ok(0, 'ok()'); check_capture(false); is(2, 3, 'is()'); check_capture(false); is("2", 3, 'is()'); check_capture(false); isnt(2, 2, 'isnt()'); check_capture(false); isnt(2, "2", 'isnt()'); check_capture(false); like("foo", '!oof!', 'like()'); check_capture(false); unlike("foo", '!oo!', 'unlike()'); check_capture(false); cmp_ok(1, '==', 2, 'cmp_ok()'); check_capture(false); cmp_ok(1, '>', 2, 'cmp_ok()'); check_capture(false); cmp_ok(2, '<', 1, 'cmp_ok()'); check_capture(false); can_ok($test_obj, array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'));
function testNumber() { $driver = new SQLBuilder\Driver\MySQLDriver(); is(1, $driver->deflate(1)); is(1.2, $driver->deflate(1.2)); is('\'1\'', $driver->deflate('1')); is('NULL', $driver->deflate(null)); $d = new DateTime(); $d->setDate(2000, 01, 01); $d->setTime(0, 0, 0); # var_dump( $d->format(DateTime::ISO8601) . '' ); like('/2000-01-01 00:00:00/', $driver->deflate($d)); }
function getSearchResults($function_name, $description = TRUE) { $this->db - like('Name', $function_name); $this->db - orderby('Name'); $query = $this->db->get('Items'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $output = '<ul>'; foreach ($query->result() as $function_info) { if ($description) { $output .= '<li><strong>' . $function_info->name . '</strong></>'; $output .= $function_info->function_description . '</li>'; } else { $output .= '<li>' . $function_info->function_name . '</li>'; } } $output = '</ul>'; return $output; } else { return '<p> Sorry No Search Results </p>'; } }
public function testOptValidValues() { ob_start(); ok($this->runCommand('example/demo meta --zsh commit opt reuse-message valid-values')); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $lines = explode("\n", trim($output)); is('#values', $lines[0]); array_shift($lines); foreach ($lines as $line) { like('/^\\w{7}$/', $line); } }
function fund($value, $pid) { /*if (isset($_COOKIE["most_recent_project"])) { $pid = $_COOKIE["most_recent_project"]; } else { echo "Refresh, try again"; } */ // validate value!! if (!is_numeric($value) or $value <= 0) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo "Bad value"; exit; } // database connection $dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=fundbook"; //$options = array(PDO::"MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'); $db = new PDO($dsn, "root", "fundbook"); $projects = $db->query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE pid='{$pid}'"); foreach ($projects as $project) { $author = $project["user"]; $goal = $project["goal"]; $category = $project["topic"]; $title = $project["name"]; $numBackers = $project["numBackers"] + 1; $raisedAmt = $project["raisedAmt"] + $value; } if ($value > $goal - $raisedAmt) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo "Too high"; exit; } // add to backers count for the project, add money to rasiedAmt $db->query("UPDATE projects SET numBackers={$numBackers}, raisedAmt={$raisedAmt} WHERE pid='{$pid}'"); // update the view on screen $data = array('action' => 'fund', 'numBackers' => $numBackers, 'raisedAmt' => $raisedAmt, 'goal' => $goal); echo json_encode($data); // add to interest like($pid, 'implicit'); exit; }
public function testJoin() { $authors = new AuthorCollection(); $authors->join(new \AuthorBooks\Model\Address(), 'LEFT', 'a'); $authors->fetch(); $sql = $authors->toSQL(); like('/LEFT JOIN addresses AS a ON \\(m.id = a.author_id\\)/', $sql); }
$edit = false; $owner = false; $public = $collection['is_public']; if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { if ($collection['user_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id']) { $owner = true; } if ($editview) { $edit = true; } } if (!$owner && !$public) { $message = 'That Collection is private'; include 'home.php'; } else { $message = like($collection_id, $user_id); $likes = get_likes($collection_id); $collection_items = get_collection_items($collection_id); include 'collectionView.php'; } } break; case 'createcollection': if (isset($_SESSION['user_name'])) { $collections = get_collections($_SESSION['user_id']); $collection_name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'collectionname', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $description = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'description', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $public = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'public', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); if ($public == NULL || $public == false) { $public = 0; }
