public function testAddDocument() { $configuration = za()->getConfig('services'); if (!$configuration) { echo "No services config found\n"; return; } $searchConfig = ifset($configuration, 'SearchService'); if (!$searchConfig) { echo "SearchService config not found\n"; return; } $path = ifset($searchConfig, 'index'); if (!$path) { echo "No search path set\n"; return; } // Delete the search path rmdirr($path); $searchService = za()->getService('SearchService'); $example = new Task(); $example->id = 1; $example->title = 'Task for testing'; $example->description = "Task description for testing"; try { $searchService->index($example); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); } $results = $searchService->search("testing"); $this->assertEqual(count($results), 1); }
public function execute() { if (!$this->getUser()->getRights('shop', 'settings')) { throw new waRightsException(_w('Access denied')); } $cm = new waCountryModel(); $rm = new waRegionModel(); $country = waRequest::request('country'); $this->saveFromPost($rm, $cm, $country); $countries = $cm->all(); if (!$country || empty($countries[$country])) { $country = wa()->getSetting('country'); } if (!$country || empty($countries[$country])) { // Show the first country with regions by default $region_countries = $rm->getCountries(); $country = reset($region_countries); if (!$country || empty($countries[$country])) { $country = key($countries); } } $regions = $country ? $rm->getByCountry($country) : array(); $this->view->assign('countries', $cm->allWithFav($countries)); $this->view->assign('country', ifset($countries[$country], $cm->getEmptyRow())); $this->view->assign('regions', $regions); }
public function execute() { $settings = waRequest::post('settings', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY); if (strlen($error = logsHelper::setPhpLogSetting(ifset($settings['php_log'], false)))) { $this->errors[] = $error; } }
protected function isAuth($order, &$code) { $result = false; if (!$result) { $result = $order['id'] == wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/order_id'); } if (!$result) { // Check that order exists and belongs to this user $result = $order['contact_id'] == wa()->getUser()->getId() && $order['state_id'] != 'deleted'; } if (!$result && $code) { // Check auth code $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $params = $opm->get($order['id']); if (!empty($params['auth_pin']) && ifset($params['auth_code']) === $code) { $pin = wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/pin/' . $order['id']); if ($pin && $pin == $params['auth_pin']) { $result = true; } } else { $code = false; } } return $result; }
function listplug_select($template, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'HEAD': echo '<select name="' . ifset($template['name']) . '" tabindex="' . ifset($template['tabindex']) . '" ' . ifset($template['javascript']) . '>'; // add extra row if needed if (ifset($template['extra'])) { echo '<option value="', ifset($template['extraval']), '">', $template['extra'], '</option>'; } break; case 'BODY': $current = $template['current']; echo '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($current->value) . '"'; if ($template['selected'] == $current->value) { echo ' selected="selected" '; } if (isset($template['shorten']) && $template['shorten'] > 0) { echo ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($current->text) . '"'; $current->text = shorten($current->text, $template['shorten'], $template['shortenel']); } echo '>' . htmlspecialchars($current->text) . '</option>'; break; case 'FOOT': echo '</select>'; break; } }
