Exemplo n.º 1
 function layout()
     global $pagelines_layout;
     global $post;
     $this->css .= '/* Dynamic Layout */' . "\n\n";
     if (VPRO) {
         /* Fixed Width Page */
         $fixed_page = $pagelines_layout->content->width + 20;
         $this->css .= ".fixed_width #page, .fixed_width #footer{width:" . $fixed_page . "px}\n";
     /* Content Width */
     $content_with_border = $pagelines_layout->content->width + 2;
     $this->css .= "#page-main .content{width:" . $content_with_border . "px}\n";
     $this->css .= "#site{min-width:" . $content_with_border . "px}\n";
     // Fix small horizontal scroll issue
     $this->css .= "#site .content, .wcontent, #primary-nav ul.main-nav.nosearch{width:" . $pagelines_layout->content->width . "px}\n";
     /* Navigation Width */
     $nav_width = $pagelines_layout->content->width - 220;
     $this->css .= "#primary-nav ul{width:" . $nav_width . "px}\n";
     $this->css .= "\n";
     /* Layout Modes */
     foreach (get_the_layouts() as $layout_mode) {
         //Setup for CSS
         $mode = '.' . $layout_mode . ' ';
         $this->css .= $mode . "#pagelines_content #column-main, " . $mode . ".wmain, " . $mode . "#buddypress-page #container{width:" . $pagelines_layout->main_content->width . "px}\n";
         $this->css .= $mode . "#pagelines_content #sidebar1, " . $mode . "#buddypress-page #sidebar1{width:" . $pagelines_layout->sidebar1->width . "px}\n";
         $this->css .= $mode . "#pagelines_content #sidebar2, " . $mode . "#buddypress-page #sidebar2{width:" . $pagelines_layout->sidebar2->width . "px}\n";
         $this->css .= $mode . "#pagelines_content #column-wrap, " . $mode . "#buddypress-page #container{width:" . $pagelines_layout->column_wrap->width . "px}\n";
         $this->css .= $mode . "#pagelines_content #sidebar-wrap, " . $mode . "#buddypress-page #sidebar-wrap{width:" . $pagelines_layout->sidebar_wrap->width . "px}\n\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
		// For Layout Builder mode e.g. 'one-sidebar-right'
		LayoutMode = jQuery(this).parent().find('.layoutinput').val();
		// Deactivate old builder
		if ( window['OuterLayout'] ) window['OuterLayout'].destroy();
		if ( window['InnerLayout'] ) window['InnerLayout'].destroy();
		// Display selected builder

foreach (get_the_layouts() as $layout) {
    $mylayout = new PageLinesLayout($layout);
    $default_margin = $mylayout->margin->bwidth;
			if (LayoutMode == '<?php 
    echo $layout;
') { 
				marginwidth = mwidth;
				innereastwidth = <?php 
    echo $mylayout->east->bwidth;
				innerwestwidth = <?php 
    echo $mylayout->west->bwidth;
	function layout(){
		global $pagelines_layout; 
		global $post; 

		if( $this->comments ) $this->css .= '/* Dynamic Layout --------------- */'.$this->nl2;
		/* Fixed Width Page */
		$fixed_page = $pagelines_layout->content->width + 20;
		$this->css .= ".fixed_width #page, .fixed_width #footer, .canvas #page-canvas{width:".$fixed_page."px}".$this->nl;