/** * Basic CRUD Test */ public function testBasicCRUDOperations() { $author = new Author(); $a2 = new Author(); $ret = $a2->find(array('name' => 'A record does not exist.')); $this->assertResultFail($ret); ok(!$a2->id); $ret = $a2->create(array('xxx' => true, 'name' => 'long string \'` long string', 'email' => 'email2', 'identity' => 'id2')); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); ok($a2->id); $ret = $author->create(array()); $this->assertResultFail($ret); ok($ret->message); like('/Empty arguments/', $ret->message); $ret = $author->create(array('name' => 'Foo', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'identity' => 'foo')); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); ok($id = $ret->id); is('Foo', $author->name); is('*****@*****.**', $author->email); $ret = $author->load($id); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); is($id, $author->id); is('Foo', $author->name); is('*****@*****.**', $author->email); is(false, $author->confirmed); $ret = $author->find(array('name' => 'Foo')); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); is($id, $author->id); is('Foo', $author->name); is('*****@*****.**', $author->email); is(false, $author->confirmed); $ret = $author->update(array('name' => 'Bar')); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); is('Bar', $author->name); $ret = $author->delete(); $this->assertResultSuccess($ret); $data = $author->toArray(); $this->assertEmpty($data); }
function match_list($tag, $patt, $test) { $re = new Regexp_Assemble(); $re->add($patt); $rela = new Regexp_Assemble(); $rela->lookahead(1)->add($patt); foreach ($test as $str) { like($str, '/^' . $re . '$/', "re {$tag}: {$str}"); like($str, '/^' . $rela . '$/', "rela {$tag}: {$str}"); } }
public function testCreateRecordWithEmptyArgument() { $author = new Author(); $ret = $author->create(array()); $this->assertResultFail($ret); ok($ret->message); like('/Empty arguments/', $ret->message); }
<?php require './post.php'; $id = $loginUser; if (!$id) { returnError('гКох╣гб╪'); return; } $wall = $_POST['wall_id']; like($wall, $id);
is($r->add('sing', 'singing')->as_string(), 'sing(?:ing)?', 'super slide sing singing'); $r = new Regexp_Assemble(); is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling')->as_string(), 's(?:(?:ing)?|l)ing', 'super slide sing singing sling'); $r = new Regexp_Assemble(); is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging')->as_string(), 'sl?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging'); $r = new Regexp_Assemble(); is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging', 'sting', 'stinging')->as_string(), 's[lt]?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging'); $r = new Regexp_Assemble(); is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging', 'sting', 'stinging', 'string', 'stringing', 'swing', 'swinging')->as_string(), 's(?:[lw]|tr?)?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging string stringing swing swinging'); $re = new Regexp_Assemble(['flags' => 'i']); $re->add('^ab', '^are', 'de'); like('able', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches able'); like('About', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches About'); unlike('bare', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i fails bare'); like('death', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches death'); like('DEEP', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches DEEP'); $re = new Regexp_Assemble(); $re->add('abc', 'def', 'ghi'); is($re->stats_add(), 3, "stats add 3x3"); is($re->stats_raw(), 9, "stats raw 3x3"); is($re->stats_cooked(), 9, "stats cooked 3x3"); ok(!$re->stats_dup(), "stats dup 3x3"); $re->add('de'); is($re->stats_add(), 4, "stats add 3x3 +1"); is($re->stats_raw(), 11, "stats raw 3x3 +1"); is($re->stats_cooked(), 11, "stats cooked 3x3 +1"); $re = new Regexp_Assemble(); $re->add('\\Qabc.def.ghi\\E'); is($re->stats_add(), 1, "stats add qm"); is($re->stats_raw(), 15, "stats raw qm"); is($re->stats_cooked(), 13, "stats cooked qm");
<?php require_once "include.php"; if (is_connected()) { $request = like($_POST, $connect); } else { $request = 0; } echo $request;
