Exemplo n.º 1
  * Main function
  * @param mixed $surveyid
  * @param mixed $args
 function run($surveyid, $args)
     global $errormsg;
     if (!$thissurvey) {
         $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($surveyid);
     $LEMsessid = 'survey_' . $surveyid;
     $oTemplate = Template::model()->getInstance('', $surveyid);
     $sTemplatePath = $oTemplate->path;
     $sTemplateViewPath = $oTemplate->viewPath;
     $flashmessage = makeFlashMessage();
     // $LEMdebugLevel - customizable debugging for Lime Expression Manager
     $LEMdebugLevel = 0;
     $LEMskipReprocessing = false;
     // true if used GetLastMoveResult to avoid generation of unneeded extra JavaScript
     switch ($thissurvey['format']) {
         case "A":
             //All in one
             $surveyMode = 'survey';
         case "S":
             //One at a time
             $surveyMode = 'question';
         case "G":
             //Group at a time
             $surveyMode = 'group';
     $radix = getRadixPointData($thissurvey['surveyls_numberformat']);
     $radix = $radix['separator'];
     $surveyOptions = array('active' => $thissurvey['active'] == 'Y', 'allowsave' => $thissurvey['allowsave'] == 'Y', 'anonymized' => $thissurvey['anonymized'] != 'N', 'assessments' => $thissurvey['assessments'] == 'Y', 'datestamp' => $thissurvey['datestamp'] == 'Y', 'deletenonvalues' => Yii::app()->getConfig('deletenonvalues'), 'hyperlinkSyntaxHighlighting' => ($LEMdebugLevel & LEM_DEBUG_VALIDATION_SUMMARY) == LEM_DEBUG_VALIDATION_SUMMARY, 'ipaddr' => $thissurvey['ipaddr'] == 'Y', 'radix' => $radix, 'refurl' => $thissurvey['refurl'] == "Y" && isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['refurl']) ? $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['refurl'] : NULL, 'savetimings' => $thissurvey['savetimings'] == "Y", 'surveyls_dateformat' => isset($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']) ? $thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat'] : 1, 'startlanguage' => isset(App()->language) ? App()->language : $thissurvey['language'], 'target' => Yii::app()->getConfig('uploaddir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'surveys' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thissurvey['sid'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'tempdir' => Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'timeadjust' => isset($timeadjust) ? $timeadjust : 0, 'token' => isset($clienttoken) ? $clienttoken : NULL);
     //Security Checked: POST, GET, SESSION, REQUEST, returnGlobal, DB
     $previewgrp = false;
     if ($surveyMode == 'group' && isset($param['action']) && $param['action'] == 'previewgroup') {
         $previewgrp = true;
     $previewquestion = false;
     if ($surveyMode == 'question' && isset($param['action']) && $param['action'] == 'previewquestion') {
         $previewquestion = true;
     //        if (isset($param['newtest']) && $param['newtest'] == "Y")
     //            setcookie("limesurvey_timers", "0");   //@todo fix - sometimes results in headers already sent error
     $show_empty_group = false;
     if ($previewgrp || $previewquestion) {
         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] = 2;
         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'] = 0;
     } else {
         //RUN THIS IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME , OR THE FIRST PAGE ########################################
         if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'])) {
             if ($surveyid != LimeExpressionManager::getLEMsurveyId()) {
             LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, $surveyMode, $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel);
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = 0;
             if ($surveyMode == 'survey') {
                 LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo(1, false, false, true);
             } elseif (isset($thissurvey['showwelcome']) && $thissurvey['showwelcome'] == 'N') {
                 $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = 1;
         } elseif ($surveyid != LimeExpressionManager::getLEMsurveyId()) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] < 0 ? 0 : $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'];
             //$_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] can not be less than 0, fix it always #09772
             LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, $surveyMode, $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel);
             LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], false, false);
         $totalquestions = $_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['totalquestions'];
         if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps'])) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps'] = 0;
         if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'])) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'] = 0;
         if (isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['LEMpostKey']) && isset($_POST['LEMpostKey']) && $_POST['LEMpostKey'] != $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['LEMpostKey']) {
             // then trying to resubmit (e.g. Next, Previous, Submit) from a cached copy of the page
             // Does not try to save anything from the page to the database
             $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult(true);
             if (isset($_POST['thisstep']) && isset($moveResult['seq']) && $_POST['thisstep'] == $moveResult['seq']) {
                 // then pressing F5 or otherwise refreshing the current page, which is OK
                 $LEMskipReprocessing = true;
                 $move = "movenext";
                 // so will re-display the survey
             } else {
                 // trying to use browser back buttons, which may be disallowed if no 'previous' button is present
                 $LEMskipReprocessing = true;
                 $move = "movenext";
                 // so will re-display the survey
                 $invalidLastPage = true;
                 $backpopup = gT("Please use the LimeSurvey navigation buttons or index.  It appears you attempted to use the browser back button to re-submit a page.");
         if (isset($move) && $move == "clearcancel") {
             $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], false, true, false, true);
             //$backpopup=gT("Clear all need confirmation.");
         if (isset($move)) {
             if (!in_array($move, array("clearall", "changelang", "saveall", "reload"))) {
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'];
             } else {
                 // Accepted $move without error
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] = $move;
         } else {
             //$_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step']-1; // Is this needed ?
         if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'])) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] - 1;
             // this only happens on re-load
         if (isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['LEMtokenResume'])) {
             LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($thissurvey['sid'], $surveyMode, $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel);
             if (isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep']) && $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'] > $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] && $thissurvey['questionindex']) {
                 LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'], false, false);
             $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], false, false);
             // if late in the survey, will re-validate contents, which may be overkill
         } else {
             if (!$LEMskipReprocessing) {
                 //Move current step ###########################################################################
                 if (isset($move) && $move == 'moveprev' && ($thissurvey['allowprev'] == 'Y' || $thissurvey['questionindex'] > 0)) {
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateBackwards();
                     if ($moveResult['at_start']) {
                         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = 0;
                         // so display welcome page again
                 if (isset($move) && $move == "movenext") {
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
                 if (isset($move) && $move == 'movesubmit') {
                     if ($surveyMode == 'survey') {
                         $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
                     } else {
                         // may be submitting from the navigation bar, in which case need to process all intervening questions
                         // in order to update equations and ensure there are no intervening relevant mandatory or relevant invalid questions
                         if ($thissurvey['questionindex'] == 2) {
                             // Must : save actual page , review whole before set finished to true (see #09906), index==1 seems to don't need it : (don't force move)
                             LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, $surveyMode, $surveyOptions);
                         $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps'] + 1, false);
                 if (isset($move) && $move == 'changelang') {
                     // jump to current step using new language, processing POST values
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], false, true, true, true);
                     // do process the POST data
                 if (isset($move) && isNumericInt($move) && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 1) {
                     $move = (int) $move;
                     if ($move > 0 && ($move <= $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] || isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep']) && $move <= $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'])) {
                         $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($move, false);
                 } elseif (isset($move) && isNumericInt($move) && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 2) {
                     $move = (int) $move;
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($move, false, true, true);
                 if (!isset($moveResult) && !($surveyMode != 'survey' && $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] == 0)) {
                     // Just in case not set via any other means, but don't do this if it is the welcome page
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult(true);
                     $LEMskipReprocessing = true;
         if (isset($moveResult) && isset($moveResult['seq'])) {
             // With complete index, we need to revalidate whole group bug #08806. It's actually the only mode where we JumpTo with force
             if ($moveResult['finished'] == true && $move != 'movesubmit' && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 2) {
                 //LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo(-1, false, false, true);
                 LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, $surveyMode, $surveyOptions);
                 $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps'] + 1, false, false, false);
                 // no preview, no save data and NO force
                 if (!$moveResult['mandViolation'] && $moveResult['valid'] && empty($moveResult['invalidSQs'])) {
                     $moveResult['finished'] = true;
             if ($moveResult['finished'] == true) {
                 $move = 'movesubmit';
             } else {
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = $moveResult['seq'] + 1;
                 // step is index base 1
                 $stepInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetStepIndexInfo($moveResult['seq']);
             if ($move == "movesubmit" && $moveResult['finished'] == false) {
                 // then there are errors, so don't finalize the survey
                 $move = "movenext";
                 // so will re-display the survey
                 $invalidLastPage = true;
         // We do not keep the participant session anymore when the same browser is used to answer a second time a survey (let's think of a library PC for instance).
