function check_merge(&$useraccount, &$mylogins, $tolink)
     global $qa_cached_logged_in_user, $qa_logged_in_userid_checked;
     $userid = $findid = $useraccount['userid'];
     $findemail = $useraccount['oemail'];
     // considering this is an openid user, so use the openid email
     if (empty($findemail)) {
         $findemail = $useraccount['email'];
         // fallback
     if ($tolink) {
         // user is logged in with $userid but wants to merge $findid
         $findemail = null;
         $findid = $tolink['userid'];
     } else {
         if (qa_get('confirm') == 2 || qa_post_text('confirm') == 2) {
             // bogus confirm page, stop right here
     // find other un-linked accounts with the same email
     $otherlogins = qa_db_user_login_find_other__open($findid, $findemail, $userid);
     if (qa_clicked('domerge') && !empty($otherlogins)) {
         // if cancel was requested, just redirect
         if ($_POST['domerge'] == 0) {
             $tourl = qa_post_text('to');
             if (!empty($tourl)) {
             } else {
                 qa_redirect($tolink ? 'logins' : '');
         // a request to merge (link) multiple accounts was made
         require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users-edit.php';
         $recompute = false;
         $email = null;
         $baseid = $_POST["base{$_POST['domerge']}"];
         // POST[base1] or POST[base2]
         // see which account was selected, if any
         if ($baseid != 0) {
             // just in case
             foreach ($otherlogins as $login) {
                 // see if this is the currently logged in account
                 $loginid = $login['details']['userid'];
                 $is_current = $loginid == $userid;
                 // see if this user was selected for merge
                 if (isset($_POST["user_{$loginid}"]) || $is_current) {
                     if ($baseid != $loginid) {
                         // this account should be deleted as it's different from the selected base id
                         if (!empty($login['logins'])) {
                             // update all associated logins
                             qa_db_user_login_replace_userid__open($loginid, $baseid);
                         // delete old user but keep the email
                         $recompute = true;
                         if (empty($email)) {
                             $email = $login['details']['email'];
                         if (empty($email)) {
                             $email = $login['details']['oemail'];
         // recompute the stats, if needed
         if ($recompute) {
             require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-points.php';
             // check if the current account has been deleted
             if ($userid != $baseid) {
                 $oldsrc = $useraccount['sessionsource'];
                 qa_set_logged_in_user($baseid, $useraccount['handle'], false, $oldsrc);
                 $useraccount = qa_db_user_find_by_id__open($baseid);
                 $userid = $baseid;
                 // clear some cached data
                 $qa_logged_in_userid_checked = false;
             // also check the email address on the remaining user account
             if (empty($useraccount['email']) && !empty($email)) {
                 // update the account if the email address is not used anymore
                 $emailusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($email);
                 if (count($emailusers) == 0) {
                     qa_db_user_set($userid, 'email', $email);
                     $useraccount['email'] = $email;
                     // to show on the page
         $conf = qa_post_text('confirm');
         $tourl = qa_post_text('to');
         if ($conf) {
             $tourl = qa_post_text('to');
             if (!empty($tourl)) {
             } else {
                 qa_redirect($tolink ? 'logins' : '');
         // update the arrays
         $otherlogins = qa_db_user_login_find_other__open($userid, $findemail);
         $mylogins = qa_db_user_login_find_mine__open($userid);
     // remove the current user id
     return $otherlogins;
                        $searchmodules = qa_load_modules_with('search', 'index_page');
                        foreach ($searchmodules as $searchmodule) {
                            $searchmodule->index_page($pageid, $inslug, $inheading, $incontent, 'html', $indextext);
                    qa_db_page_move($pageid, substr($inposition, 0, 1), substr($inposition, 1));
                    $editpage = null;
                    $reloadpages = true;
            if (qa_clicked('dosaveview') && empty($errors) && !$isexternal) {
        if ($reloadpages) {
            $pages = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_pages_selectspec());
//	Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('admin/admin_title') . ' - ' . qa_lang_html('admin/pages_title');
$qa_content['error'] = $securityexpired ? qa_lang_html('admin/form_security_expired') : qa_admin_page_error();
if (isset($editpage)) {
    $positionoptions = array();
    if (!$isexternal) {
        $positionoptions['_' . max(1, @$editpage['position'])] = qa_lang_html('admin/no_link');
    $navlangkey = array('B' => 'admin/before_main_menu', 'M' => 'admin/after_main_menu', 'O' => 'admin/opposite_main_menu', 'F' => 'admin/after_footer');
    foreach ($navlangkey as $nav => $langkey) {