function log__link() { $post = $_REQUEST; unset($post['SID']); unset($post['PHPSESSID']); $arg_list = func_get_args(); foreach ($arg_list as $arg) { $var = explode("=", $arg); $post[$var[0]] = $var[1]; } $link = '<A HREF="' . thisdoc() . '?'; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $link .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } $link .= '">'; return $link; }
if ($mode == 'inbox') { echo lang('mailbox_inbox'); } elseif ($mode == 'experiment') { echo lang('experiment') . ': ' . $experiment['experiment_name']; } elseif ($mode == 'session') { echo lang('session') . ': ' . $experiment['experiment_name'] . ', ' . session__build_name($session); } elseif ($mode == 'participant') { echo lang('participant') . ': ' . $participant['email']; } elseif ($mode == 'mailbox') { echo lang('email_mailbox') . ': ' . $mailboxes[$id]; } elseif ($mode == 'listmailboxes') { echo lang('all_mailboxes'); } elseif ($mode == 'trash') { echo lang('mailbox_trash'); if (check_allow('emails_trash_empty')) { echo button_link(thisdoc() . '?mode=trash&empty_trash=true', lang('email_empty_trash'), 'trash') . '<BR>'; } } echo ' </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR> <TR><TD align="center">'; // list emails if ($mode == 'listmailboxes') { // show mail boxes email__show_mail_boxes(); } elseif ($mode == 'search') { // search for emails and list them } else { echo javascript__email_popup(); email__list_emails($mode, $id, $rmode, $url_string);
} else { $style = 'orsee'; } } } if ($proceed) { echo '<center>'; echo '<TABLE class="or_page_subtitle" style="background: ' . $color['page_subtitle_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['page_subtitle_textcolor'] . '; width: 80%;"> <TR><TD align="center"> ' . lang('style') . ' ' . $style . ' </TD> </TR></TABLE>'; echo ' <TABLE style="width: 80%;"> <TR><TD align="right"> <FORM id="styleform" action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="GET">' . lang('edit_colors_for_style') . survey__render_select_list(array('submitvarname' => 'style', 'option_values' => $styles, 'option_values_lang' => $styles, 'value' => $style, 'include_none_option' => 'n')) . '<INPUT class="button" type="submit" value="' . lang('go') . '"></FORM> </TD> </TR></TABLE>'; $pars = array(':style' => $style); $query = "select * from " . table('options') . "\n where option_type='color'\n and option_style= :style\n order by option_name"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $mycolors = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $mycolors[$line['option_name']] = $line['option_value']; } if (check_allow('settings_edit_colors') && isset($_REQUEST['change']) && $_REQUEST['change']) { $newcolors = $_REQUEST['mycolors']; $now = time(); $pars_new = array(); $pars_update = array(); foreach ($newcolors as $oname => $ovalue) {
function experiment__current_experiment_summary($experimenter = "", $finished = "n", $show_filter = false, $addbutton = true) { global $lang, $expadmindata, $color; $experimentclasses = experiment__load_experimentclassnames(); $experimenters = experiment__load_experimenters(); $pars = array(); $experimenter_arr = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['experimenter_search']) && $_REQUEST['experimenter_search']) { $experimenter_arr = multipicker_json_to_array($_REQUEST['experimenter_search']); } if ($experimenter && count($experimenter_arr) == 0) { $experimenter_arr = array($experimenter); } $exp_clause = query__get_experimenter_or_clause($experimenter_arr); if ($exp_clause['clause']) { $expq = ' AND ' . $exp_clause['clause']; foreach ($exp_clause['pars'] as $k => $v) { $pars[$k] = $v; } } else { $expq = ""; } $class_arr = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['class_search']) && $_REQUEST['class_search']) { $class_arr = multipicker_json_to_array($_REQUEST['class_search']); } $class_clause = query__get_class_or_clause($class_arr); if ($class_clause['clause']) { $classq = ' AND ' . $class_clause['clause']; foreach ($class_clause['pars'] as $k => $v) { $pars[$k] = $v; } } else { $classq = ""; } $finq = " " . table('experiments') . ".experiment_finished= :finished"; $pars[':finished'] = $finished; $aquery = $finq . $expq . $classq; $query = "SELECT " . table('experiments') . ".*,\n\t\t\t\tcount(*) as num_sessions,\n\t\t\t\tif(session_start IS NULL, 1,0) as no_sessions,\n\t\t\t\tmin(if(session_start > date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d%H%i'), \n\t\t\t\tsession_start,NULL)) as time,\n \t\t\tmin(session_start) as first_session_date,\n \t\t\tmax(session_start) as last_session_date\n \t\t\tFROM " . table('experiments') . "\n \t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . table('sessions') . " ON " . table('experiments') . ".experiment_id=" . table('sessions') . ".experiment_id \n \t\t\tWHERE " . table('experiments') . ".experiment_id IS NOT NULL \n \t\t\tAND " . $aquery . " \n \t\t\tGROUP BY experiment_id \n \t\t\tORDER BY no_sessions, time, last_session_date DESC, experiment_id"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $experiments = array(); $eids = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $line['sessions'] = array(); $experiments[$line['experiment_id']] = $line; $eids[] = $line['experiment_id']; } if (count($eids) > 0) { $query = "SELECT * \n\t \t\t\tFROM " . table('sessions') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (session_status='planned' OR session_status='live') \n\t\t\t\t\tAND experiment_id IN (" . implode(',', $eids) . ") \n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY session_start, session_id"; $result = or_query($query); $sids = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['sessions'][$line['session_id']] = $line; $sids[] = $line['session_id']; } // get counts at experiment level // performance is better if doing this separately $query = "SELECT experiment_id, \n\t\t\t\t\tcount(*) as num_assigned \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('participate_at') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE experiment_id IN (" . implode(',', $eids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY experiment_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['num_assigned'] = $line['num_assigned']; } $query = "SELECT experiment_id, \n\t\t\t\t\tcount(*) as num_registered \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('participate_at') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id!