location($dbh, $array, "", $data); } if ($type == 'topLocation') { location($dbh, $array, "order by likes desc limit 20", $data); } if ($type == 'recentAddLocation') { location($dbh, $array, "order by id desc limit 20", $data); } if ($type == 'allLocation') { location($dbh, $array, "", ""); } if ($type == 'login') { login($dbh, $array); } if ($type == 'like') { like($dbh, $array); } function kitSearch($db, $json) { $json[0] = "%" . $json[0] . "%"; $sql = "select id, Image.url, brand, model, item, date,userID from Kit join Image on \n\t \t\t\t\t\t\tKit.image = Image.imageID where concat(image,brand,model,item,date) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlike '{$json['0']}' and userID = {$json['1']} ;"; returnResults($db, $sql); } function challangePage($db, $json) { $sql = "select id, userID, name, date_added, description, url , likes from Challange join Image \n\t \t\t\ton Challange.image = Image.imageID where id = {$json['0']} ;"; returnResults($db, $sql); } function challangeImage($db, $json) { $sql = "select url from Challange join challangeImage on Challange.id = challangeImage.ChallangeID\n\t\t\t\tjoin Image on challangeImage.ImageID = Image.imageID where id = 24;";
$post = $_GET['id']; $user = $_SESSION['profil']['id']; if (isset($_GET['first'])) { if ($_GET['first'] === '1') { $var = like($user, $post); } elseif ($_GET['first'] === '-1') { dislike($user, $post); } else { setFlash('Action impossible', 'danger'); redirect('accueil.php'); die; } } elseif (isset($_GET['new'])) { if ($_GET['new'] === '1') { unvote($user, $post); like($user, $post); } elseif ($_GET['new'] === '-1') { unvote($user, $post); $var = dislike($user, $post); } else { setFlash('Action impossible', 'danger'); redirect('accueil.php'); die; } } elseif (isset($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete'] === '1') { $var = unvote($user, $post); } else { setFlash('Action impossible', 'danger'); redirect('accueil.php'); die; }
public function suggestcities() { $kota = $this->input->post('kota', TRUE); //$rows = $this->model->getKantor($lokasi); $rows = like('ref_kota', 'kota', $kota); $json_array = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $json_array[] = $row->kota; } echo json_encode($json_array); }
?> <script type="text/javascript"> theLocation = 'like4like.php'; window.top.location.href=theLocation; window.parent.location.href=theLocation; window.top.location.replace(theLocation); </script> <?php exit; } $channel = $_GET["channel"]; $channelUserName = $_GET["cun"]; $video = $_GET["vid"]; $success = false; try { if (like($video)) { $success = true; } } catch (Exception $e) { } $userid = $_SESSION['userid']; if ($accountType == 'Premium') { $gainPoints = 2; $gainRefPoints = 0.2; } else { $gainPoints = 1; $gainRefPoints = 0.1; } $query = "update user set credits3 = credits3 + {$gainPoints}, likesMade = likesMade + 1 where username='******'"; mysql_query($query) or die('Error adding credit #1'); if ($success) {
<?php session_start(); if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['channel']) && isset($_POST['user_id'])) { like($_POST['user'], $_POST['user_id'], $_POST['channel']); } function like($user, $id, $channel) { try { $conn = new MongoClient(); $db = $conn->site; $collection = $db->users; $testquery = array('user_name' => $user); $cursor = $collection->find($testquery); if ($cursor->count() == 0) { $info = array('user_name' => $user, '_id' => $id, 'likes' => 1); $collection->insert($info); $collection->update(array('user_name' => $user), array('$addToSet' => array('liked_channels' => $channel))); echo "liked"; } else { $collection->update(array('user_name' => $user), array('$inc' => array('likes' => 1))); $collection->update(array('user_name' => $user), array('$addToSet' => array('liked_channels' => $channel))); //$collection->update(array('user_name' => $user), array('$addToSet' => array('liked_channels' => $channel), '$setOnInsert' => array('$inc' => array('likes' => 1))), array('upsert' => true)); echo "liked"; } $conn->close(); } catch (MongoConnectionException $e) { echo 'Error connecting to MongoDB server'; } catch (MongoException $e) { echo 'Error somewhere else with mongo'; }
