function silverghyll_get_terms_tree($taxonomies, $args)
    if (is_array($taxonomies)) {
        foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
            $terms[] = silverghyll_get_terms_tree($taxonomy, $args);
        // Recurse
        return $terms;
    $args['parent'] = 0;
    // Get top level only
    $args['orderby'] = 'name';
    // Want alphabetically within our tree
    $terms = get_terms($taxonomies, $args);
    //Get top level terms
    $result = array();
    if ($terms) {
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
            $result = array_merge($result, silverghyll_get_term_subtree($taxonomies, $term, $args));
    // Recurse sub-trees
    return $result;
 private function build_taxonomy($tax_label, $data_item, $css_class)
     $result = '';
     // This will be our output
     // Set up any request for the sorting of the terms
     $term_args = $this->term_args;
     // Read down defaults
     if ($data_item['orderby']) {
         $term_args['orderby'] = $data_item['orderby'];
     if ($data_item['sort']) {
         $term_args['order'] = $data_item['sort'];
     $labels_after = isset($this->options['labels_after']);
     $tax_label_bare = rstrip_punctuation($tax_label = trim($tax_label));
     if ($tax_label_bare == 'Category' and $this->choose_categories != 'A') {
         $taxonomy_name = $data_item['name'];
         $terms = $this->categories;
     } elseif ($tax_label_bare == 'Post Type' or $tax_label_bare == ' post_type') {
         $taxonomy_name = 'post_type';
         $args = array('_builtin' => true);
         $terms = get_post_types($args, 'names');
     } elseif ($tax_label_bare == 'post_tag' or $tax_label_bare == 'Tags') {
         $taxonomy_name = 'tag';
         $terms = get_tags($term_args);
     } else {
         $taxonomy_name = $data_item['name'];
         $terms = substr($data_item['orderby'], -4) == 'tree' ? silverghyll_get_terms_tree($taxonomy_name, $term_args) : get_terms($taxonomy_name, $term_args);
     if ($data_item['hidden']) {
         return "<input type='hidden' name='{$taxonomy_name}' value='" . $data_item['value'] . "' />";
     // Hidden
     $css_class .= $data_item['orderby'] == 'pruned_tree' ? 'tree pruned' : $data_item['orderby'];
     // Set the class for the containing <li>
     $this->tax_type = $data_item['orderby'];
     $css_class = '';
     // After home reset to ''
     // Pre-process tree to find ancestors - for non-trees will just do selected
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $current = new taxonomy_picker_ancestor($taxonomy_name, $term);
         $term_slug = is_object($term) ? $term->slug : $term;
         if (empty($this->inputs) or !array_key_exists($taxonomy_name, $this->inputs)) {
             $current->selected = $data_item['value'] == $taxonomy_name . '=' . $term_slug ? 'selected' : '';
         } else {
             $current->selected = $this->inputs[$taxonomy_name] == $term_slug ? 'selected' : '';
         if (substr($data_item['orderby'], -4) == 'tree') {
             // For trees we need more
             if (!empty($current->parent) and $current->level < 6) {
                 $parent = $this->taxonomies[$tax_label]['ancestors'][$current->parent];
                 if ($parent->selected) {
                     $current->is_kid = true;
                 // Immediate child of selected item
                 if ($current->selected) {
                     $parent->is_father = true;
                 // Immediate parent
                 $current->level = $parent->level + 1;
             } else {
                 $current->level = 1;
                 // No parent so level 1
             if ($current->selected) {
                 // Only need to look for ancestors of selected items in trees
                 $ancestor = $current;
                 while (!empty($ancestor->parent)) {
                     // For the selected item we need to identify the ancestral trail. Will work fine for trees, otherwise who cares?
