<tr> <th class="tcl" scope="col"> <?php echo $_GET['search_type'] == 'categories' ? CATEGORIES_LABEL : LINKS_LABEL; ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="hasicon"> <?php ($hook = get_hook('search_results_tbody_header')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?> <?php while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_string_limit)) { if ($_GET['search_type'] == 'categories') { $row['url'] = openld_link('index_cat', se_index_cat($row)); } ?> <tr> <td class="tcl"> <?php ($hook = get_hook('search_result_rows_header')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?> <a href="<?php echo $row['url']; ?> "<?php echo $settings['open_links_in_new_windows'] == 'Y' && $_GET['search_type'] == 'links' ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo openld_htmlspecialchars($row['title']);
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title><![CDATA[<?php echo $settings['title'] . $extra_title; ?> ]]></title> <description><![CDATA[<?php echo $_GET['rss'] != 0 ? $fetch_category_row[1] : $settings['description']; ?> ]]></description> <link><?php echo $_GET['rss'] != 0 ? openld_link('index_cat', se_index_cat($_GET['rss'])) : $settings['domain']; ?> </link> <generator>OpenLD</generator> <atom:link href="<?php echo $settings['domain'] . '/index.php?rss=' . $_GET['rss']; ?> " rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <?php while ($links = $db->fetch_assoc($link_result)) { ?> <item> <title><![CDATA[<?php echo $links['title']; ?> ]]></title>
?> <?php echo $links['date_submitted']; ?> <?php ($hook = get_hook('link_row_footer')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php ($hook = get_hook('links_after_while')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php echo link_pagination($link_result, $req_page, 'index_cat_page', se_index_cat(array('id' => $req_id, 'title' => $req_cat))); ?> <?php } else { echo NO_LINKS_HERE; } ?> <?php ($hook = get_hook('links_after_first_if')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?> </div> </div>
function display_navbar($id, $url = null) { global $db; $path_string = ""; while ($id != 0) { $query = array('SELECT' => 'title, father_id, id, description', 'FROM' => 'categories', 'WHERE' => 'id=' . intval($id) . OPENLD_IF_ACTIVE_CATS); ($hook = get_hook('navigation_sql')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if ($db->num_rows($result) == 0) { $path_string = ' - no result' . $path_string; $id = 0; } else { $therow = $db->fetch_row($result); //to complement fetch_row's lack of functionality $therow['title'] = $therow[0]; $therow['father_id'] = $therow[1]; $therow['id'] = $therow[2]; $therow['description'] = $therow[3]; if ($url == null) { $link_url = openld_link('index_cat', se_index_cat($therow)); } else { $link_url = $url . '?id=' . $therow['id']; } $path_string = ' - <a href="' . $link_url . '">' . $therow['title'] . '</a>' . $path_string; $id = $therow['father_id']; // pick the father_id from the db } ($hook = get_hook('categories_path_navigation_cell')) ? eval($hook) : null; } return $path_string; }