Exemplo n.º 1
  * Прямая или обратная связь?
  * Примеры,
  * Связь product -> product_info (OneToOne - product.id = product_info.product_id)
  *    для product это обратная связь, для product_info прямая
  * Связь product -> product_stat (OneToMany - product.id = product_stat.product_id)
  *    для product это обратная связь, для product_info прямая
  * Связь product -> tag через product_tag_link (ManyToMany)
  *    для product это прямая свзяь, для tag обратная
 public function isDirect()
     if ($this->getLinkTable()) {
         $localColumn = preg_replacE('#(^|_)id$#', '', $this->getLinkTableLocalColumn());
         if (strpos($this->getLinkTable()->getName(), $localColumn) === 0) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         switch ($this->getLinkType()) {
             case self::LINK_TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE:
                 return $this->getLocalColumn()->getName() != 'id';
             case self::LINK_TYPE_ONE_TO_MANY:
                 return false;
             case self::LINK_TYPE_MANY_TO_ONE:
                 return true;
Exemplo n.º 2

$sub_menu = '700600';
include_once './_common.php';
auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "w");
$delete_suq_id = array();
$values = array();
$suq_sort = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $su_item_cnt; $i++) {
    $key = preg_replacE('/\\D/', '', $suq_sort_key[$i]);
    $suq_id = $_POST['_suq_id_' . $key];
    $category = $_POST['_category_' . $key];
    $type = $_POST['_type_' . $key];
    $max_select = $_POST['_amax_' . $key];
    $etc = $_POST['_etc_' . $key];
    $question = $_POST['_q_' . $key];
    $answer = $_POST['_a_' . $key];
    if (empty($question)) {
        if ($suq_id) {
            $delete_suq_id[] = $suq_id;
    $value = array('su_id' => $su_id, 'suq_id' => $suq_id, 'suq_sort' => $suq_sort, 'suq_category' => $category, 'suq_type' => $type, 'suq_max_select' => $max_select, 'suq_question' => $question, 'suq_enable_etc' => is_null($etc) ? 'disabled' : 'enabled');
    for ($ak = 0; $ak < 10; $ak++) {
        $a = $answer[$ak];
        $value['suq_answer_' . ($ak + 1)] = $a;
    array_push($values, $value);
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function replaceVars($s)
     $s = parent::replaceVars($s);
     if (preg_match('/^\\s*CREATE TABLE/i', $s)) {
         // CREATE TABLE hacks to allow schema file sharing with MySQL
         // binary/varbinary column type -> blob
         $s = preg_replace('/\\b(var)?binary(\\(\\d+\\))/i', 'blob\\1', $s);
         // no such thing as unsigned
         $s = preg_replace('/\\bunsigned\\b/i', '', $s);
         // INT -> INTEGER for primary keys
         $s = preg_replacE('/\\bint\\b/i', 'integer', $s);
         // No ENUM type
         $s = preg_replace('/enum\\([^)]*\\)/i', 'blob', $s);
         // binary collation type -> nothing
         $s = preg_replace('/\\bbinary\\b/i', '', $s);
         // auto_increment -> autoincrement
         $s = preg_replace('/\\bauto_increment\\b/i', 'autoincrement', $s);
         // No explicit options
         $s = preg_replace('/\\)[^)]*$/', ')', $s);
     } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*CREATE (\\s*(?:UNIQUE|FULLTEXT)\\s+)?INDEX/i', $s)) {
         // No truncated indexes
         $s = preg_replace('/\\(\\d+\\)/', '', $s);
         // No FULLTEXT
         $s = preg_replace('/\\bfulltext\\b/i', '', $s);
     return $s;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function preprocess()
     global $FANNIE_OP_DB;
     $sql = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_OP_DB);
     /* ajax responses 
      * $out is the output sent back
      * by convention, the request name ($_GET['action'])
      * is prepended to all output so the javascript receiver
      * can handle responses differently as needed.