if (is_null($action)) { $query = 'UPDATE confa_posts set views=views + 1 where id=' . $msg_id; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { mysql_log(__FILE__, 'query failed ' . mysql_error() . ' QUERY: ' . $query); die('Query failed'); } } if (!is_null($action)) { if (!strcmp($action, "like")) { if (like($user_id, $msg_id, 1) === false) { die('Query failed'); } } else { if (!strcmp($action, "dislike")) { if (like($user_id, $msg_id, -1) === false) { die('Query failed'); } } else { if (!strcmp($action, "bookmark")) { if (bookmark($user_id, $msg_id, true) == false) { die('Query failed'); } } else { if (!strcmp($action, "unbookmark")) { if (bookmark($user_id, $msg_id, false) == false) { die('Query failed'); } } else { if (!strcmp($action, "closethread") || !strcmp($action, "openthread")) { $query = "SELECT t.author as t_author, t.properties as t_properties, t.id as thread_id from confa_threads t, confa_posts p where p.thread_id = t.id and p.id=" . $msg_id;
$response->setContentType('application/json'); return $response; }); /** * DELETE /messages/$id/like */ $app->delete('/api/messages/{id:[0-9]+}/like', function ($msg_id) { global $logged_in, $user_id, $err_login; $response = new Response(); if (!$logged_in) { $response->setStatusCode(403, 'Authentication error'); $response->setContentType('application/json'); $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'messages' => array(is_null($err_login) ? "User not logged in" : $err_login))); return $response; } $new_value = like($user_id, $msg_id, -1); if ($new_value === false) { // error $response->setStatusCode(400, 'Error'); $response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'messages' => array(mysql_error()))); } else { $response->setJsonContent(array('value' => intval($new_value))); } $response->setContentType('application/json'); return $response; }); /** * PUT /messages/$id/bookmark */ $app->put('/api/messages/{id:[0-9]+}/bookmark', function ($msg_id) { global $logged_in, $user_id, $err_login;
function testSpecCollection() { $opt = new \GetOptionKit\GetOptionKit(); ok($opt); $opt->add('f|foo:', 'option requires a value.'); $opt->add('b|bar+', 'option with multiple value.'); $opt->add('z|zoo?', 'option with optional value.'); $opt->add('v|verbose', 'verbose message.'); $opt->add('d|debug', 'debug message.'); $opt->add('long', 'long option name only.'); $opt->add('s', 'short option name only.'); ok($opt->specs->all()); ok($opt->specs); ok($opt->getSpecs()); count_ok(7, $array = $opt->specs->toArray()); ok(isset($array[0]['long'])); ok(isset($array[0]['short'])); ok(isset($array[0]['description'])); ob_start(); $opt->specs->printOptions(); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); like('/option with/m', $content); # echo "\n".$content; }
function selectAllFromWhereColumnLikeValue($table, $column, $value) { $query = selectAllFrom($table) . where(like($column, $value)); return $query; }
$validvalues = array("ANY","NEG"); if (!in_array($sign, $validvalues)) $sign = "ANY"; $type = isset($_GET["type"]) ? $_GET["type"] : "RECV"; $validvalues = array("RECV","SENT"); if (!in_array($type, $validvalues)) $type = "RECV"; if ($type == "RECV") { $validkeys = array('id', 'rater_nick', 'rater_total_rating', 'rated_nick', 'created_at', 'rating', 'notes'); $sortby = "rater_total_rating"; $sortorder = "DESC"; } else { $validkeys = array('id', 'rater_nick', 'rated_nick', 'ratee_total_rating', 'created_at', 'rating', 'notes'); $sortby = "ratee_total_rating"; $sortorder = "DESC"; } $nick = isset($_GET["nick"]) ? $_GET["nick"] : ""; $nickfilter = html_entity_decode(like($nick, '|')); $nick = html_entity_decode($nick); $outformat = isset($_GET["outformat"]) ? $_GET["outformat"] : ""; $outformat = html_entity_decode($outformat); ?> <?php try { $db = new PDO('sqlite:./otc/RatingSystem.db'); } catch (PDOException $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } include('querytojson.php'); if ($outformat == 'json'){ $signqueries = array('ANY' => ' ', 'POS' => ' AND ratings.rating > 0', 'NEG' => ' AND ratings.rating < 0'); $typequeries = array('RECV' => "users2.nick LIKE ? ESCAPE '|' AND users2.id = ratings.rated_user_id AND users.id = ratings.rater_user_id", 'SENT' => "users.nick LIKE ? ESCAPE '|' AND users.id = ratings.rater_user_id AND users2.id = ratings.rated_user_id"); $sql = "SELECT ratings.id as id, users.nick as rater_nick, users2.nick as rated_nick, ratings.created_at as created_at, ratings.rating as rating, ratings.notes as notes from users, users as users2, ratings WHERE " . $typequeries[$type] . $signqueries[$sign]; $sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY)); $sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
<?php include "db.php"; include "application.php"; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $songID = $_GET['id']; like($username, $songID);