public function execute() { $id = waRequest::get('id'); $model = new shopNotificationModel(); $n = $model->getById($id); $params_model = new shopNotificationParamsModel(); $params = $params_model->getParams($id); // Orders used as sample data for testing $om = new shopOrderModel(); $test_orders = $om->where("paid_date IS NOT NULL AND state_id <> 'deleted'")->order('id DESC')->limit(10)->fetchAll('id'); shopHelper::workupOrders($test_orders); $im = new shopOrderItemsModel(); foreach ($im->getByField('order_id', array_keys($test_orders), true) as $i) { $test_orders[$i['order_id']]['items'][] = $i; } foreach ($test_orders as &$o) { $o['items'] = ifset($o['items'], array()); $o['total_formatted'] = waCurrency::format('%{s}', $o['total'], $o['currency']); } $this->view->assign('n', $n); $this->view->assign('params', $params); $this->view->assign('transports', self::getTransports()); $this->view->assign('events', $this->getEvents()); $this->view->assign('test_orders', $test_orders); $this->view->assign('default_email_from', $this->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings('email')); $this->view->assign('sms_from', $this->getSmsFrom()); $this->view->assign('routes', wa()->getRouting()->getByApp('shop')); }
protected function parseValue($value, $type) { $code = null; $suggest = false; if (is_array($value)) { $code = ifset($value['code']); $value = trim(ifset($value['value'])); //rgb(r,g,b) #ABC #AABBCC; if ($code === '') { $code = shopColorValue::getCode($value); } elseif (preg_match('@^#?([0-9A-F]{3}|[0-9A-F]{6})@ui', $code)) { if (strpos($code, '#') === 0) { $code = substr($code, 1); } if ($parsed = sscanf(strtoupper($code), '%03X%03X')) { if ($parsed[1] === null) { $code = (0xf00 & $parsed[0]) << 12; $code |= (0xff0 & $parsed[0]) << 8; $code |= (0xff & $parsed[0]) << 4; $code |= 0xf & $parsed[0]; } else { $code = $parsed[0] << 12 | $parsed[1]; } } else { $code = null; } } elseif (strpos('rgb', $code) === 0) { //TODO } else { $code = intval($code); } if ($value === '' && $code !== null) { $suggest = true; $value = shopColorValue::getName($code); } } else { $value = trim($value); if (preg_match('@^#?(([0-9A-F]{3})|([0-9A-F]{6}))$@ui', $value, $matches)) { if ($matches[2]) { $value = sscanf(strtoupper($matches[2]), '%03X'); $code = reset($value); } elseif ($matches[3]) { $value = sscanf(strtoupper($matches[3]), '%06X'); $code = reset($value); } else { $code = 0; } $value = shopColorValue::getName($code); } else { $suggest = true; $code = shopColorValue::getCode($value); } } $data = array('value' => $value, 'search_value' => $value, 'suggest' => $suggest); if ($code !== null) { $data['code'] = $code; } return $data; }
public function indexAction() { $this->view->pagerName = "contact-page"; $this->view->letters = $this->clientService->getContactLetters(); $currentLetter = ifset($this->_getAllParams(), $this->view->pagerName, ifset($this->view->letters, 0, 'A')); $this->view->contacts = $this->clientService->getContacts(null, array('firstname like ' => $currentLetter . '%'), 'firstname asc'); $this->renderView('contact/index.php'); }
private function getStaticImg($address, $options = array()) { $zoom = ifset($options['zoom'], 10); $width = ifset($options['width'], '600'); $height = ifset($options['height'], '400'); $size = (int) $width . 'x' . (int) $height; return '<img src="//' . urlencode($address) . '.&zoom=' . $zoom . '&size=' . $size . '&markers=color:red%7Clabel:A%7C' . urlencode($address) . '&sensor=false" />'; }
public function execute() { $code = waRequest::param('code'); $encoded_order_id = waRequest::param('id'); $order_id = shopHelper::decodeOrderId($encoded_order_id); if (!$order_id) { // fall back to non-encoded id $order_id = $encoded_order_id; $encoded_order_id = shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order_id); } if (!$order_id || $order_id != substr($code, 16, -16)) { throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404); } // When user is authorized, check if order belongs to him. // When it does, redirect to plain order page. if (wa()->getUser()->isAuth()) { $om = new shopOrderModel(); $order = $om->getOrder($order_id); if (!$order) { throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404); } if ($order['contact_id'] == wa()->getUser()->getId()) { $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrder', array('id' => $order_id))); } } // Check auth code $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $params = $opm->get($order_id); if (ifset($params['auth_code']) !