                     $ancestor = $this->taxonomies[$tax_label]['ancestors'][$ancestor->parent];
                     // Get the parent ancestor
                     $ancestor->is_ancestor = true;
                     // Define as an ancestor
                     $this->taxonomies[$tax_label]['ancestors'][$ancestor->slug] = $ancestor;
                     // Store before looping
         // Trees
         $this->taxonomies[$tax_label]['ancestors'][$term_slug] = $current;
     // Terms
     $this_label = "<label style='float:left;'>{$tax_label}</label>";
     $result .= "<li class='{$css_class}'>" . ($labels_after ? "" : $this_label);
     switch ($this->combo) {
         case '':
         case 'flat':
         case 'multi':
             // Normal combo box
             if (apply_filters('tpicker_multi_select', $this->combo, $taxonomy_name) == 'multi') {
                 // Filter allows one to be turned on or off
                 $result .= "<select name='{$taxonomy_name}[]' multiple class='tpicker-select tpicker-{$taxonomy_name} multiple'>";
             } else {
                 $result .= "<select name='{$taxonomy_name}' class='tpicker-select tpicker-{$taxonomy_name} single'>";
             if (taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) != 'N/A') {
                 $result .= "<option value='{$taxonomy_name}=tp-all'>" . taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) . "</option>";
                 // ** ALL **
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 if (is_object($term)) {
                     $term_slug = $term->slug;
                     $term_id = @isset($term->id) ? $term->id : $term_slug;
                 } else {
                     $term_slug = $term_id = $term;
                 $option_name = $taxonomy_name == 'category' ? 'cat=' . $term->term_id : $taxonomy_name . '=' . $term_slug;
                 $result .= $this->build_term_select($tax_label, $term, $option_name);
                 // Loop through terms in the taxonomy
             $result .= "</select>";
         case 'radio':
             // Radio buttons
             if (taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) != 'N/A') {
                 $result .= "<p><input type='radio' name='{$taxonomy_name}' value='{$taxonomy_name}=tp-all'  class='radio tpicker-radio tpicker-{$taxonomy_name}' />" . taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) . "</p>";
                 // ** ALL **
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 if (is_object($term)) {
                     $term_slug = $term->slug;
                     $term_id = $term->id;
                 } else {
                     $term_slug = $term_id = $term;
                 $option_name = $taxonomy_name == 'category' ? 'cat=' . $term->term_id : $taxonomy_name . '=' . $term->slug;
                 $t_name = $term->name . ($this->options['show-count'] ? " ({$term->count})" : "");
                 $result .= "<p><input type='radio' name='{$taxonomy_name}' value='{$option_name}' />" . $t_name . "</p>";
                 // ** ALL **
             $result .= "<br/>";
         case 'jQuery-tree':
             // Uses OptionTree plugin
             $result .= "<p><input type='text' name='{$taxonomy_name}' /></p><script type='text/javascript'>";
             //       $result .= "jQuery(document).ready(function($){" ;
             $result .= "(function(\$){";
             $result .= "alert('BOUNCE');";
             $result .= "\$(function() {var option_tree = {'Option 1': {'Suboption':200}, 'Option 2': {'Suboption 2': {'Subsub 1':201, 'Subsub 2':202},\r\n            'Suboption 3': {'Subsub 3':203, 'Subsub 4':204, 'Subsub 5':205}}};";
             $result .= "\$('input[name={$taxonomy_name}].nested').optionTree(option_tree);});";
             $result .= "}) (jQuery)";
             //       $result .= "});";
             $result .= "</script>";
     $result .= ($labels_after ? $this_label : "") . "</li>";
     return $result;
function taxonomy_picker_display_widget($instance, $args = null)
    // Check whether we displaying the results of a prevous use (ie. silverghyll_tpicker is set)
    $tpicker_inputs = taxonomy_picker_tpicker_array();
    // Get the configuration options from the database
    $tpicker_options = get_option('taxonomy-picker-options');
    $labels_after = isset($tpicker_options['labels_after']);
    $show_count = array_key_exists('show-count', $tpicker_options) ? 'on' : '';
    // Upgrade defence for v1.8 - won't be needed long term.  If taxonomies haven't been set, process the instance
    if (empty($instance['taxonomies'])) {
        $instance = taxonomy_picker_taxonomies_array($instance);
    // Pre-process the instance for efficiency
    // Main display section starts here - builds a form which is passed via POST
    if ($args) {
        // Unpack $before_widget etc
    } else {
        $before_widget = '<div class="widget taxonomy-picker widget-taxonomy-picker"><div class="widget-inside">';
        $after_widget = '</div></div>';
    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
    $result = $before_widget;
    if ($title) {
        $result .= $before_title . $title . $after_title;
    $result .= '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" class="taxonomy-picker" id="taxonomy-picker"><ul class="taxonomy-list">';
    $search_text = $tpicker_options['search-text'] ? $tpicker_options['search-text'] : __('Search');
    if (!array_key_exists('hidesearch', $instance)) {
        // Option suppresses
        $result .= "<li class='home search first'>";
        if ($labels_after) {
            $result .= "<input name='s' value='' type='text' style='width:90%;'></li>";
            // Search text box
            $result .= "<label>" . apply_filters('tpicker_search-text', $search_text) . "</label><br/>";
        } else {
            $result .= "<label>" . apply_filters('tpicker_search-text', $search_text) . "</label><br/>";
            $result .= "<input name='s' value='' type='text' style='width:90%;'></li>";
            // Search text box
        $css_class = "";
    } else {
        $css_class = 'first home ';
    foreach ($instance['taxonomies'] as $taxonomy_name => $data_item) {
        // Loop through chosen list of taxonomies
        $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy_name);
        // Get the taxonomy object
        $tax_label = ($taxonomy_name == 'category' ? $instance['category_title'] : $taxonomy->label) . $tpicker_options['punctuation'];
        $taxies[$tax_label] = $data_item;
    //Put taxonomies into alpha label order
    $taxies = apply_filters('tpicker_taxonomies', $taxies);
    // Filter taxonomy order
    foreach ($taxies as $tax_label => $data_item) {
        // Loop through chosen list of taxonomies (by string detection on all items in the array)
        // Set up any request for the sorting of the terms
        if ($data_item['orderby']) {
            $term_args['orderby'] = $data_item['orderby'];
        if ($data_item['sort']) {
            $term_args['order'] = $data_item['sort'];
        switch ($tpicker_options['empty-terms']) {
            // How to handle empty items
            case 'always':
                $term_args['hide_empty'] = 0;
            case 'never':
                $term_args['hide_empty'] = 1;
                $term_args['hierarchical'] = 1;
            case 'sometimes':
                $term_args['hide_empty'] = 1;
                $term_args['hierarchical'] = 1;
        $taxonomy_name = $data_item['name'];
        $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy_name);
        // Get the taxonomy object
        if ($taxonomy_name == "post_tag") {
            $terms = get_tags($term_args);
            $taxonomy_name = "tag";
        } else {
            $terms = $data_item['orderby'] == 'tree' ? silverghyll_get_terms_tree($taxonomy_name, $term_args) : get_terms($taxonomy_name, $term_args);
        if ($data_item['hidden']) {
            $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$taxonomy_name}' value='" . $data_item['value'] . "' />";
        } elseif (taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) != 'N/A') {
            // Main live display of combobox
            $css_class .= $data_item['orderby'];
            $result .= "<li class='{$css_class}'>";
            if (!$labels_after) {
                $result .= "<label style='float:left;'>{$tax_label}</label>";
            // Multi-select combo boxes?