=0 \n\t\t\t\t\tAND experiment_id IN (" . implode(',', $eids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY experiment_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['num_registered'] = $line['num_registered']; } $participated_clause = expregister__get_pstatus_query_snippet("participated"); $query = "SELECT experiment_id, \n\t\t\t\t\tcount(*) as num_participated \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('participate_at') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . $participated_clause . " \n\t\t\t\t\tAND experiment_id IN (" . implode(',', $eids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY experiment_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['num_participated'] = $line['num_participated']; } // if ($finished == 'y') { $noshow_clause = expregister__get_pstatus_query_snippet("noshow"); // get showup counts at session level // couldn't get much better performance if separating counts $query = "SELECT " . table('participate_at') . ".experiment_id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(*) as comp_num_registered,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(if(" . $noshow_clause . ",1,0)) as comp_num_noshow \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('participate_at') . ", " . table('sessions') . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . table('participate_at') . ".session_id=" . table('sessions') . ".session_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (" . table('sessions') . ".session_status='completed' OR " . table('sessions') . ".session_status='balanced') \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND " . table('participate_at') . ".experiment_id IN (" . implode(',', $eids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY " . table('participate_at') . ".experiment_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['comp_num_registered'] = $line['comp_num_registered']; $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['comp_num_noshow'] = $line['comp_num_noshow']; } } if (count($sids) > 0) { $query = "SELECT experiment_id, session_id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(*) as num_registered \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . table('participate_at') . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id IN (" . implode(',', $sids) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY experiment_id, session_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['sessions'][$line['session_id']]['num_registered'] = $line['num_registered']; } } } echo ' <center> <BR> <table class="or_panel">'; if ($show_filter) { echo '<TR><TD colspan=2> <FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '"><TABLE border=0><TR><TD>' . lang('restrict_list_to_experiments_of_class') . '</TD><TD>'; echo experiment__experiment_class_select_field('class_search', $class_arr, true, array('cols' => 30, 'picker_maxnumcols' => 3)); echo ' </TD><TD rowspan=2 valign=middle> <INPUT class="button" style="font-size: 8pt; margin: 0;" type=submit name="show" value="' . lang('show') . '"> </TD></TR><TR><TD>' . lang('restrict_list_to_experimenters') . '</TD><TD>'; echo experiment__experimenters_select_field("experimenter_search", $experimenter_arr, true, array('cols' => 30, 'tag_color' => '#f1c06f', 'picker_color' => '#c58720', 'picker_maxnumcols' => 3)); echo ' </TD></TR></TABLE></FORM> </TD></TR>'; } echo ' <TR> <TD colspan=2> <TABLE width="100%" border=0 class="or_panel_title"><TR><TD style="background: ' . $color['panel_title_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['panel_title_textcolor'] . '">'; if ($finished == "y") { echo lang('finished_experiments'); } elseif ($experimenter) { echo lang('my_experiments'); } else { echo lang('experiments'); } echo '</TD><TD style="background: ' . $color['panel_title_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['panel_title_textcolor'] . '">'; if ($addbutton && check_allow('experiment_edit')) { echo button_link("experiment_edit.php?addit=true", lang('register_new_experiment'), 'plus-circle'); } if (!$experimenter) { if ($finished == "n") { echo button_link("experiment_old.php", lang('finished_experiments'), 'fast-backward'); } else { echo button_link("experiment_main.php", lang('current_experiments'), 'fast-forward'); } } echo '</TD></TR> </TABLE> </TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan=2>'; echo count($experiments) . ' '; if ($finished == "n") { echo lang('xxx_current_experiments'); } else { echo lang('xxx_finished_experiments'); } echo ' </TD></TR> <TR><TD width="5%"> </TD> <TD width="95%" colspan=2> <TABLE border=0 width="100%" cellspacing="0">'; foreach ($experiments as $id => $exp) { if ($finished == "n") { experiment__experiments_format_alist($exp); } else { experiment__old_experiments_format_alist($exp); } } echo '</TABLE> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </center> <BR><BR> '; }
<TD style="background: ' . $color['panel_title_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['panel_title_textcolor'] . '"> ' . lang('do_you_agree_rules_privacy') . ' </TD> </TR></TABLE> </TD></TR> <TR><TD align=center> <INPUT class="button" type="submit" name="accept_rules" value="' . lang('yes') . '"> <INPUT class="button" type="submit" name="notaccept_rules" value="' . lang('no') . '"> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </center>'; } } else { $_SESSION['rules'] = true; redirect("public/" . thisdoc()); } $proceed = false; } } if ($proceed) { echo '<center>'; $form = true; $errors__dataform = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['add'])) { $continue = true; if (!isset($_REQUEST['captcha']) || !isset($_SESSION['captcha_string']) || $_REQUEST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['captcha_string']) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['subscriptions']) || !is_array($_REQUEST['subscriptions'])) { $_REQUEST['subscriptions'] = array(); } $_REQUEST['subscriptions'] = id_array_to_db_string($_REQUEST['subscriptions']);