         // Previously we used to keep the session and redirect the user to the
         // submit page.
         if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] == 0) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['test'] = time();
             // So we can still see debug messages
         // TODO FIXME
         if ($thissurvey['active'] == "Y") {
             $cSave = new Save();
         if ($thissurvey['active'] == "Y" && Yii::app()->request->getPost('saveall')) {
             $bTokenAnswerPersitance = $thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'Y' && isset($surveyid) && tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid);
             // must do this here to process the POSTed values
             $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], false);
             // by jumping to current step, saves data so far
             if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['scid']) && !$bTokenAnswerPersitance) {
                 // generates a form and exits, awaiting input
             } else {
                 // Intentional retest of all conditions to be true, to make sure we do have tokens and surveyid
                 // Now update lastpage to $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] in SurveyDynamic, otherwise we land on
                 // the previous page when we return.
                 $iResponseID = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['srid'];
                 $oResponse = SurveyDynamic::model($surveyid)->findByPk($iResponseID);
                 $oResponse->lastpage = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'];
         if ($thissurvey['active'] == "Y" && Yii::app()->request->getParam('savesubmit')) {
             // The response from the save form
             $popup = $cSave->savedcontrol();
             if (isset($errormsg) && $errormsg != "") {
                 // reshow the form if there is an error
             $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult(true);
             $LEMskipReprocessing = true;
             // TODO - does this work automatically for token answer persistence? Used to be savedsilent()
         //Now, we check mandatory questions if necessary
         global $notanswered;
         if (isset($moveResult) && !$moveResult['finished']) {
             $unansweredSQList = $moveResult['unansweredSQs'];
             if (strlen($unansweredSQList) > 0) {
                 $notanswered = explode('|', $unansweredSQList);
             } else {
                 $notanswered = array();
             //CHECK INPUT
             $invalidSQList = $moveResult['invalidSQs'];
             if (strlen($invalidSQList) > 0) {
                 $notvalidated = explode('|', $invalidSQList);
             } else {
                 $notvalidated = array();
         // TMSW - Move this into LEM::NavigateForwards?
         $filenotvalidated = checkUploadedFileValidity($surveyid, $move);
         $show_empty_group = false;
         if ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] == 0) {
             $show_empty_group = true;
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         //SUBMIT ###############################################################################
         if (isset($move) && $move == "movesubmit") {
             //                setcookie("limesurvey_timers", "", time() - 3600); // remove the timers cookies   //@todo fix - sometimes results in headers already sent error
             if ($thissurvey['refurl'] == "Y") {
                 if (!in_array("refurl", $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['insertarray'])) {
                     $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['insertarray'][] = "refurl";
             //Before doing the "templatereplace()" function, check the $thissurvey['url']
             //field for limereplace stuff, and do transformations!
             $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] = passthruReplace($thissurvey['surveyls_url'], $thissurvey);
             $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] = templatereplace($thissurvey['surveyls_url'], array(), $redata, 'URLReplace', false, NULL, array(), true);
             // to do INSERTANS substitutions
             if ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") {
                 if ($thissurvey['assessments'] == "Y") {
                     $assessments = doAssessment($surveyid);
                 echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitStartpageI', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 //Check for assessments
                 if ($thissurvey['assessments'] == "Y" && $assessments) {
                     echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "assessment.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitAssessmentI', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 // fetch all filenames from $_SESSIONS['files'] and delete them all
                 // from the /upload/tmp/ directory
                 /* echo "<pre>";print_r($_SESSION);echo "</pre>";
                    for($i = 1; isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['files'][$i]); $i++)
                 // can't kill session before end message, otherwise INSERTANS doesn't work.
                 $completed = templatereplace($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'], array(), $redata, 'SubmitEndtextI', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 $completed .= "<br /><strong><font size='2' color='red'>" . gT("Did Not Save") . "</font></strong><br /><br />\n\n";
                 $completed .= gT("Your survey responses have not been recorded. This survey is not yet active.") . "<br /><br />\n";
                 if ($thissurvey['printanswers'] == 'Y') {
                     // 'Clear all' link is only relevant for survey with printanswers enabled
                     // in other cases the session is cleared at submit time
                     $completed .= "<a href='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}/move/clearall") . "'>" . gT("Clear Responses") . "</a><br /><br />\n";
             } else {
                 if ($thissurvey['usecookie'] == "Y" && $tokensexist != 1) {
                     setcookie("LS_" . $surveyid . "_STATUS", "COMPLETE", time() + 31536000);
                     //Cookie will expire in 365 days
                 $content = '';
                 $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitStartpage', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 //Check for assessments
                 if ($thissurvey['assessments'] == "Y") {
                     $assessments = doAssessment($surveyid);
                     if ($assessments) {
                         $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "assessment.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitAssessment', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 //Update the token if needed and send a confirmation email
                 if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['token'])) {
                 //Send notifications
                 $content = '';
                 $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitStartpage', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 //echo $thissurvey['url'];
                 //Check for assessments
                 if ($thissurvey['assessments'] == "Y") {
                     $assessments = doAssessment($surveyid);
                     if ($assessments) {
                         $content .= templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "assessment.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitAssessment', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 if (trim(str_replace(array('<p>', '</p>'), '', $thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'])) == '') {
                     $completed = "<br /><input type='hidden' class='hidemenubutton'/><span>" . gT("Thank you!") . "</span><br /><br />\n\n" . gT("Your survey responses have been recorded.") . "<br /><br />\n";
                 } else {
                     $completed = templatereplace($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'], array(), $redata, 'SubmitAssessment', false, NULL, array(), true);
                 // Link to Print Answer Preview  **********
                 if ($thissurvey['printanswers'] == 'Y') {
                     $url = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/printanswers/view/surveyid/{$surveyid}");
                     $completed .= "<br /><br />" . "<a class='printlink' href='{$url}'  target='_blank'>" . gT("Print your answers.") . "</a><br />\n";
                 if ($thissurvey['publicstatistics'] == 'Y' && $thissurvey['printanswers'] == 'Y') {
                     $completed .= '<br />' . gT("or");
                 // Link to Public statistics  **********
                 if ($thissurvey['publicstatistics'] == 'Y') {
                     $url = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("/statistics_user/action/surveyid/{$surveyid}/language/" . $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['s_lang']);
                     $completed .= "<br /><br />" . "<a class='publicstatisticslink' href='{$url}' target='_blank'>" . gT("View the statistics for this survey.") . "</a><br />\n";
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['finished'] = true;
                 $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['sid'] = $surveyid;
                 if (isset($thissurvey['autoredirect']) && $thissurvey['autoredirect'] == "Y" && $thissurvey['surveyls_url']) {
                     //Automatically redirect the page to the "url" setting for the survey
                     header("Location: {$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}");
                 echo $content;
             $redata['completed'] = $completed;
             // @todo Remove direct session access.
