Exemplo n.º 1
			<br />
// Close recordset and connection
include "bottom.php";
// Function SetUpDisplayRecs
// - Set up Number of Records displayed per page based on Form element RecPerPage
// - Variables setup: nDisplayRecs
function SetUpDisplayRecs()
    global $nStartRec;
    global $nDisplayRecs;
    global $nTotalRecs;
    $sWrk = @$_GET[ewTblRecPerPage];
    if ($sWrk != "") {
        if (is_numeric($sWrk)) {
            $nDisplayRecs = $sWrk;
Exemplo n.º 2
function LoadData($conn)
    global $x_jobid, $user;
    $sFilter = ewSqlKeyWhere;
    if (!is_numeric($x_jobid)) {
        return false;
    $x_jobid = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($x_jobid) : $x_jobid;
    $sFilter = str_replace("@jobid", AdjustSql($x_jobid), $sFilter);
    // Replace key value
    $sSql = ewBuildSql(ewSqlSelect, ewSqlWhere, ewSqlGroupBy, ewSqlHaving, ewSqlOrderBy, $sFilter, "");
    $rs = phpmkr_query($sSql, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSql);
    if (phpmkr_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
        $bLoadData = false;
    } else {
        $bLoadData = true;
        $row = phpmkr_fetch_array($rs);
        //security check
        if ($user->onlineuserId != $row["onlineuser_onlineuserid"]) {
            header("Location: logout.php");
        // Get the field contents
        $GLOBALS["x_jobid"] = $row["jobid"];
        $GLOBALS["x_onlineuser_onlineuserid"] = $row["onlineuser_onlineuserid"];
        $GLOBALS["x_position"] = $row["position"];
        $GLOBALS["x_overview"] = $row["overview"];
        $GLOBALS["x_salary"] = $row["salary"];
        $GLOBALS["x_bonus"] = $row["bonus"];
        $GLOBALS["x_benifits"] = $row["benifits"];
        $GLOBALS["x_location"] = $row["location"];
        $GLOBALS["x_company"] = $row["company"];
        $GLOBALS["x_profile"] = $row["profile"];
        $GLOBALS["x_contact_email"] = $row["contact_email"];
        $GLOBALS["x_dt_created"] = $row["dt_created"];
        $GLOBALS["x_dt_expire"] = $row["dt_expire"];
        $GLOBALS["x_link"] = $row["link"];
        $GLOBALS["x_job_status"] = $row["job_status"];
    return $bLoadData;
Exemplo n.º 3
function AddData($conn)
    global $x_jobid, $user;
    $sFilter = ewSqlKeyWhere;
    // Check for duplicate key
    $bCheckKey = true;
    if (@$x_jobid == "" || is_null(@$x_jobid)) {
        $bCheckKey = false;
    } else {
        $sFilter = str_replace("@jobid", AdjustSql($x_jobid), $sFilter);
        // Replace key value
    if ($bCheckKey) {
        $sSqlChk = ewBuildSql(ewSqlSelect, ewSqlWhere, ewSqlGroupBy, ewSqlHaving, ewSqlOrderBy, $sFilter, "");
        $rsChk = phpmkr_query($sSqlChk, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSqlChk);
        if (phpmkr_num_rows($rsChk) > 0) {
            $_SESSION[ewSessionMessage] = "Duplicate value for primary key";
            return false;
    // Field onlineuser_onlineuserid
    $fieldList["`onlineuser_onlineuserid`"] = $user->onlineuserId;
    // Field job_status
    $fieldList["`job_status`"] = " 'active'";
    // Field expiry
    $fieldList["`dt_expire`"] = "'" . expiryDate() . "'";
    // Field position
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_position"]) : $GLOBALS["x_position"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`position`"] = $theValue;
    // Field overview
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_overview"]) : $GLOBALS["x_overview"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`overview`"] = $theValue;
    // Field salary
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_salary"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_salary"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`salary`"] = $theValue;
    // Field bonus
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_bonus"]) : $GLOBALS["x_bonus"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`bonus`"] = $theValue;
    // Field benifits
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_benifits"]) : $GLOBALS["x_benifits"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`benifits`"] = $theValue;
    // Field location
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_location"]) : $GLOBALS["x_location"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`location`"] = $theValue;
    // Field company
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_company"]) : $GLOBALS["x_company"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`company`"] = $theValue;
    // Field profile
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_profile"]) : $GLOBALS["x_profile"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`profile`"] = $theValue;
    // Field contact_email
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_contact_email"]) : $GLOBALS["x_contact_email"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`contact_email`"] = $theValue;
    // Field link
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_link"]) : $GLOBALS["x_link"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`link`"] = $theValue;