function html__build_menu($menu, $logged_in, $current_user_data_box, $orientation = "vertical") { global $settings__root_url, $color, $lang, $menu__area, $settings; $addp = ""; $ignore_p = array('participant_create.php', 'participant_confirm.php', 'participant_forgot.php'); if (in_array($settings['subject_authentication'], array('token', 'migration'))) { if (isset($_REQUEST['p']) && !in_array(thisdoc(), $ignore_p)) { $addp = "?p=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['p']); } } $list = ''; $final_menu = array(); foreach ($menu as $item) { $continue = true; if ($continue && $item['entrytype'] != 'space') { $continue = false; if ($item['show_if_not_logged_in'] && !$logged_in) { $continue = true; } if ($item['show_if_logged_in'] && $logged_in) { $continue = true; } } if ($continue && $item['entrytype'] != 'space') { if ($item['menu_area'] == 'calendar' && $settings['show_public_calendar'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'rules' && $settings['show_public_rules_page'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'privacy' && $settings['show_public_privacy_policy'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'faqs' && $settings['show_public_faqs'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'impressum' && $settings['show_public_legal_notice'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'contact' && $settings['show_public_contact'] != 'y') { $continue = false; } } if ($continue) { if ($item['entrytype'] == 'space') { $item['entrytype'] = 'head'; $item['menu_area'] = ''; $item['content'] = ''; $item['bg'] = ''; } elseif ($item['menu_area'] == 'current_user_data_box') { $item['entrytype'] = 'head'; $item['content'] = '<FONT class="menu_title" color="' . $color['menu_title'] . '">' . $current_user_data_box . '</FONT>'; $item['bg'] = ''; } else { if (preg_match("/^" . $item['menu_area'] . "/i", $menu__area)) { $item['bg'] = ' bgcolor="' . $color['menu_item_highlighted_background'] . '"'; } else { $item['bg'] = ""; } if (!isset($item['link'])) { $link = ''; } elseif (substr($item['link'], 0, 1) == '/') { $link = $settings__root_url . $item['link'] . $addp; } else { $link = $item['link']; } if ($item['entrytype'] == 'link') { $item['content'] = '<A HREF="' . $link . '" class="menu_item"><FONT color="' . $color['menu_item'] . '">'; } elseif ($item['entrytype'] == 'headlink') { $item['content'] = '<A HREF="' . $link . '" class="menu_title"><FONT color="' . $color['menu_title'] . '">'; } elseif ($item['entrytype'] == 'head') { $item['content'] = '<FONT class="menu_title" color="' . $color['menu_title'] . '">'; } $item['content'] .= lang($item['lang_item']); if ($item['entrytype'] == 'link') { $item['content'] .= '</FONT></A>'; } elseif ($item['entrytype'] == 'headlink') { $item['content'] .= '</FONT></A>'; } elseif ($item['entrytype'] == 'head') { $item['content'] .= '</FONT>'; } if ($item['entrytype'] != 'link') { $item['entrytype'] = 'head'; } } } if ($continue) { $final_menu[] = $item; } } if ($orientation == "vertical") { $list .= '<TABLE border=0>'; foreach ($final_menu as $item) { if (!isset($item['link'])) { $link = ''; } elseif (substr($item['link'], 0, 1) == '/') { $link = $settings__root_url . $item['link'] . $addp; } else { $link = $item['link']; } if ($item['entrytype'] == 'head') { $list .= '<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>'; } $list .= '<TR>'; if ($item['entrytype'] != 'head') { $list .= '<TD> </TD>'; } if (isset($item['icon']) && $item['icon']) { $list .= '<TD ' . $item['bg'] . '>' . micon($item['icon'], $link) . '</TD>'; } else { $list .= '<TD></TD>'; } $list .= '<TD ' . $item['bg']; if ($item['entrytype'] == 'head') { $list .= ' colspan="2"'; } $list .= '>' . $item['content'] . '</TD></TR>'; } $list .= '</TABLE>'; } else { $user_data_box = ''; $list1 = ''; $list2 = ''; $head_up = false; foreach ($final_menu as $item) { if (!isset($item['link'])) { $link = ''; } elseif (substr($item['link'], 0, 1) == '/') { $link = $settings__root_url . $item['link'] . $addp; } else { $link = $item['link']; } if ($item['menu_area'] == 'current_user_data_box') { // if ($head_up) $list2.='<TD colspan=2></TD>'; // $head_up=false; // $list1.='<TD rowspan="2">'.$item['content'].'</TD>'; $user_data_box = str_replace('<BR>', ' ', $item['content']); } elseif ($item['entrytype'] == 'head') { if ($head_up) { $list2 .= '<TD colspan=2></TD>'; } $list1 .= '<TD> </TD>'; $list2 .= '<TD> </TD>'; if (isset($item['icon']) && $item['icon']) { $list1 .= '<TD ' . $item['bg'] . '>' . micon($item['icon'], $link) . '</TD>'; } else { $list1 .= '<TD></TD>'; } $list1 .= '<TD ' . $item['bg'] . '>' . $item['content'] . '</TD>'; $head_up = true; } else { if (!$head_up) { $list1 .= '<TD colspan=2></TD>'; } if (isset($item['icon']) && $item['icon']) { $list2 .= '<TD ' . $item['bg'] . '>' . micon($item['icon'], $link) . '</TD>'; } else { $list2 .= '<TD></TD>'; } $list2 .= '<TD ' . $item['bg'] . '>' . $item['content'] . '</TD>'; $head_up = false; } } $list .= ' ' . $user_data_box . '<BR>'; $list .= '<TABLE border=0>'; $list .= '<TR>' . $list1 . '</TR><TR>' . $list2 . '</TR>'; $list .= '</TABLE>'; } return $list; }
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete_redundant']) && $_REQUEST['delete_redundant']) { $pars = array(); foreach ($redundant as $r) { $pars[] = array(':mysql_column_name' => $r); } $query = "DELETE FROM " . table('profile_fields') . " WHERE mysql_column_name = :mysql_column_name"; $done = or_query($query, $pars); message(lang('redundant_configurations_deleted')); redirect('admin/' . thisdoc()); } } if ($proceed) { echo '<center>'; if (count($redundant) > 0) { $m = lang('pfields_redundant_configurations_message') . '<BR><B>' . implode(", ", $redundant) . '</B>'; $m .= '<BR><FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="POST"> <INPUT class="button" type="submit" name="delete_redundant" value="' . lang('yes') . '"> </FORM> </p>'; show_message($m); echo '<BR><BR>'; } echo '<TABLE class="or_listtable" style="width: 80%;"><thead>'; echo '<TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';">'; echo '<TD>' . lang('mysql_column_name') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . lang('mysql_column_type') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . lang('mysql_column_is_indexed') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . lang('orsee_is_configured') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . lang('enabled?') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . lang('profile_field_type') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD></TD>';
echo ' <TD> ' . button_link('lang_lang_add.php', lang('add_language'), 'plus') . ' </TD>'; } if (check_allow('lang_lang_delete')) { echo ' <TD> ' . button_link('lang_lang_delete.php', lang('delete_language'), 'times') . ' </TD>'; } echo ' </TR> </TABLE><BR><BR> '; // show languages echo '<FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_listtable" style="width: 80%;"><thead> <TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';"> <TD colspan=2>' . lang('installed_languages') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('available_in_public_area') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('available_for_participants') . '</TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> </TR></thead> <tbody>'; $shade = false; foreach ($languages as $language) { echo '<TR'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; $shade = false;
