function RepStandard() { // First Generate the query $sq = $this->RepStandardQuery(); if ($this->display == 'SQL') { echo "<h1>The Generated SQL</h1>"; hprint_r($sq); return; } // Now execute the query and run the report if ($this->display == 'CSV') { echo "<pre>"; echo implode(',', $this->Cols) . "\n"; $res = SQL($sq); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($res)) { echo implode(',', $row) . "\n"; } echo "</pre>"; return; } // Pull the info on breaking, sums, etc. $srep = SQLFC($this->report_id); $s2 = "SELECT rcl.column_id,rcl.reportlevel,rcl.summact\n FROM reportcollevels rcl\n JOIN reportcolumns rc ON rcl.column_id = rc.column_id\n WHERE = {$srep}\n ORDER BY rcl.reportlevel,rc.uicolseq"; $breaks = SQL_AllRows($s2); $abreaks = array(); foreach ($breaks as $break) { if ($break['summact'] == 'BREAK') { $abreaks[$break['reportlevel']]['breaks'][$break['column_id']] = ''; } else { $abreaks[$break['reportlevel']]['data'][$break['column_id']] = array('summact' => $break['summact'], 'val' => 0, 'cnt' => 0); } } // There is always some setup, for either PDF or HTML, so do that // here. $this->RepHeader(); // Now execute the query and run the report $res = SQL($sq); $firstrow = true; while ($row = SQL_Fetch_Array($res)) { if ($firstrow) { $firstrow = false; $this->RepStandardBreakLevelsInit($abreaks, $row); } else { $this->RepStandardBreakLevels($abreaks, $row); } $xpos = 0; foreach ($this->rows_col as $column_id => $colinfo) { $disp = substr($row[$column_id], 0, $colinfo['dispsize']); $disp = STR_PAD($disp, $colinfo['dispsize'], ' '); $this->PlaceCell($xpos, $disp); $xpos += 2 + $colinfo['dispsize']; } $this->ehFlushLine(); $this->RepStandardRowsToLevels($abreaks, $row); } $this->RepStandardBreakLevels($abreaks, $row, true); // There is always some cleanup, either PDF or HTML $this->RepFooter(); }
function main() { if (SessionGet('ADMIN', false) == false) { echo "Sorry, admins only"; } else { hprint_r($_SERVER); phpinfo(); } }
function main() { $file = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . 'application/' . gp('file'); include_once "spyc.php"; echo "\n<h2>Examine YAML file {$file}</h2>"; echo "\n<h3>HERE IS THE SOURCE FILE:</h3>"; echo "\n<pre>"; readfile($file); echo "\n</pre>"; $temparray = Spyc::YAMLLoad($file); echo "<h3>HERE IT IS PARSED:</h3>"; hprint_r($temparray); }
function x6main() { ?> <h1>Skin Details</h1> <p><b>Current Skin:</b><?php echo arr($_COOKIE, 'x6skin', 'win2k.gray.1024'); ?> </p> <?php if (isset($GLOBALS['AG']['x6skin'])) { hprint_r($GLOBALS['AG']['x6skin']); } else { echo "The skin was not loaded."; } }
function mainProcess() { $errors = array(); # Make x6main scrollable jqDocReady("\$('.x6body').css('overflow-y','scroll')"); # Define the directories $dirx6 = fsDirTop() . 'templates/x6/'; $dirx6src = $dirx6 . 'skinsources/'; $dirapp = fsDirTop() . 'application/'; # Now scan for other skins and process those $dirs = array($dirx6src, $dirapp); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $files = scandir($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { echo "<br/>{$dir}{$file};"; # These lines filter out entries that are not skins $apieces = explode('.', $file); if (count($apieces) != 3) { continue; } if ($apieces[0] != 'x6skin') { continue; } if ($apieces[2] != 'yaml') { continue; } # Load the file and process it. We assume the # middle piece of the file is the name of the # template. list($yaml, $errors) = loadYaml($dir . $file); if (count($errors) > 0) { echo "<h2>Errors encountered in skin file</h2>"; echo "<p>File: {$dir}{$file}</p>"; hprint_r($errors); return; } removeYamlLineNumbers($yaml); $this->writeCSS($apieces[1], $yaml['defines'], $yaml['css']); } } # Finally, write the list of skins out to apppub file_put_contents(fsDirTop() . 'templates/x6/skinsphp/x6skins.ser.txt', serialize($this->skinFiles)); }