             $event = new PluginEvent('afterSurveyComplete');
             if (isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['srid'])) {
                 $event->set('responseId', $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['srid']);
             $event->set('surveyId', $surveyid);
             $blocks = array();
             foreach ($event->getAllContent() as $blockData) {
                 /* @var $blockData PluginEventContent */
                 $blocks[] = CHtml::tag('div', array('id' => $blockData->getCssId(), 'class' => $blockData->getCssClass()), $blockData->getContent());
             $redata['completed'] = implode("\n", $blocks) . "\n" . $redata['completed'];
             $redata['thissurvey']['surveyls_url'] = $thissurvey['surveyls_url'];
             echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "completed.pstpl"), array('completed' => $completed), $redata, 'SubmitCompleted', false, NULL, array(), true);
             echo "\n";
             if (($LEMdebugLevel & LEM_DEBUG_TIMING) == LEM_DEBUG_TIMING) {
                 echo LimeExpressionManager::GetDebugTimingMessage();
                 echo "<table><tr><td align='left'><b>Group/Question Validation Results:</b>" . $moveResult['message'] . "</td></tr></table>\n";
             echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "endpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata, 'SubmitEndpage', false, NULL, array(), true);
             // The session cannot be killed until the page is completely rendered
             if ($thissurvey['printanswers'] != 'Y') {
     $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
     //SEE IF $surveyid EXISTS ####################################################################
     if ($surveyExists < 1) {
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
         echo "\t<center><br />\n";
         echo "\t" . gT("Sorry. There is no matching survey.") . "<br /></center>&nbsp;\n";
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "endpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
     createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', false, false, $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['s_lang']);
     if ($surveyMode == 'group' && $previewgrp) {
         //            setcookie("limesurvey_timers", "0"); //@todo fix - sometimes results in headers already sent error
         $_gid = sanitize_int($param['gid']);
         LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($thissurvey['sid'], 'group', $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel);
         $gseq = LimeExpressionManager::GetGroupSeq($_gid);
         if ($gseq == -1) {
             echo gT('Invalid group number for this survey: ') . $_gid;
         $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($gseq + 1, true);
         if (is_null($moveResult)) {
             echo gT('This group contains no questions.  You must add questions to this group before you can preview it');
         if (isset($moveResult)) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = $moveResult['seq'] + 1;
             // step is index base 1?
         $stepInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetStepIndexInfo($moveResult['seq']);
         $gid = $stepInfo['gid'];
         $groupname = $stepInfo['gname'];
         $groupdescription = $stepInfo['gtext'];
     } else {
         if ($show_empty_group || !isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['grouplist'])) {
             $gid = -1;
             // Make sure the gid is unused. This will assure that the foreach (fieldarray as ia) has no effect.
             $groupname = gT("Submit your answers");
             $groupdescription = gT("There are no more questions. Please press the <Submit> button to finish this survey.");
         } else {
             if ($surveyMode != 'survey') {
                 if ($previewquestion) {
                     $_qid = sanitize_int($param['qid']);
                     LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, 'question', $surveyOptions, false, $LEMdebugLevel);
                     $qSec = LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionSeq($_qid);
                     $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($qSec + 1, true, false, true);
                     $stepInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetStepIndexInfo($moveResult['seq']);
                 } else {
                     $stepInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetStepIndexInfo($moveResult['seq']);
                 $gid = $stepInfo['gid'];
                 $groupname = $stepInfo['gname'];
                 $groupdescription = $stepInfo['gtext'];
     if ($previewquestion) {
         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] = 0;
         //maybe unset it after the question has been displayed?
     if ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] > $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep']) {
         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['maxstep'] = $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'];
     // If the survey uses answer persistence and a srid is registered in SESSION
     // then loadanswers from this srid
     /* Only survey mode used this - should all?
        if ($thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] == 'Y' &&
        $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" &&
        isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['srid']) &&
        $thissurvey['active'] == "Y")
     $okToShowErrors = !$previewgrp && (isset($invalidLastPage) || $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] == $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step']);
     //Iterate through the questions about to be displayed:
     $inputnames = array();
     foreach ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['grouplist'] as $gl) {
         $gid = $gl['gid'];
         $qnumber = 0;
         if ($surveyMode != 'survey') {
             $onlyThisGID = $stepInfo['gid'];
             if ($onlyThisGID != $gid) {
         // TMSW - could iterate through LEM::currentQset instead
         //// To diplay one question, all the questions are processed ?
         foreach ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['fieldarray'] as $key => $ia) {
             $ia[9] = $qnumber;
             // incremental question count;
             if (isset($ia[10]) && $ia[10] == $gid || !isset($ia[10]) && $ia[5] == $gid) {
                 if ($surveyMode == 'question' && $ia[0] != $stepInfo['qid']) {
                 $qidattributes = getQuestionAttributeValues($ia[0]);
                 if ($ia[4] != '*' && ($qidattributes === false || !isset($qidattributes['hidden']) || $qidattributes['hidden'] == 1)) {
                 //Get the answers/inputnames
                 // TMSW - can content of retrieveAnswers() be provided by LEM?  Review scope of what it provides.
