Exemplo n.º 1
     $sql = "INSERT into actions (itemid, actiondate,description,invoiceinfo,isauto,entrydate) values " . "({$id}," . time() . ",'{$str}' , '',1," . time() . ")";
     db_exec($dbh, $sql);
 $sql = "UPDATE items set {$set} WHERE id={$id}";
 db_exec($dbh, $sql);
 //update IP from DNS when usedns and autoupdate = 1
 $dns_usage = usedns();
 $dns_update = dns_autoupdate();
 if ($dns_usage && $dns_update) {
     //Get new DNS Name for IP lookup (necessary when dnsname of item changed)
     $sql = "SELECT dnsname FROM items where id={$id}";
     $sth = db_execute($dbh, $sql);
     $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $newdnsname = $r['dnsname'];
     //Get IP for (new) hostname
     $newipv4 = getipv4fromdns($newdnsname);
     //Make sure valid IP address is found and if yes update it
     if (!is_array($newipv4)) {
         //Update new IPv4 for item
         $sql = "UPDATE items SET ipv4='{$newipv4}' WHERE id={$id}";
         db_exec($dbh, $sql);
 //Add new action entry
 //if not exists already for today
 $sql = "SELECT itemid,entrydate,description, isauto FROM actions WHERE itemid='{$id}' ORDER BY entrydate DESC LIMIT 1";
 $sth = db_execute($dbh, $sql);
 $laction = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 $upstr = "Updated by {$_COOKIE["itdbuser"]}";
 $ldesc = $laction[0]['description'];
 $ldate = date("Ymd", $laction[0]['entrydate']);
Exemplo n.º 2
      <tr> <td class='tdt'><?php 
te("DNS Name");
:</td><td><input type=text size=15 value='<?php 
echo $dnsname;
' name='dnsname'></td> </tr>
      <tr> <td class='tdt'>MACs:</td><td><input type=text size=15 value='<?php 
echo $macs;
' name='macs'></td> </tr>
    <td class='tdt'>
if ($settings['usedns'] == 1) {
    $dns_ipv4 = getipv4fromdns($dnsname);
    if (!is_array($dns_ipv4) && $dns_ipv4 == $ipv4) {
            <a title='<?php 
        te("DNS IPv4: " . $dns_ipv4);
' class='ahdr'><img height="12" src='images/infosmall.png' ></a>
</td><td><input type=text class=net_dns_status_green size=15 value='<?php 
        echo $ipv4;
' name='ipv4'></td>
    } else {