function mainPull() { // Pull the tarball down $url = gp('gp_url'); $app = gp('gp_app'); x_EchoFlush("Pulling Reference Code for {$app} From {$url}"); $wp = AppDir($app); $wp = "{$wp}/ref"; if (!is_dir($wp)) { mkdir($wp); } x_echoFLush(" -> Purging out {$wp}"); $cmd = "rm -r {$wp}/*"; x_echoFLush(" -> Command is {$cmd}"); `{$cmd}`; x_EchoFlush(" -> Waiting for file..."); // Set up the parms of the array $parms = "?gp_uid=" . SessionGet('remoteUID') . "&gp_pwd=" . SessionGet('remotePWD') . "&gp_page=a_codexfer" . "&gp_app=" . $app . "&gp_action=devpull"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://{$url}/andro/{$parms}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $retval = curl_exec($ch); //echo $retval; curl_close($ch); x_EchoFlush(""); x_EchoFlush("Size of returned file was: " . hnumber(strlen($retval), 0) . " bytes"); if (strlen($retval) < 5000) { x_EchoFlush("File contents were: "); hprint_r($retval); } else { // Save it and expand it file_put_contents($wp . "/devcode.tgz", $retval); x_EchoFlush(" -> Saving to {$wp}/devcode.tgz"); //$command="tar xpzvf devcode.tgz"; //chdir($wp); //x_EchoFlush(" -> Unpacking with this command: $command"); //`$command`; x_EchoFlush(" -> Expanding file now"); ExtractTGZ($wp . "/devcode.tgz", $wp); unlink($wp . "/devcode.tgz"); x_EchoFlush(" -> Deleted devcode.tgz, all done"); } }
/** * Run the report based on options provided by user. * * @param string $yamlP2 A processed YAML page description * @access private */ private function pageReport() { // Create the reporting object require_once 'androPageReport.php'; $oReport = new androPageReport(); // For each section, run the output foreach ($this->yamlP2['section'] as $secname => $secinfo) { $dbres = SQL($secinfo['sql']); if (gp("showsql") == 1) { hprint_r($secinfo['sql']); } if (Errors()) { hprint_r($secinfo['sql']); echo hErrors(); } if (gp("showsql") == 1) { return; } // Now pass the SQL resource to the reporting engine $oReport->main($dbres, $this->yamlP2, $secinfo); } }
function DBB_Insert($prefix, $table, $suffix, $colvals, $noblanks = false) { $cols = ''; $vals = ''; # KFD 1/26/09, SF BUG 1948051, trap bad properties $insert_error = false; foreach ($colvals as $name => $value) { if (!isset($this->utabs[$table]['flat'][$name])) { # Don't stop on our hardcoded meta values if ($name == '__yaml_line') { continue; } // generated if ($name == '__keystub') { continue; } // generated if ($name == 'uicolseq') { continue; } // generated if ($name == 'srcfile') { continue; } // generated if ($name == 'auto') { continue; } // shortcut, gets parsed if ($name == 'columns') { continue; } // for content if ($name == 'x6xrefdesc') { continue; } if ($name == 'suffix' && $table == 'perm_cols') { continue; } if ($name == 'prefix' && $table == 'perm_cols') { continue; } if ($table == 'colchainargs') { continue; } // derived tables if ($table == 'colchaintests') { continue; } // derived tables if ($table == 'colchains') { continue; } // derived tables if ($table == 'tabchainargs') { continue; } // derived tables if ($table == 'tabchaintests') { continue; } // derived tables if ($table == 'tabchains') { continue; } // derived tables x_EchoFlush(">>> ERROR: No Property Named '{$name}' (value '{$value}')"); $insert_error = true; } } if ($insert_error) { return false; } foreach ($this->utabs[$table]["flat"] as $colname => $colinfo) { if (isset($colvals[$colname])) { $val = $colvals[$colname]; } else { if ($noblanks) { continue; } } $cols .= $this->AddComma($cols) . $colname; $type = $colinfo["type_id"]; if ($type == "int" || $type == "numb") { if (!isset($colvals[$colname])) { $val = '0'; } $vals .= $this->AddComma($vals) . $val; } else { if (!isset($colvals[$colname])) { $val = ''; } // KFD 1/31/07. Not all builds support pg_escape_string for // some strange reason, so we must use str_replace. // We must use \' instead of '' because of strange behavior of // str_replace that can get confused and mess up. There is a // known vulnerability with \', but the builder does not use // any code from a web browser, so we are ok. if ($colinfo['type_id'] == 'char' || $colinfo['type_id'] == 'vchar') { if (isset($colinfo['colprec'])) { $val = substr($val, 0, $colinfo['colprec']); } } $valx = function_exists('pg_escape_string') ? pg_escape_string(trim($val)) : str_replace("'", "\\'", trim($val)); $vals .