Exemplo n.º 1
 private function changePasswordCheckInput($pw)
     try {
         inputcheck($pw, 'password');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->dieError('Es wurde ein falsches Passwort eingegeben');
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function pwInpCheck()
     if ($this->_pwNew != $this->_pwNewRep) {
         $this->_interface->DieError('Das Passwort stimmt nicht mit der Wiederholung überein. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.');
     try {
         inputcheck($this->_pwNew, 'password', 'Passwort');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->DieError('Das Passwort enthält nicht korrekte Zeichen oder ist zu kurz.');
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function emailCheck()
     try {
         if (!isset($_POST['emailNew'])) {
             throw new WrongInputException();
         $emailNew = $_POST['emailNew'];
         inputcheck($emailNew, 'email', 'EmailAdresse');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->dieError("Die Emailadresse '{$emailNew}' wurde falsch eingegeben!");
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function execute($dataContainer)
     if (isset($_GET['gump'])) {
         //Use other method of checking
     } else {
         try {
             inputcheck($this->_userInput, $this->_regex, $this->_elementName);
         } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             die('somethingWentWrong' . $e->getMessage());
 public function pwChange($pwNew, $pwNewRep, $uid)
     require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/UserManager.php';
     $userManager = new UserManager();
     try {
         inputcheck($pwNew, 'password', 'Passwort');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->cardInfoInterface->DieError('Das Passwort enthält nicht korrekte Zeichen oder ist zu kurz.');
     if ($pwNew != $pwNewRep) {
         $this->cardInfoInterface->DieError('Das Passwort stimmt nicht mit der Wiederholung überein. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.');
     try {
         $userManager->changePassword($uid, $pwNew);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->cardInfoInterface->DieError('Konnte das Passwort nicht verändern; Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten');
     $this->cardInfoInterface->showMsg('Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich verändert');
Exemplo n.º 6
 private function changeSettingsCheckInput()
     try {
         inputcheck($_POST['from'], 'email', 'Absender');
         if ($_POST['fromName'] == '') {
             throw new WrongInputException('fromName void', 'Absender');
         if ($_POST['password'] == '') {
             throw new WrongInputException('password void', 'Passwort');
         if ($_POST['username'] == '') {
             throw new WrongInputException('username void', 'Benutzername');
         if ($_POST['host'] == '') {
             throw new WrongInputException('host void', 'Host');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->dieError(sprintf('Im Feld %s wurden falsche Daten eingegeben.', $e->getFieldName()));
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function checkLoginInput()
     if (empty($this->_username) || empty($this->_password)) {
         $this->dieShowLoginForm(_g('Please input both username and password!'), true);
     try {
         inputcheck($this->_username, 'name', _g('Username'));
         inputcheck($this->_password, 'password', _g('Password'));
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->dieShowLoginForm(_g('The input of field %1$s contains invalid characters or ' . 'is too short!', $e->getFieldName()), true);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * NewGroup adds a new group based on some POST-Variables
  * It needs the POST-Variables groupname and max_credit. ID is done by MySQL's
  * auto-incrementing id. Additionally it will add Priceclasses for the group.
  * @todo Update the description
  * @see GroupManager
 function NewGroup()
     require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/PriceClassManager.php';
     $pcManager = new PriceClassManager();
      * Add a new group to the MySQL-table
     if (isset($_POST['groupname'], $_POST['max_credit'])) {
          * add Group
         $groupname = $_POST['groupname'];
         $max_credit = $_POST['max_credit'];
         if (!isset($groupname) || $groupname == '') {
         if ($this->groupManager->existsGroupName($groupname)) {
         if (!isset($max_credit) || $max_credit == '' || !preg_match('/\\A^[0-9]{0,2}((,|\\.)[0-9]{2})?\\z/', $max_credit)) {
             $this->groupInterface->dieError($this->msg['err_inp_max_credit'] . ' ' . $max_credit);
         $max_credit = str_replace(',', '.', $max_credit);
          * add Priceclasses belonging to the group
         if (isset($_POST['n_price'])) {
             /** Fetches the Priceclasses from the Server. For every Priceclass-ID there is a POST-Variable from the
              * create_group-form with name and ID.
             try {
                 $priceclasses = $pcManager->getAllPriceClassesPooled();
             } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) {
                 $this->groupInterface->dieMsg(sprintf($this->msg['fin_add_group_wo_pc'], $groupname, $max_credit));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             //pc_to_add_arr: If a problem happens during the adding-loop, we need to be safe that no entries are added yet
             $pc_to_add_arr = array();
             $standard_price = $_POST['n_price'];
             //check standardprice-input
             try {
                 inputcheck($standard_price, 'credits', 'StandardPreis');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->groupInterface->dieError($this->msg['err_inp_price'] . ' in:' . $e->getFieldName());
             //add the priceclasses
             foreach ($priceclasses as $priceclass) {
                 try {
                     $pc_id = $priceclass['pc_ID'];
                     $pc_name = $_POST['pc_name' . $pc_id];
                     $pc_price = $_POST['pc_price' . $pc_id];
                     //groupID will be added after the data-checking, so the next ID of MySQL's Autoincrement is the groupID
                     $group_id = $this->groupManager->getNextAutoIncrementID();
                     if (!isset($pc_price) || !$pc_price || $pc_price == '') {
                         $pc_price = $standard_price;
                     try {
                         //check for correct input of price
                         inputcheck($pc_price, 'credits', $pc_name);
                     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
                         $this->groupInterface->dieError($this->msg['err_inp_price'] . ' in:' . $e->getFieldName());
                     $pc_to_add_arr[] = array('name' => $pc_name, 'gid' => $group_id, 'pc_price' => $pc_price, 'pid' => $pc_id);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $this->groupInterface->dieError('A Priceclass with the ID ' . $pc_id . ' could not be added: ' . $e->getMessage());
          * finish adding Group and Priceclass
         try {
             $this->groupManager->addGroup($groupname, $max_credit);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (isset($_POST['n_price'])) {
             foreach ($pc_to_add_arr as $pc_to_add) {
                 try {
                     $pcManager->addPriceClass($pc_to_add['name'], $pc_to_add['gid'], $pc_to_add['pc_price'], $pc_to_add['pid']);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->groupInterface->dieMsg(sprintf($this->msg['fin_add_group'], $groupname, $max_credit));
     } else {
         try {
             $pc_arr = $pcManager->getAllPriceClassesPooled();
         } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) {
             $pc_arr = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Change Settings for Solis
  * Enter description here ...