    // Inserting event
    if (Recordset_Inserting($fieldList)) {
        // Insert
        $sSql = "INSERT INTO `job` (";
        $sSql .= implode(",", array_keys($fieldList));
        $sSql .= ") VALUES (";
        $sSql .= implode(",", array_values($fieldList));
        $sSql .= ")";
        phpmkr_query($sSql, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSql);
        $result = phpmkr_affected_rows($conn) > 0;
        // Inserted event
        if ($result) {
    } else {
        $result = false;
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 4
function AddData($conn)
    global $x_cvid, $user;
    $sFilter = ewSqlKeyWhere;
    // Check for duplicate key
    $bCheckKey = true;
    if (@$x_cvid == "" || is_null(@$x_cvid)) {
        $bCheckKey = false;
    } else {
        $sFilter = str_replace("@cvid", AdjustSql($x_cvid), $sFilter);
        // Replace key value
    if ($bCheckKey) {
        $sSqlChk = ewBuildSql(ewSqlSelect, ewSqlWhere, ewSqlGroupBy, ewSqlHaving, ewSqlOrderBy, $sFilter, "");
        $rsChk = phpmkr_query($sSqlChk, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSqlChk);
        if (phpmkr_num_rows($rsChk) > 0) {
            //$_SESSION[ewSessionMessage] = "Duplicate value for primary key";
            return false;
    $EW_MaxFileSize = @$_POST["EW_Max_File_Size"];
    // Check the file size
    if (!empty($_FILES["x_picture"]["size"])) {
        if (!empty($EW_MaxFileSize) && $_FILES["x_picture"]["size"] > $EW_MaxFileSize) {
            die(str_replace("%s", $EW_MaxFileSize, "Max. file size (%s bytes) exceeded."));
    $fn_x_picture = $_FILES["x_picture"]["name"];
    // Check the file type
    if (!empty($fn_x_picture)) {
        if (!ewUploadAllowedFileExt($fn_x_picture)) {
            die("File type is not allowed.");
    $ct_x_picture = @$_POST["x_picture"];
    $x_picture = @$_POST["x_picture"];
    $wd_x_picture = @$_POST["wd_x_picture"];
    $ht_x_picture = @$_POST["ht_x_picture"];
    $a_x_picture = @$_POST["a_x_picture"];
    // Field onlineuser_onlineuserid
    $fieldList["`onlineuser_onlineuserid`"] = $user->onlineuserId;
    // Field picture
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["x_picture"]["tmp_name"])) {
        $sTmpFolder = ewUploadPathEx(true, EW_UploadDestPath);
        $theName = ewUploadFileNameEx($sTmpFolder, $_FILES["x_picture"]["name"]);
        $destfile = $sTmpFolder . $theName;
        if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["x_picture"]["tmp_name"], $destfile)) {
            // Move file to destination path
            die("" . $destfile);
        @chmod($destfile, defined(EW_UploadedFileMode) ? EW_UploadedFileMode : 0666);
        // File name
        $theName = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($theName) : $theName;
        $fieldList["`picture`"] = " '" . $theName . "'";
    // Field first_name
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_first_name"]) : $GLOBALS["x_first_name"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`first_name`"] = $theValue;
    // Field mid_name
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_mid_name"]) : $GLOBALS["x_mid_name"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`mid_name`"] = $theValue;
    // Field last_name
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_last_name"]) : $GLOBALS["x_last_name"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`last_name`"] = $theValue;
    // Field age
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_age"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_age"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`age`"] = $theValue;
    // Field sex
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_sex"]) : $GLOBALS["x_sex"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`sex`"] = $theValue;
    // Field nationality
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_nationality"]) : $GLOBALS["x_nationality"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`nationality`"] = $theValue;
    // Field is_legal
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_is_legal"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_is_legal"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`is_legal`"] = $theValue;
    // Field years_of_residence
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_years_of_residence"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_years_of_residence"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`years_of_residence`"] = $theValue;
    // Field address_1
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_address_1"]) : $GLOBALS["x_address_1"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`address_1`"] = $theValue;
    // Field address_2
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_address_2"]) : $GLOBALS["x_address_2"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`address_2`"] = $theValue;
    // Field address_3