== $code || empty($params['auth_pin'])) { throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404); } // Check auth pin and show order page if pin is correct $pin = waRequest::request('pin', wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/pin/' . $order_id)); if ($pin && $pin == $params['auth_pin']) { wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/pin/' . $order_id, $pin); parent::execute(); if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) { $this->layout->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs()); } return; } // // No pin or pin is incorrect: show form to enter pin // $this->view->assign('wrong_pin', !!$pin); $this->view->assign('pin_required', true); $this->view->assign('encoded_order_id', $encoded_order_id); $this->view->assign('my_nav_selected', 'orders'); // Set up layout and template from theme $this->setThemeTemplate('my.order.html'); if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) { $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout()); $this->getResponse()->setTitle(_w('Order') . ' ' . $encoded_order_id); $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs()); $this->layout->assign('nofollow', true); } }
public function execute() { list($start_date, $end_date, $group_by) = shopReportsSalesAction::getTimeframeParams(); // Init by-day arrays with zeroes. $by_day = array(); // Data for main graph: 'yyyy-mm-dd' => array(...) $sales_by_day = array(); // Total sales data $om = new shopOrderModel(); foreach ($om->getSales($start_date, $end_date, $group_by) as $date => $row) { $sales_by_day[$date] = $row['total']; $by_day[$date] = array('date' => $date, 'total_percent' => 0, 'total' => 0); } // Max profit in a single day $max_day_profit = 0; // Totals for period, in default currency $total = array('profit' => 0, 'purchase' => 0, 'shipping' => 0, 'sales' => 0, 'tax' => 0); // Loop over all days of a period that had at least one order paid, // and gather data into vars listed above. foreach ($om->getProfit($start_date, $end_date, $group_by) as $row) { $sales = ifset($sales_by_day[$row['date']], 0); $profit = $sales - $row['purchase'] - $row['shipping'] - $row['tax']; $max_day_profit = max($max_day_profit, $profit); $by_day[$row['date']]['total'] = $profit; $total['sales'] += $sales; $total['profit'] += $profit; $total['purchase'] += $row['purchase']; $total['shipping'] += $row['shipping']; $total['tax'] += $row['tax']; } // Data for main chart $profit_data = array(); foreach ($by_day as &$d) { $d['total_percent'] = $max_day_profit ? $d['total'] * 100 / ifempty($max_day_profit, 1) : 0; $profit_data[] = array($d['date'], $d['total']); } unset($d); // Data for pie chart $pie_data = array(); $pie_total = $total['shipping'] + $total['profit'] + $total['purchase'] + $total['tax']; if ($pie_total) { $pie_data[] = array(_w('Shipping') . ' (' . round($total['shipping'] * 100 / ifempty($pie_total, 1), 1) . '%)', (double) $total['shipping']); $pie_data[] = array(_w('Profit') . ' (' . round($total['profit'] * 100 / ifempty($pie_total, 1), 1) . '%)', (double) $total['profit']); $pie_data[] = array(_w('Product purchases') . ' (' . round($total['purchase'] * 100 / ifempty($pie_total, 1), 1) . '%)', (double) $total['purchase']); $pie_data[] = array(_w('Tax') . ' (' . round($total['tax'] * 100 / ifempty($pie_total, 1), 1) . '%)', (double) $total['tax']); $pie_data = array($pie_data); } $def_cur = wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(); $this->view->assign('total', $total); $this->view->assign('by_day', $by_day); $this->view->assign('def_cur', $def_cur); $this->view->assign('group_by', $group_by); $this->view->assign('pie_data', $pie_data); $this->view->assign('profit_data', $profit_data); $this->view->assign('avg_profit', $by_day ? round($total['profit'] / count($by_day), 2) : 0); }
public function configure($config) { $this->fileRoot = APP_DIR . ifset($config, 'root', '/data/files'); if (!is_dir($this->fileRoot)) { // failure! if (!mkdirr($this->fileRoot, 0775)) { throw new Exception("Could not find file root at {$this->fileRoot}"); } } }