		/* Content Width */
		$content_with_border = $pagelines_layout->content->width + 2;
		$this->css .= "#page-main .content{width:".$content_with_border."px}".$this->nl;
		$this->css .= "#site{min-width:".$content_with_border."px}".$this->nl; // Fix small horizontal scroll issue
		$this->css .= "#site .content, .wcontent, #primary-nav ul.main-nav.nosearch{width:".$pagelines_layout->content->width."px}".$this->nl;
		/* Navigation Width */
		$nav_width = $pagelines_layout->content->width - 220;
		$this->css .= "#primary-nav ul.main-nav{width:".$nav_width."px}".$this->nl;
		$this->css .= $this->nl;
		// For inline CSS in Multisite
		// TODO clean up layout variable handling
		$page_layout = $pagelines_layout->layout_mode;
		/* Layout Modes */
		foreach(get_the_layouts() as $layout_mode){
			//Setup for CSS
			$mode = '.'.$layout_mode.' ';
			$this->css .= $mode."#pagelines_content #column-main, ".$mode.".wmain, ".$mode."#buddypress-page #container{width:". $pagelines_layout->main_content->width."px}".$this->nl;
			$this->css .= $mode."#pagelines_content #sidebar1, ".$mode."#buddypress-page #sidebar1{width:". $pagelines_layout->sidebar1->width."px}".$this->nl;
			$this->css .= $mode."#pagelines_content #sidebar2, ".$mode."#buddypress-page #sidebar2{width:". $pagelines_layout->sidebar2->width."px}".$this->nl;
			$this->css .= $mode."#pagelines_content #column-wrap, ".$mode."#buddypress-page #container{width:". $pagelines_layout->column_wrap->width."px}".$this->nl;
			$this->css .= $mode."#pagelines_content #sidebar-wrap, ".$mode."#buddypress-page #sidebar-wrap{width:". $pagelines_layout->sidebar_wrap->width."px}".$this->nl2;
		// Put back to original mode for page layouts in multisite
Exemplo n.º 4
 *  Layout Select (Layout Selector)
 *  @package EPANEL_WP Core
 *  @subpackage Options
 *  @since 4.0
function _get_layout_select($optionid, $option_settings){ ?>
	<div id="layout_selector" class="template-edit-panel">

		<div class="layout-selections layout-select-default fix">
			<div class="layout-overview">Default Layout</div>

			global $epanel_layout;
			foreach(get_the_layouts() as $layout):
			<div class="layout-select-item">
				<span class="layout-image-border <?php if($epanel_layout->layout_map['saved_layout'] == $layout) echo 'selectedlayout';?>"><span class="layout-image <?php echo $layout;?>">&nbsp;</span></span>
				<input type="radio" class="layoutinput" name="<?php echo EPANEL_SETTINGS; ?>[layout][saved_layout]" value="<?php echo $layout;?>" <?php if($epanel_layout->layout_map['saved_layout'] == $layout) echo 'checked';?>>
			<?php endforeach;?>


	<div class="clear"></div>
<?php }
     *  Layout Select (Layout Selector)
     *  @package PageLines Core
     *  @subpackage Options
     *  @since 4.0
    function _get_layout_select($optionid, $option_settings)
	<div id="layout_selector" class="template-edit-panel">

		<div class="layout-selections layout-select-default fix">
			<div class="layout-overview">Default Layout</div>
        global $pagelines_layout;
        foreach (get_the_layouts() as $layout) {
			<div class="layout-select-item">
				<span class="layout-image-border <?php 
            if ($pagelines_layout->layout_map['saved_layout'] == $layout) {
                echo 'selectedlayout';
"><span class="layout-image <?php 
            echo $layout;
				<input type="radio" class="layoutinput" name="<?php 
            pagelines_option_name('layout', 'saved_layout');
" value="<?php 
            echo $layout;
" <?php 
            if ($pagelines_layout->layout_map['saved_layout'] == $layout) {
                echo 'checked';