            $multi = array_key_exists('combo', $instance) ? $instance['combo'] : 'flat';
            // Transitional code as combo may not exist if widget has not been saved since 1.13.0
            if (apply_filters('tpicker_multi_select', $multi, $tax_label) == 'multi') {
                // Filter allows one to be turned on or off
                $result .= "<select name='{$taxonomy_name}[]' multiple>";
            } else {
                $result .= "<select name='{$taxonomy_name}'>";
            $result .= "<option value='{$taxonomy_name}=tp-all'>" . taxonomy_picker_all_text($tax_label) . "</option>";
            $css_class = '';
            // After home reset to ''
            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                // Loop through terms in the taxonomy
                // ** Categories only ** //
                if ($taxonomy_name == 'category') {
                    $option_name = 'cat=' . $term->term_id;
                    // Pass in a format which suits query_posts - for categories cat=id works best
                    $cats = explode(',', $instance['set_categories']);
                    if ($instance['choose_categories'] == 'I') {
                        // Only allow specified categories
                        $set_categories = 'cat=' . $instance['set_categories'];
                        // We can pass it as is because it will become the list of all categories for query_posts
                        $allowed = false;
                        foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                            // Test against each of our permitted categories
                            if ($cat == $term->term_id) {
                                // Category matches so allowed
                                $allowed = true;
                    } elseif ($instance['choose_categories'] == 'E') {
                        // Reject specified categories
                        $set_categories = 'cat=-' . str_replace(',', ',-', $instance['set_categories']);
                        // Prefix each cat id with - to exclude it
                        $allowed = true;
                        foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                            if ($cat == $term->term_id) {
                                // Category matches so disallowed - break out of loop
                                $allowed = false;
                        // No category match so allow to proceed
                    } else {
                        // all - no display testing needed but we need to set $set_categories;
                        $set_categories = '';
                        $allowed = true;
                        // All categories allowed
                    // ** Other Taxonomies ** //
                } else {
                    $allowed = true;
                    $option_name = $taxonomy_name . '=' . $term->slug;
                $t_name = __($term->name);
                $selected = '';
                if (empty($tpicker_inputs)) {
                    $selected = $data_item['value'] == $taxonomy_name . '=' . $term->slug ? 'on' : '';
                } else {
                    $input_value = $tpicker_inputs[$taxonomy_name];
                    $selected = $input_value == $term->slug ? 'on' : '';
                if ($show_count and $allowed) {
                    $result .= taxonomy_picker_widget_select_option($option_name, "{$t_name} ({$term->count})", $selected, $term->parent);
                } elseif ($allowed) {
                    $result .= taxonomy_picker_widget_select_option($option_name, $t_name, $selected, $term->parent);
            $result .= "</select>";
            if ($labels_after) {
                $result .= "<label style='float:left;'>{$tax_label}</label>";
            $result .= "</li>";
        // Hidden?
    $result .= apply_filters('tpicker_form_after_fields', "");
    // Filter taxonomy order
    $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='set_categories' value='" . $set_categories . "' />";
    $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='kate-phizackerley' value='taxonomy-picker' />";
    $result .= '<li style="height:8px;" class="last"></li></ul><p style="text-align:center;margin:0 auto;">';
    if (isset($tpicker_options['remember'])) {
        // $result .= "<p onclick='document.getElementById(\"taxonomy-picker\").reset()';>Clear</p>";  // Sort out in v2.0
    } else {
        $result .= '<input type="reset" value="' . apply_filters('tpicker_reset', 'Reset') . '" style="margin-right:10%;" />';
    $result .= "<input type='submit' value='{$search_text}' class='tpicker-submit'/></p></form>";
    $result .= $after_widget;
    return $result;