public function execute() { $data = waRequest::post('settings'); unset($data['search_name']); if (isset($data['data_contact']) && is_array($data['data_contact'])) { if ($data['config_name'] != '') { if ($data['from'] != '') { $info = $data; $modelNotifierRule = new shopNotifierRuleModel(); $data_contact = json_encode($info['data_contact']); unset($info['data_contact']); $info['data_contact'] = $data_contact; $state_name = json_encode($info['state_name']); unset($info['state_name']); $info['state_name'] = $state_name; $info['group_senders'] = ifset($info['group_senders'], 0); $info['save_to_order_log'] = ifset($info['save_to_order_log'], 0); $result = $modelNotifierRule->getByField('config_name', $data['config_name']); $val_update = ''; $column_insert = ''; $value_insert = ''; $len = count($info); $i = 0; foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $i++; if ($len == $i) { $value_insert .= "'" . $value . "'"; $column_insert .= $key; $val_update .= $key . "='" . $value . "'"; } else { $value_insert .= "'" . $value . "', "; $column_insert .= $key . ', '; $val_update .= $key . "='" . $value . "',"; } } if ($result) { $modelNotifierRule->updateById($result['id'], $info); // query("UPDATE shop_notifier_rule SET ".$val_update." WHERE id = '".$result['id']."'"); $data['id'] = $result['id']; } else { $data['id'] = $modelNotifierRule->insert($info); //query("INSERT INTO shop_notifier_rule (".$column_insert.") VALUES (".$value_insert.")"); } $this->response['data'] = $data; $this->response['message'] = 'ok'; } else { $this->response['message'] = 'fail_send_email'; } } else { $this->response['message'] = 'fail_config_name_null'; } } else { $this->response['message'] = 'fail_data_contact'; } }
/** * @param int $total The total number of things being shown * @param int $perPage How many things per page * @param string $name the name of the page * @param array $params additional params to use * @param int $currentPage */ public function Pager($total, $perPage, $name = 'page', $params = array(), $persistParams = false, $currentPage = 0, $prev = '«', $next = '»', $numberOfLinks = 10) { if ($total == 0 || $perPage == 0) { return; } if ($total <= $perPage) { return; } // If not set, check the request, otherwise just // assume first page if (!$currentPage) { $currentPage = ifset($_GET, $name, 1); } $totalPages = ceil($total / $perPage); // Figure out where to start printing from $eitherSide = floor($numberOfLinks / 2); $start = 1; $end = $numberOfLinks; if ($currentPage > $eitherSide) { $start = $currentPage - $eitherSide; $end = $currentPage + $eitherSide; } // Account for the extra item we get if we're // an even numberoflinks value $end--; if ($end > $totalPages) { $end = $totalPages; } $args = ''; $ctrl = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $oldRequest = $ctrl->getRequest()->getParams(); if ($persistParams) { foreach ($oldRequest as $param => $value) { if ($param != 'action' && $param != 'controller' && $param != 'module' && $param != $name && !isset($params[$param])) { $params[$param] = $value; } } } $args = '&' . encode_params($params, '&', '='); echo '<div class="pager-links">'; if ($currentPage > 1) { echo '<a class="pager-prev-link pager-link" href="' . current_url() . '?' . $name . '=' . ($currentPage - 1) . $args . '">' . $prev . '</a>'; } for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if ($i == $currentPage) { echo '<span class="pager-current-link pager-link">' . $i . '</span>'; } else { echo '<a class="pager-link" href="' . current_url() . '?' . $name . '=' . $i . $args . '">' . $i . '</a>'; } } if ($currentPage < $totalPages) { echo '<a class="pager-next-link pager-link" href="' . current_url() . '?' . $name . '=' . ($currentPage + 1) . $args . '">' . $next . '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; }