echo '<BR>' . lang('found_active_permanent_query'); } } echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<BR><BR>'; $query_array = query__get_query_array($posted_query['query']); $active_clause = array('query' => participant_status__get_pquery_snippet("eligible_for_experiments"), 'pars' => array()); $exptype_clause = array('query' => "subscriptions LIKE (:experiment_ext_type)", 'pars' => array(':experiment_ext_type' => "%|" . $experiment['experiment_ext_type'] . "|%")); $notyetassigned_clause = array('query' => "participant_id NOT IN (SELECT participant_id FROM " . table('participate_at') . " WHERE experiment_id= :experiment_id)", 'pars' => array(':experiment_id' => $experiment_id)); $additional_clauses = array($active_clause, $exptype_clause, $notyetassigned_clause); $query = query__get_query($query_array, $query_id, $additional_clauses, $sort); //echo '<TABLE width="70%" border=0><TR><TD><B>Query:</B></TD></TR><TR><TD>'; //echo $query['query']; //echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; //dump_array($query['pars'],"Parameters"); echo '<FORM name="part_list" method="POST" action="' . thisdoc() . '"> <INPUT type=hidden name=experiment_id value="' . $experiment_id . '">'; // show list of results $assign_ids = query_show_query_result($query, "assign"); $_SESSION['assign_ids_' . $experiment_id] = $assign_ids; echo '</FORM>'; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['lastquery_assign_' . $experiment_id])) { $_SESSION['lastquery_assign_' . $experiment_id] = ''; } $load_query = $_SESSION['lastquery_assign_' . $experiment_id]; if (!$load_query) { $load_query = query__load_default_query('assign', $experiment_id); } $hide_modules = array('statusids'); $status_query = participant_status__get_pquery_snippet("eligible_for_experiments");
</TR>'; } } if ($settings['allow_permanent_queries'] == 'y') { $perm_queries = query__get_permanent($experiment_id); if (count($perm_queries) > 0) { $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); echo '<TR><TD colspan=3><B>' . lang('found_active_permanent_query') . '</B></TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD colspan=3><TABLE width="100%" border="0">'; foreach ($perm_queries as $pquery) { $posted_query = $json->decode($pquery['json_query']); $pseudo_query_array = query__get_pseudo_query_array($posted_query['query']); $pseudo_query_display = query__display_pseudo_query($pseudo_query_array, false); echo '<TR><TD>' . $pseudo_query_display . '</TD><TD>'; if (check_allow('experiment_assign_query_permanent_deactivate')) { echo button_link(thisdoc() . '?experiment_id=' . $experiment_id . '&permanent_deactivate=true', lang('deactivate_permanent_query'), 'toggle-off'); } echo '</TD></TR>'; } '</TABLE></TD></TR>'; } } echo ' <TR><TD colspan=3> <TABLE class="or_option_buttons_box" style="background: ' . $color['options_box_background'] . ';">'; $buttons = array(); if (check_allow('experiment_assign_participants')) { $buttons[] = button_link('experiment_add_participants.php?experiment_id=' . $experiment['experiment_id'], lang('assign_subjects'), 'plus-square'); $buttons[] = button_link('experiment_drop_participants.php?experiment_id=' . $experiment['experiment_id'], lang('delete_assigned_subjects')); } if (check_allow('experiment_invitation_edit')) { $buttons[] = button_link('experiment_mail_participants.php?experiment_id=' . $experiment['experiment_id'], lang('send_invitations'), 'envelope');
$type = $_REQUEST['type']; } else { redirect('admin/options_main.php'); } } if ($proceed) { if (isset($_REQUEST['search_submit'])) { $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); if (isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { $posted_query = $_REQUEST['form']; } else { $posted_query = array('query' => array()); } $posted_query_json = $json->encodeUnsafe($posted_query); $done = query__save_default_query($posted_query_json, 'default_' . $type); redirect('admin/' . thisdoc() . '?type=' . $type); } } if ($proceed) { $titles = array('assign' => 'default_search_for_assigning_participants_to_experiment', 'deassign' => 'default_search_for_deassigning_participants_from_experiment', 'participants_search_active' => 'default_search_for_active_participants', 'participants_search_all' => 'default_search_for_all_participants'); echo '<center>'; show_message(); $load_query = query__load_default_query($type); if ($type == 'participants_search_active') { $hide_modules = array('statusids'); } else { $hide_modules = array(); } $formextra = '<INPUT type="hidden" name="type" value="' . $type . '">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_formtable" style="min-width: 80%"> <TR><TD>
function participant__show_admin_form($edit, $button_title = "", $errors, $extra = "") { global $lang, $settings, $color; $out = array(); if (!isset($edit['participant_id'])) { $edit['participant_id'] = ''; } if (!isset($edit['subpool_id'])) { $edit['subpool_id'] = 1; } $subpool = orsee_db_load_array("subpools", $edit['subpool_id'], "subpool_id"); if (!$subpool['subpool_id']) { $subpool = orsee_db_load_array("subpools", 1, "subpool_id"); } $edit['subpool_id'] = $subpool['subpool_id']; $pools = subpools__get_subpools(); foreach ($pools as $p => $pool) { $out['is_subjectpool_' . $p] = false; } $out['is_subjectpool_' . $subpool['subpool_id']] = true; echo '<FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="POST">'; echo '<table border="0">'; echo '<TR><TD valign="top">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_formtable" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 100%"><TR><TD>'; // get the participant form participant__show_inner_form($edit, $errors, true); echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD><TD valign="top">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_formtable" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 100%; background: ' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"><TR><TD>'; echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="participant_id" value="' . $edit['participant_id'] . '">'; global $hide_header; if (isset($hide_header) && $hide_header) { echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="hide_header" value="true">'; } $adminformoutput = participant__get_inner_admin_form($edit, $errors); if ($adminformoutput) { echo '<TABLE width="100%"> <TR><TD valign="top" bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '">'; echo $adminformoutput; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; } echo '<BR>'; // then show the rest // initialize if (!isset($edit['participant_id'])) { $edit['participant_id'] = '???'; } if (!isset($edit['participant_id_crypt'])) { $edit['participant_id_crypt'] = '???'; } if (isset($edit['creation_time'])) { $tout['creation_time'] = ortime__format($edit['creation_time'], '', lang('lang')); } else { $tout['creation_time'] = ''; } if (!isset($edit['rules_signed'])) { $edit['rules_signed'] = ''; } if (!isset($edit['session_id'])) { $edit['session_id'] = ''; } if (!isset($edit['remarks'])) { $edit['remarks'] = ''; } echo '<table width="100%">'; echo ' <tr><td>' . lang('subpool') . '</td> <td>' . subpools__select_field("subpool_id", $edit['subpool_id']) . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>'; echo ' <tr><td>' . lang('id') . '</td> <td>' . $edit['participant_id'] . ' (' . $edit['participant_id_crypt'] . ')</td></tr> <tr><td>' . lang('creation_time') . '</td> <td>'; if (isset($edit['creation_time'])) { echo ortime__format($edit['creation_time'], '', lang('lang')); } else { echo '???'; } echo ' </td></tr>'; if ($settings['enable_rules_signed_tracking'] == 'y') { echo '<tr><td>' . lang('rules_signed') . '</td> <td>' . participant__rules_signed_form_field($edit['rules_signed']) . '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td valign="top">' . lang('remarks') . '</td> <td>' . participant__remarks_form_field($edit['remarks']) . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2> </td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2 align=left> ' . participant__add_to_session_checkbox() . ' ' . lang('register_sub_for_session') . '<BR> ' . participant__add_to_session_select($edit['session_id'], $edit['participant_id']) . ' </td></tr>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="bottom" bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '">'; echo '<table> <tr style="outline: 2px solid red;"> <td> <B>' . lang('participant_status') . '</B>: '; if (check_allow('participants_change_status')) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['status_id'])) { $_REQUEST['status_id'] = ""; } if ($_REQUEST['status_id'] == '0') { $hide = array(); } else { $hide = array('0'); } echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="old_status_id" value="' . $_REQUEST['status_id'] . '">' . participant_status__select_field('status_id', $_REQUEST['status_id'], $hide); } elseif (!$edit['participant_id']) { $default_status = participant_status__get("is_default_active"); $statuses = participant_status__get_statuses(); echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="status_id" value="' . $default_status . '">' . $statuses[$default_status]['name']; } else { echo participant_status__get_name($_REQUEST['status_id']); } echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; if (!$button_title) { $button_title = lang('change'); } echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> <INPUT class="button" name="add" type="submit" value="' . $button_title . '"> </td></tr>'; echo '</table></form>'; }
<?php // part of orsee. see if ($proceed) { echo ' <br><BR><BR> <center>'; if (!preg_match("(admin_login|admin_logout|index.php)", thisdoc())) { echo ' ' . icon('home', 'index.php') . '<A href="index.php">' . lang('mainpage') . '</a> <BR><BR> '; } if (!preg_match("(admin_login|admin_logout)", thisdoc())) { echo '<A href="admin_logout.php">' . icon('logout') . '<FONT COLOR=RED>' . lang('logout') . '</FONT></A>'; } echo '<BR><BR></center>'; debug_output(); html__show_style_footer('admin'); html__footer(); }
function headcell($value, $sort = "", $focus = "") { global $color; if (!isset($_REQUEST['focus'])) { $_REQUEST['focus'] = ""; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['experiment_id'])) { $_REQUEST['experiment_id'] = ""; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['session_id'])) { $_REQUEST['session_id'] = ""; } echo ' <TD class=small'; if ($_REQUEST['focus'] == $focus && $focus) { echo ' style="background: ' . $color['list_header_highlighted_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_highlighted_textcolor'] . ';"'; } echo '>'; if ($sort) { echo '<A HREF="' . thisdoc() . '?sort=' . urlencode($sort) . '&show=true'; if ($_REQUEST['experiment_id']) { echo '&experiment_id=' . $_REQUEST['experiment_id']; } if ($_REQUEST['session_id']) { echo '&session_id=' . $_REQUEST['session_id']; } if ($_REQUEST['focus']) { echo '&focus=' . $_REQUEST['focus']; } echo '">'; } echo '<FONT class="small"'; if ($_REQUEST['focus'] == $focus && $focus) { echo ' color="' . $color['list_header_highlighted_textcolor'] . '"'; } echo '>'; echo $value; echo '</FONT>'; if ($sort) { echo '</A>'; } echo '</TD>'; }
$thispar = array(':participant_id' => $pid, ':pending_profile_update_request' => $_REQUEST['new_profile_update_status'], ':profile_update_request_new_pool' => $new_pool); $pars[] = $thispar; $target = "participant_id: " . $pid . ", update_request: " . $_REQUEST['new_profile_update_status']; if ($new_pool) { $target .= ", new_pool: " . $new_pool; } log__admin("bulk_set_profile_update_request", $target); } $query = "UPDATE " . table('participants') . "\n SET pending_profile_update_request= :pending_profile_update_request,\n profile_update_request_new_pool = :profile_update_request_new_pool\n WHERE participant_id = :participant_id"; $done = or_query($query, $pars); message($num_participants . ' ' . lang('xxx_participants_were_assigned_a_new_profile_update_status')); redirect('admin/' . thisdoc() . '?active=' . $active . '&search_sort=' . $search_sort); } } else { // redirect to same page redirect('admin/' . thisdoc() . '?active=' . $active . '&search_sort=' . $search_sort); } } else { message(lang('no_participants_selected')); $_REQUEST['search_sort'] = $search_sort; } } } if ($proceed) { echo '<center>'; show_message(); } if ($proceed) { if (isset($_REQUEST['search_submit']) || isset($_REQUEST['search_sort'])) { $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); if (isset($_REQUEST['search_sort'])) {
