked)));
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 6

$params = get_input('params');
$user = get_user_by_username($params['username']);
userpoints_add($user->guid, $params['points'], $params['description'], 'admin');
system_message(elgg_echo("elggx_userpoints:add:success", array($params['points'], elgg_echo('elggx_userpoints:lowerplural'), $params['username'])));