                 // TODO - retrieveAnswers is slow - queries database separately for each question. May be fixed in _CI or _YII ports, so ignore for now
                 list($plus_qanda, $plus_inputnames) = retrieveAnswers($ia, $surveyid);
                 if ($plus_qanda) {
                     $plus_qanda[] = $ia[4];
                     $plus_qanda[] = $ia[6];
                     // adds madatory identifyer for adding mandatory class to question wrapping div
                     // Add a finalgroup in qa array , needed for random attribute : TODO: find a way to have it in new quanda_helper in 2.1
                     if (isset($ia[10])) {
                         $plus_qanda['finalgroup'] = $ia[10];
                     } else {
                         $plus_qanda['finalgroup'] = $ia[5];
                     $qanda[] = $plus_qanda;
                 if ($plus_inputnames) {
                     $inputnames = addtoarray_single($inputnames, $plus_inputnames);
                 //Display the "mandatory" popup if necessary
                 // TMSW - get question-level error messages - don't call **_popup() directly
                 if ($okToShowErrors && $stepInfo['mandViolation']) {
                     list($mandatorypopup, $popup) = mandatory_popup($ia, $notanswered);
                 //Display the "validation" popup if necessary
                 if ($okToShowErrors && !$stepInfo['valid']) {
                     list($validationpopup, $vpopup) = validation_popup($ia, $notvalidated);
                 // Display the "file validation" popup if necessary
                 if ($okToShowErrors && isset($filenotvalidated)) {
                     list($filevalidationpopup, $fpopup) = file_validation_popup($ia, $filenotvalidated);
             if ($ia[4] == "|") {
                 $upload_file = TRUE;
         //end iteration
     if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && isset($thissurvey['showprogress']) && $thissurvey['showprogress'] == 'Y') {
         if ($show_empty_group) {
             $percentcomplete = makegraph($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps'] + 1, $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps']);
         } else {
             $percentcomplete = makegraph($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'], $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['totalsteps']);
     if (!(isset($languagechanger) && strlen($languagechanger) > 0) && function_exists('makeLanguageChangerSurvey')) {
         $languagechanger = makeLanguageChangerSurvey($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['s_lang']);
      * Question Index
     $aQuestionindexbuttons = null;
     $aQuestionindexbuttonsmenu = null;
     if (!$previewgrp && !$previewquestion) {
         if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 1) {
             //$aQuestionindex = $this->createIncrementalQuestionIndex($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
             $aQuestionindexmenu = $this->createIncrementalQuestionIndexMenu($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
         } elseif ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 2) {
             //$aQuestionindex = $this->createFullQuestionIndex($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
             $aQuestionindexmenu = $this->createFullQuestionIndexMenu($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
         //$questionindex = (isset($aQuestionindex['menulist']))?$aQuestionindex['menulist']:'';
         $questionindexmenu = isset($aQuestionindexmenu['menulist']) ? $aQuestionindexmenu['menulist'] : '';
         //$aQuestionindexbuttons = (isset($aQuestionindex['buttons']))?$aQuestionindex['buttons']:'';
         $aQuestionindexbuttonsmenu = isset($aQuestionindexmenu['buttons']) ? $aQuestionindexmenu['buttons'] : '';
     // First call to templatereplace
     echo "<!-- SurveyRunTimeHelper -->";
     $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
     echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
     $aPopup = array();
     // We can move this part where we want now
     if (isset($backpopup)) {
         $aPopup[] = $backpopup;
         // If user click reload: no need other popup
     } else {
         if (isset($popup)) {
             $aPopup[] = $popup;
         if (isset($vpopup)) {
             $aPopup[] = $vpopup;
         if (isset($fpopup)) {
             $aPopup[] = $fpopup;
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript("showpopup", "showpopup=" . (int) Yii::app()->getConfig('showpopups') . ";", CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('startPopup', "startPopups=" . json_encode($aPopup) . ";", CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
     if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] != $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep'] || isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['stepno']) && $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['stepno'] % 2) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['stepno'])) {
             $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['stepno'] = 0;
         if ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step'] != $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['prevstep']) {
         if ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['stepno'] % 2) {
             echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "  \$(\"body\").addClass(\"page-odd\");\n" . "</script>\n";
     $hiddenfieldnames = implode("|", $inputnames);
     if (isset($upload_file) && $upload_file) {
         echo CHtml::form(array("/survey/index", "sid" => $surveyid), 'post', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'id' => 'limesurvey', 'name' => 'limesurvey', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'survey-form-container surveyRunTimeUploadFile')) . "\n\n            <!-- INPUT NAMES -->\n            <input type='hidden' name='fieldnames' value='{$hiddenfieldnames}' id='fieldnames' />\n";
     } else {
         echo CHtml::form(array("/survey/index", "sid" => $surveyid), 'post', array('id' => 'limesurvey', 'name' => 'limesurvey', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'survey-form-container  surveyRunTime')) . "\n\n            <!-- INPUT NAMES -->\n            <input type='hidden' name='fieldnames' value='{$hiddenfieldnames}' id='fieldnames' />\n";
     // <-- END FEATURE - SAVE
     // The default submit button
     echo CHtml::htmlButton("default", array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => "defaultbtn", 'value' => "default", 'name' => 'move', 'class' => "submit noview", 'style' => 'display:none'));
     if ($surveyMode == 'survey') {
         if (isset($thissurvey['showwelcome']) && $thissurvey['showwelcome'] == 'N') {
             //Hide the welcome screen if explicitly set
         } else {
             echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "welcome.pstpl"), array(), $redata) . "\n";
         if ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == "Y") {
             echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "privacy.pstpl"), array(), $redata) . "\n";
     // <-- START THE SURVEY -->
     if ($surveyMode != 'survey') {
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "survey.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
     // runonce element has been changed from a hidden to a text/display:none one. In order to workaround an not-reproduced issue #4453 (lemeur)
     // We don't need runonce actually (140228): the script was updated and replaced by EM see #08783 (grep show no other runonce)
     // echo "<input type='text' id='runonce' value='0' style='display: none;'/>";
     $showpopups = Yii::app()->getConfig('showpopups');
     //Display the "mandatory" message on page if necessary
     if (!$showpopups && $stepInfo['mandViolation'] && $okToShowErrors) {
         echo "<p class='errormandatory alert alert-danger' role='alert'>" . gT("One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed.") . "</p>";
     //Display the "validation" message on page if necessary
     if (!$showpopups && !$stepInfo['valid'] && $okToShowErrors) {
         echo "<p class='errormandatory alert alert-danger' role='alert'>" . gT("One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid.") . "</p>";
     //Display the "file validation" message on page if necessary
     if (!$showpopups && isset($filenotvalidated) && $filenotvalidated == true && $okToShowErrors) {
         echo "<p class='errormandatory alert alert-danger' role='alert'>" . gT("One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid.") . "</p>";
     $_gseq = -1;
     foreach ($_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['grouplist'] as $gl) {
         $gid = $gl['gid'];
         $groupname = $gl['group_name'];
         $groupdescription = $gl['description'];
         if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $gid != $onlyThisGID) {
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         Yii::app()->setConfig('gid', $gid);
         // To be used in templaterplace in whole group. Attention : it's the actual GID (not the GID of the question)
         echo "\n\n<!-- START THE GROUP (in SurveyRunTime ) -->\n";
         echo "\n\n<div id='group-{$_gseq}'";
         $gnoshow = LimeExpressionManager::GroupIsIrrelevantOrHidden($_gseq);
         if ($gnoshow && !$previewgrp) {
             echo " style='display: none;'";
         echo " class='row'>\n";
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "startgroup.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
         echo "\n";
         $aSurveyinfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid);
         $showgroupinfo_ = $aSurveyinfo['showgroupinfo'];
         $showgroupdesc_ = $showgroupinfo_ == 'B' || $showgroupinfo_ == 'D';
         /* (group-) description */
         if (!$previewquestion && trim($redata['groupdescription']) != "" && $showgroupdesc_) {
             echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "groupdescription.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
         echo "\n";
         echo "\n\n<!-- PRESENT THE QUESTIONS (in SurveyRunTime )  -->\n";
         foreach ($qanda as $qa) {
             // Test if finalgroup is in this qid (for all in one survey, else we do only qanda for needed question (in one by one or group by goup)
             if ($gid != $qa['finalgroup']) {
             $qid = $qa[4];
             $qinfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionStatus($qid);
             $lastgrouparray = explode("X", $qa[7]);
             $lastgroup = $lastgrouparray[0] . "X" . $lastgrouparray[1];
             // id of the last group, derived from question id
             $lastanswer = $qa[7];
             $n_q_display = '';
             if ($qinfo['hidden'] && $qinfo['info']['type'] != '*') {
                 // skip this one
             $aReplacement = array();
             $question = $qa[0];
             // The following four variables offer the templating system the
             // capacity to fully control the HTML output for questions making the
             // above echo redundant if desired.