public static function getRole($role) { if (self::$roles == null) { self::$roles = array(); self::$roles[self::ROLE_READ] = self::PERM_READ; self::$roles[self::ROLE_WRITE] = self::PERM_READ + self::PERM_WRITE; self::$roles[self::ROLE_POWER] = self::$roles[self::ROLE_WRITE] + self::PERM_POWER; self::$roles[self::ROLE_MANAGER] = self::$roles[self::ROLE_POWER] + self::PERM_MANAGER; self::$roles[self::ROLE_ADMIN] = self::$roles[self::ROLE_MANAGER] + self::PERM_ADMIN; } return ifset(self::$roles, $role, 0); }
/** * Returns aggregate discount amount applicable to order. * * @param array $order Order data array * @param bool $apply Whether discount-related information must be added to order parameters (where appropriate) * @return float Total discount value expressed in order currency */ public static function calculate(&$order, $apply = false) { $currency = isset($order['currency']) ? $order['currency'] : wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCurrency(false); $applicable_discounts = array(); $contact = self::getContact($order); // Discount by contact category applicable? if (self::isEnabled('category')) { $applicable_discounts[] = self::byCategory($order, $contact, $apply); } // Discount by coupon applicable? if (self::isEnabled('coupons')) { $applicable_discounts[] = self::byCoupons($order, $contact, $apply); } // Discount by order total applicable? if (self::isEnabled('order_total')) { $crm = new shopCurrencyModel(); $dbsm = new shopDiscountBySumModel(); // Order total in default currency $order_total = (double) $crm->convert($order['total'], $currency, wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCurrency()); $applicable_discounts[] = max(0.0, min(100.0, (double) $dbsm->getDiscount('order_total', $order_total))) * $order['total'] / 100.0; } // Discount by customer total spent applicable? if (self::isEnabled('customer_total')) { $applicable_discounts[] = self::byCustomerTotal($order, $contact, $apply); } /** * @event order_calculate_discount * @param array $params * @param array[string] $params['order'] order info array('total' => '', 'items' => array(...)) * @param array[string] $params['contact'] contact info * @param array[string] $params['apply'] calculate or apply discount * @return float discount */ $event_params = array('order' => &$order, 'contact' => $contact, 'apply' => $apply); $plugins_discounts = wa('shop')->event('order_calculate_discount', $event_params); foreach ($plugins_discounts as $plugin_discount) { $applicable_discounts[] = $plugin_discount; } // Select max discount or sum depending on global setting. $discount = 0.0; if ($applicable_discounts = array_filter($applicable_discounts, 'is_numeric')) { if (wa('shop')->getSetting('discounts_combine') == 'sum') { $discount = (double) array_sum($applicable_discounts); } else { $discount = (double) max($applicable_discounts); } } // Discount based on affiliate bonus? if (shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) { $discount = $discount + (double) shopAffiliate::discount($order, $contact, $apply, $discount); } return min(max(0, $discount), ifset($order['total'], 0)); }
public function execute() { $term = waRequest::request('term'); $limit = waRequest::request('limit', 30, 'int'); if (mb_strlen($term) < 2) { return; } $type = waRequest::request('type', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); $model = new waModel(); if (strpos($term, '@') !== FALSE) { $contacts = new contactsCollection('/search/email*=' . $term); } else { $contacts = new contactsCollection(); $t_a = preg_split("/\\s+/", $term); $cond = array(); foreach ($t_a as $t) { $t = trim($t); if ($t) { $t = $model->escape($t, 'like'); if ($type === 'person') { $cond[] = "(c.firstname LIKE '{$t}%' OR c.middlename LIKE '{$t}%' OR c.lastname LIKE '{$t}%')"; } else { if ($type === 'company') { $cond[] = " LIKE '{$t}%'"; } else { $cond[] = "(c.firstname LIKE '{$t}%' OR c.middlename LIKE '{$t}%' OR c.lastname LIKE '{$t}%' OR LIKE '{$t}%')"; } } } } if ($cond) { $contacts->addWhere(implode(" AND ", $cond)); } } if ($type) { if ($type === 'person') { $contacts->addWhere("is_company = 0"); } else { if ($type === 'company') { $contacts->addWhere("is_company = 1"); } } } $this->response = array(); $term_safe = htmlspecialchars($term); foreach ($contacts->getContacts('id,name,company,email', 0, $limit) as $c) { $name = $this->prepare($c['name'], $term_safe); $email = $this->prepare(ifset($c['email'][0], ''), $term_safe); $company = $this->prepare($c['company'], $term_safe); $this->response[] = array('label' => implode(', ', array_filter(array($name, $company, $email))), 'value' => $c['id'], 'name' => $c['name'], 'email' => ifset($c['email'][0], ''), 'company' => $c['company']); } }