<TR><TD align="center"> ' . $experiment['experiment_name']; if ($session_id) { echo ', ' . lang('session') . ' ' . session__build_name($session); } echo ', ' . $title . ' </TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; if ($display != 'enrol') { echo '<P align=right><A class="small" HREF="experiment_participants_show_pdf.php' . $thiscgis . '" target="_blank">' . lang('print_version') . '</A></P>'; } // show query //echo ' <P class="small">Query: '.$query.'</P>'; // form echo ' <FORM name="part_list" method=post action="' . thisdoc() . '"> <BR> <table class="or_listtable" style="width: 95%"><thead> <TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';">'; echo participant__get_result_table_headcells($cols); echo ' </TR></thead> <tbody>'; $shade = false; if (check_allow('experiment_edit_participants')) { $disabled = false; } else { $disabled = true; } $pnr = 0; foreach ($participants as $p) {
if (in_array($_REQUEST['language'], $langarray)) { $_SESSION['pauthdata']['language'] = $_REQUEST['language']; } } $lang = load_language($_SESSION['pauthdata']['language']); } if ($proceed) { if (!in_array(thisdoc(), array('participant_create.php', 'captcha.php'))) { unset($_SESSION['subpool_id']); unset($_SESSION['rules']); } } if ($proceed) { // require participant login for the following pages $part_load = array("participant_edit.php", "participant_delete.php", "participant_show.php", "participant_show_mob.php", "participant_change_pw.php", "participant_logout.php"); if (in_array(thisdoc(), $part_load)) { $token_string = ''; // if already logged in, just load participant data if (isset($_SESSION['pauthdata']['user_logged_in']) && $_SESSION['pauthdata']['user_logged_in'] && isset($_SESSION['pauthdata']['participant_id']) && $_SESSION['pauthdata']['participant_id']) { $participant = orsee_db_load_array("participants", $_SESSION['pauthdata']['participant_id'], "participant_id"); $participant_id = $participant['participant_id']; } else { if ($settings['subject_authentication'] == 'token') { // if we work with tokens, check whether we are logged in and load participant data if ($participant_id) { $participant = orsee_db_load_array("participants", $participant_id, "participant_id"); $token_string = "?p=" . urlencode($participant['participant_id_crypt']); } else { redirect("public/"); } } elseif ($settings['subject_authentication'] == 'migration') {
<?php // part of orsee. see $debug__script_started = microtime(); include "../config/settings.php"; include "../config/system.php"; include "../config/requires.php"; $proceed = true; if ($proceed) { $document = thisdoc(); if ($settings__stop_admin_site == "y" && $document != "error_temporaly_disabled.php") { redirect("errors/error_temporaly_disabled.php"); } } if ($proceed) { site__database_config(); $settings = load_settings(); $settings['style'] = $settings['orsee_admin_style']; $color = load_colors(); session_set_save_handler("orsee_session_open", "orsee_session_close", "orsee_session_read", "orsee_session_write", "orsee_session_destroy", "orsee_session_gc"); session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['expadmindata'])) { $expadmindata = $_SESSION['expadmindata']; } else { $expadmindata = array(); } // Check for login if (!(isset($expadmindata['adminname']) && $expadmindata['adminname']) && $document != "admin_login.php") { redirect("admin/admin_login.php"); $proceed = false; }
if (!check_allow('experiment_restriction_override')) { check_experiment_allowed($experiment, "admin/experiment_show.php?experiment_id=" . $experiment_id); } } if ($proceed) { $alllangs = get_languages(); if (isset($_REQUEST['replang']) && in_array($_REQUEST['replang'], $alllangs) && $_REQUEST['replang'] != lang('lang')) { $replang = $_REQUEST['replang']; } else { $replang = lang('lang'); } $lang_names = lang__get_language_names(); $switchlang_text = ''; foreach ($alllangs as $thislang) { if ($thislang != $replang) { $switchlang_text .= '<A HREF="' . thisdoc() . '?experiment_id=' . $experiment_id . '&replang=' . $thislang . '"><span class="languageicon langicon-' . $thislang . '">'; if (isset($lang_names[$thislang]) && $lang_names[$thislang]) { $switchlang_text .= $lang_names[$thislang]; } else { $switchlang_text .= $thislang; } $switchlang_text .= '</span></A> '; } } if ($switchlang_text) { $switchlang_text = '<P align="right">' . lang('this_report_in_language') . ' ' . $switchlang_text . '</P>'; } if ($replang != lang('lang')) { $switched_lang = true; $mylang = $lang; $lang = load_language($_REQUEST['replang']);
$_SESSION['stats_data'] = $stats_data; echo '<center>'; if ($browsable) { echo '<FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '" METHOD="POST">'; echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="all" value="' . urlencode($all) . '">'; } echo '<TABLE border=0 cellspacing="0" width="100%">'; echo '<TR><TD align="center">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_page_subtitle" style="background: ' . $color['page_subtitle_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['page_subtitle_textcolor'] . '"><TR><TD> ' . lang('subject_pool_statistics') . ' ' . $title_add . ' </TD>'; echo '<TD>'; if ($all) { echo '<P align="right">' . button_link(thisdoc(), lang('stats_show_for_active'), 'dot-circle-o') . '</p>'; } else { echo '<P align="right">' . button_link(thisdoc() . '?all=true', lang('stats_show_for_all'), 'circle-o') . '</p>'; } echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo ' </TD></TR>'; if ($browsable) { echo '<TR><TD align="center"><BR><INPUT class="button" type="submit" name="filter" value="' . lang('apply_filter') . '"><BR></TD></TR>'; } foreach ($stats_data as $k => $table) { if (isset($table['data']) && is_array($table['data']) && count($table['data']) > 0) { $show = true; } else { $show = false; } if ($show) { $out = stats__stats_display_table($table, $browsable, $restrict);
$done = or_query($query, $pars); $done = experimentmail__send_bulk_mail_to_queue($bulk_id, $plist_ids); message($number . ' ' . lang('xxx_bulk_mails_sent_to_mail_queue')); log__admin("bulk_mail", "recipients:" . $number); redirect('admin/'); } } } if ($proceed) { echo '<center> <TABLE class="or_page_subtitle" style="background: ' . $color['page_subtitle_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['page_subtitle_textcolor'] . '; width: 80%"> <TR><TD align="center">' . $number . ' ' . lang('recipients') . '</TD></TR></TABLE> '; show_message(); // form echo '<FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="post"> <TABLE class="or_formtable" style="width: 80%">'; foreach ($inv_langs as $inv_lang) { if (count($inv_langs) > 1) { echo '<TR><TD colspan=2> <TABLE width="100%" border=0 class="or_panel_title"><TR> <TD style="background: ' . $color['panel_title_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['panel_title_textcolor'] . '"> ' . $inv_lang . ': </TD> </TR></TABLE> </TD></TR>'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST[$inv_lang . '_subject'])) { $_REQUEST[$inv_lang . '_subject'] = ""; } if (!isset($_REQUEST[$inv_lang . '_body'])) {