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_address_3"]) : $GLOBALS["x_address_3"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`address_3`"] = $theValue;
    // Field postcode
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_postcode"]) : $GLOBALS["x_postcode"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`postcode`"] = $theValue;
    // Field email
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_email"]) : $GLOBALS["x_email"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`email`"] = $theValue;
    // Field mobile
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_mobile"]) : $GLOBALS["x_mobile"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`mobile`"] = $theValue;
    // Field tel
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_tel"]) : $GLOBALS["x_tel"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`tel`"] = $theValue;
    // Field employer
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_employer"]) : $GLOBALS["x_employer"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`employer`"] = $theValue;
    // Field uk_license
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_uk_license"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_uk_license"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`uk_license`"] = $theValue;
    // Field european_license
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_european_license"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_european_license"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`european_license`"] = $theValue;
    // Field license_points
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_license_points"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_license_points"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`license_points`"] = $theValue;
    // Field marital_status
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_marital_status"]) : $GLOBALS["x_marital_status"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`marital_status`"] = $theValue;
    // Field has_dependent
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_has_dependent"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_has_dependent"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`has_dependent`"] = $theValue;
    // Field can_relocate
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_can_relocate"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_can_relocate"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`can_relocate`"] = $theValue;
    // Field can_travel
    $theValue = $GLOBALS["x_can_travel"] != "" ? intval($GLOBALS["x_can_travel"]) : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`can_travel`"] = $theValue;
    // Field employement_status
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_employement_status"]) : $GLOBALS["x_employement_status"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`employement_status`"] = $theValue;
    // Field work_location
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_work_location"]) : $GLOBALS["x_work_location"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`work_location`"] = $theValue;
    // Field position_held
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_position_held"]) : $GLOBALS["x_position_held"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`position_held`"] = $theValue;
    // Field salary
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_salary"]) : $GLOBALS["x_salary"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`salary`"] = $theValue;
    // Field bonus
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_bonus"]) : $GLOBALS["x_bonus"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`bonus`"] = $theValue;
    // Field ambitions
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_ambitions"]) : $GLOBALS["x_ambitions"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`ambitions`"] = $theValue;
    // Field salary_expectation_start
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_start"]) : $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_start"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`salary_expectation_start`"] = $theValue;
    // Field salary_expectation_one
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_one"]) : $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_one"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`salary_expectation_one`"] = $theValue;
    // Field salary_expectation_two
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_two"]) : $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_two"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`salary_expectation_two`"] = $theValue;
    // Field achievement_sales
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_achievement_sales"]) : $GLOBALS["x_achievement_sales"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`achievement_sales`"] = $theValue;
    // Field achievement_food
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_achievement_food"]) : $GLOBALS["x_achievement_food"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`achievement_food`"] = $theValue;