public function execute() { $asm = new waAppSettingsModel(); if (waRequest::post()) { $conf = waRequest::post('conf'); if ($conf && is_array($conf)) { $conf['affiliate_credit_rate'] = str_replace(',', '.', (double) str_replace(',', '.', ifset($conf['affiliate_credit_rate'], '0'))); $conf['affiliate_usage_rate'] = str_replace(',', '.', (double) str_replace(',', '.', ifset($conf['affiliate_usage_rate'], '0'))); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { $asm->set('shop', $k, $v); } } } $enabled = shopAffiliate::isEnabled(); $def_cur = waCurrency::getInfo(wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency()); $tm = new shopTypeModel(); $product_types = $tm->getAll(); $conf = $asm->get('shop'); if (!empty($conf['affiliate_product_types'])) { $conf['affiliate_product_types'] = array_fill_keys(explode(',', $conf['affiliate_product_types']), true); } else { $conf['affiliate_product_types'] = array(); } $this->view->assign('conf', $conf); $this->view->assign('enabled', $enabled); $this->view->assign('product_types', $product_types); $this->view->assign('def_cur_sym', ifset($def_cur['sign'], wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency())); /** * Backend affiliate settings * * Plugins are expected to return one item or a list of items to to add to affiliate menu. * Each item is represented by an array: * array( * 'id' => string, // Required. * 'name' => string, // Required. * 'url' => string, // Required (unless you hack into JS using 'html' parameter). Content for settings page is fetched from this URL. * ) * * @event backend_settings_discounts */ $plugins = wa()->event('backend_settings_affiliate'); $config = wa('shop')->getConfig(); foreach ($plugins as $k => &$p) { if (substr($k, -7) == '-plugin') { $plugin_id = substr($k, 0, -7); $plugin_info = $config->getPluginInfo($plugin_id); $p['img'] = $plugin_info['img']; } } $this->view->assign('plugins', $plugins); $this->view->assign('installer', $this->getUser()->getRights('installer', 'backend')); }
function parse_modal_layout($layout) { function parse_modal_layout_styles($width) { if (preg_match("/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)(px)/", $width)) { return "class=\"span\" style=\"width: {$width}; margin-left: 0;\""; } else { return "class=\"span{$width}\""; } } switch ($layout["type"]) { case "horizontal": $width = explode(":", $layout["width"]); $child_counter = 0; ?> <div class="row-fluid"> <?php foreach ($layout["sublayouts"] as $sublayout_id => $sublayout) { ?> <div <?php echo parse_modal_layout_styles($width[$child_counter++]); ?> > <?php parse_modal_layout($sublayout); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($layout["properties"] as $property_id => $property) { ?> <div <?php echo parse_modal_layout_styles($width[$child_counter++]); ?> > <?php echo aw_modal::parse_properties(array($property_id => $property), ifset($layout, "captionside") === "left"); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php break; case "vertical": echo aw_modal::parse_properties($layout["properties"], false); break; } }