             $question['sgq'] = $qa[7];
             $question['aid'] = !empty($qinfo['info']['aid']) ? $qinfo['info']['aid'] : 0;
             $question['sqid'] = !empty($qinfo['info']['sqid']) ? $qinfo['info']['sqid'] : 0;
             $question_template = file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . 'question.pstpl');
             // Fix old template : can we remove it ? Old template are surely already broken by another issue
             if (preg_match('/\\{QUESTION_ESSENTIALS\\}/', $question_template) === false || preg_match('/\\{QUESTION_CLASS\\}/', $question_template) === false) {
                 // if {QUESTION_ESSENTIALS} is present in the template but not {QUESTION_CLASS} remove it because you don't want id="" and display="" duplicated.
                 $question_template = str_replace('{QUESTION_ESSENTIALS}', '', $question_template);
                 $question_template = str_replace('{QUESTION_CLASS}', '', $question_template);
                 $question_template = "<div {QUESTION_ESSENTIALS} class='{QUESTION_CLASS} {QUESTION_MAN_CLASS} {QUESTION_INPUT_ERROR_CLASS}'" . $question_template . "</div>";
             $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
             $aQuestionReplacement = $this->getQuestionReplacement($qa);
             echo templatereplace($question_template, $aQuestionReplacement, $redata, false, false, $qa[4]);
         if ($surveyMode == 'group') {
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='lastgroup' value='{$lastgroup}' id='lastgroup' />\n";
             // for counting the time spent on each group
         if ($surveyMode == 'question') {
             echo "<input type='hidden' name='lastanswer' value='{$lastanswer}' id='lastanswer' />\n";
         echo "\n\n<!-- END THE GROUP -->\n";
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "endgroup.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
         echo "\n\n</div>\n";
         Yii::app()->setConfig('gid', '');
     echo LimeExpressionManager::GetRelevanceAndTailoringJavaScript();
      * Navigator
     if (!$previewgrp && !$previewquestion) {
         $aNavigator = surveymover();
         $moveprevbutton = $aNavigator['sMovePrevButton'];
         $movenextbutton = $aNavigator['sMoveNextButton'];
         $navigator = $moveprevbutton . ' ' . $movenextbutton;
         $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
         echo "\n\n<!-- PRESENT THE NAVIGATOR -->\n";
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "navigator.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
         echo "\n";
         if ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") {
             echo "<p style='text-align:center' class='error'>" . gT("This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses.") . "</p>\n";
         if ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 1) {
             $this->createIncrementalQuestionIndex($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
             $this->createIncrementalQuestionIndexMenu($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
         } elseif ($surveyMode != 'survey' && $thissurvey['questionindex'] == 2) {
             $this->createFullQuestionIndex($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
             $this->createFullQuestionIndexMenu($LEMsessid, $surveyMode);
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='thisstep' value='{$_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['step']}' id='thisstep' />\n";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$surveyid}' id='sid' />\n";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='start_time' value='" . time() . "' id='start_time' />\n";
         $_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['LEMpostKey'] = mt_rand();
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='LEMpostKey' value='{$_SESSION[$LEMsessid]['LEMpostKey']}' id='LEMpostKey' />\n";
         if (isset($token) && !empty($token)) {
             echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$token}' id='token' />\n";
     if (($LEMdebugLevel & LEM_DEBUG_TIMING) == LEM_DEBUG_TIMING) {
         echo LimeExpressionManager::GetDebugTimingMessage();
         echo "<table><tr><td align='left'><b>Group/Question Validation Results:</b>" . $moveResult['message'] . "</td></tr></table>\n";
     echo "</form>\n";
     echo templatereplace(file_get_contents($sTemplateViewPath . "endpage.pstpl"), array(), $redata);
     echo "\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
* This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates
* If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable
* instead of using global variables
* NOTE - Don't do any embedded replacements in this function.  Create the array of replacement values and
* they will be done in batch at the end
* @param mixed $line Text to search in
* @param mixed $replacements Array of replacements:  Array( <stringtosearch>=><stringtoreplacewith>
* @param boolean $anonymized Determines if token data is being used or just replaced with blanks
* @param questionNum - needed to support dynamic JavaScript-based tailoring within questions
* @param bStaticReplacement - Default off, forces non-dynamic replacements without <SPAN> tags (e.g. for the Completed page)
* @return string  Text with replaced strings
function templatereplace($line, $replacements = array(), &$redata = array(), $debugSrc = 'Unspecified', $anonymized = false, $questionNum = NULL, $registerdata = array(), $bStaticReplacement = false, $oTemplate = '')
    $allowedvars = array('assessments', 'captchapath', 'clienttoken', 'completed', 'errormsg', 'groupdescription', 'groupname', 'imageurl', 'languagechanger', 'loadname', 'move', 'navigator', 'moveprevbutton', 'movenextbutton', 'percentcomplete', 'privacy', 's_lang', 'saved_id', 'showgroupinfo', 'showqnumcode', 'showxquestions', 'sitelogo', 'surveylist', 'templatedir', 'thissurvey', 'token', 'totalBoilerplatequestions', 'totalquestions', 'questionindex', 'questionindexmenu', 'flashmessage');
    $varsPassed = array();
    foreach ($allowedvars as $var) {
        if (isset($redata[$var])) {
            ${$var} = $redata[$var];
            $varsPassed[] = $var;
    // Local over-rides in case not set above
    if (!isset($showgroupinfo)) {
        $showgroupinfo = Yii::app()->getConfig('showgroupinfo');
    if (!isset($showqnumcode)) {
        $showqnumcode = Yii::app()->getConfig('showqnumcode');
    $_surveyid = Yii::app()->getConfig('surveyID');
    if (!isset($showxquestions)) {
        $showxquestions = Yii::app()->getConfig('showxquestions');
    if (!isset($s_lang)) {
        $s_lang = isset(Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['s_lang']) ? Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['s_lang'] : 'en';
    if ($_surveyid && !isset($thissurvey)) {
        $thissurvey = getSurveyInfo($_surveyid, $s_lang);
    if (!isset($captchapath)) {
        $captchapath = '';
    if (!isset($saved_id) && isset(Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['srid'])) {
        $saved_id = Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $_surveyid]['srid'];
    if (isset($thissurvey['sid'])) {
        $surveyid = $thissurvey['sid'];
    // lets sanitize the survey template
    if (isset($thissurvey['templatedir'])) {
        $templatename = $thissurvey['templatedir'];
    } else {
        $templatename = Yii::app()->getConfig('defaulttemplate');
    if (!isset($templatedir)) {
        $templatedir = getTemplatePath($templatename);
    if (!isset($templateurl)) {
        $templateurl = getTemplateURL($templatename) . "/";
    if (!$anonymized && isset($thissurvey['anonymized'])) {
        $anonymized = $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "Y";
    $_templatecss = "";
    $_templatejs = "";
     * Template css/js files from the template config files are loaded.
