function PollNewest($id = '') { global $NPDS_Prefix; // snipe : multi-poll evolution if ($id != 0) { settype($id, "integer"); list($ibid, $pollClose) = pollSecur($id); if ($ibid) { pollMain($ibid, $pollClose); } } elseif ($result = sql_query("SELECT pollID FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "poll_data ORDER BY pollID DESC LIMIT 1")) { list($pollID) = sql_fetch_row($result); list($ibid, $pollClose) = pollSecur($pollID); if ($ibid) { pollMain($ibid, $pollClose); } } }
function blocks_poll_block($row) { // for MSSQL that always have an space $row['content'] = trim($row['content']); if (!empty($row['content'])) { $pollID = $row['content']; } else { $pollID = pollLatest(); } return pollMain($pollID, $row); }
CloseTable(); echo '<br /><br /><table border="0" style="margin:auto;"><tr><td>'; if (pollVoted($poll_id)) { pollResults($poll_id); } else { pollMain($poll_id); } echo '</td></tr></table>'; } else { echo '<div style="text:align:center;" class="option">' . _CURRENTSURVEY . '</div>'; CloseTable(); echo '<br /><br /><table border="0" style="margin:auto;"><tr><td>'; if (pollVoted($poll_id)) { pollResults(pollLatest()); } else { pollMain(pollLatest()); } echo '</td></tr></table>'; } } /*********************************************************/ /* Functions */ /*********************************************************/ function pollMain($poll_id) { global $prefix, $db, $MAIN_CFG, $Blocks; if (!isset($poll_id)) { $poll_id = 1; } $boxContent = "<form action=\"" . URL::index() . "\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" accept-charset=\"utf-8\">"; $boxContent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pollid\" value=\"{$poll_id}\" />";
function pollNewest() { $pollID = pollLatest(); pollMain($pollID); }