function query__resulthead_assign($type = 'assign') { echo '<TABLE border="0" width="95%">'; echo '<TR><TD>'; // assign/deassign echo '<TABLE border="0" style="outline: 1px solid black;"><TR>'; if ($type == 'assign') { echo '<TD><INPUT class="button" type=submit name="addselected" value="' . lang('assign_only_marked_participants') . '"></TD>'; echo '<TD><INPUT class="button" type=submit name="addall" value="' . lang('assign_all_participants_in_list') . '"></TD>'; } else { echo '<TD><INPUT class="button" type=submit name="dropselected" value="' . lang('remove_only_marked_participants') . '"></TD>'; echo '<TD><INPUT class="button" type=submit name="dropall" value="' . lang('remove_all_participants_in_list') . '"></TD>'; } echo '</TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD> </TD>'; // back to query form button $cgivars = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['active']) && $_REQUEST['active']) { $cgivars[] = 'active=true'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['experiment_id']) && $_REQUEST['experiment_id']) { $cgivars[] = 'experiment_id=' . $_REQUEST['experiment_id']; } echo '<TD><A HREF="' . thisdoc(); if (count($cgivars) > 0) { echo '?' . implode("&", $cgivars); } echo '" class="button fa-backward" style="font-size: 8pt">Back to query form</A>'; echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; }
$field_names = array(); foreach ($pform_fields as $f) { $field_names[$f['mysql_column_name']] = lang($f['name_lang']); } // sanitize search_for $columns = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['search_for']) && is_array($_REQUEST['search_for'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['search_for'] as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $fields)) { $columns[] = $k; } } } if (count($columns) == 0) { message(lang('no_data_columns_selected')); redirect('admin/' . thisdoc()); } else { $query = "SELECT count(*) as num_matches, " . implode(', ', $columns) . "\n FROM " . table('participants') . "\n GROUP BY " . implode(', ', $columns) . "\n HAVING num_matches>1\n ORDER BY num_matches DESC"; $result = or_query($query); $dupvals = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $dupvals[] = $line; } if (check_allow('participants_edit')) { echo javascript__edit_popup(); } $part_statuses = participant_status__get_statuses(); $cols = participant__get_result_table_columns('result_table_search_duplicates'); echo '<TABLE class="or_listtable"><thead>'; echo '<TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';">'; echo '<TD> </TD>';
function email__list_emails($mode = 'inbox', $id = '', $rmode = 'assigned', $url_string = '', $show_refresh = true) { global $color, $lang, $settings; if (substr($url_string, 0, 1) == '?') { $url_string = substr($url_string, 1); } $conditions = array(); $pars = array(); if ($mode == 'trash') { $conditions[] = ' flag_deleted=1 '; } else { $conditions[] = ' flag_deleted=0 '; } if ($mode == 'inbox') { $conditions[] = ' flag_processed=0 '; } elseif ($mode == 'mailbox') { $conditions[] = ' mailbox=:mailbox '; $pars[':mailbox'] = $id; } elseif ($mode == 'experiment') { $conditions[] = ' experiment_id=:experiment_id '; $pars[':experiment_id'] = $id; } elseif ($mode == 'session') { $conditions[] = ' session_id=:session_id '; $pars[':session_id'] = $id; } elseif ($mode == 'participant') { $conditions[] = ' participant_id=:participant_id '; $pars[':participant_id'] = $id; } if ($rmode == 'assigned') { global $expadmindata; $ass_clause = query__get_experimenter_or_clause(array($expadmindata['admin_id']), 'emails', 'assigned_to'); $conditions[] = $ass_clause['clause']; foreach ($ass_clause['pars'] as $k => $v) { $pars[$k] = $v; } } elseif ($rmode == 'experiments') { global $expadmindata; $likelist = query__make_like_list($expadmindata['admin_id'], 'assigned_to'); $conditions[] = " experiment_id IN (SELECT experiment_id as id\n FROM " . table('experiments') . " WHERE (" . $likelist['par_names'] . ") ) "; foreach ($likelist['pars'] as $k => $v) { $pars[$k] = $v; } } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('emails') . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conditions) . "\n ORDER BY thread_time DESC, thread_id, if (thread_id=message_id,0,1), timestamp"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $emails = array(); $experiment_ids = array(); $session_ids = array(); while ($email = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $emails[] = $email; if ($mode != 'experiment' && $email['experiment_id']) { $experiment_ids[] = $email['experiment_id']; } if ($mode != 'session' && $email['session_id']) { $session_ids[] = $email['session_id']; } } $mailboxes = email__load_mailboxes(); $shade = false; $related_experiments = experiment__load_experiments_for_ids($experiment_ids); $related_sessions = sessions__load_sessions_for_ids($session_ids); echo '<table style="max-width: 90%;">'; if ($show_refresh) { echo ' <tr><td align="right"> ' . icon('refresh', thisdoc() . '?' . $url_string, 'fa-2x', 'color: green;', 'refresh list'), ' </td></tr>'; } echo ' <tr><td> <table class="or_listtable"><thead> <tr style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';">'; echo '<td> </td>'; // is thread head echo '<td>' . lang('email_subject') . '</td>'; // type: incoming, note, reply && subject echo '<td>' . lang('email_from') . '</td>'; // from echo '<td>' . lang('date') . '</td>'; // date echo '<td></td>'; // read // assigned_to_read echo '<td></td>'; // processed - check and background of row echo '<td></td>'; // view email button echo '</tr> </thead><tbody>'; $cols = 7; $shade = false; $style_unprocessed = ' style="font-weight: bold;"'; foreach ($emails as $email) { $second_row = ''; if ($email['thread_id'] == $email['message_id']) { if ($shade) { $shade = false; } else { $shade = true; } $second_row = ""; // experiment or mailbox - not if experiment or session or mailbox if (!in_array($mode, array('experiment', 'session', 'mailbox'))) { if ($email['experiment_id']) { if (isset($related_experiments[$email['experiment_id']])) { $second_row .= $related_experiments[$email['experiment_id']]['experiment_name']; } } elseif ($email['mailbox']) { $second_row .= '<b>' . lang('email_mailbox') . ':</b> ' . $mailboxes[$email['mailbox']]; } } // session - not if session or mailbox if (!in_array($mode, array('session', 'mailbox'))) { if ($email['session_id']) { if ($second_row) { $second_row .