      * a backtick separates request name from data
     $out = '';
     if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
         // prepend request name & backtick
         $out = $_GET['action'] . "`";
         // switch on request name
         switch ($_GET['action']) {
             case 'additem':
                 $item = $_GET['item'];
                 $orderno = $_GET['orderno'];
                 $units = $this->strim($_GET['units']);
                 $price = $_GET['price'];
                 $price = preg_replace("/,/", ".", $price);
                 $size = $_GET['size'];
                 $cases = $this->strim($_GET['cases']);
                 $fraction = $this->strim($_GET['fraction']);
                 $category = $this->strim($_GET['category']);
                 $category = preg_replace("/_/", " ", $category);
                 if (empty($price)) {
                     $price = 0;
                 if (empty($cases)) {
                     $cases = 0;
                 if (empty($fraction)) {
                     $fraction = 0;
                 $stocktotal = 0;
                 if (!empty($units)) {
                     if ($units[strlen($units) - 1] == '#' && $fraction[strlen($fraction) - 1] == '#' && $units != 0) {
                         $partial = substr($fraction, 0, strlen($fraction) - 1) / substr($units, 0, strlen($units) - 1);
                         $stocktotal = $cases + $partial;
                     } else {
                         if ($units != 0) {
                             $partial = $fraction / $units;
                             $stocktotal = $cases + $partial;
                 $total = $stocktotal * $price;
                 $model = new DeliInventoryCatModel($sql);
                 $out .= $this->gettable();
             case 'saveitem':
                 $id = $_GET["id"];
                 $item = $this->strim($_GET['item']);
                 $orderno = $this->strim($_GET['orderno']);
                 $units = $this->strim($_GET['units']);
                 $cases = $this->strim($_GET['cases']);
                 $fraction = $this->strim($_GET['fraction']);
                 $price = $this->strim($_GET['price']);
                 $size = $this->strim($_GET['size']);
                 if (empty($cases) || !is_numeric($cases)) {
                     $cases = 0;
                 if (empty($fraction)) {
                     $fraction = 0;
                 $stocktotal = 0;
                 if (!empty($units)) {
                     if ($units[strlen($units) - 1] == '#' && $fraction[strlen($fraction) - 1] == '#' && $units != 0) {
                         $partial = substr($fraction, 0, strlen($fraction) - 1) / substr($units, 0, strlen($units) - 1);
                         $stocktotal = $cases + $partial;
                     } else {
                         if ($units != 0) {
                             $partial = $fraction / $units;
                             $stocktotal = $cases + $partial;
                 $total = $stocktotal * $price;
                 $model = new DeliInventoryCatModel($sql);
                 $ret = array('stock' => $stocktotal, 'total' => $total, 'cat' => str_replace(' ', '_', $model->category()));
                 // recalculate category total
                 $cat = $model->category();
                 $ret['grandTotal'] = 0.0;
                 foreach ($model->find() as $obj) {
                     $ret['grandTotal'] += $obj->total();
                 echo json_encode($ret);
                 $out = '';
             case 'refresh':
                 $out .= $this->gettable();
             case 'deleteitem':
                 $id = $_GET['id'];
                 $model = new DeliInventoryCatModel($sql);
                 $cat = $model->category();
                 $ret = array('delete_row' => True);
                 $remaining = $model->find();
                 if (count($remaining) == 0) {
                     $ret['delete_category'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $cat);
                 echo json_encode($ret);
                 $out = '';
             case 'printview':
                 $category = $_GET['category'];
                 $out = "";
                 if (isset($_GET["excel"])) {
                     header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=deliInventoryCat.xls");
                     header("Content-Description: PHP3 Generated Data");
                     header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel; name='excel'");
                 } else {
                     $out .= "<a href={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=printview&category={$category}&excel=yes>Save to Excel</a><br />";
                 $out .= $this->gettable(true, $category);
             case 'saveCategory':
                 $oldcat = preg_replace("/_/", " ", $_GET['oldcat']);
                 $newcat = preg_replacE("/_/", " ", $_GET['newcat']);
                 $update = $sql->prepare_statement('UPDATE deliInventoryCat SET category=? WHERE category=?');
                 $sql->exec_statement($update, array($newcat, $oldcat));
                 $out .= $this->gettable();
             case 'catList':
                 $id = $_GET['id'];
                 $cat = preg_replace("/_/", " ", $_GET['category']);
                 $fetchQ = "select category from deliInventoryCat\n               group by category order by category";
                 $fetchR = $sql->query($fetchQ);
                 $out .= "{$id}" . "`";
                 $out .= "<select onchange=\"saveCat({$id});\" id=catSelect{$id}>";
                 while ($fetchW = $sql->fetch_array($fetchR)) {
                     if ($fetchW[0] == $cat) {
                         $out .= "<option selected>{$fetchW['0']}</option>";
                     } else {
                         $out .= "<option>{$fetchW['0']}</option>";
                 $out .= "</select>";
             case 'changeCat':
                 $id = $_GET['id'];
                 $newcat = $_GET['newcat'];
                 $model = new DeliInventoryCatModel($sql);
                 $ret['grandTotal'] = 0.0;
                 foreach ($model->find() as $obj) {
                     $ret['grandTotal'] += $obj->total();
                 echo json_encode($ret);
             case 'clearAll':
                 $clearQ = "update deliInventoryCat set cases=0, fraction=0,\n            totalstock=0, total=0";
                 $clearR = $sql->query($clearQ);
                 $out .= $this->gettable();
         echo $out;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;