public function execute() { $f = waRequest::param('f'); $fid = waRequest::param('fid'); $parent = waRequest::param('parent'); $css_class = waRequest::param('css_class'); $new_field = false; if (!$f instanceof waContactField) { $new_field = true; $f = new waContactStringField($fid, '', array('app_id' => 'shop')); } $prefix = 'options'; if ($parent) { $prefix .= '[' . $parent . '][fields]'; } static $ftypes = null; if ($ftypes === null) { $ftypes = array('NameSubfield' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Email' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Address' => _w('Address'), 'Text' => _w('Text (textarea)'), 'String' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Select' => _w('Select'), 'Phone' => _w('Text (input)'), 'IM' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Url' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Date' => _w('Date'), 'Composite' => _w('Composite field group'), 'Checkbox' => _w('Checkbox')); } $form = waContactForm::loadConfig(array('_default_value' => $f), array('namespace' => "{$prefix}[{$fid}]")); // Get default value $default_value = null; if (!$new_field && $f->getParameter('_disabled')) { $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(); if (!isset($settings['contactinfo'])) { $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(true); } $fields_config = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array()); if ($parent) { if (!empty($fields_config[$parent]['fields'][$fid]['hidden'])) { $default_value = ifset($fields_config[$parent]['fields'][$fid]['value']); } } else { if (!empty($fields_config[$fid]['hidden'])) { $default_value = ifset($fields_config[$fid]['value']); } } if ($default_value !== null) { $form->setValue('_default_value', $default_value); } } $this->view->assign('f', $f); $this->view->assign('fid', $fid); $this->view->assign('form', $form); $this->view->assign('parent', $parent); $this->view->assign('prefix', $prefix); $this->view->assign('uniqid', 'f' . uniqid()); $this->view->assign('new_field', $new_field); $this->view->assign('tr_classes', $css_class); $this->view->assign('default_value', $default_value); $this->view->assign('ftypes', $ftypes); }
public function configure($config) { try { Zend_Loader::loadFile(ifset($config, 'type_cache', self::$CACHE_FILE), 'data/cache', true); global $__TYPE_CACHE; if (isset($__TYPE_CACHE)) { $this->typeMap = $__TYPE_CACHE; } else { $this->typeMap = array(); } } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { } }
function print_backtrace($trace, $log = true) { $func = 'print'; if ($log) { $func = 'error_log'; } foreach ($trace as $t) { if ($func == 'error_log') { za()->log(ifset($t, 'line', 'unknown') . ':' . ifset($t, 'file', 'null'), Zend_Log::ERR); } else { $func(ifset($t, 'line', 'unknown') . ':' . ifset($t, 'file', 'null')); } } }
public function execute() { $album_id = waRequest::get('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $album_model = new photosAlbumModel(); $albums = $album_model->getAlbums(); $album = ifset($albums[$album_id]); if (!$album_id || !$album) { throw new waException(_w('Unknown album')); } $collection = new photosCollection('/album/' . $album_id); $this->view->assign('album', $album); $this->view->assign('photos_count', $collection->count()); $this->view->assign('offspring', $this->getOffspringIds($albums, $album_id)); }
/** * @param string $date_with_hour datetime in 'Y-m-d H' format * @param string $city * @param string $unit C or F * @return array|null */ public function getWeather($date_with_hour, $city, $unit = 'C', $from_cache = true) { $cache = $this->getCacheWeather(); if (!$from_cache && (empty($cache[$date_with_hour][$city]) || !empty($cache[$date_with_hour][$city]['message']))) { $weather = array(); // Close the session to allow parallel HTTP requests during this (potentially long) operation wa()->getStorage()->close(); // make maximum 3 tries for loading weather for ($tries = 3; $tries > 0; $tries--) { try { $weather = $this->loadWeather($city); } catch (Exception $e) { // Something's badly wrong (as opposed to an empty result) // and we should not try again. $weather = array('message' => $e->getMessage()); break; } if (!empty($weather) && empty($weather['message'])) { // Only write to real persistemt cache if there's no error $this->setCacheWeather($cache); break; } $tries > 1 && sleep(4 - $tries); } $cache[$date_with_hour][$city] = $weather; // Open the session storage again wa()->getStorage()->open(); } $weather = ifset($cache[$date_with_hour][$city], array()); if ($unit === 'C') { foreach (array('temp', 'temp_min', 'temp_max') as $temp_key) { if (isset($weather['main'][$temp_key])) { $temp_F = $weather['main'][$temp_key]; $weather['main'][$temp_key] = ($temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9; } } } foreach (array('temp', 'temp_min', 'temp_max') as $temp_key) { if (isset($weather['main'][$temp_key])) { $weather['main'][$temp_key] = (int) round($weather['main'][$temp_key], 1); } } if (!empty($weather['weather'])) { if (isset($weather['weather'][0])) { $weather['weather'] = $weather['weather'][0]; } } return $weather; }