= $this->AddComma($vals) . "'" . $valx . "'"; //$vals // .= $this->AddComma($vals) // ."'".pg_escape_string(trim($val))."'"; } } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . $table . $suffix . " ( " . $cols . " ) VALUES ( " . $vals . " )"; $retval = $this->SQL($sql); if (!$retval) { hprint_r($colvals); } return $retval; }
function fbProcInner($fi, $t) { x_EchoFlush("BEGIN FILE PROCESSING"); $FILE = fopen($fi['uname'], 'r'); if (!$FILE) { x_EchoFlush("Trouble opening local uploaded file."); x_EchoFlush("ABORT WITH ERROR"); return 0; } // Make sure first line is ok $line1 = fsGets($FILE); if (strlen($line1) == 0) { x_EchoFlush("Failed reading first line, file is empty?"); x_EchoFlush("ABORT WITH ERROR"); return 0; } if (strlen($line1) > 4998) { x_EchoFlush("First line is > 4998 bytes, this cannot be right."); x_EchoFlush("ABORT WITH ERROR"); return 0; } // Now convert the first line into the list of columns $acols = explode('|', $line1); x_echoFlush("COLUMNS IN FILE:"); foreach ($acols as $acol) { x_EchoFlush($acol); } // Retrieve maps $mapcols = SQL_AllRows("SELECT column_id,COALESCE(column_id_src,'') as src\n FROM importmapcolumns\n WHERE table_id=" . SQLFC($t['table_id']) . "\n AND importmap=" . SQLFC(gp('gp_map')), 'column_id'); echo "<hr>"; echo "<h2>Map is as follows: " . gp('gp_map') . "</h2>"; hprint_r($mapcols); echo "<hr>"; // Now convert each line as we go $linenum = 0; $linesok = 0; while (($oneline = fsGets($FILE)) !== false) { $linenum++; // Give the user something to believe in if ($linenum % 100 == 0) { x_EchoFlush("Line: {$linenum} processing"); } // Pull the line $data = explode('|', $oneline); // Maybe a problem? if (count($data) != count($acols)) { x_EchoFlush("ERROR LINE {$linenum}"); x_EchoFlush("Too many or too few values"); hprint_r($data); continue; } // No problem yet, attempt the insert ErrorsClear(); // Assign first-row column names to incoming data $row = array_combine($acols, $data); // Match the values from the map $rowi = array(); foreach ($mapcols as $mapcol => $info) { if ($info['src'] != '') { if (isset($row[$info['src']])) { $rowi[$mapcol] = $row[$info['src']]; } } } $mixed = array($t['table_id'] => array($rowi)); SQLX_Cleanup($mixed); SQLX_insert($t, $mixed[$t['table_id']][0]); // Complaints? Problems? Report them! if (Errors() && strpos(hErrors(), 'Duplicate Value') === false) { x_EchoFlush('------------------------------------------------'); x_EchoFlush("ERROR LINE {$linenum} when attempting to insert"); x_EchoFlush(hErrors()); x_EchoFlush('------------------------------------------------'); continue; } $linesok++; } return array($linenum, $linesok); }
function render($parentId = '', $singleQuotes = false, $x6wrapperPane = '') { # Accept a parentId, maybe assign one to if ($parentId != '') { $this->ap['xParentId'] = $parentId; } if ($this->isParent) { $parentId = a($this->hp, 'id', ''); if ($parentId == '') { echo "Object has no id but wants to be parent"; hprint_r($this); exit; } } # KFD 12/30/08, IE Compatibility. All inputs, selects and # so forth must have an ID. This is actually # due to jQuery returning strange items with # the :input selector, and we can only distinguish # real from bogus by looking for IDs if (in_array($this->htype, array('input', 'select', 'checkbox'))) { if (arr($this->hp, 'id', '') == '') { $id = rand(1000, 9999); while (isset($GLOBALS['AG']['id'][$id])) { $id = rand(1000, 9999); } $this->hp['id'] = 'id_' . $id; $GLOBALS['AG']['id'][$id] = 1; } } # Set the x6 parent tab if exists if (arr($this->hp, 'x6plugin') == 'x6tabs') { $this->hp['x6wrapperPane'] = $x6wrapperPane; } # Before we render, we are going to take the code # snippets and generate top-level functions for them $twoparms = array('click', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'keydown'); $snippet_id = a($this->hp, 'id'); if ($snippet_id == '') { $snippet_id = 'snip_' . rand(1, 100000); } foreach ($this->code as $event => $snippet) { $fname = $snippet_id . '_' . $event; jqDocReady("window.