    // Field achievement_labour
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_achievement_labour"]) : $GLOBALS["x_achievement_labour"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`achievement_labour`"] = $theValue;
    // Field interests
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_interests"]) : $GLOBALS["x_interests"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`interests`"] = $theValue;
    // Field qualifications
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_qualifications"]) : $GLOBALS["x_qualifications"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`qualifications`"] = $theValue;
    // Field tell_us
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_tell_us"]) : $GLOBALS["x_tell_us"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`tell_us`"] = $theValue;
    // Field notice
    $theValue = !get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($GLOBALS["x_notice"]) : $GLOBALS["x_notice"];
    $theValue = $theValue != "" ? " '" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
    $fieldList["`notice`"] = $theValue;
    // Inserting event
    if (Recordset_Inserting($fieldList)) {
        // Insert
        $sSql = "INSERT INTO `cv` (";
        $sSql .= implode(",", array_keys($fieldList));
        $sSql .= ") VALUES (";
        $sSql .= implode(",", array_values($fieldList));
        $sSql .= ")";
        phpmkr_query($sSql, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSql);
        $fieldList["`cvid`"] = phpmkr_insert_id($conn);
        $result = phpmkr_affected_rows($conn) > 0;
        // Inserted event
        if ($result) {
    } else {
        $result = false;
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 5
function LoadData($conn)
    global $x_cvid, $user;
    $sFilter = ewSqlKeyWhere;
    if (!is_numeric($x_cvid)) {
        return false;
    $x_cvid = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($x_cvid) : $x_cvid;
    $sFilter = str_replace("@cvid", AdjustSql($x_cvid), $sFilter);
    // Replace key value
    $sSql = ewBuildSql(ewSqlSelect, ewSqlWhere, ewSqlGroupBy, ewSqlHaving, ewSqlOrderBy, $sFilter, "");
    $rs = phpmkr_query($sSql, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . phpmkr_error($conn) . '<br>SQL: ' . $sSql);
    if (phpmkr_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
        $bLoadData = false;
    } else {
        $bLoadData = true;
        $row = phpmkr_fetch_array($rs);
        $GLOBALS["x_picture"] = $row["picture"];
        $GLOBALS["x_first_name"] = $row["first_name"];
        $GLOBALS["x_mid_name"] = $row["mid_name"];
        $GLOBALS["x_last_name"] = $row["last_name"];
        $GLOBALS["x_age"] = $row["age"];
        $GLOBALS["x_sex"] = $row["sex"];
        $GLOBALS["x_nationality"] = $row["nationality"];
        $GLOBALS["x_is_legal"] = $row["is_legal"];
        $GLOBALS["x_years_of_residence"] = $row["years_of_residence"];
        $GLOBALS["x_address_1"] = $row["address_1"];
        $GLOBALS["x_address_2"] = $row["address_2"];
        $GLOBALS["x_address_3"] = $row["address_3"];
        $GLOBALS["x_postcode"] = $row["postcode"];
        $GLOBALS["x_email"] = $row["email"];
        $GLOBALS["x_mobile"] = $row["mobile"];
        $GLOBALS["x_tel"] = $row["tel"];
        $GLOBALS["x_employer"] = $row["employer"];
        $GLOBALS["x_uk_license"] = $row["uk_license"];
        $GLOBALS["x_european_license"] = $row["european_license"];
        $GLOBALS["x_license_points"] = $row["license_points"];
        $GLOBALS["x_marital_status"] = $row["marital_status"];
        $GLOBALS["x_has_dependent"] = $row["has_dependent"];
        $GLOBALS["x_can_relocate"] = $row["can_relocate"];
        $GLOBALS["x_can_travel"] = $row["can_travel"];
        $GLOBALS["x_employement_status"] = $row["employement_status"];
        $GLOBALS["x_work_location"] = $row["work_location"];
        $GLOBALS["x_position_held"] = $row["position_held"];
        $GLOBALS["x_salary"] = $row["salary"];
        $GLOBALS["x_bonus"] = $row["bonus"];
        $GLOBALS["x_ambitions"] = $row["ambitions"];
        $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_start"] = $row["salary_expectation_start"];
        $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_one"] = $row["salary_expectation_one"];
        $GLOBALS["x_salary_expectation_two"] = $row["salary_expectation_two"];
        $GLOBALS["x_achievement_sales"] = $row["achievement_sales"];
        $GLOBALS["x_achievement_food"] = $row["achievement_food"];
        $GLOBALS["x_achievement_labour"] = $row["achievement_labour"];
        $GLOBALS["x_interests"] = $row["interests"];
        $GLOBALS["x_qualifications"] = $row["qualifications"];
        $GLOBALS["x_tell_us"] = $row["tell_us"];
        $GLOBALS["x_notice"] = $row["notice"];
        $GLOBALS["x_dt_created"] = $row["dt_created"];
        $GLOBALS["x_cv_status"] = $row["cv_status"];
    return $bLoadData;