     * It use the asset manager (so user never need to empty the cache, even if template is updated)
     * If debug mode is on, no asset manager is used.
     * oTemplate is defined in controller/survey/index
     * If templatereplace is called from the template editor, a $oTemplate is provided.
    if ($oTemplate === '') {
        $oTemplate = Template::model()->getInstance($templatename);
    if (stripos($line, "{TEMPLATECSS}")) {
        // This package is created in model TemplateConfiguration::createTemplatePackage
        if (!YII_DEBUG || Yii::app()->getConfig('use_asset_manager')) {
        } else {
            // In debug mode, the Asset Manager is not used
            // So, dev don't need to update the directory date to get the new version of their template.
            // They must think about refreshing their brower's cache (ctrl + F5)
            $aOtherFiles = $oTemplate->otherFiles;
            /* RTL CSS & JS */
            if (getLanguageRTL(App()->language)) {
                $aCssFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->rtl->css->filename;
                $aJsFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->rtl->js->filename;
                foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                foreach ($aJsFiles as $sJsFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile)) {
            } else {
                $aCssFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->css->filename;
                $aJsFiles = (array) $oTemplate->config->files->js->filename;
                foreach ($aCssFiles as $sCssFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sCssFile)) {
                foreach ($aJsFiles as $sJsFile) {
                    if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sJsFile)) {
    // surveyformat
    if (isset($thissurvey['format'])) {
        $surveyformat = str_replace(array("A", "S", "G"), array("allinone", "questionbyquestion", "groupbygroup"), $thissurvey['format']);
    } else {
        $surveyformat = "";
    if (isset($oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework) && $oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework) {
        $aCssFramework = (array) $oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework;
        if (!empty($aCssFramework)) {
            $surveyformat .= " " . $oTemplate->config->engine->cssframework . "-engine ";
    if (isset(Yii::app()->session['step']) && Yii::app()->session['step'] % 2 && $surveyformat != "allinone") {
        $surveyformat .= " page-odd";
    if (isset($thissurvey['questionindex']) && $thissurvey['questionindex'] > 0 && $surveyformat != "allinone" && (isset(Yii::app()->session['step']) && Yii::app()->session['step'] > 0)) {
        $surveyformat .= " withindex";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showprogress']) && $thissurvey['showprogress'] == "Y") {
        $surveyformat .= " showprogress";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode'])) {
        $surveyformat .= " showqnumcode-" . $thissurvey['showqnumcode'];
    // real survey contact
    if (isset($surveylist) && isset($surveylist['contact'])) {
        $surveycontact = $surveylist['contact'];
    } elseif (isset($surveylist) && isset($thissurvey['admin']) && $thissurvey['admin'] != "") {
        $surveycontact = sprintf(gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['admin'], $thissurvey['adminemail']);
    } else {
        $surveycontact = "";
    // If there are non-bracketed replacements to be made do so above this line.
    // Only continue in this routine if there are bracketed items to replace {}
    if (strpos($line, "{") === false) {
        // process string anyway so that it can be pretty-printed
        return LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, NULL, false, 1, 1, true);
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'name' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'N') {
        $_groupname = isset($groupname) ? $groupname : '';
    } else {
        $_groupname = '';
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'description' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'D') {
        $_groupdescription = isset($groupdescription) ? $groupdescription : '';
    } else {
        $_groupdescription = '';
    if (!isset($totalquestions)) {
        $totalquestions = 0;
    $_totalquestionsAsked = $totalquestions;
    if ($showxquestions == 'show' || $showxquestions == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showxquestions']) || $showxquestions == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showxquestions'] == 'Y') {
        if ($_totalquestionsAsked < 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There are no questions in this survey");
            // Singular
        } elseif ($_totalquestionsAsked == 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There is 1 question in this survey");
        } else {
            $_therearexquestions = gT("There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey.");
            //Note this line MUST be before {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}
    } else {
        $_therearexquestions = '';
    if (isset($token)) {
        $_token = $token;
    } elseif (isset($clienttoken)) {
        $_token = htmlentities($clienttoken, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        // or should it be URL-encoded?
    } else {
        $_token = '';
    // Expiry
    if (isset($thissurvey['expiry'])) {
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']);
        Yii::import('application.libraries.Date_Time_Converter', true);
        $datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($thissurvey['expiry'], "Y-m-d");
        $_dateoutput = $datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
    } else {
        $_dateoutput = '-';
    $_submitbutton = "<input class='submit btn btn-default' type='submit' value=' " . gT("Submit") . " ' name='move2' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = 'movesubmit';\" />";
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_url']) and $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] != "") {
        if (trim($thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']) != '') {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>";
        } else {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}</a>";
    } else {
        $_linkreplace = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['sid']) && isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $thissurvey['sid']]['srid']) && $thissurvey['active'] == 'Y') {
        $iscompleted = SurveyDynamic::model($surveyid)->isCompleted($_SESSION['survey_' . $thissurvey['sid']]['srid']);
    } else {
        $iscompleted = false;
    if (isset($surveyid) && !$iscompleted) {
        $_clearall = CHtml::htmlButton(gT("Exit and clear survey"), array('type' => 'submit', 'id' => "clearall", 'value' => 'clearall', 'name' => 'clearall', 'class' => 'clearall button  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4 hidden', 'data-confirmedby' => 'confirm-clearall', 'title' => gT("This action need confirmation.")));
        $_clearall .= CHtml::checkBox("confirm-clearall", false, array('id' => 'confirm-clearall', 'value' => 'confirm', 'class' => 'hide jshide  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4'));
        $_clearall .= CHtml::label(gT("Are you sure you want to clear all your responses?"), 'confirm-clearall', array('class' => 'hide jshide  btn btn-default btn-lg  col-xs-4'));
        $_clearalllinks = '<li><a href="#" id="clearallbtnlink">' . gT("Exit and clear survey") . '</a></li>';
    } else {
        $_clearall = "";
        $_clearalllinks = '';
    if (isset(Yii::app()->session['datestamp'])) {
        $_datestamp = Yii::app()->session['datestamp'];
    } else {
        $_datestamp = '-';
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowsave']) and $thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y") {
        $_saveall = doHtmlSaveAll(isset($move) ? $move : NULL);
        $_savelinks = doHtmlSaveLinks(isset($move) ? $move : NULL);
    } else {
        $_saveall = "";
        $_savelinks = "";
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowprev']) && $thissurvey['allowprev'] == "N") {
        $_strreview = "";
    } else {
        $_strreview = gT("If you want to check any of the answers you have made, and/or change them, you can do that now by clicking on the [<< prev] button and browsing through your responses.");
    if (isset($surveyid)) {
        $restartparam = array();
        if ($_token) {
            $restartparam['token'] = sanitize_token($_token);
        // urlencode with needed with sanitize_token
        if (Yii::app()->request->getQuery('lang')) {