{$fname} = {$snippet}"); if (in_array($event, $twoparms)) { $this->hp['on' . $event] = "{$fname}(this,event)"; } else { $this->hp['on' . $event] = "{$fname}(this)"; } } foreach ($this->functions as $name => $snippet) { jqDocReady("x6.byId('{$this->hp['id']}').{$name} = " . $snippet); } # KFD 10/7/08 if data has been attached, send it as json if (isset($this->data)) { $js = "x6.byId('" . $this->hp['id'] . "').zData = " . json_encode($this->data); jqDocReady($js); } if ($this->autoFormat) { echo "\n<!-- ELEMENT ID " . $this->hp['id'] . " (BEGIN) -->"; //echo "$indent\n<!-- ELEMENT ID ".$this->hp['id']." (BEGIN) -->"; } $parms = ''; if (count($this->classes) > 0) { $this->hp['class'] = implode(' ', $this->classes); } if (count($this->style) > 0) { $style = ''; foreach ($this->style as $prop => $value) { $style .= "{$prop}: {$value};"; } $this->hp['style'] = $style; } $q = $singleQuotes ? "'" : '"'; foreach ($this->hp as $parmname => $parmvalue) { if ($parmname == 'href') { $parmvalue = preg_replace('/&([a-zA-z])/', '&$1', $parmvalue); } $parms .= "\n {$parmname}={$q}{$parmvalue}{$q}"; } foreach ($this->ap as $parmname => $parmvalue) { $parms .= "\n {$parmname}={$q}{$parmvalue}{$q}"; } echo "<" . $this->htype . ' ' . $parms . '>' . $this->innerHtml; foreach ($this->children as $child) { if (is_string($child)) { echo $child; } else { if (arr($this->hp, 'x6plugin') == 'x6tabsPane') { $x6wrapperPane = $this->hp['id']; } $child->render($parentId, $singleQuotes, $x6wrapperPane); } } echo "</{$this->htype} \n>"; if ($this->autoFormat) { echo "\n<!-- ELEMENT ID " . $this->hp['id'] . " (END) -->"; //echo "$indent\n<!-- ELEMENT ID ".$this->hp['id']." (END) -->"; } }
function main() { //get global configuration information // Debugging. If you want to trace through what happens, // turn this on here. THen turn on the "file_put_contents" at // the bottom of the method. $log = SysLogOpen('IPN'); sysLogEntry($log, 'Began work in x_paypalipn, next entry is $_POST'); # KFD 10/1/08, add more logging. Project CME occassionally # misses the trx, we want more logging. ob_start(); hprint_r($_POST); sysLogEntry($log, ob_get_clean()); sysLogEntry($log, 'Invoice ' . a($_POST, 'invoice', '')); global $paypal; include_once ''; //get pay pal configuration file include_once ''; //decide which post method to use sysLogEntry($log, 'Paypal postmethod is ' . $paypal['post_method']); switch ($paypal['post_method']) { case "libCurl": //php compiled with libCurl support $result = libCurlPost($paypal['url'], $_POST); break; case "curl": //cURL via command line $result = curlPost($paypal['url'], $_POST); break; case "fso": //php fsockopen(); $result = fsockPost($paypal['url'], $_POST); break; default: //use the fsockopen method as default post method $result = fsockPost($paypal['url'], $_POST); break; } sysLogEntry($log, "Next log entry is postback result"); sysLogEntry($log, $result); //check the ipn result received back from paypal if (eregi("VERIFIED", $result)) { sysLogEntry($log, "Verified, continuing"); if (function_exists('paypal_ipn_success')) { sysLogEntry($log, "Calling function paypal_ipn_success"); paypal_ipn_success($log); } else { sysLogEntry($log, "ERROR, function paypal_ipn_success does not exist"); } } else { sysLogEntry($log, "Not verified, no further action"); if (function_exists('paypal_ipn_cancel')) { sysLogEntry($log, "Calling function paypal_ipn_cancel"); paypal_ipn_cancel($log); } else { sysLogEntry($log, "Function paypal_ipn_cancel does not exist"); } } syslogEntry($log, 'end of processing'); sysLogClose($log); }