= ', '; } $second_row .= session__build_name($related_sessions[$email['session_id']]); } } // assigned to if ($settings['email_module_allow_assign_emails'] == 'y' && $email['assigned_to']) { if ($second_row) { $second_row .= ', '; } $second_row .= experiment__list_experimenters($email['assigned_to'], false, true); } } echo '<tr'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } if (!$email['flag_processed'] && $mode != 'inbox') { echo $style_unprocessed; } echo '>'; // thread head and subject if ($email['message_id'] == $email['thread_id']) { echo '<TD colspan=2>'; } else { echo '<TD></TD><TD>'; } echo '<A name="' . $email['message_id'] . '"></A>'; $linktext = ''; if ($email['message_type'] == 'reply') { $linktext .= icon('reply', '', '', ' color: #666666;', 'reply'); } elseif ($email['message_type'] == 'note') { $linktext .= icon('file-text-o', '', '', ' color: #666666;', 'internal note'); } elseif ($email['message_type'] == 'incoming') { $linktext .= icon('envelope-square', '', '', ' color: #666666;', 'incoming'); } $linktext .= ' '; if ($email['message_type'] == 'note') { $linktext .= lang('email_internal_note'); } else { $linktext .= $email['subject']; } echo $linktext; if ($email['has_attachments']) { echo icon('paperclip'); } echo '</TD>'; // from echo '<td>'; if ($email['message_type'] == 'reply') { echo experiment__list_experimenters($email['admin_id'], false, true) . ' <' . $email['from_address'] . '>'; } elseif ($email['message_type'] == 'note') { echo experiment__list_experimenters($email['admin_id'], false, true); } else { if ($email['from_name']) { echo $email['from_name'] . ' <' . $email['from_address'] . '>'; } else { echo $email['from_address']; } } if ($email['message_type'] == 'incoming' && $email['participant_id']) { echo icon('check-circle-o', '', '', ' font-size: 8pt; color: #666666;', 'checked'); } echo '</td>'; // date echo '<td>' . ortime__format($email['timestamp']) . '</td>'; if ($email['thread_id'] == $email['message_id']) { // read // assigned_to_read echo '<td align=center valign=middle>'; echo '<A HREF="' . thisdoc() . '?' . $url_string . '&switch_read=true&message_id=' . urlencode($email['message_id']) . '">'; if ($email['flag_read']) { echo icon('circle-o', '', '', ' color: #666666;'); } else { echo icon('dot-circle-o', '', '', ' color: #008000;'); } echo '</A>'; if ($settings['email_module_allow_assign_emails'] == 'y' && $email['assigned_to']) { echo '<A HREF="' . thisdoc() . '?' . $url_string . '&switch_assigned_to_read=true&message_id=' . urlencode($email['message_id']) . '">'; if ($email['flag_assigned_to_read']) { echo icon('circle-o', '', '', ' color: #666666;'); } else { echo icon('dot-circle-o', '', '', ' color: #000080;'); } echo '</A>'; } echo '</td>'; // processed - check and background of row echo '<td>'; if ($email['flag_processed']) { echo icon('check', '', '', ' color: #008000;'); } echo '</td>'; // view email button echo '<td valign="top"'; if ($second_row) { echo ' rowspan="2"'; } echo '>'; echo javascript__email_popup_button_link($email['message_id']); echo '</td>'; } else { echo '<td colspan="3"></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; if ($second_row) { echo '<tr'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } if (!$email['flag_processed'] && $mode != 'inbox') { echo $style_unprocessed; } echo '>'; echo '<TD></TD>'; echo '<TD colspan="' . ($cols - 2) . '">'; echo '<i>' . $second_row . '</i>'; echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR>'; } } echo '</tbody></table> </td></tr> </table>'; }
} echo '</SELECT></TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD colspan="2" align="center"> <INPUT type="submit" class="button" name="submit1" value="Next"> </TD></TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; echo '</FORM>'; } } if ($continue) { $old_version = $_REQUEST['old_version']; $old_database = $_REQUEST['old_database']; ///////////////////////// if ($old_version == "orsee2") { if (isset($_REQUEST['submit1'])) { echo '<FORM action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="POST">'; echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="old_version" value="' . $old_version . '">'; echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="old_database" value="' . $old_database . '">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_formtable" style="max-width: 90%;">'; echo ' <TR><TD colspan=2>Do you want to import <UL><LI><B>all data</B> (admins, admin types, experiment types, faqs, language items, subpools, files, plus all what\'s listed below)</LI> <LI>or only <B>participation data</B> (participants, experiments, sessions, participations, lab bookings, admin log, cron log, participant log)?</LI> </UL> </TD></TR> <TD colspan=2 align="center"><SELECT name="import_type"> <OPTION value="all">all data</OPTION> <OPTION value="participation">participation data</OPTION> </SELECT></TD></TR>'; echo ' <TR><TD colspan=2><hr></TD></TR>'; $statuses = participant_status__get_statuses(); echo '<TR><TD colspan=2>There are ' . count($statuses) . ' participant statuses defined in this system.<BR>
} if ($proceed) { if (isset($_REQUEST['mysql_column_name'])) { $mysql_column_name = trim($_REQUEST['mysql_column_name']); } else { $mysql_column_name = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['mysql_column_type'])) { $mysql_column_type = trim($_REQUEST['mysql_column_type']); } else { $mysql_column_type = 1; } echo '<center>'; show_message(); javascript__tooltip_prepare(); echo '<FORM id="columnform" action="' . thisdoc() . '" method="POST">'; echo '<TABLE class="or_formtable">'; echo '<TR class="tooltip" title="Name of the new MySQL column. Name must start and end with a lowercase letter, and can only contain lower case letters and underscore (_)."> <TD>MySQL column name (a-z_):</TD> <TD><INPUT type="text" name="mysql_column_name" size="30" maxlength="50" value="' . $mysql_column_name . '"></TD></TR>'; echo '<TR class="tooltip" title="Type of the new MySQL column. "varchar(250)" is the most versatile type for numbers or shorter text. Must be chosen for "select_lang" and "radioline_lang" lists. If the field needs to store longer text, then "mediumtext" might be appropriate. "integer" can be chosen if the field will only hold integer numbers (but "varchar(250)" is recommended also in this case)."> <TD>MySQL column type:</TD> <TD><SELECT name="mysql_column_type">'; foreach ($type_specs as $k => $arr) { echo '<OPTION value="' . $k . '"'; if ($k == $mysql_column_type) { echo ' SELECTED';