 function ChangeSettings($soli_price)
     require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/GlobalSettingsManager.php';
     require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/PriceClassManager.php';
     $gbManager = new GlobalSettingsManager();
     $pcManager = new PriceClassManager();
     if ($soli_price !== NULL) {
         try {
             try {
                 inputcheck($_POST['soli_price'], 'credits');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             die_error(SOLI_ERR_CHANGE_PRICE . ':' . $e->getMessage());
             $this->soliInterface->dieError($this->msg['SOLI_ERR_CHANGE_PRICE '] . ':' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         try {
             $soli_price = $gbManager->getSoliPrice();
             $priceclasses = $pcManager->getTableData();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->soliInterface->ChangeSettings($soli_price, $priceclasses);
Exemplo n.º 10
  *Function to show the create-meal-form and, if it is filled out,
  *it adds the meal in the MySQL-Server
 function CreateMeal()
     require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/PriceClassManager.php';
     $pcManager = new PriceClassManager();
     if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['name'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price_class'], $_POST['max_orders'])) {
         $name = $_POST['name'];
         $description = $_POST['description'];
         $price_class = $_POST['price_class'];
         $max_orders = $_POST['max_orders'];
         if (!empty($_POST['meal-date'])) {
             $date = new DateTime($_POST['meal-date']);
             $dateStr = $date->format('Y-m-d');
         } else {
             $this->mealInterface->dieError('Kein Datum angegeben.');
         //$date_ar = array("day"	 => $_POST['Date_Day'], "month"	 => $_POST['Date_Month'], "year"	 => $_POST[
         //	'Date_Year']
         try {
             inputcheck($price_class, 'id', $this->msg['field_pc']);
             inputcheck($max_orders, 'id', $this->msg['field_max_orders']);
             inputcheck($name, '/\\A^.{0,255}\\z/', $this->msg['field_name']);
             if (strlen($description) > 1000) {
                 throw new WrongInputException($description, $this->msg['field_description']);
         } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
             $this->mealInterface->dieError(sprintf($this->msg['err_inp'], $e->getFieldName()));
         //convert the date for MySQL-Server
         //$date_conv = $date_ar["year"] . "-" . $date_ar["month"] . "-" . $date_ar["day"];
         //check if weekday is saturday or sunday
         if ($date->format('N') > 5) {
             $this->mealInterface->dieError(gettext("Mealdate at weekend not valid!"));
         //and add the meal
         try {
             $this->mealManager->addMeal($name, $description, $dateStr, $price_class, $max_orders);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->mealInterface->dieError($this->msg['err_add_meal'] . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         //if Formular isnt filled yet or the link was wrong
         try {
             $pc_arr = $pcManager->getAllPriceClassesPooled();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->mealInterface->dieError($this->msg['err_no_pc'] . $e->getMessage());
         $pc_ids = array();
         $pc_names = array();
         foreach ($pc_arr as $pc) {
             $pc_ids[] = $pc['pc_ID'];
             $pc_names[] = $pc['name'];
         $this->mealInterface->AddMeal($pc_ids, $pc_names);
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function changeCardCheckInput($oldCardnumber, $newCardnumber)
     try {
         inputcheck($newCardnumber, 'card_id', 'Kartennummer');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->dieError("Die Kartennummer '{$oldCardnumber}' wurde nicht korrekt " . 'eingegeben.');
     if ($oldCardnumber == $newCardnumber) {
         $this->_interface->dieMsg("Die neue Kartennummer '{$newCardnumber}' ist gleich der " . 'alten. Es wurde nichts verändert.');
     $newCardExists = $this->_em->getRepository('DM:BabeskCards')->findByCardnumber($newCardnumber);
     if ($newCardExists) {
         $this->_interface->dieError("Die Kartennummer '{$newCardnumber}' ist bereits vergeben.");
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function emailChangeOnFirstLoginCheckInput($email)
     try {
         inputcheck($email, 'email', 'Email');
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->DieError('Die Email-Adresse wurde falsch eingegeben; Bitte gebe eine gültige EmailAdresse ein. <br>(Hinweis: Die Emailadresse wird dafür benötigt, um dich zu erreichen, wenn etwas schief läuft; Es ist wichtig das du darüber erreichbar bist)');
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected function checkInput()
     try {
         inputcheck($_POST['label'], 'name', _g('Name of Schoolyear'));
     } catch (WrongInputException $e) {
         $this->_interface->dieError(sprintf($this->_languageManager->getText('errorInput'), $e->getFieldName()));