Exemplo n.º 1
  * Generates list of all operators in the system.
  * @param Request $request Incoming request.
  * @return string Rendered page content.
 public function indexAction(Request $request)
     $operator = $this->getOperator();
     $page = array('errors' => $request->attributes->get('errors', array()));
     $sort['by'] = $request->query->get('sortby');
     if (!in_array($sort['by'], array('login', 'commonname', 'localename', 'lastseen'))) {
         $sort['by'] = 'login';
     $sort['desc'] = $request->query->get('sortdirection', 'desc') == 'desc';
     $page['formsortby'] = $sort['by'];
     $page['formsortdirection'] = $sort['desc'] ? 'desc' : 'asc';
     $list_options['sort'] = $sort;
     if (in_isolation($operator)) {
         $list_options['isolated_operator_id'] = $operator['operatorid'];
     $operators_list = get_operators_list($list_options);
     // Prepare operator to render in template
     foreach ($operators_list as &$item) {
         $item['vclogin'] = $item['vclogin'];
         $item['vclocalename'] = $item['vclocalename'];
         $item['vccommonname'] = $item['vccommonname'];
         $item['isAvailable'] = operator_is_available($item);
         $item['isAway'] = operator_is_away($item);
         $item['lastTimeOnline'] = time() - $item['time'];
         $item['isDisabled'] = operator_is_disabled($item);
     $page['allowedAgents'] = $operators_list;
     $page['canmodify'] = is_capable(CAN_ADMINISTRATE, $operator);
     $page['availableOrders'] = array(array('id' => 'login', 'name' => getlocal('Login')), array('id' => 'localename', 'name' => getlocal('Name')), array('id' => 'commonname', 'name' => getlocal('International name')), array('id' => 'lastseen', 'name' => getlocal('Last active')));
     $page['availableDirections'] = array(array('id' => 'desc', 'name' => getlocal('descending')), array('id' => 'asc', 'name' => getlocal('ascending')));
     $page['title'] = getlocal('Operators');
     $page['menuid'] = 'operators';
     $page = array_merge($page, prepare_menu($operator));
     return $this->render('operators', $page);
Exemplo n.º 2
function tpl_content()
    global $page, $webimroot, $errors;

    echo getlocal("page_agents.intro");
<br />
<br />
    require_once 'inc_errors.php';

    if ($page['canmodify']) {
<div class="tabletool">
	<img src='<?php 
        echo $webimroot;
/images/buttons/createagent.gif' border="0" alt="" />
	<a href='<?php 
        echo $webimroot;
/operator/operator.php' title="<?php 
        echo getlocal("page_agents.new_agent");
        echo getlocal("page_agents.new_agent");
<br clear="all"/>

<table class="list">
<tr class="header">
    echo getlocal("page_agents.login");
    echo getlocal("page_agents.agent_name");
    echo getlocal("page_agents.status");
    if ($page['canmodify']) {
    foreach ($page['allowedAgents'] as $a) {
	<td class="notlast">
   		<a id="ti<?php 
        echo $a['operatorid'];
" href="<?php 
        echo $webimroot;
        echo $a['operatorid'];
" class="man">
        echo htmlspecialchars(topage($a['vclogin']));
	<td class="notlast">
        echo htmlspecialchars(topage($a['vclocalename']));
 / <?php 
        echo htmlspecialchars(topage($a['vccommonname']));
	<td class="notlast">
        if (operator_is_available($a)) {
            echo getlocal("page_agents.isonline");
        } else {
            if (operator_is_away($a)) {
                echo getlocal("page_agents.isaway");
            } else {
                echo date_to_text(time() - $a['time']);
        if ($page['canmodify']) {
  <a class="removelink" id="i<?php 
            echo $a['operatorid'];
" href="<?php 
            echo $webimroot;
            echo $a['operatorid'];
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!--
	var login = $("#t"+this.id).text();
	return confirm("<?php 
    echo getlocalforJS("page_agents.confirm", array('"+$.trim(login)+"'));

Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return updated operators list. API function
  * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains the
  *   following keys:
  *    - 'agentId': Id of the agent related to users window
  * @return array Array of results. It contains the following keys:
  *    - 'operators': array of online operators
 protected function apiUpdateOperators($args)
     // Check access and get operators info
     $operator = $this->checkOperator($args['agentId']);
     // Return empty array if show operators option disabled
     if (Settings::get('showonlineoperators') != '1') {
         return array('operators' => array());
     // Check if curent operator is in isolation
     $list_options = in_isolation($operator) ? array('isolated_operator_id' => $operator['operatorid']) : array();
     // Get operators list
     $operators = get_operators_list($list_options);
     // Create resulting list of operators
     $result_list = array();
     foreach ($operators as $item) {
         if (!operator_is_online($item)) {
         $result_list[] = array('id' => (int) $item['operatorid'], 'name' => htmlspecialchars($item['vclocalename']), 'away' => (bool) operator_is_away($item));
     // Send operators list to the client side
     return array('operators' => $result_list);
Exemplo n.º 4
function print_operators()
    global $mibew_encoding;
    echo "<operators>";
    $operators = operator_get_all();
    foreach ($operators as $operator) {
        if (!operator_is_online($operator)) {
        $name = myiconv($mibew_encoding, "utf-8", safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($operator['vclocalename'])));
        $away = operator_is_away($operator) ? " away=\"1\"" : "";
        echo "<operator name=\"{$name}\"{$away}/>";
    echo "</operators>";
Exemplo n.º 5
function print_operators()
    echo "<operators>";
    $operators = operator_get_all();
    foreach ($operators as $operator) {
        if (!operator_is_online($operator)) {
        $name = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars($operator['vclocalename']));
        $away = operator_is_away($operator) ? " away=\"1\"" : "";
        echo "<operator name=\"{$name}\"{$away}/>";
    echo "</operators>";