            $restartparam['lang'] = sanitize_languagecode(Yii::app()->request->getQuery('lang'));
        } elseif ($s_lang) {
            $restartparam['lang'] = $s_lang;
        $restartparam['newtest'] = "Y";
        $restarturl = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", $restartparam);
        $_restart = "<a href='{$restarturl}'>" . gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $_restart = "";
    if (isset($thissurvey['anonymized']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == 'Y') {
        $_savealert = gT("To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required.");
    } else {
        $_savealert = "";
    if (isset($surveyid)) {
        if ($_token) {
            $returnlink = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}", array('token' => Token::sanitizeToken($_token)));
        } else {
            $returnlink = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("survey/index/sid/{$surveyid}");
        $_return_to_survey = "<a href='{$returnlink}'>" . gT("Return to survey") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $_return_to_survey = "";
    // Save Form
    $_saveform = "\n        <div class='save-survey-form form-horizontal'>\n            <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-name'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 save-survey-label label-cell' for='savename'>" . gT("Name:") . "</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-7 save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <input class='form-control' type='text' name='savename' id='savename' value='" . (isset($_POST['savename']) ? HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savename'])) : '') . "' />\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-password-1'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 save-survey-label label-cell' for='savepass'>" . gT("Password:"******"</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-7 save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <input class='form-control' type='password' id='savepass' name='savepass' value='" . (isset($_POST['savepass']) ? HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savepass'])) : '') . "' /></div></div>\n" . " <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-password-2'>\n            <label class='control-label col-sm-3 save-survey-label label-cell' for='savepass2'>" . gT("Repeat password:"******"</label>\n            <div class='col-sm-7 save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                <input class='form-control' type='password' id='savepass2' name='savepass2' value='" . (isset($_POST['savepass2']) ? HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['savepass2'])) : '') . "' /></div></div>\n" . " <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-email'>\n            <label class='col-sm-3 control-label save-survey-label label-cell' for='saveemail'>" . gT("Your email address:") . "</label>\n            <div class='col-sm-7 save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                <input class='form-control' type='text' id='saveemail' name='saveemail' value='" . (isset($_POST['saveemail']) ? HTMLEscape(autoUnescape($_POST['saveemail'])) : '') . "' /></div></div>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_saveform .= "\n            <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-captcha'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 save-survey-label label-cell' for='loadsecurity'>" . gT("Security question:") . "</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-2 captcha-image'>\n                    <img alt='' src='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/verification/image/sid/' . (isset($surveyid) ? $surveyid : '')) . "' />\n                </div>\n                <div class='col-sm-3 save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <div class='captcha-table'>\n                        <input class='form-control' type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' id='loadsecurity' name='loadsecurity' value='' />\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n";
    $_saveform .= "\n        <div class='form-group save-survey-row save-survey-submit'>\n            <!-- Needed?\n            <td class='save-survey-label label-cell'>\n                <label class='hide jshide' for='savebutton'>" . gT("Save Now") . "</label>\n            </td>\n            -->\n            <div class='form-group save-survey-input input-cell'>\n                <div class='col-sm-12'>\n                    <input class='btn btn-default' type='submit' id='savebutton' name='savesubmit' value='" . gT("Save Now") . "' />\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n" . "</div>\n    ";
    // End save form
    // Load Form
    $_loadform = "\n        <div class='load-survey-form form-horizontal'>\n            <div class='form-group load-survey-row load-survey-name'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 load-survey-label label-cell' for='loadname'>" . gT("Saved name:") . "</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-7 load-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <input class='form-control' type='text' id='loadname' name='loadname' value='' />\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class='form-group load-survey-row load-survey-password'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 load-survey-label label-cell' for='loadpass'>" . gT("Password:"******"</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-7 load-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <input class='form-control' type='password' id='loadpass' name='loadpass' value='' />\n                </div>\n            </div>\n    ";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && isCaptchaEnabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_loadform .= "\n            <div class='form-group load-survey-row load-survey-captcha'>\n                <label class='control-label col-sm-3 load-survey-label label-cell' for='loadsecurity'>" . gT("Security question:") . "</label>\n                <div class='col-sm-2 captcha-image' valign='middle'>\n                    <img src='" . Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/verification/image/sid/' . (isset($surveyid) ? $surveyid : '')) . "' alt='' />\n                </div>\n                <div class='col-sm-3 captcha-input' valign='middle'>\n                    <input class='form-control' type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' id='loadsecurity' name='loadsecurity' value='' alt=''/>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
    $_loadform .= "\n            <div class='load-survey-row load-survey-submit'>\n                <!-- Needed?\n                    <td class='load-survey-label label-cell'>\n                        <label class='hide jshide' for='loadbutton'>" . gT("Load now") . "</label>\n                    </td>\n                -->\n                <div class='form-group col-sm-12 load-survey-input input-cell'>\n                    <input type='submit' id='loadbutton' class='btn btn-default' value='" . gT("Load now") . "' />\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    ";
    // Assessments
    $assessmenthtml = "";
    if (isset($surveyid) && !is_null($surveyid) && function_exists('doAssessment')) {
        $assessmentdata = doAssessment($surveyid, true);
        $_assessment_current_total = $assessmentdata['total'];
        if (stripos($line, "{ASSESSMENTS}")) {
            $assessmenthtml = doAssessment($surveyid, false);
    } else {
        $_assessment_current_total = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) && $thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey'] === "9999useGlobal9999") {
        $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim(getGlobalSetting('googleanalyticsapikey'));
    } else {
        if (isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) && trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) != '') {
            $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']);
        } else {
            $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = "";
    $_googleAnalyticsStyle = isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle']) ? $thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle'] : '1';
    $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = '';
    if ($_googleAnalyticsStyle != '' && $_googleAnalyticsStyle != 0 && $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey != '') {
        switch ($_googleAnalyticsStyle) {
            case '1':
                // Default Google Tracking
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){ i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments) },i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}', 'auto');  // Replace with your property ID.