<?php require_once 'svedka-config.php'; require_once 'include/sql.php'; require_once "Mail.php"; require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; $what = $_REQUEST['what']; if ($what == "like") { $fbid = $_REQUEST['fbid']; like($fbid); } else { if ($what == "unredeem") { $redemptionCode = $_REQUEST['c']; unredeemPrize($redemptionCode); } else { if ($what == "testEmail") { $to = $_REQUEST['email']; $subject = "IT'S BOTTER THAN NOTHING"; $text = file_get_contents('./email/NOT/index.txt'); $html = file_get_contents('http://dev.adcontests.com' . '/email/NOT/index.php?friend=Agatha&c=383273&prizeName=' . urlencode('Ant Farm') . '&prizeImage=AntFarm'); sendEmail($to, $subject, $text, $html); // send to player } else { if ($what == "redeem") { $redemptionCode = $_REQUEST['c']; $prizeSchedule = getPrizeScheduleFromCode($redemptionCode); if (!isset($prizeSchedule) || $prizeSchedule['status'] != 0) { exit; } $address = $_REQUEST['street']; if (isset($_REQUEST['apt']) && strlen($_REQUEST['apt']) > 0) {
public function testJoin() { $authors = new AuthorCollection(); $authors->join(new \AuthorBooks\Model\Address()); $authors->fetch(); $sql = $authors->toSQL(); like('/addresses.address\\s+AS\\s+addresses_address/', $sql); }
addLog($values, $dbh); } if ($type == 'comment') { addComment($values, $dbh); } if ($type == 'challange') { addChallange($values, $dbh); } if ($type == 'chComment') { addChComment($values, $dbh); } if ($type == 'site') { addSite($values, $dbh); } if ($type == 'like') { like($values, $dbh); } function addKit($json, $db) { $ins = $db->prepare("insert into Kit (image, brand, model, item, date, userId) \n values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") or die(print_r($dbh->errorInfo(), true)); $ins->bindParam(1, $json[0]); $ins->bindParam(2, $json[1]); $ins->bindParam(3, $json[2]); $ins->bindParam(4, $json[3]); $ins->bindParam(5, $json[4]); $ins->bindParam(6, $json[5]); $ins->execute(); } function addLog($json, $db) { $ins = $db->prepare("insert into Logs (diveNo, date, depth, timeIn, duration, visibility, PG, location, \n buddy, comments, diveProfile, userID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") or die(print_r($dbh->errorInfo(), true));
<?php $lib = isset($_SERVER['TESTLIB']) ? $_SERVER['TESTLIB'] : 'Test-More.php'; require_once $lib; #plan(3); diag('Test of various functions not otherwise broken out.'); pass("pass() is ok"); fail("fail() is not ok"); is('Ab3', 'Ab3', 'is() is ok'); isnt('Ab3', 123, 'isnt() is ok'); like('yackowackodot', '/wacko/', "like() is ok"); unlike('yackowackodot', '/boing/', "unlike() is ok"); cmp_ok(12, '>', 10, 'cmp_ok() is ok'); can_ok($__Test, 'plan'); isa_ok($__Test, 'TestMore', 'Default Testing object'); include_ok('t/goodlib.php'); require_ok('t/goodpage.php'); $foo = array(1, 'B', 'third'); $oof = array('third', 'B', 1); $bar = array('q' => 23, 'Y' => 42); $rab = array('Y' => 42, 'q' => 23); is_deeply($foo, $foo, 'is_deeply() is ok'); isnt_deeply($foo, $bar, 'isnt_deeply() is ok'); /* function skip($SkipReason, $num) { function todo ($why, $howmany) { function todo_skip ($why, $howmany) { function todo_start ($why) { function todo_end () { */ diag("Should fail 1 test, testing fail()");
<?php require_once 'functions.php'; session_start(); andmebaas(); $page = ""; if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != "") { $page = htmlspecialchars($_GET['page']); } require_once 'head.html'; switch ($page) { case "like": if (isset($_POST["hello"])) { if ($_POST["hello"] == "test") { like(); } } include 'Like.html'; break; default: include_once 'pealeht.html'; break; } require_once 'foot.html';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT comment_likes FROM comment WHERE comment_id='{$id}'"); $nums = mysql_fetch_object($sql)->comment_likes; $jumlah = $nums + 1; $query = mysql_query("UPDATE comment SET comment_likes='{$jumlah}' WHERE comment_id='{$id}'"); if ($query) { return $jumlah; } else { return "0"; } } function dislike($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT comment_dislikes FROM comment WHERE comment_id='{$id}'"); $nums = mysql_fetch_object($sql)->comment_dislikes; $jumlah = $nums + 1; $query = mysql_query("UPDATE comment SET comment_dislikes='{$jumlah}' WHERE comment_id='{$id}'"); if ($query) { return $jumlah; } else { return "0"; } } if ($type == "like") { echo like($id); } else { if ($type == "dislike") { echo dislike($id); } else { echo "0"; } }