public function getRecordedTime() { $theProject = $this->projectService->getProject($this->projectid); $records = $this->projectService->getTimesheetReport(null, $theProject, null, -1, $this->startdate, $this->enddate); $userTimeMapping = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $current = ifset($userTimeMapping, $record->user, 0); // go through all times foreach ($record->days as $daytime) { $current += $daytime; } $userTimeMapping[$record->user] = $current; } return $userTimeMapping; }
public function execute($oder_id = null) { // Restore previous state $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $params = array(); $this->state_id = $log_model->getPreviousState($oder_id, $params); // Restore order.paid_*, customer.total_spent and customer.affiliation_bonus $paid_date = ifset($params['paid_date']); if ($paid_date) { $t = strtotime($paid_date); $result['update'] = array('paid_year' => date('Y', $t), 'paid_quarter' => floor((date('n', $t) - 1) / 3) + 1, 'paid_month' => date('n', $t), 'paid_date' => date('Y-m-d', $t)); return $result; } return true; }
/** * * Displays printable form content (HTML) by id * @param string $id * @param waOrder $order */ public function displayPrintForm($id, waOrder $order, $params = array()) { if ($id == $this->id) { $view = wa()->getView(); $view->assign('settings', $this->getSettings(), true); $company = $this->cust_company ? $this->cust_company : 'company'; $inn = $this->cust_inn ? $this->cust_inn : 'inn'; $params = $order['params']; $company = array('company' => ifset($params['payment_params_' . $company], $order->contact_id ? $order->getContactField($company) : ''), 'inn' => ifset($params['payment_params_' . $inn], $order->contact_id ? $order->getContactField($inn) : '')); $view->assign('order', $order); $view->assign('company', $company); return $view->fetch($this->path . '/templates/form.html'); } else { throw new waException('print form not found'); } }
public function defaultAction() { $city = $this->getSettings('city'); $use_setting_city = true; if (!$city) { $use_setting_city = false; $addresses = wa()->getUser()->get('address'); foreach ($addresses as $address) { $city = ifset($address['data']['city'], ''); if ($city) { break; } } } $this->display(array('info' => $this->getInfo(), 'city' => $city, 'use_setting_city' => $use_setting_city)); }
public function indexAction() { // get all the contacts for the currently logged in user's company. $contact = $this->clientService->getContact(za()->getUser()->contactid); if (!$contact) { return; } $client = $this->clientService->getClient($contact->clientid); $totalCount = $this->clientService->getContactCount(array('clientid=' => $client->id)); $this->view->pagerName = 'pager'; $currentPage = ifset($this->_getAllParams(), $this->view->pagerName, 1); $this->view->totalCount = $totalCount; $this->view->listSize = za()->getConfig('project_list_size'); $this->view->contacts = $this->clientService->getContacts($client, array(), 'firstname asc', $currentPage, $this->view->listSize); $this->renderView('contact/index.php'); }
protected function getByLatLng($lat, $lng, $options = array()) { $id = uniqid(); $zoom = ifset($options['zoom'], 10); $center = json_encode(array($lat, $lng)); $script = <<<HTML ymaps.ready(function () { var map = new ymaps.Map('yandex-map-{$id}', { center: {$center}, zoom: {$zoom}, controls: ['smallMapDefaultSet'] }); }); HTML; return $this->getBaseHTML($id, $script, $options); }