ga('send', 'pageview');


            case '2':
                // SurveyName-[SID]/[GSEQ]-GroupName - create custom GSEQ based upon page step
                $moveInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult();
                if (is_null($moveInfo)) {
                    $gseq = 'welcome';
                } else {
                    if ($moveInfo['finished']) {
                        $gseq = 'finished';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($moveInfo['at_start']) && $moveInfo['at_start']) {
                            $gseq = 'welcome';
                        } else {
                            if (is_null($_groupname)) {
                                $gseq = 'printanswers';
                            } else {
                                $gseq = $moveInfo['gseq'] + 1;
                $_trackURL = htmlspecialchars($thissurvey['name'] . '-[' . $surveyid . ']/[' . $gseq . ']-' . $_groupname);
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){ i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments) }
,i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)

ga('create', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
ga('send', 'pageview', '{$_trackURL}');

    $_endtext = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) && trim($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) != '') {
        $_endtext = $thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'];
    $sitelogo = '';
    if (!empty($oTemplate->siteLogo)) {
        if (file_exists($oTemplate->path . '/' . $oTemplate->siteLogo)) {
            $sitelogo = '<img class="img-responsive" src="' . App()->getAssetManager()->publish($oTemplate->path . '/' . $oTemplate->siteLogo) . '" alt=""/>';
    // Set the array of replacement variables here - don't include curly braces
    $coreReplacements = array();
    $coreReplacements['ACTIVE'] = isset($thissurvey['active']) && !($thissurvey['active'] != "Y");
    $coreReplacements['ANSWERSCLEARED'] = gT("Answers cleared");
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENTS'] = $assessmenthtml;
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL'] = $_assessment_current_total;
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_HEADING'] = gT("Your assessment");
    $coreReplacements['CHECKJAVASCRIPT'] = "<noscript role='alert' id='checkjavascript'><p class='alert alert-danger warningjs'>" . gT("Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.") . "</p></noscript>";
    $coreReplacements['CLEARALL'] = $_clearall;
    $coreReplacements['CLEARALL_LINKS'] = $_clearalllinks;
    $coreReplacements['CLOSEWINDOW'] = '';
    // Obsolete tag - keep this line for compatibility reaons
    $coreReplacements['COMPLETED'] = isset($redata['completed']) ? $redata['completed'] : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['DATESTAMP'] = $_datestamp;
    $coreReplacements['ENDTEXT'] = $_endtext;
    $coreReplacements['EXPIRY'] = $_dateoutput;
    $coreReplacements['ADMINNAME'] = isset($thissurvey['admin']) ? $thissurvey['admin'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['ADMINEMAIL'] = isset($thissurvey['adminemail']) ? $thissurvey['adminemail'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['GID'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('gid', '');
    // Use the gid of the question, except if we are not in question (Randomization group name)
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_KEY'] = $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey;
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT'] = $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPDESCRIPTION'] = $_groupdescription;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPNAME'] = $_groupname;
    $coreReplacements['LANG'] = App()->language;
    $coreReplacements['LANGUAGECHANGER'] = isset($languagechanger) ? $languagechanger : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['FLASHMESSAGE'] = makeFlashMessage();
    // TODO: Really generate this each time function is called? Only relevant for startpage.tstpl
    $coreReplacements['LOADERROR'] = isset($errormsg) ? $errormsg : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['LOADFORM'] = $_loadform;
    $coreReplacements['LOADHEADING'] = gT("Load a previously saved survey");
    $coreReplacements['LOADMESSAGE'] = gT("You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen.") . "<br />" . gT("Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password.") . "<br />";
    $coreReplacements['NAVIGATOR'] = isset($navigator) ? $navigator : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['MOVEPREVBUTTON'] = isset($moveprevbutton) ? $moveprevbutton : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['MOVENEXTBUTTON'] = isset($movenextbutton) ? $movenextbutton : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['NOSURVEYID'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['nosid'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['NUMBEROFQUESTIONS'] = $_totalquestionsAsked;
    $coreReplacements['PERCENTCOMPLETE'] = isset($percentcomplete) ? $percentcomplete : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACY'] = isset($privacy) ? $privacy : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACYMESSAGE'] = "<span class='privacy-title'>" . gT("A note on privacy") . "</span><span class='privacy-body'><br />" . gT("This survey is anonymous.") . "<br />" . gT("The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.") . ' ' . gT("If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.") . '</span>';
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_INDEX'] = isset($questionindex) ? $questionindex : '';
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_INDEX_MENU'] = isset($questionindexmenu) ? $questionindexmenu : '';
    $coreReplacements['RESTART'] = $_restart;
    $coreReplacements['RETURNTOSURVEY'] = $_return_to_survey;
    $coreReplacements['SAVE_LINKS'] = $_savelinks;
    $coreReplacements['SAVE'] = $_saveall;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEALERT'] = $_savealert;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEDID'] = isset($saved_id) ? $saved_id : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SAVEERROR'] = isset($errormsg) ? $errormsg : '';
    // global - same as LOADERROR
    $coreReplacements['SAVEFORM'] = $_saveform;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEHEADING'] = gT("Save your unfinished survey");
    $coreReplacements['SAVEMESSAGE'] = gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.") . "<br />\n" . gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.") . "<br /><br />\n<span class='emailoptional'>" . gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you.") . "</span><br /><br />\n" . gT("After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey.");
    $coreReplacements['SID'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('surveyID', '');
    // Allways use surveyID from config
    $coreReplacements['SITENAME'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('sitename');
    $coreReplacements['SITELOGO'] = $sitelogo;
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITBUTTON'] = $_submitbutton;
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITCOMPLETE'] = "<strong>" . gT("Thank you!") . "<br /><br />" . gT("You have completed answering the questions in this survey.") . "</strong><br /><br />" . gT("Click on 'Submit' now to complete the process and save your answers.");
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITREVIEW'] = $_strreview;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYCONTACT'] = $surveycontact;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYDESCRIPTION'] = isset($thissurvey['description']) ? $thissurvey['description'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYFORMAT'] = isset($surveyformat) ? $surveyformat : '';
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLANGUAGE'] = App()->language;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLIST'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['list'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLISTHEADING'] = isset($surveylist) ? $surveylist['listheading'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYNAME'] = isset($thissurvey['name']) ? $thissurvey['name'] : Yii::app()->getConfig('sitename');
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYRESOURCESURL'] = isset($thissurvey['sid']) ? Yii::app()->getConfig("uploadurl") . '/surveys/' . $thissurvey['sid'] . '/' : '';
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATECSS'] = $_templatecss;
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATEJS'] = $_templatejs;
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATEURL'] = $templateurl;
    $coreReplacements['THEREAREXQUESTIONS'] = $_therearexquestions;
    $coreReplacements['TOKEN'] = !$anonymized ? $_token : '';
    // Silently replace TOKEN by empty string
    $coreReplacements['URL'] = $_linkreplace;
    $coreReplacements['WELCOME'] = isset($thissurvey['welcome']) ? $thissurvey['welcome'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['CLOSE_TRANSLATION'] = gT('Close');
    if (!isset($replacements['QID'])) {
        $coreReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, SurveyRuntimeHelper::getQuestionReplacement(null));
        // so $replacements overrides core values
    if (!is_null($replacements) && is_array($replacements)) {
        $doTheseReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, $replacements);
        // so $replacements overrides core values
    } else {
        $doTheseReplacements = $coreReplacements;
    // Now do all of the replacements - In rare cases, need to do 3 deep recursion, that that is default
    $line = LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, $doTheseReplacements, false, 3, 1, false, true, $bStaticReplacement);
    return $line;