	<div class="clear"></div>
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @TODO document
 function get_layout_inline()
     $l = $this->calculate_dimensions($this->layout_mode);
     $mode = '.' . $this->layout_mode . ' ';
     $css = '';
     $c = $this->content->width;
     $p = $this->content->percent;
     // Selectors
     // Setup Page Width
     $page_width_array = apply_filters('pl_page_width', array('body.fixed_width #page', 'body.fixed_width #footer', 'body.canvas .page-canvas'));
     $page_width_sel = join(',', $page_width_array);
     // Setup Content Width
     $content_width_array = apply_filters('pl_content_width', array('#site .content', '#footer .content'));
     $content_width_sel = join(',', $content_width_array);
     // Options
     $layout_handling = ploption('layout_handling');
     $design_mode = ploption('site_design_mode');
     $contained = $design_mode == 'fixed_width' && !pl_is_disabled('color_control') ? true : false;
     // Set CSS for content and page width
     if ($layout_handling == 'percent') {
         if ($contained) {
             $css .= sprintf($page_width_sel . '{ width: %s%%;}', $p);
             $css .= sprintf($content_width_sel . '{ width: %s%%; }', '100');
         } else {
             $css .= sprintf($content_width_sel . '{ width: %s%%; }', $p);
     } elseif ($layout_handling == 'pixels') {
         $css .= sprintf($page_width_sel . '{ max-width:%spx; }', $c);
         $css .= sprintf($content_width_sel . '{ width: 100%%; max-width:%spx;}', $c);
     } else {
         $css .= sprintf($page_width_sel . '{ max-width:%spx; }', $c);
         $css .= sprintf($content_width_sel . '{ width:%spx;}', $c);
     // Set CSS for inner elements based on mode
     $content_id = apply_filters('pl_content_id', '#pagelines_content');
     $main_col_id = apply_filters('pl_main_id', '#column-main');
     foreach (get_the_layouts() as $mode) {
         $l = $this->calculate_dimensions($mode);
         $mode_selector = '.' . $mode;
         $css .= sprintf('%1$s %3$s %4$s{ %2$s }', $mode_selector, $l['main'], $content_id, $main_col_id);
         $css .= sprintf('%1$s %3$s #sidebar1{ %2$s }', $mode_selector, $l['sb1'], $content_id);
         $css .= sprintf('%1$s %3$s #sidebar2{ %2$s }', $mode_selector, $l['sb2'], $content_id);
         $css .= sprintf('%1$s %3$s #column-wrap{ %2$s }', $mode_selector, $l['colwrap'], $content_id);
         $css .= sprintf('%1$s %3$s #sidebar-wrap{ %2$s }', $mode_selector, $l['sbwrap'], $content_id);
     return $css;
Exemplo n.º 7
     * @TODO document
    function layout_control_javascript()
<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/

			Layout Builder Control
			// Default Layout Select
			jQuery(' .layout-select-default .layout-image-border').click(function(){

        $the_last_edited = pagelines_sub_option('layout', 'last_edit') ? pagelines_sub_option('layout', 'last_edit') : null;
        // Set up layout object for loaded page
        $load_layout = new PageLinesLayout($the_last_edited);
        // Values for loading layout
        $layout_mode = $load_layout->layout_mode;
        $load_margin = $load_layout->margin->bwidth;
        $load_west = $load_layout->west->bwidth;
        $load_east = $load_layout->east->bwidth;
        $load_gutter = $load_layout->gutter->bwidth;
        echo $layout_mode;
', <?php 
        echo $load_margin;
, <?php 
        echo $load_east;
, <?php 
        echo $load_west;
, 10);

			jQuery('.selected_template .layout-builder-select .layout-image-border').click(function(){
				var LayoutMode;
				var marginwidth;
				var innerwestwidth;
				var innereastwidth;
				var gtrwidth;

				// Get previous selected layout margin
				var mwidth = jQuery('.selectededitor .margin-west').width(); // substract border

				// Control selector class & visualization

				// For Layout Builder mode e.g. 'one-sidebar-right'
				LayoutMode = jQuery(this).parent().find('.layoutinput').val();


				// Display selected builder

        foreach (get_the_layouts() as $layout) {
            $mylayout = new PageLinesLayout($layout);
            $default_margin = $mylayout->margin->bwidth;
            $ewidth = $mylayout->east->bwidth;
            $wwidth = $mylayout->west->bwidth;
					if (LayoutMode == '<?php 
            echo $layout;
') {
						marginwidth = mwidth + 2;
						innereastwidth = <?php 
            echo $ewidth;
						innerwestwidth = <?php 
            echo $wwidth;
						gtrwidth = 10


				setLayoutBuilder(LayoutMode, marginwidth, innereastwidth, innerwestwidth, gtrwidth);


